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Mar 27, 2024 - context

I can't make payment for vod, only error message

Mar 25, 2024 - context
Deleted by fp909
Mar 25, 2024 - context

Is there a reason for why the max pushup content has practically vanished? I realise it's a pretty niche fetish but it's weird how it's gone from being in a good chunk of videos to being in literally zero videos in like 6 months. It's reminiscent of when armwrestling practically vanished from the site for half a decade after someone got injured, this isn't a situation like that is it? Although I can't really imagine how anyone could be injured doing pushups...

Kaylee Walker was one of the last people you did it with and I actually saw on her socials she made a specific post about how much she loved it!

Mar 25, 2024 - context

Wow! I can only imagine how big her shoulders must be then. How much does she overhead press/shoulder press now?

I do not know how much she shoulder presses. But I confirm that her delts are absolute cannon balls and she is in excellent condition.

Mar 25, 2024 - context

sorry my bad with the metric conversion. I live in the US, so I use inches. I saw her measure recently in cm. It was 42 cm, which is 16.5 rather than the 17 I stated earlier. But still really impressive!

Wow! I can only imagine how big her shoulders must be then. How much does she overhead press/shoulder press now?

Mar 25, 2024 - context

Seriously?! How do you know they are 17 inches?

sorry my bad with the metric conversion. I live in the US, so I use inches. I saw her measure recently in cm. It was 42 cm, which is 16.5 rather than the 17 I stated earlier. But still really impressive!

Mar 25, 2024 - context

Agreed 100%. She always gets better and has put on serious size. Her biceps are literally 17 inches now!

Seriously?! How do you know they are 17 inches?

Mar 25, 2024 - edited Mar 25, 2024 - context

She’s 70kg now. Thick muscled upper body. I could watch her flex and move those muscles all day. She loves the way she looks and wants to keep growing.

She’s my favorite model on the site, and I love to see her changes from session to session

Agreed 100%. She always gets better and has put on serious size. Her biceps are literally 17 inches now!

Mar 24, 2024 - context

She’s 70kg now. Thick muscled upper body. I could watch her flex and move those muscles all day. She loves the way she looks and wants to keep growing.

She’s my favorite model on the site, and I love to see her changes from session to session

Mar 23, 2024 - context

There hasn't been any stories posted in over a month, which is very odd...

Mar 22, 2024 - context

Some are good and provide a ton of content (Amira Daher for instance). Some have recycled Instagram posts for huge prices. So I find threads like these useful to avoid the landmines.

This meta-discussion is stupid, if you prefer to only consume free content, that's your personal choice (although many of you hypocrites thank heavens when someone leaks paid content from various sources).

Mar 22, 2024 - context

Because here you don't have to pay

I think he meant "here in this thread"

Mar 22, 2024 - context

So why are you here?

Because here you don't have to pay

Mar 22, 2024 - context

I never paid and I never will pay for masturbation content. It just feels odd. Almost like going to a prostitute. But if some people like that kind of entertainment they should do whatever they want. It's not my business.

So why are you here?

Mar 22, 2024 - context


$15 for 30 pictures?

Hard pass.

Mar 20, 2024 - context

Fansly and Patreon...but not sure how they rate for FBB content

Mar 18, 2024 - context

Does anybody know the name of scarlett savage?

Mar 17, 2024 - context

i know one that is...

What's the link of this one? Wouldn't mind subscribing

Mar 16, 2024 - context

I never paid and I never will pay for masturbation content. It just feels odd. Almost like going to a prostitute. But if some people like that kind of entertainment they should do whatever they want. It's not my business.


Mar 14, 2024 - context

GWM is a fetish site. People come to this place to jerk off. This is so obvious that denying it would be extraordinary hypocritical. It's so cringe when some individuals try to pretend this whole FBB thing is something classy. No, it isn't. Instead it's kinda absurde getting a boner from a bulging female biceps. But for some strange reasons this nonsense provides fun for many men like me (I'm able to laugh about myself!). And the fact that I'm not willing to pay for it has nothing to do with morals. It just would make me feel like a loser paying for a sexual service. I didn't mentioned that in my original posting because It wasn't my intention to make people angry who are paying customers.

Put your "ad hominem" where it belongs (somewhere deep in your backside for example)

Nobody talked about specifics. I just stated a simple fact.

You came here to participate, not just on this thread, but on the forum, and also on the site. No one went looking for you. It's good that you're about to "laugh about" yourself, because it's funny that you want to look down some of the other people here for enjoying their interests in a healthy manner that do not align with your own. I only speak for one guy, but your finger-wagging to the crowd comes off as weirdo behavior, given that the thread had zero to do with you or anything you're interested in. If you're not an OnlyFans customer, what's your motivation to be on this thread? If it were about OnlyFans, in general, sure - chat away. But the desired convo is about value...and you weren't paying! lol

You state that you would feel like a "loser" if you paid for the content other guys do pay for. Interestingly, some people would feel like "losers" if they were leaching off the work others created or paid for. Obviously not everyone feels that way, otherwise the western welfare state would not be so huge. Why should the "fetish" world be any different?


Mar 14, 2024 - context

It does strike me as unusual that you'd introduce masturbation - a pretty personal matter - into a discussion that you also claim is "none of your business".

GWM is a fetish site. People come to this place to jerk off. This is so obvious that denying it would be extraordinary hypocritical. It's so cringe when some individuals try to pretend this whole FBB thing is something classy. No, it isn't. Instead it's kinda absurde getting a boner from a bulging female biceps. But for some strange reasons this nonsense provides fun for many men like me (I'm able to laugh about myself!). And the fact that I'm not willing to pay for it has nothing to do with morals. It just would make me feel like a loser paying for a sexual service. I didn't mentioned that in my original posting because It wasn't my intention to make people angry who are paying customers.

There may be something underlying your participation here that you'd like to explore, but obviously, what you choose to discuss with your therapist or confidantes is a personal choice.

Put your "ad hominem" where it belongs (somewhere deep in your backside for example)

My interest is consumer value, not any reader's masturbation practice.

Nobody talked about specifics. I just stated a simple fact.

Mar 14, 2024 - context

Put some respect on his name

Underrated tweet.


Mar 14, 2024 - context

I never paid and I never will pay for masturbation content. It just feels odd. Almost like going to a prostitute. But if some people like that kind of entertainment they should do whatever they want. It's not my business.

It's completely understandable that different individuals have varying preferences and boundaries when it comes to their entertainment choices. What feels comfortable or appropriate for one person may not align with another's values or interests. It's good - for you - that you are of such great conviction here.

The comparison you draw between paying for masturbation content and visiting a prostitute highlights the perception of transactional intimacy in both scenarios. People have different perspectives on the ethics and morality surrounding these types of transactions. It does strike me as unusual that you'd introduce masturbation - a pretty personal matter - into a discussion that you also claim is "none of your business". There may be something underlying your participation here that you'd like to explore, but obviously, what you choose to discuss with your therapist or confidantes is a personal choice.

Ultimately, it's important to respect individual choices and autonomy as long as they don't harm others. As you mentioned, as long as individuals are engaging in consensual activities that they enjoy and aren't causing harm, it's their personal decision. My interest is consumer value, not any reader's masturbation practice.

Mar 13, 2024 - context

So I tried this again, and her profile becomes visible to me when I'm logged off, but once logged in, I'm block. Anyone access her have a VPN region or area they live in?

If it's not a region lock you should probably respect her wishes and not try to circumvent being blocked

Mar 13, 2024 - context

She's put a region block in place that just happens to include the location that you are connecting from. If you have a VPN then change the country and see if she now becomes visible again.

So I tried this again, and her profile becomes visible to me when I'm logged off, but once logged in, I'm block. Anyone access her have a VPN region or area they live in?

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