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Sep 29, 2023 - context

Michaela has had massive improvement in her quads. I think her conditioning boned her in her first show this year and she cleaned it up in her second show. In terms of mass she's gotta be the p4p most muscular on that frame. She has 17" arms easy, which is the same as Shaw. Dunno if her back will downplace her but the top 3 last year had better symettry.

I jus bought a vid from Yeo and around the same conditioning last year she looks much denser and larger overall. I hope she can bring that fullness to the stage along with conditoining.

Poeple are high on natalia but i don't see it. I personally think Julia has the best rookie showing. Kristina dev looks better than her last appearance but i think will have to really dial in the conditioning even more. i saw on the FBBC youtube that she had started dieting since JANUARY in prep for her qualifier show, that's a long ramp up, and it paid off for that but now she's gotta do it again.

WOS should be interesting to see where people are at. i wonder if anyone got any notes like Shaw did last year to come in a bit softer than the year previous

Sep 29, 2023 - context

She can come on HerBicepsCam anytime and make bank…very impressive m

Thanks! I'll pass the message on.

Sep 29, 2023 - context

Can Michaele make #4 or even crack the Top 3? It is very hard to predict. I'm pulling for Michaela to place 3rd or 4th but it's only a hope.

I'm no judging expert but I think her symmetry will always hold her back.

Sep 29, 2023 - context

Slava even admitted on a recent IG story promoting her new training website that the VIP level gives users access to her PED protocols lmao

That's interesting. Wonder how much her VIP level costs.

And when it comes to that, why give her own protocols. Would make better send to curate her clients' protocols based on their goals and current progress instead. What works for her may not work best for her clients.

Sep 29, 2023 - context

Unless Andrea misses on conditioning, she will win again. IF she misses, Kristina could take it if she comes in with the absolute best conditioning of her career.

Sep 29, 2023 - context

Vlada has admitted to being on PEDs so I'm not sure why she's getting mentioned.

For me, I'd say KittyBitCosplay. Her physique is absolutely obtainable without drugs.

Slava even admitted on a recent IG story promoting her new training website that the VIP level gives users access to her PED protocols lmao

Sep 29, 2023 - edited Sep 30, 2023 - context

About talking to and meeting women at the gym. In my gym, it seems women and men don’t meet or talk unless they already know each other.

I think this is a generational thing. IMO the 35 and younger crowd have different social skills and preferences compared to the older gym crowd. This based on observation and personal experience.

Before Covid, my wife and I belonged to a big box gym in an affluent part of Brooklyn. We are both middle aged but we stay in shape and look and act much younger. At the time we would often go to the gym at different times but occasionally we overlapped. I noticed guys constantly talking to my wife. And she’s polite and not dismissive. If the conversation evolved, these guys would strategically mention jobs, wealth etc. Now, the average gym members were financial or healthcare professionals, lawyers; some had families or were divorced. The point is they were secure and confident and had no trouble approaching women.

Confident and secure dudes, who also are in shape (they’re not bbs) and 35 or 40+ years old have fewer issues with approaching women. I think younger people prefer social media and apps instead.

Sep 29, 2023 - context

Yeah I would applaud any gym that sets rules against that sort of thing. I would think it would be better for business to kick out one toxic "influencer," rather than having them drive away several other members over time who just want to workout in peace.

our gym has a sign that says basically "expect to wind up on camera" but its been there for ten years, longer than the influencer boom. that was back when people were just doing the bare minimum. people are a little extra now but thankfully there are plenty of famous influencer gyms in the area to keep people away from my place. i can deal with people trying ot take posing photos when they're not int he middle of the floor.

Sep 29, 2023 - context

^ Luckily I've never ran into any of those fitness influencers at the gym I am going to. I've never ran into any photographers taking pictures (taking up the whole space) of them as well.

Sep 29, 2023 - context

Yeah I would applaud any gym that sets rules against that sort of thing. I would think it would be better for business to kick out one toxic "influencer," rather than having them drive away several other members over time who just want to workout in peace.

Sep 29, 2023 - context

Vlada has admitted to being on PEDs so I'm not sure why she's getting mentioned.

For me, I'd say KittyBitCosplay. Her physique is absolutely obtainable without drugs.

Sep 29, 2023 - context

Anyone who gets those cartoonish over the muscle things. Dettwiller is one who did it right.

Sep 29, 2023 - context

honestly none..the only one i wish had retained her first implants, and not enhanced them is natalia kovaleva. but then again,just a preference about a female bodybuilder i really like

Sep 29, 2023 - context

I think this might be more of a popular opinion, but I am feeling a bit ranty today lol.

I am tired of every wannabe influencer, both men and women, making a public gym their own instagram/tiktok filming location. When the whole trend of filming started, it was pretty much for form checks, PR achievements and the like (which is cool,) but now it's turning into a full-blown outlet to display somebody's narcissism, and no normal gym goer better interfere with said filming! Again, if you have a small tripod and your phone and you're taking up limited space (like just a rack or exercise machine,) that's ok, but I have seen full setups and large areas being hogged by people doing bullshit. It's disrespectful to the rest of the gymgoers who are paying money to just get a good workout and leave without fighting to get hogged equipment or find themselves in the way of somebody filming.

Sep 29, 2023 - edited Sep 29, 2023 - context

> Really fucking humbling moment at the gym today for me. I was by the free weights doing some shoulder presses (seated), working with 15lbs. This lady comes next to me and she’s seriously jacked. Huge shoulders, for arms, and muscular chest. She gets the 35lbs and started pressing them like NOTHING. After she leaves I grab the weights..just to give it a try and I almost break my arm lol. No joke.

Alright this has to be fantasy. Or she was warming up and you’re literally 87 lbs. My wife who is somewhat muscular and athletic, definitely not “seriously jacked” can fairly easily shoulder press 35s. She probably presses 45s for reps so a “seriously jacked” woman would be pressing significant more unless she’s just warming up. I’ll never put anyone down in the gym but like I said, unless you’re 87 lbs and 4 feet tall, 15 lbs shouldn’t be a problem for you at all even if you are just starting out.

I'll just say... this isn't SO crazy.

I'm male, 200lb, been lifting for 15 years. I'd say pretty jacked and strong. I dabble in PED use. I usually do 45lb per hand for military shoulder press. I do it slowly and eccentric focus, and I can do about 12 disciplined reps. If I did it sloppy, maybe I could handle 60lb or even 65lb for a max, but I have a lot of size, quite a lot of training history, I'm male, and I'm not natural.

I train at Golds in Venice Beach, and I'd say we have more jacked women than anywhere else. It's super rare for me to ever see a woman train with more than 30lb. Quite a few are doing 15 and 20.

At a normal gym, like a Planet Fitness, I think a woman tossing around 35lb DB's on that movement would be really unusual and impressive.

Sep 29, 2023 - context

Absolutely agree with you on that! She was a stunning woman pre implants and post smaller implants. As soon as she got those water melon sized ones it ruined her whole asthetic.

yep, a catastrophy. Cindy Landolt - from bombshell to caricature.

Sep 29, 2023 - context

Had an encounter with a woman at the gym today. While I was in the pool swimming some laps, there was a lady who was doing some water aerobics instructing. Her body was definitely built from something other than water aerobics. She was an older lady but it was hard to say how old because I think women with fit bodies tend to look younger than they are. She had some definite cut muscles on her legs, a flat stomach and just enough upper body development to show without flexing. she wasn’t bodybuilder type muscle but definitely weight trained . Tried not to stare but she was right in front of me.

Sep 29, 2023 - context

You acted like a complete bully until you realized I was bigger and stronger than you. I explained roids are powerful, and the gains can be fast and crazy, science backs that. What happened to me knowing nothing and your hard work special rant? I thought I know nothing? Why am I suddenly so big you can't believe it? You are the typical A Hole that people have to encounter in life. Bully until you realize you can't push. Smart guy you are.

LOL no I haven't "realized that you're bigger and stronger than me." I simply don't believe a word that you said.

And I'll tell you why in a neutral way. You posted this:

"A lot of these women despite having huge muscles in say the chest or arms don't actually work out those muscles hardly"

This is totally inaccurate on its face. Anyone who's even a casual lifter would know that it's false. You rest assured that women at all stages (bikini through bodybuilding) are working out their chest and arms quite vigoursly to build mass. PED's are necessary of course, but even with those, it's hard for women to build their upper bodies and it takes A TON of hard work.

I got aggressive with you because I resent the belief from laypeople that bodybuilders simply do steroids and suddenly they're super jacked. The drugs are necessary - especially for women - but the gains don't happen without incredible work and discipline with training and diet.

It is true that competitive physiques require proportions and some athletes will dial back their training of certain muscles if they're growing too much. But you can bet that anyone going on a stage is working their bodies from pretty much all angles pretty regularly.

Your stats would be impressive if they were true. Maybe they are? IDK I feel like you'd have a pretty sizable public profile with this champion physique. Benching 315 for 8 reps should put you on the map for a 400lb max, which would also make you a seriously competitive powerlifter. You'd also almost surely be VERY familiar with PED's, as that's pretty impossible to do naturally.

So I guess it's possible that you're this incredibly jacked and strong GigaChad who just chooses to post anonymously on a chat forum and keep his unbelievable gains all to himself. But it's not probable. So I don't buy it.

Sep 29, 2023 - edited Sep 29, 2023 - context

I feel tiny reading this thread

5'10 and 143lbs here. Skinny runners build

6‘3“, 180-185lbs and I still think I look skinny (road cyclist). Only muscle groups mentionable are quads and hamstrings…

Sep 29, 2023 - context

8/10 - seems to prefer ripped upper bodies

Sep 29, 2023 - edited Sep 29, 2023 - context

What about my wife bulging right bicep??

Sep 29, 2023 - context

Sean has some physical issues, history of injuries, a trick wrist, has hand some hand surgeries and currently a partial biceps tear…we usually look for other opponents for those reasons. He has a hard time applying strength in Armwrestling. Generally, we don’t use takes where he wins or in the past when I won matches…that’s why you don’t see many. That's a classy way to treat those women, Mike.

Sep 29, 2023 - context

You acted like a complete bully until you realized I was bigger and stronger than you. I explained roids are powerful, and the gains can be fast and crazy, science backs that. What happened to me knowing nothing and your hard work special rant? I thought I know nothing? Why am I suddenly so big you can't believe it? You are the typical A Hole that people have to encounter in life. Bully until you realize you can't push. Smart guy you are.

You are coming on far more rude and aggressive than him. Dial it down, this is a warning.

Sep 29, 2023 - context

Andrea without question. I hope Kristina and Sherry do well, too.

It's a great line-up. Good times and good image for FBB.

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