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Dec 25, 2010 - context

If you haven't checked out kortney olson's website out you should.. She's added heaps of muscle, and looks hoter than ever.

And got an eamil from her that some really hot stuff coming up...

Dec 24, 2010 - context
If I remember correctly there was a statement on the site after it closed.

Pretty much it said how the owner hated everyone for not keeping the site profitable, and for revenge's sake he deleted all the pictures without warning. I don't know if actual members of the site got any forewarning about the closure.
Dec 21, 2010 - context
It's been a while since it was taken right of the internet universe but I've always wondered why. One day the site was there, then the next it's been deleted, along with all the photographs (and there were some great galleries there).

Does anyone here have any inside knowledge on what happened? Seems odd to just delete hundreds of megabytes (possibly gigs) of ones own work just like that...
Dec 09, 2010 - context
I'm a member of the site. I was really disappointed with the updates and video content. There is a total of 7 video clips. Most of the clips the girls are not really doing anything. Its big with the comic books but not a lot of video content.
Sep 14, 2010 - context
Thanks so much for post man, i was thinking of joining but i already got most of their movies, but was hoping that if i joined the new site i would have access to their newer DVD selection, i was hoping it would be like Awefilms, lots of HD films to download, but its sounds like its just plain shit from your post, :( dam it looked so enticing from the front page too... 
Sep 13, 2010 - context
Just joined Muscle Pinups, the new site from Muscle Elegance, and it's just so terrible. It promises that all of their films are online, but only a handful actually are, all the scenes are cut-downs and the resolution is pretty poor.

Avoid Avoid Avoid

Jul 05, 2010 - context
Hi guys! New to the forum here, and I would love to hear some feedback on our armwrestling videos. We have just recently added them to our store, and seem to be a big hit! I would love to hear some honest feedback, some suggestions, and maybe even some ideas if you think you could contribute. I can be reached by email at DaphnesDreams@hotmail.com and here is a link to our store. http://www.clips4sale.com/store/18252

Jul 04, 2010 - context
I don't know anything about this banning of regions, but they do have this email address:


posted here:

Jul 03, 2010 - context
it seems that awefilms bans some countries from being able to subscribe to their site. And they wonder why is there piracy? Also they haven't provided any means of contact whatsoever. SO I can't even take up the issue with them.

As far as I'm concerned they can go to hell and die, not neccessarily in that order.
Jun 04, 2010 - context
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this sort of thing is highly frowned upon.  FBB's get paid ridiculously little for their sport (as compared to MBB's) and have to supplement their income with other sources.  As such, to support these fine women in their efforts, I'm gonna express my support by (gulp) locking this thread.  Sorry to disappoint... :(
Jun 03, 2010 - context
i have...........


[Email link removed...sorry but I gotta help protect the ladies' income... :( ]
Apr 06, 2010 - context
I agree, HDPhysiques is pretty good, if you can strip off that ridiculous DRM they use. Mac users are completely out of luck unless they can get rid of it, as the low-res mpgs they have really are terrible.

Its worth subscribing just for Rosanne Harte though  ;D
Apr 02, 2010 - context
Sorry its been so long since I lasts checked on this post. But I have to ask something else.

So if I use paypal to join a website, will that websites name show up on my credit card statement? Or will i just get a statement saying "$X to paypal"

I always thought paypal might be a way to do thing anonymously, but I wanted to be sure that it would not show up as "$X trough paypal to *site name*"
Mar 08, 2010 - context
I signed up for a month's membership at www.catherinefitness.com, and overall I'm dissatisfied.

My main issue is that your first month starts off at 25$, then it goes down to 15 a month.  This is simply far too much money.  I signed up for the site hoping to get a large collection of material on one of my favorite models, and what I got was nice, but aside from some nude material nothing I couldn't get on a site like herbiceps. 

The real point of interest is that Catherine hosts a live cam show for her fans once a week.  The problem is that she hosts these on random days of the week in the PM, and I was only able to make 1 of the 4 shows.  Since you are emailed about the shows only a couple days in advance, it's hard to plan it out.  What would have been nice is if the shows  could have been recorded and then posted onto her website.

The other major problem I had with the site is that over the course of one month, I saw two updates.  One was a video of back flexing, and the other was a desktop image.

I understand that being a member of this site helps directly fund a wonderful woman, but unless you have a large budget for this sort of thing, it's just not worth it.
Mar 02, 2010 - context
Nice review - I agree with what you say.  I was always surprised at how small the pictures.  It's like they feel everyone is using dial up connections.  10 years ago they were a good size but now they are a joke.  I was a member for a few months and asked about it.  I actually got a response but they said they did not hear about this from other people so it was not a concern.   As for the screen shots - I hate those.  Funny how they considern them as updates. 
Feb 21, 2010 - context
Now I'm in a mood for reviews so I share my opinion about this site too.

Overally the content is ok. However there are two things to be concerned about:

1 - the videos are DRM protected, I don't go into details what that means, I personally don't care about it anymore because I've found a way to get rid of the protection, and be able to play the videos anywhere anytime with the player I choose. But it still may be an issue to others.

2 - 2.5Gb daily download limit, which is very little I started downloading videos, and I didn't reach the fifth model and it already expired. Now I have to wait 24 hours, which translates into two days since it expired about midnight last night, and I obviusly won't wait around till then to start downloading again.

sometimes the models have ridicilous amounts of fake tan on them, its like they took a bath in tanning oil. I don't even bother to look at pictures or videos if this is the case. And about half of the models look like that unfortunately. I don't understend the fascination with tanning, it may be neccessary on stage in the artificial lighting conditions, but offstage its totally ridicilous and disgusting.

Overally I'm not too dissatisfied so I won't steer away anyone from the site.
Feb 21, 2010 - context
I've recently joined this site.

How shall I put it politely: I feel I've been ripped off, it's 20$ to join for the first 30 days. Which is well above avarage. I'd have expected much better service for this money.

Its not a problem with the content, it comes down to two things. First: They promised HD quality videos, well the quality of the downloadable videos is so low, its unwatchable, total waste. Here is an example

While the resolution really qualifies as hd, the quality does not. Frankly I haven't seen anything this bad for at least 10 years. The funny thing is that they also offer the videos in streaming format, which due to the more advanced compression algorithm used offers somewhat better quality, but still far bellow standards. But to download these videos you'll need a download manager that can capture embeddedd flash videos. Which is not a problem for me since I'm already using many extensions for firefox, but users of other browser may not have access to these things, or the know-how to download these videos.

The other issue is while it may look like thay have a vast archive, that is only because half of the picture galleries are screenshots of videos. Which is obviusly not worth much if you have the video. The real picture galleries are good tough, but I'd prefer higher resolutions for the pictures. Nowadays when most people have fullhd displays its a crying shame to be only to be able to download pictures half the resolution of that.

And the other issue is that they offer very few videos of most of the models, sometimes only one or none. If you get four that qualifies as a lot here.

And the topping is that they have a 2.5Gb download limit in place. If you go beyond that you'r banned even from browsing the site for 24 hours.

I've tried to contant the webmaster about the quality of the videos but of course I got no reply, I already paid why would they care now? Its obvious I won't be extending my membership.
Nov 26, 2009 - context

I didn't notice this one posted, but they have a lot of varied content, most is good quality, some really hot women, some not so hot, some interesting skits, some not so interesting, and some just plain old posing vids.

Mainly FBB's but also some fitness chics, site is ran by Rowena Leo (fbb, nice calf muscles).

You can look at a list of there latest posts here

I get a membership once in a while, its worth a look.

PS There is NUDITY on the site, so for any kiddies, DON"T GO THERE!

Nov 26, 2009 - context
I used to have a free donner membership to The Valkyrie, but alas I couldn't keep my commitments (I have a crappy ISP and no money), anyway the site has tons of stuff, but its a very varyed lot, there are a lot of very good high res contest, etc.  shots and a lot of low res too, amny are frames caps from videos, just depends on who was at the contest and their quality of photography, video equipment.  There are also some content from professional photographers, there is both artistic works and newer 3d artistic renderings (both stills and vid), and there is an archive of some usenet newsgroups pictures.
The site directly sponsors FBB's at $1000.00 a month for a whole year at a time (12 months $12,000), so just for this it is a good site to support as you are directly supporting a site that actualy gives real money to FBB's.  And there ain't many that can claim that.

Also She (yes the owner of the site is a woman, she has some mp3's ware she reads some of the storys in the audio section of the storys page.) provides web space for probably half the well known FBB and fitness sites on the net, including many pay sites.   There is a pretty long list in the story section of what sites are provided space.  The site has lots of video but as with the pics it runs the gambit from quality high def to well lets say not so good low res. 

One problem I have with the site is how stuff is posted to the site, she stretches the posts out over a long time, so there are always new items on the site, but some are in my opinion a bit dated.  But over all there is a lot of stuff, you can always get a membership for a while download what you like and then cancel and get it again sometime, as I recall prices were pretty cheap. 

Another feature not mentioned much is that many of the picture gallery's have a way to zip a whole page of pics and download them, it doesn't save much bandwidth but it can save a lot of time if you want all of the images on that page.

Also some of the download managers will work as long as you limit connections and your download manager supports passwords, most pages have 5 dummy links you need to dump from your download manager or it will hang but its pretty easy to figure out.

Another thing is if you like any of the women she is sponsoring, you will see lots of video and pics from contest prep, contests, and some unusual stuff like when they are on vacation, there are some  good older clips from a trip Andrula Blanchet took some years back, ware she went scuba diving, and some of her roller blading (this set of clips should have had more of her doing the straddle splits and presses but there is still some interesting footage). 

There is one more problem and that is some of the best stuff on the site is a bit hard to locate, I think the site could use a bit more organisation, but this is a minor problem.

There are some ilistrated storys in the free story section, these as with all story sites. run the gambit from good to well lets say crapola, but what one thinks is trash another thinks is treasure, so check out the storys for yourself there all free except the audio books.

There is also a live java script chat section similar to irc, that is also free, some FBB's do drop in once in a while, I think sponsored FBB's are required to spend some time in the chat area, as I recall there is a posting in the chat section on when they will be on.

All in all I think The Valkyrie is a good site to get, at least here and there, if you are a fan of the FBB's and fitness chic's.

Oct 11, 2009 - context
Doesn't it come up as Eckstut Enterprises or something?  I could be wrong, but I thought that's what it said.  *Note that was for the cam part of the site which is AWESOME (can't emphasize enough the awesomeness!)  herbicepscam.com is where it's at folks.
Sep 25, 2009 - context
I agree. I donøt understand this site. I come there because of the stories - which is free. But I don't understand who is paying for that site so they can sponsor a lot of women.

And I don't understand who is the webmaster of the page. I think it's a guy from UK, but it seems odd that a gyu who likes FBB never has been in some forums telling about the site.
Sep 06, 2009 - context
Very VERY odd looking site with tons of ODD looking content. Most of the stuff have poor quality but the sheer quantity makes it worth it, at least to be a member a month here and there, not continuously.
Sep 06, 2009 - context
I want to join a female muscle paysite. I would prefer Herbiceps. But I would like to know if it is possible to join that site, or perhaps another, without the site name showing up on my credit card statement. I know the female muscle sites aren’t really porn sites, although some kind of are, but I imagine there are plenty of customers that would like to keep their subscriptions a secret. Is there a way to subscribe to one of these sites without getting a credit card statement that gives information on what kind of sites you are subscribing to?

This differs from site to site. Herbiceps show up as "Internet Privacy". Best is to send an e-mail and ask the paysite what shows up on the statement.
Aug 07, 2009 - context
I think most of the ones with poor grammer are young boys that are so horny thinking about it they can't think straight - blood must have gone to the wrong head.
Jul 26, 2009 - context
Never been a member but I check the library regular. Only sight that has stories that come in fairly often. Sure some of them are less than desirable but I have found a couple of gems. Anymore, I like to think that the ones with poor grammar and spelling are from non-English speaking authors, so I give them the benefit of the doubt.  :D
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