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Your 1st Real Femuscle Encounter

Jul 29, 2021 - edited Jul 30, 2021 - permalink

Don’t know if this counts and I hope I don’t get banned for this but I try it anyway. Sorry for the bad english.

About 5 years ago I was still together with my ex-girlfriend, this story is not really about her, altought she was into fitness and exercise but not muscular or anything. Anyway one day I visited her at her apartment ( We didn’t live together at the time but we had the keys to eachothers home ) I discovered she wasn’t home from work yet and I decided to just sit down in the living room and wait. I noticed she had her computer on the table and for some reason ( Don’t ask me why ) decided to take a look, I knew my ex. pretty well by then and more or less knew her different passwords for things. After one failed atempt I finally got in and the first thing that came up on the screen was an instagram page, the account belonged to a friend of hers and actually an old classmate of mine but what really surprised me was the pictures.

The pictures showed her with washboard abs, a ripped and wide back and big biceps but she wasn’t as bulkie like a bodybuilder, more like a fitness model. I was in chock and couldn’t help but get a little turned on because I always thought she was pretty in school but now WOW she was hot. When my ex. came home the first thing we did was having sex and you probably know what turned me on by now…

A week or so after, my ex. threw a party. Who do you think she invited ? Yes, the girl from the pictures, she had long blonde hair, was very tall ( Because of high heels ) and a tight, black dress. She didn’t have big breasts but she had a very ripped chest still and her calves was very thick, you could see that her arms where big too. After a couple of drinks I decided to gather the courage to talk to her, I said something like ( Pretty drunk at this moment ) "You’re into bodybuilding right ?". She just laughed and said that she was into bikini fitness but wasn’t anymore but still trains hard. We talked for a while about nothing and everything and when she had to leave, the last thing she did was to give me a bicep flex and once again, I have never been so turned on in my life, not even by my ex.

Now this story might sound like bs but it was this girl:

Her Instagram profile is private so not everyone can see her pictures if you try to find her

Jul 30, 2021 - permalink

Don’t know if this counts and I hope I don’t get banned for this but I try it anyway. Sorry for the bad english.

About 5 years ago I was still together with my ex-girlfriend, this story is not really about her, altought she was into fitness and exercise but not muscular or anything. Anyway one day I visited her at her apartment ( We didn’t live together at the time but we had the keys to eachothers home ) I discovered she wasn’t home from work yet and I decided to just sit down in the living room and wait. I noticed she had her computer on the table and for some reason ( Don’t ask me why ) decided to take a look, I knew my ex. pretty well by then and more or less knew her different passwords for things. After one failed atempt I finally got in and the first thing that came up on the screen was an instagram page, the account belonged to a friend of hers and actually an old classmate of mine but what really surprised me was the pictures.

The pictures showed her with washboard abs, a ripped and wide back and big biceps but she wasn’t as bulkie like a bodybuilder, more like a fitness model. I was in chock and couldn’t help but get a little turned on because I always thought she was pretty in school but now WOW she was hot. When my ex. came home the first thing we did was having sex and you probably know what turned me on by now…

A week or so after, my ex. threw a party. Who do you think she invited ? Yes, the girl from the pictures, she had long blonde hair, was very tall ( Because of high heels ) and a tight, black dress. She didn’t have big breasts but she had a very ripped chest still and her calves was very thick, you could see that her arms where big too. After a couple of drinks I decided to gather the courage to talk to her, I said something like ( Pretty drunk at this moment ) "You’re into bodybuilding right ?". She just laughed and said that she was into bikini fitness but wasn’t anymore but still trains hard. We talked for a while about nothing and everything and when she had to leave, the last thing she did was to give me a bicep flex and once again, I have never been so turned on in my life, not even by my ex.

Now this story might sound like bs but it was this girl:

Her Instagram profile is private so not everyone can see her pictures if you try to find her

Cool story! Thanks for sharing... And your English is pretty darn good.👍🏼 Better than a lot of guys on here, who claim that English is their first language. 😉

Jul 30, 2021 - permalink

I've been fortunate to have a number of encounters with muscular women, even though I never really spent time with any of the bodybuilding pros out there.

I don't know for sure what my first female muscle encounter was? I remember one time, meeting up with this girl I'd talked to on one of those phone dating services though. She had a friend with her when I arrived (guess in case I was some kind of freak or stalker, or what-not). The girl I'd been talking to on the phone wasn't that attractive, but the friend she brought along was an athletic, slender blonde who had ripped biceps that bulged when she flexed her arms. I was immediately FAR more interested in her -- but it was clear I had to just spend some time hanging out with both of them and being friendly to have any chance of it. At some point, I got to compliment the blonde on her muscles and she agreed to try to pick me up in a cradle carry, which she did really easily. She seemed like she was aware she was naturally strong but didn't see it as any big deal. She let me feel her biceps, but was so nonchalant about them ... like "Yeah... I guess I have muscles... whatever. Feel them if you want to?" I got her to give me a piggyback ride in the park later that afternoon too. The girl I was originally supposed to meet was starting to get jealous and annoyed at that point, and offered me a piggyback too (which she wasn't that great at giving me). I wound up not talking to either of them again, after I think hanging out with them one more time. But it was still a cool muscle experience.

Jul 30, 2021 - permalink

> Met Jodi Miller at a gym back in the day. She was such a tool

Sounds about right!

Still is. Worked with her a few years ago.

Jul 30, 2021 - permalink
Jul 31, 2021 - permalink

Still is. Worked with her a few years ago.

In what way? Just curious!

Aug 01, 2021 - permalink

The first time I was really at the same time completely shocked, aroused, and also in shame was with a friend of my first girlfriend. We went to a party and some other guys were jocking about the enourmous boulder she got as a bicep, and they suggested she should get an Anchor tatto as a sailor, proposed armwresle.

I was in pure shock, it was the situation "I like another girl" "I like another girl and she is my girlfriends friend" "She is muscular and no shy about it" and really I was kind of sad that I don't think I caused a really greaaat impresion on her... as I think I would had dumped my girlfriend if she gave me any signal.

She was into circus disciplines, VERY STRONG she was strong all over her body, and completely natural. But at that time I didnt saw me dating her, just ruining my relationship back them.

But I'm loosing the topic, another thing was oh I was afraid of somebody even suspecting I was totally into feeling her bicep. It happened to me some other time, I was checking some girl in a post-party messing around between them and one was showing her abs and they were pretty neat tbh, and I was terrible afraid of getting "busted".

And then, I would also think about my "other first encounter", when I did a sesion and finally really meet a FEMALE BODYBUILDER and it was glourious. It was really what I espected and more, and also I wanted more.

The girl was I think "pro" or the like, she was off-season and if maybe you saw photos here you would say "ohh she is not quite ripped/big". But when she opened for me the appartment building door and we got into the elevator, oh boy, all the extrasize and bulginess just make regular clothes show that there is some hulk stuff going there, the neck, shoulders, traps.

After my first encounter I went to a party and a friend of mine told me "hey, I had never seen smiling this much//this happy" and it was true.

Aug 01, 2021 - permalink

It was Gina Davis..

Hopefully you got a better reaction from her than whoever took this photo:

Aug 01, 2021 - permalink

Man! Sounds amazing. You gotta PM the name of that first girl. 🙏🏼

The first time I was really around a muscular woman for any point in time was a few years back. I had actually been around crossfit for a couple of years and been near some women but nothing more than "in passing", I guess you might call it.

my first encounter was actually someone from HBC who I had found independently on social media. we kind of hit it off and skyped outside of cam, texted, etc. After a couple of months she flew out my way and we shared a room together for a weekend. At that point, I was still a virgin as well so I got the whole shebang, including a lot of muscle stuff. Fastest weekend of my life, it seems like. Fling continued for a month or so more, spent a weekend in Vegas, and then after that it was over. Fun, but fast.

My second encounter was a couple of years later with someone on cam who I LATER found on social media. She happened to be in my area for another reason, we had been chatting, and met up to lift. I had previously asked if she would be comfortable with me exploring, and while she waited for her ride I spent 20 or so minutes in her car spelunking her arms and chest. We're still in contact but I haven't seen her since

My third encounter was kind of a trio of encounters that weren't anything crazy, but I did know someone who became pretty buff over our friendship and a few times allowed me to take photos of her posing. i'm not sure if it will happen again so i'm grateful for the experience but she looks better than ever!

Aug 01, 2021 - permalink

Don’t know if this counts and I hope I don’t get banned for this but I try it anyway. Sorry for the bad english.

About 5 years ago I was still together with my ex-girlfriend, this story is not really about her, altought she was into fitness and exercise but not muscular or anything. Anyway one day I visited her at her apartment ( We didn’t live together at the time but we had the keys to eachothers home ) I discovered she wasn’t home from work yet and I decided to just sit down in the living room and wait. I noticed she had her computer on the table and for some reason ( Don’t ask me why ) decided to take a look, I knew my ex. pretty well by then and more or less knew her different passwords for things. After one failed atempt I finally got in and the first thing that came up on the screen was an instagram page, the account belonged to a friend of hers and actually an old classmate of mine but what really surprised me was the pictures.

The pictures showed her with washboard abs, a ripped and wide back and big biceps but she wasn’t as bulkie like a bodybuilder, more like a fitness model. I was in chock and couldn’t help but get a little turned on because I always thought she was pretty in school but now WOW she was hot. When my ex. came home the first thing we did was having sex and you probably know what turned me on by now…

A week or so after, my ex. threw a party. Who do you think she invited ? Yes, the girl from the pictures, she had long blonde hair, was very tall ( Because of high heels ) and a tight, black dress. She didn’t have big breasts but she had a very ripped chest still and her calves was very thick, you could see that her arms where big too. After a couple of drinks I decided to gather the courage to talk to her, I said something like ( Pretty drunk at this moment ) "You’re into bodybuilding right ?". She just laughed and said that she was into bikini fitness but wasn’t anymore but still trains hard. We talked for a while about nothing and everything and when she had to leave, the last thing she did was to give me a bicep flex and once again, I have never been so turned on in my life, not even by my ex.

Now this story might sound like bs but it was this girl:

Her Instagram profile is private so not everyone can see her pictures if you try to find her


Aug 01, 2021 - permalink

Man! Sounds amazing. You gotta PM the name of that first girl. 🙏🏼

Prob not a good idea, but sadly she's not on cam anymore. I had been buying videos from her last year for the first time in a while but probably because things were slow with the pandemic, i think that window has closed

Aug 01, 2021 - permalink

I just went to SoCal and HOLYYYYYY, all the beaches are gold mines lol.

I saw so many fit beautiful women of all ages. So many college girls out there who had skinny arms but very visible abs lol.

Venice beach I saw a girl who was wearing a shirt that exposed her lower belly and I could see 4 bricks of abs, pure muscle. She had very toned arms as well.

On Santa Monica Pier I saw a Brazilian looking man with two girls on each side, the one to his left was very toned but not ripped. The girl to his right was RIPPED AFFFFF. She was in way better shape than him and he was in pretty good shape. Bulging muscular calves with veins, RIPPED back, literally muscle everywhere, her arms were toned and veiny af and her abs were showing through her shirt. The beaches of SoCal are filled with muscular women!

Aug 01, 2021 - edited Aug 01, 2021 - permalink

I always liked arm and leg muscles on girls.

I remeber arm wrestling as a kid. Two early memories stand out though.

I was maybe 12-14 (1987-89) and we where on a buss going skiing for a week with our church. We started talking about strength or something and one of the girls said her mom was realy strong from working in the factory. I had never thought of her mum at all she was ”old” to us maybe 45-40. She got her mum to flex her bicep there in the buss. It was a huge round biceps maybe 12.5-13”. I so wanted to feel it. I never got to se her muscles again.

The other was a girl I had a crunch on. I was about 14. She was a year younger. Very petit. As kids we biked all over. She lived on a farm outside of the city but in the same direction as my house. We often biked together. One night biking home I said something about that she must be pretty strong biking this much and that I saw her doing a hard hill sittning down all the way once as I struggled standing up and going zick-zack. She told me she started to do it on the highest, 5:th gear, and now could do it sittning down. I said her legs must be realy strong. We got to the hill in question and she said she would try. I had a 10 speed and she her 5 speed. She sat down on the 5:th all the way. I used my lowest gear standing up. I was so amazed. I told it was so cool her being so strong and yet so slim and petit. When we was almost up she asked me to feel her thigh and if I did I would understand. Ofcourse I did feel it. I still remeber the feeling. Like steel. No fat. Pure muscle and pumped after the hill climb. I was so turned on. I bit later I was turning to my house and she had another 5 km to bike. We stoped and talked and I told her how again how cool it was with her muscles. She then said her arms was also strong and flex a nice little round biceps. Not as hard as the thighs but hard. We endes up arm wrestling on a fence and she won. I think I got a little wet. I still remeber this day more than 30 years later. She flexed her muscles alot for me then. I remember once she asked me if she could wear high heels with a skirt at her confirmation or something at church, she was 15, or was her calves looking groose. She showed me and there was my first calf muscle cruch. Her calves was so perfect and to this day she has been the only one that I met that could flex her calf muscle to a hard angular ball without rising up on her toes. She just stod there flat on the floor and flexed. Amazing. I ofcourse asked to see what it would look like in heels so she rose to her toes and it was perfect. I asked to feel it and she obliged. Diamond shaped, diamond hard. She loved me loving her muscles. Shortly after I moved and only met her a few times after. Did see her, with husband and kids, some years ago. She had shorts on and her legs looked as amazing as I remember. She knew I was looking and flexed discreatly both thighs and calves. Made sure to tip toe once so the calf exploded better then I remebered. She also fixes her hair and made sure I saw the bicep. I wish I could have felt them muscles.

Aug 01, 2021 - permalink

I was at a strip bar in Philadelphia called Delilah's Den. I'd spent some time during the day with a lady who had big arms, but one evening I saw a lady who was a true bodybuilder. Some guys were turned off by her, especially her small breasts, but I wasn't and, eventually, I got a dance with her. She had a spectacular upper body--a Vee taper, and strong pects, delts, and upper arms. Her biceps were big, round, with deep cuts, and probably about 13.5 inches. First time I saw her, she was doing one-arm pushups up on the platform where the pole was. I ended up visiting with her many times, and even after gaining about 10 lbs of healthy fat and no longer being in competition shape, she had strong arms. She used to love it when I felt her biceps and squeezed them as she loved my praise about her strength and their rock hardness. We eventually arm wrestled, but at first she simply failed to try--I will never forget this massively spectacular arm just doing down! Once she even asked me to deliberately take her down fast, and I refused, saying I had far too much respect for her and her strength. In time, I got her to try. She was at least my equal with both arms, though nowhere near as strong as I expected her to be. I suspect she was one of those women who have very big and strong arms but are not particularly strong at arm wrestling. I found out that she was a really wonderful woman, personality wise, strong-willed enough to never take any crap from anyone, yet never aggressive or nasty. We would talk for quite some time before going for dances, genuine conversation, and she always cut me off before I spent too much money. She had a tremendous following, of course, and would only show on occasional Friday and Saturday nights as she drove quite a distance to get there, and had a job 5 days a week. She was the classiest stripper I've ever met. For those who responded below, yes it began at least 10 years ago, maybe longer. She retired at least 5 years ago. More is the pity!

I also arm wrestled in my firts fbb session, and found some kind of similar result. She warn me she wasnt really strong at it, and I win super easy. That's what I like really massive FBB as I think maybe those ones are really stronger than average, but simple buff ladies don't have the overall muscle mass of decades of being men that we get for free. Also bodybuilders as I understand train more to have muscles that are visible, so no much core strenght, I guess.

Aug 01, 2021 - permalink

Never had one you guys are rather lucky.

Aug 01, 2021 - permalink

She was into weightlifting/powerlifting . Short, stout, thick and strong. Watching a chick pick out wrist straps is some the best shopping trips i was dragged to.

Aug 02, 2021 - permalink

I just went to SoCal and HOLYYYYYY, all the beaches are gold mines lol.

I’ve been here 15 years and I wonder where they are in the beaches. I can’t even remember one. This past weekend I did see a girl playing vb with phenomenal glutes. So distracted.

Aug 02, 2021 - permalink

I’ve been here 15 years and I wonder where they are in the beaches. I can’t even remember one. This past weekend I did see a girl playing vb with phenomenal glutes. So distracted.

San Diego is good too. I live there. There are fewer bodybuilders than in LA, but almost everyone is fit and toned.

Aug 02, 2021 - permalink

I met Emma Sue in a Holland and Barrett store in Bond Street station in 1999. She was absolutely huge. My jaw hit the floor, lol.

Of course, I didn't know exactly who she was until a few years later, and I was able to put a name to her incredible physique.

Aug 04, 2021 - permalink

Don’t know if this counts and I hope I don’t get banned for this but I try it anyway. Sorry for the bad english.

About 5 years ago I was still together with my ex-girlfriend, this story is not really about her, altought she was into fitness and exercise but not muscular or anything. Anyway one day I visited her at her apartment ( We didn’t live together at the time but we had the keys to eachothers home ) I discovered she wasn’t home from work yet and I decided to just sit down in the living room and wait. I noticed she had her computer on the table and for some reason ( Don’t ask me why ) decided to take a look, I knew my ex. pretty well by then and more or less knew her different passwords for things. After one failed atempt I finally got in and the first thing that came up on the screen was an instagram page, the account belonged to a friend of hers and actually an old classmate of mine but what really surprised me was the pictures.

The pictures showed her with washboard abs, a ripped and wide back and big biceps but she wasn’t as bulkie like a bodybuilder, more like a fitness model. I was in chock and couldn’t help but get a little turned on because I always thought she was pretty in school but now WOW she was hot. When my ex. came home the first thing we did was having sex and you probably know what turned me on by now…

A week or so after, my ex. threw a party. Who do you think she invited ? Yes, the girl from the pictures, she had long blonde hair, was very tall ( Because of high heels ) and a tight, black dress. She didn’t have big breasts but she had a very ripped chest still and her calves was very thick, you could see that her arms where big too. After a couple of drinks I decided to gather the courage to talk to her, I said something like ( Pretty drunk at this moment ) "You’re into bodybuilding right ?". She just laughed and said that she was into bikini fitness but wasn’t anymore but still trains hard. We talked for a while about nothing and everything and when she had to leave, the last thing she did was to give me a bicep flex and once again, I have never been so turned on in my life, not even by my ex.

Now this story might sound like bs but it was this girl:

Her Instagram profile is private so not everyone can see her pictures if you try to find her

Incredible body, ty for posting

Jan 17, 2023 - permalink

Don’t know if this counts and I hope I don’t get banned for this but I try it anyway. Sorry for the bad english.

About 5 years ago I was still together with my ex-girlfriend, this story is not really about her, altought she was into fitness and exercise but not muscular or anything. Anyway one day I visited her at her apartment ( We didn’t live together at the time but we had the keys to eachothers home ) I discovered she wasn’t home from work yet and I decided to just sit down in the living room and wait. I noticed she had her computer on the table and for some reason ( Don’t ask me why ) decided to take a look, I knew my ex. pretty well by then and more or less knew her different passwords for things. After one failed atempt I finally got in and the first thing that came up on the screen was an instagram page, the account belonged to a friend of hers and actually an old classmate of mine but what really surprised me was the pictures.

The pictures showed her with washboard abs, a ripped and wide back and big biceps but she wasn’t as bulkie like a bodybuilder, more like a fitness model. I was in chock and couldn’t help but get a little turned on because I always thought she was pretty in school but now WOW she was hot. When my ex. came home the first thing we did was having sex and you probably know what turned me on by now…

A week or so after, my ex. threw a party. Who do you think she invited ? Yes, the girl from the pictures, she had long blonde hair, was very tall ( Because of high heels ) and a tight, black dress. She didn’t have big breasts but she had a very ripped chest still and her calves was very thick, you could see that her arms where big too. After a couple of drinks I decided to gather the courage to talk to her, I said something like ( Pretty drunk at this moment ) "You’re into bodybuilding right ?". She just laughed and said that she was into bikini fitness but wasn’t anymore but still trains hard. We talked for a while about nothing and everything and when she had to leave, the last thing she did was to give me a bicep flex and once again, I have never been so turned on in my life, not even by my ex.

Now this story might sound like bs but it was this girl:

Her Instagram profile is private so not everyone can see her pictures if you try to find her

Could you provide her Instagram please? Thank you🙏🏼

Jan 17, 2023 - permalink

I used to go walking in a local park on weekday mornings cause not many people were there during the summer and I remember one day as I was rounding one of the baseball fields I saw a girl who was stretched out just sunning herself on the metal bleacher seating. She had blonde hair tied into a small bun, a black sports bra and black shorts with a single white side strip on. As I got closer as I walked around the path that went around she seemed pretty fit but the abs on her were crazy, I mean full on 6 pack abs with visible obliques and Adonis belt. I must have lapped that field 6 or so times that morning and slowed down to look out of the corner of my eye. Never seen anyone with definition like her in my life since. Bummed I didnt try and talk to her as when I had come back for another lap she wasn't there and I didnt see her since. When she exhaled her abs were so defined they look deep enough for me to lose my finger in them. Still think about that to this day.

Jan 17, 2023 - permalink

Still is. Worked with her a few years ago.

I'm intrigued as well

Jan 17, 2023 - permalink

Hopefully you got a better reaction from her than whoever took this photo:

That photo probably taken by a schmoe that didn’t take the hint to leave her alone. The guy’s expression is like “Come on, you schmoe.”

Jan 17, 2023 - permalink

That photo probably taken by a schmoe that didn’t take the hint to leave her alone. The guy’s expression is like “Come on, you schmoe.”

Picture taker was definitely a schmoe who looked like he was overstepping her boundaries.

The guy (looks to be a bodybuilder with contest tan) has an expression that says “bruh”

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