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May 11, 2012 - context
Every pic of her is morphed, sorry!
May 11, 2012 - context
she is great. i really have no idea who she is.
May 11, 2012 - context
May 10, 2012 - context
May 08, 2012 - context
May 07, 2012 - context
Hi guys, my name is Dave and I have been a massive fan of massive women since 2002 when i first got access to the internet. The women i have seen over the years have blown me away!!

I have an idea of a video which would be like a dream to me and i am writing today to enquire whether anyone knows if such a video exists and if so, where it can be found. With the vastness of the world wide web it seems likely that a video does exist but if it does, i have never seen it. Here we go.

For those familiar with the sexual term 'cuckolding', the video is in this genre. Cuckolding is a fetish whereby, traditionally, a man gets verbally insulted by a woman for not being enough of a man to satisfy her, whilst a more well built alpha male type man has sex with the man's gf/partner right in front of him. All the while, the man being the spectator gets insulted and belittled for his lack of manhood and weakness. It's like verbal emasculation.

Now, I am looking for a video out there where this happens but instead there are two women and the inferior man. The superior woman in this set up would be muscular (definitely moreso than the guy) and the man's gf would enjoy making out with her and going further with this amazon in front of her man, all the while both insulting him for not being as muscular or as strong as the amazonian woman here.

This kind of video would be like a dream come true. Can anyone assist?


May 07, 2012 - context
Although I did PM them, many thanks for fellas who helped i.d. the models.

About this pic: the brunette looks like some kind of muscle girl. Any idea?

Found: Rebecca Saber.

May 06, 2012 - context
 if from the uk,you know its going to hard to find fbbs in england..sad,but its true.you'll probably better your chances by going stateside.or be very lucky...anyway,i just wanted to add this..do any of you guys remember that documentary with gayle maher..a lovely looking fbb..where she and other fbbs go online or have private meetups with fee paying clients,or schmos.she was asked if she would consider dating any of this guys..she said no period,as in no-way..if made me start to ask questions..those guys that paid to see her and the like,have saved some of their hard earned money.for some,it was a dream come true,to meet,let alone feel a muscular female...i couldnt help thinking,i may be wrong..inside some of those female minds was,give me your money you wierdo...but then again,i've heard some female bodybuilders say that going out with male bodybuilders is a competition in itself,so they prefer your ordinary jo...just thought i'd share that with you guys
May 06, 2012 - context
 hi brian since your from the uk,i wonder if you can remember katy hill from the blue peter shows if not check her out ,and see what you think..also nomai rapace from the girl with the dragon tatto fame..theres the scene in that movie were,shes making love to another woman and both girls are buff n muscular.now thats a rare sight
May 06, 2012 - context
hi folks.i am coming out if lol..its great to know that there are other folks other than me that is attracted to femuscle..i too have kept it too myself,not sharing how i feel about it,because of fear.fear of riddicule,embarassment,etc.it feels as if i'm in a hidden world.one of my fantasties if you like,would be to sit down with a like minded group sitting in a pub or wherever,and openly share and dialogue about femuscle(with a musclewoman sitting next to me of course).in the uk musclewomen are rare,its looked upon as a joke.alot of the females here dont like femuscle period.they love lots of beer or wine..anyway keep up posting,and thanks
May 04, 2012 - context

Wondering who this is? I have been looking around and no luck.  Also is this the same person?
May 04, 2012 - context
Check out musclegirlzlive.com...it is own and ran by IFBB Pro Melody Spetko. It is a fairly new site still so there is not much traffic at the time...but you will ONLY find muscle and very exclusive names on that site. Check out the line up! Also, all the proceeds go back into the female athletes. The site is the official sponsor of the Toronto Pro Show in June. I like to know that the girls are getting paid and that the remainder is going to support the sport rather than just some one I don't know. Hope you will give it a try!
May 03, 2012 - context
...how to appraoch and talk to them, and not creep them out.
Bear in mind it is a bodybuilding/fitness show you're going to, not speed-dating. So far as I know the contestants are not obligated to talk to fans - be polite, don't expect too much in return.
joe camel
May 03, 2012 - context
Indeed! LOL.   she is my mystery girl, looks like the uploader still has an account open but hasn't returned my messages. Theres a Sunny Leone pornstar but not buff like her. So iam going to let this one go, i have exhausted my efforts. And believe it or not the Almighty Saradas wasnt any help :P
May 02, 2012 - context
Her biceps are PHENOMINAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT GREAT GREAT !!!
joe camel
May 01, 2012 - context
the name says sunny, iam assuming a cam performer.. i goggled didn't get much on her, maybe some on else knows who she is.  u have to have an account to view it caz its age restricted. ya ya ya.

Apr 30, 2012 - context
I enjoy moderating once in a while.  However, i find i make mistakes.  And often there are multiple shots where i wish i rejected earlier ones when better ones come along later.  And the pop up ads interfere with the nice flow of the function.

How about an option to display a page of pics at a time?  Yes/No vote check boxes appear at the bottom of each pic.  You make your votes, then submit a page at a time.

Thanks, luv da site!
Apr 27, 2012 - context
Sorry you're having that problem  :( Good luck
Apr 27, 2012 - context
might have had something to do with this attitude...
what about this attitude i feel i stand corrected.
Apr 27, 2012 - context
Well my overall question was how to appraoch muscle women without creeping them out, and what r some good ways to get them to flex. And yes i understand muslce women or muscle babes or what ever we like to call them, are people 2 without problems and emtions like us. But what i was trying to say is, sometimes they got to relaize that some guys like musclure women, and we are going to appraoch them. I think it fine as long, as you dont get too physical (dose asking to arm wrestle take things too far) or other words, asking muscle women to flex, and feel thier biceps should be ok, and some shoudnt get weired out by it cuase its something like have to deal with being in that profesion. I was talking to a figure girl at show back in 2011, i asked her if a i could take a picture of her flexing and she was very hisientet, i added her to my face book the next day, and when i put the picture of her up she blocked me, a little harsh i thought, but ive seen her on her bicpes before so should have she been used to that kind of attention. I know it seems like i am writting an essay, when im just trying to ask one question. So how do i appraoch muscle women without creeping them out, and what are good ways to ask them how to flex. What are the dos and don'ts ect. This question is all about muscle women and how to appraoch and talk to them, and not creep them out.
Apr 27, 2012 - context
Minutes ago, another intrusion attempt on my computer from “Malicious Toolkit Website 9” was blocked by Norton on your main site before I could even login or click on anything.

Attacking Computer
xxx.germiss.in (, 80)

Attacker URL

I will no longer inform you of further malware attack attempts. I give up.

Thank you for your suggestion but I don’t understand why I should have to go to that trouble when I have no malware problems on any other sites that I visit. I may look into it. Thanks again.
Apr 27, 2012 - context
its something they need to deal with, giving them being female bodybuilders

might have had something to do with this attitude...
Apr 26, 2012 - context
I think it's just something you have to deal with in the same way you'd deal with anyone you meet in day-to-day life. The world is full of a mixture of friendly and not so friendly people and the bodybuilding world is no different. Athletes, especially athletes in individual pursuits like bodybuilding, tend to be rather self-centred. I don't necessarily mean that in a negative way - no one succeeds in such a sport without being that way. I agree with you that they have to remember that there are a other people in the world who are the same as them and many more who are different. And you have to accept that they will often - not always -tend to have that very intraspective view of life.

From the contests I have attended over the years, I have realised that you either admire from afar or have a strong reason to strike up a proper conversation and don't be too star-struck - they're human like you.
Apr 26, 2012 - context
Get Norton off your computer and try a free anti-virus site like Avast. Worked for me...
Apr 26, 2012 - context
I've been looking for an image I remember from about ten years ago.  It's clearly a morph of an Asian woman with an 8-pack and enormous breasts?  I remember she had long, acrylic fingernails and was pinching her nipples.  It was quite a something.  Does anyone know of or have this picture?
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