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Mar 19, 2013 - context
No doubt athletic girls are awesome, they have much attraction for men. I love fitness and fit girls. Your positive thinking is also helpful to me. Getting this content I am so benefited.
Mar 18, 2013 - context
I personally don't know anything about this situation BUT I do know that a utility company cannot turn off any utilities for non payment if anyone living in a home/apartment is disabled or a "special needs" person.  So this is just a warning to be careful to anyone who feels like helping.
Mar 16, 2013 - context
Below is a link to the updated CNN iReport on Bodybuilding Legend Jackie Paisley, who's doing much better health-wise in her recovery, but still needs help with her outstanding bills.

She is currently in the position of having the Power to her Scottsdale, Az Apartment turned off on March 21st, if she can't pay the already late $174 difference on the monthly Power Bill, of which she has already got the maximum allowed 2 months of late extensions to make current; so the power literally goes OFF on the 21st!

This report includes a PayPal Donation link, of which NO minimum amount is required, and as you can see by what Jackie needs right NOW, EVERY single dollar will help.

So, if just a handful of the members here can just donate $5, Jackie and her little 8 year old Special Needs son can literally keep "that light of hope" shining-Thanks!


P.S. Lonnie Teper's "News & Views" Blog of Jackie Story, is in the current Hard Copy Edition of IronMan Magazine (April 2013)!!

chief ouray
Mar 15, 2013 - context
I'm far from a computer expert, but would guess it's your browser or something else in your computer. I just tried Firefox and Safari; my two browsers; and both worked fine in accessing her site.

Regarding how to de-bug, I'd assume that the entity giving you the message about bugs could tell you how to deal with it.
Mar 12, 2013 - context
I've used IE to view this site since it started & it's always worked perfectly until recently. F12 Developer Tools says there are bugs in the JS code but it didn't tell me how to fix that. So how would I debug it?
Mar 12, 2013 - context
You're probably using Internet Explorer, and web designers hate that browser, and sometimes don't care to code for it.
Mar 06, 2013 - context
Since Sunday, CindyTraining.com  has not been displaying properly on my computer. I get the background pictures, the menu bar, up/down arrow & the bottom bar. Everything else is just blank white. I can't even access the "contact" content to ask her web team about the glitch. Does anybody know why my computer would suddenly stop displaying content from her site? How do I fix this?
Feb 14, 2013 - context
well, if there is no fbb in your local gym... try another one...
in big citys you will find enough gyms with muscular women.

Of course, thinking you would find a pro bodybuilder like Maria Calo there, is naive.
(PS. I loooove Maria, no matter what her face looks like)

He could always try to track down Rene Campbell and chance his arm with her. ;D
Feb 08, 2013 - context
A few have agreed that athletic girls are awesome.  When push comes to shove, a lot of guys do appreciate at least a girl with abs.My last roommate had a poster of Jamie Eason who is a fitness model. 
Feb 08, 2013 - context
That's not very light, not if you're a 100 pound girl. We are used to looking at very muscular women here but they are the exception, not the rule.
Feb 08, 2013 - context
I don't mean to burst your bubble or anything, but someone with a sexual attraction to female bodybuilders, especially in countries where competitive bodybuilders are rare has to understand that the chances of meeting and dating an FBB unless you're involved in the bodybuilding world yourself is less probable than being knocked down by a bus.
Feb 07, 2013 - context
Everyone has his/her own perception regarding this topic.She might be able to win but he very much outpowers her, girls like ehr just dont have the muscle, stamina yes but not muscle. suprised by the poll votes so far.
Feb 07, 2013 - context
I my opinion i am totally agree with"Women are not supposed to be strong and powerful, and the sight of one makes sexually repressed men very uneasy. This is a good thing. It forces us to consider the similarities between the sexes and move away from the ridiculous stereotypes pass down through the ages."
Feb 07, 2013 - context
Doing this kind of stuff just ended up feeling weird and stupid. Of course, maybe it was because it really was weird and stupid. My theory is that wanting to get the word out about the attraction is just a replacement for the lack of romantic and social involvement with someone I'm truly infatuated with.
chief ouray
Feb 07, 2013 - context
Tell your current GF that you think that you yourself need to lose some weight; or firm up some if you're not really flabby. Having her training & working out with you will help inspire you.
Feb 06, 2013 - context
Hi all.

I'm a bit confused. First off, I always liked muscular women. Not too big. Larraisa Reis is my max.
I've never told anyone except my ex girlfriend. Now I'm very happy with my current girlfriend (1,5 years)

I also never have had the pleasure of meeting a muscular girl in real life (I'm 25 btw). Until yesterday.
There she was helping out at some sort of restaurant where I was. Pretty young, I'm guessing 19. Here arms were the only thing I could look at, they were completly uncovered.
She was not too buff, but she was too muscular to just be thin so that they were more visible. She had a big vein on here biceps and a bunch of smaller ones on her forearm. No broad shoulders but defenitly develeped delts and biceps! She looked a bit like http://www.girlswithmuscle.com/126421/Victoria-Genberg but without the traps or a bit smaller than
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

I couldnt stop looking at here, but it was crowded, she was busy and I was with some friends who all know my GF, so it didnt feel right to start a conversation other than thx, sorry and smiling (which I probably will regret for the rest of my life). As a gift from heaven a mate spilled some sauce on my shoes and she came cleaning it up. So I could take a long close look at here arms. Wow!

Not to forget her beautfull smile and long blond hair. And now I can't stop thinking about her. I don't know who she is where shes from. I tried some facebook research but failed. But on the other hand I am very happy with my current girlfriend. But shes not muscular at all. In fact a bit chubby...not fat, but a bit of a belly and so on. She just started playing soccer with some friends, but isnt very persistant in it.

The big question. Should I tell her about my muscular taste, hoping she'll join the gym and get me that dream figure :) And how should I do it without raising the question: "so you think I'm fat?" I don't want to insult her!
Feb 05, 2013 - context
Katia Callegari          (6)
Amelia Wall              (4)
Jasmine Schmalhaus (-3)
Bella Falconi             (-3)

It's all right you dirty autists. You can vote for some bitches right here, right now.
Feb 05, 2013 - context
Katia Callegari          (4)
Amelia Wall              (2)
Jasmine Schmalhaus (-2)
Bella Falconi             (-2)
Feb 04, 2013 - context
Alright people, the rules are simple: you get to use 3 points every 6 hours to vote for any icon on the site. You also get 2 points to subtract votes from any icon on the list that you so desire. Additionally, new posts should include the tally to get every thing up to date. Phew is this going to be fun, I'll start.

Katia Callegari          (2)
Amelia Wall              (1)
Jasmine Schmalhaus (-1)
Bella Falconi             (-1)
Jan 24, 2013 - context
Well,I'm not embarrassed anymore.  I'm just remembering that was an issue for me about 40 years ago.
Jan 24, 2013 - context
If this is a problem for you then you have a self esteem problem.  This is a lot more common than many people think.  Have you ever seen a guy who gets pissed off when someone looks at the girls he is with and practically wants to kill anyone who notices the girl he's with is good looking.  That type of action is because of his self esteem issues.

My last girlfriend was very good looking.  Too bad that is all she had going for her which made a long term relationship with her impossible.  Anyways, whenever she walked into a room everyone noticed her.  To give you an idea of what I'm talking about, this is how bad (or good if you were in my place) it was.  One night we were leaving a restaurant and there was a group of guys (probably drunk) sitting in the waiting area for an open table.  While walking through my girl was infront and I saw all these guys undressing her with their eyes.  I reached passed her to open the door and held it for an older lady who was coming in.  At this point these roudy guys actually stood up started clapping and chanting something similar to "who's the man".  Personally it made me feel great and also made my girl feel great.  Although she was used to things like this she told me it was refreshing to be with a guy who enjoyed it and didn't want to start a brawl other guys for just looking at her.

Recently I've been lucky enough to become close to a large FBB who everyone on this site would recognize.  When going out in public with her it's kind of the same thing except it's usually other girls who stare at her and give dirty looks.  We refer to these people as haters because we can't figure out a logical reason why a female would have a problem with another girl who happens to be very muscular as well as beautiful.  I guess maybe they are intimidated by her or something.  One night we were eating at one of those Japanese restaurant where you sit around the grill and I could actually hear the girl sitting to my right talking crap (typical stupid  things like she looks like a guy).  While my well known friend was in the bathroom the girl on my right actually felt the need to ask me if my date was a "real" female.  I played dumb and asked her what she meant and she elaborated, basically asking if she was a cross dressing guy.  I asked her why she would think such a thing as she could clearly hear everything we had discussed during dinner.  I was caught off guard at first but turned the tables on her.  I asked her if she was asking if I was gay. This totally through her for a loop and she apologized numerous times and stated that is not what she meant at all.  I then told her that my date was all female and stated that if she had any other questions she wanted answered to just wait until she returned from the restroom.  I then added that I would try my best to make sure she didn't get pissed off and beat the crap of her after tossing her across the room.  I've never seen someone finish eating so fast and run out of a restaurant!

Anyways, my point is that I don't have a self esteem problem and honestly don't care what other people think about me or the person I'm with.  I don't think anyone should be embarassed if they are attracted to muscular women.  I'm just under 6' tall and weigh the same as this 5'3" FBB in off season shape.  It is obvious to anyone who sees us together that she is stronger than me.  Do you think I should be embarrassed by this?  If it's not that what exactly are you embarrassed by?
Jan 22, 2013 - context
It is definitely a good idea to be honest with yourself and women you know about your attraction to muscular women.  I'm 64,and very slowly,many years ago,realized how turned on I was by muscular women.  I was embarrassed about the attraction,and,at least three times I dated muscular,attractive women,but didn't know how to express myself.  Perhaps being open about my feelings might have led to a long-term relationship.  Don't know for sure,but maybe if I had told any of these women that their muscles really turned me on they might have understood why I was a bit repressed around them.  It was only when I was in my early thirty's that I noticed a Women's Physique World magazine.and really got aroused.  Anyway,I don't know why muscular women torn me on,I only know they do.  If I would have known forty years ago(or more) that attraction is a very unique thing and that there is more than just one stereotype of what being a woman or man should be.  When I was,say,twenty,I just couldn't tell a woman how I really wanted to feel their muscles. Those were different times,and I was not a self-confident person then.  I would be glad to talk further about my experiences if anyone cares.
Jan 10, 2013 - context
Just registered today and obviously late with my response!

My response would have been: Hayley McNeff

Jan 10, 2013 - context
Crush a basketball.
Jan 10, 2013 - context
So, anyway I thought I would try to crush a pumkin with my huge legs and it sqaushed like nothing.  >:D

Anyother recomendations to show off my leg power?

Can we get a pic or video. :)
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