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Oct 21, 2022 - context

I'm pretty sure my upload was both older and better quality, so I don't understand why my upload was merged into the other one.

Your upload in fact was not older.

  • Your upload ID: 1839206
  • ID of the other image: 1839163

Aside from that, the difference in quality is what I would consider negligible or insignificant.

Oct 21, 2022 - context

I'm pretty sure my upload was both older and better quality, so I don't understand why my upload was merged into the other one.

Oct 21, 2022 - edited Oct 21, 2022 - context

I changed "larger images" to "better quality images", since there are situations where for instance Instagram has both a 1440p and a 1080p version of an image available on their servers that are visually identical (I believe in those cases the larger version is an internal resizing by them), and so the older image would take priority. Plenty of times the larger one on their servers is actually better though, it probably depends on the original resolution of the photo uploaded to Instagram.

A similar thing goes for videos, a somewhat smaller resolution video with a higher bitrate might be smoother and better quality overall.

Oct 20, 2022 - context


OK, it doesn't add anything, but how is it different from the first two as far as quality? Be consistent.

No matter how often this is explained, people misunderstand it again and again. The filter is consistent. One part of it is to suppress repetitive comments, because that's a sure sign the comment is not uniquely related to the picture. It is different from the two others because thus far it has been less common. Of course the other two were also relatively low effort.


I noticed that the filter is biased against anything resembling a compliment. Compliments are interpreted as creepy even if respectful. Other types of short and succinct comments are accepted.


And I have to agree that occasionally in the old days there were some sexually disrespectful comments. I don't see those as much any more.

The second thing people misunderstand constantly is that crude and lewd comments were not the biggest and not the only problem. So they whine about how they are dying to compliment, compliment and compliment. And they wonder how complimenting, that is drooling aloud can be a bad thing? "She rejected my Monopoly money! How dare she! I am not her fan and not a fan of this site anymore."

"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought, which they avoid." Probably the only interesting thing Kierkegaard ever said, but there it is. Also, real freedom of thought is to figure out the true nature of things, not to think whatever you please. This is probably one thing Kierkegaard would have got wrong.

First stage of learning is to act surprised that many compliments are rejected.

Second stage of learning is to confirm that this is indeed the case.

Third stage of learning is to let it sink in that this has been done on purpose. Because most compliments rarely say anything unique about the picture. Most compliments are repetitive. Most compliments are easy to make.

Fourth stage of learning is to understand that no amount of self-righteous exasperation is going to change it. Also because all the reasons were already given in the third stage. "But those are compliments!!! And compliments are always good! How can you reject a good thing? Are you evil perhaps?"

Compliments are fool's gold. This is the fifth stage of learning. Any person's horniness (also obsequiousness) holds value 99 % of the time for one person only, and that's the individual himself. The one percent is either the person you are going to spend the night with or a woman who is reading the comments and enjoys what she sees. They do exist but at the same time they make up less than a thousandth of the user base.

Now I really don't claim to know the mind of people making the decisions. These are only my educated guesses. But at least I know that this site is not a public service for the expression of horniness. This site is also not a temple to these so-called "goddesses" or "perfections" or the great female muscle simping ground, so the words or opinions of the women are no excuse or justification for some particular random compliment caught by the filter. They may like compliments in general, but your single compliment is hardly going to make or break anything for them, but even less than that it gives you any ammunition against the filter or the admin. It is a disservice to everyone, including yourself and the women, to pretend otherwise.

I am not saying that compliments are evil. But neither would you listen to the same weather forecast a hundred times in a row, wondering if weather forecasts are an absolute good or an absolute evil.

Finally, the filter does not "interpret" anything as anything. It does not know sexy from creepy. But some comments are interpreted as respectful by their authors even if creepy. As if there was a formula for being respectful that does not need to account for the context and the participants. As a general rule, a person, not any single deed or expression, is either respectful or creepy. You rarely see respectful persons doing creepy things, but creepy persons sometimes think they're owed something if they perform a respectful gesture or say a few respectful words.

Oct 20, 2022 - context

This was explained here and all the other related treads a 1000 times , but some people dont want to get it and find endless excuses and reasons why they feel discriminated

Only Problem is same every time when restrictations are necessary, it Hits all and not only the few Problematic. But sorry this is the way it is, some loose but the main community wins.<

I get your point. They can't afford this site if they have to have a live monitor at all times, so they rely on an algorithm of some kind. And I have to agree that occasionally in the old days there were some sexually disrespectful comments. I don't see those as much any more. Simply knowing that some of the women visit this site made me rethink some of the things I used to write. In those days I was sort of going with the flow. There were even women on the site who wrote things that I think are no longer permitted.

Oct 20, 2022 - context

This was explained here and all the other related treads a 1000 times , but some people dont want to get it and find endless excuses and reasons why they feel discriminated

Only Problem is same every time when restrictations are necessary, it Hits all and not only the few Problematic. But sorry this is the way it is, some loose but the main community wins.

Oct 20, 2022 - context


For getting Ads the site needs a good reputation of the community so it is wae essential to stop a few from ruin reputation of all by writing uncontrolled their phantasies or spam pics by just endless write instant crap

What kind of "crap" exactly do you mean? Compliments?

Oct 20, 2022 - context

This comment was just rejected:

"Yes, and that is a very sexy pose that really shows what she looks like and how much muscle she has put on."

On a Marissa Andrews image 'So Cute' was rejected, but 'She's ugly' was accepted. MQT needs a lot more than tweaking.

Oct 19, 2022 - context

2) 20 fuckin years old.

This adds something. I didn't know she was only 20. It gives some perspective on what's happening out there.

Oct 19, 2022 - edited Oct 19, 2022 - context

I submit the following:

For the following picture:

The first two were accepted.

1) She’s perfection

2) 20 fuckin years old.

The following was NOT.

She is a goddess.

Your comment doesn't meet the minimum quality threshold.

OK, it doesn't add anything, but how is it different from the first two as far as quality? Be consistent.

Oct 19, 2022 - context

Then we will just wait it out. These are two completely independent variables. The amount of people riding a bicycle in Amsterdam proves nothing about the amount of people boarding a plane in Cleveland.

Oct 19, 2022 - context

There is more people commenting on the filter than commenting on pics & videos now! The site's gone mad.

Oct 19, 2022 - context


Without the community there would be no site. Also there wouldn't be ads on this site.

For getting Ads the site needs a good reputation of the community so it is wae essential to stop a few from ruin reputation of all by writing uncontrolled their phantasies or spam pics by just endless write instant crap

Oct 19, 2022 - context


"The community" is not paying for the site so why should they get to decide?

Without the community there would be no site. Also there wouldn't be ads on this site.

Oct 19, 2022 - context

Oh, I didn't realize that was possible. That's more or less exactly what I looked for with my feature suggestion. Thanks!

Oct 19, 2022 - context

Isn't some similar thing already possible with the advanced search? You can search for pictures that are fav'ed by you and contain tags ..... https://i.imgur.com/LXTG6OY.png

Oct 19, 2022 - context

They deleted their own account. We almost never delete user accounts.

We do occasionally ban users, but that has no effect on what their username looks like.

Oct 19, 2022 - context


Oct 19, 2022 - context
Deleted by Sunshine47
Oct 18, 2022 - context

Apologies if this is answered elsewhere but I don't see it. What does it mean if a user (commenting or posting a pic/video is marked as β€œ[deleted]β€œ instead of a name? Have they been booted from the site for some violation or did they just delete their own account? There seem to be a LOT of such users.

Oct 18, 2022 - edited Oct 18, 2022 - context

Tall1 wrote to Chainer:

Then I said:

My argument was twofold. First that it's not about deserving to be there, at all, because it's not a vote or a pageant. Second that even if it was, by editing her pictures she "cheated" and it does not matter how many fell for it.

It literally is a vote. But you're right it's not a pageant. It's not that people fell for it, some people just don't care about what her face looks like in reality vs her photos.

Then Tall1 wrote:

I did give further context. In the paragraph you quoted earlier I already referred to the front page not being a democratic process and having her there being bad information. If morphed heads and beauty-lensed faces are accepted it's not just a choice between them and other pictures. It decreases the value of all the other pictures too.

Beauty lensed faces are accepted. This type of stuff is only brought up when Asian women use it though. There are photos/videos of other women who filter their selves to the point they almost look like cartoons, but there's no push to remove this content. Plenty of women filter the shade of their photos/body to hide fat and generally make their body appear more toned than it is. But again, these types of images aren't being removed, unless it's an Asian woman doing it then it's a big cultural problem as if they're the only ones filtering.

And again, you need enough votes to get in the top score.

As a rule, adding noise to something does not make it a free choice between noise and signal. Decreasing the amount of noise increases the value of the information. Only a total chaos "does not force a particular preference on everyone else".

No. An optional block feature would have been a better solution. Then you can keep the women you deem as noise out.

But you are too fixated on irony, sarcasm, being passive-aggressive, bitchy and throwing words back to notice. It was not my only argument. It wasn't even my argument to begin with.

The only technically valid attack or accusation you have made was about closing threads, where I initially ignored your point about a thread not having been sufficiently answered and focused on similar complaints I was more familiar with.

My initial hunch was that if your complaint was valid, then you could have brought it up on a case-by-case basis with the moderators. But instead of an innocent you being carelessly shut up by them, I think there were real disagreements on whether the threads should have continued. I was not ready to take your word for it, nor side with you on it, and I think I did well.

You deserve a pat on the back.

But for the record, they weren't my threads and are too old to go fishing for.

Oct 18, 2022 - context

Tall1 wrote to Chainer:

So essentially, the community decided she deserved to be in the high score, and you said no.

Then I said:

Eun Hee Kang literally did not deserve to be there and removing her actually fixed that mishap.

My argument was twofold. First that it's not about deserving to be there, at all, because it's not a vote or a pageant. Second that even if it was, by editing her pictures she "cheated" and it does not matter how many fell for it.

Then Tall1 wrote:

Your only argument is, "she doesn't deserve to be there". Deserve, without any further context, sounds like it might be an emotional appeal. My argument has nothing to do with what she does or does not deserve.

I did give further context. In the paragraph you quoted earlier I already referred to the front page not being a democratic process and having her there being bad information. If morphed heads and beauty-lensed faces are accepted it's not just a choice between them and other pictures. It decreases the value of all the other pictures too.

As a rule, adding noise to something does not make it a free choice between noise and signal. Decreasing the amount of noise increases the value of the information. Only a total chaos "does not force a particular preference on everyone else".

But you are too fixated on irony, sarcasm, being passive-aggressive, bitchy and throwing words back to notice. It was not my only argument. It wasn't even my argument to begin with.

The only technically valid attack or accusation you have made was about closing threads, where I initially ignored your point about a thread not having been sufficiently answered and focused on similar complaints I was more familiar with.

My initial hunch was that if your complaint was valid, then you could have brought it up on a case-by-case basis with the moderators. But instead of an innocent you being carelessly shut up by them, I think there were real disagreements on whether the threads should have continued. I was not ready to take your word for it, nor side with you on it, and I think I did well.

Oct 18, 2022 - edited Oct 19, 2022 - context

Hey there ... I sometimes see a lot of comments under pictures requesting the same information over and over again, like "Whats her IG", "How tall is she and how much does she weight" "where does she live" "whats her OF or where are those clips from?" etc etc

I sometimes thought: This happens inside comments all over the images of every model/girl on this site and gets answered repeatedly, sometimes with some litte annoyance. Wouldn't it be cool if it was possible to put a tag-site that may be filled for every model/girl who got entried? So, as soon as there is one picture with a single nametag, there would be a Site with some fields like the linked name, IG, OF, personal website, residential country or language, height, uhm ... whatever feels apropriate ... this shouldn't invite to stalk personal data of course xD

But could it be helpful to collect some of those always requested answers on an extra tab attached to each name? I really thought of uploading "photos" with that content for some of these but ... that would just roll down and out of sight with newer entries, a pinning option would even fix that. So ... that's an option too.

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