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Dec 08, 2014 - context
I know of this girl...
http://www.okcupid.com/profile/swollesista (roids)

And this girl...
http://www.okcupid.com/profile/petalstothemetal (no roids)

Know of any others?

EDIT:  Let's not harass these women.  In fact, it's probably best not to message them.
Dec 05, 2014 - context
I don't find any of that sort of thing a turn on at all.  I just happen to like the lines.  The shape is more complex and the lines more intricate.  A simple form can be beautiful to look at too, but a complex set of shapes seems to keep my attention longer. 

Very complex - very visually appealing

Very simple, very pretty

Both very good photographs but which one do you find yourself staring at?


Dec 05, 2014 - context
You know? For me, it probably has more to do with her attitude than a specific look. My ex was really strong, and did like to occasionally wear the daisy duke shorts and halter tops (which I love), but she also wasn't motivated to stick to a special diet and concentrate on symmetry of muscle groups or any of that stuff. So in that sense, I could certainly find other women more physically impressive looking with their muscle shape and size.

I still found her incredibly sexy though, because she liked to randomly show off her strength, instead of keeping it some "serious" thing for the gym. Carrying people around on her back or shoulders was one of her favorite things to do to get a workout AND impress people. It got so it was a daily routine for us, getting a ride up the basement stairs after washing clothes or even things like a piggyback through the grocery store while she pushed the cart and shopped.

When she took a night class in college, she even started offering her classmates shoulder or piggyback rides out to the parking lot after it let out. Her goal was to carry each guy in her class by the end of the semester and I think she accomplished it too. (She said it was fun to get an idea how much each guy weighed, and she came home with a proud grin a couple of times after boosting up a couple of the biggest guys there.)
Dec 05, 2014 - context
Hi everybody !

As I already posted in my 'Stories' - thread " My own experiences ", I've got a very big fascination for natural female biceps' and - flexing, armwrestling and ( a little bit off topic, I know ) beautiful female hands and - fingers, that combine at best a great look with a ( much ) more than average length.
It's obvious, that over the years some female celebrities got my attention - not only, because they're my type of dream girl.
It will be an everlasting dream, to get in the position to get the girl flex, touch, squeeze or even measure her biceps ( and hands and fingers to compare them with mine ) and - on top of that - to arm wrestle her a few times !
If you sometimes dream of a similar ( or even the same ) situation, maybe you want to add your favoured celebrity girl.
Maybe one of my listed is also your taste and you got an opinion of her shape ... and want to add your own dream situation and - story.

Mine were and still are:

Alyssa Milano, Anna Kournikova, Charlize Theron, Claira Hermet, Cobie Smulders, Dannii Minogue, Eva Padberg, Fearne Cotton, Felicitas Woll, Helene Fischer, Holly Marie Combs, Johanna Klum, Josie Maran, Kate Beckinsale, Katy Perry, Kylie Minogue, Lena Meyer - Landrut, Maria Sharapova, Nelly Furtado and Nora Tschirner.

If you got anything relevant to tell or - stuff to share with one of these ladies, please let me know !
If you share any of my fantasies with one of these girls ( or your own favourites ), please tell us your dream story here !

Thanks so much !


Dec 05, 2014 - context
Many men like to be controlled by women in their own ways. Female muscles are perceived as possible means for fulfilling that desire.
Dec 02, 2014 - context
Thank you for this.
Now we can do some shameless plugs without feeling guilty
Dec 02, 2014 - context
You actually don't need to do that. Below each image in facebook is an options button.
1. Just click on options  2. then click download and it will give you the full resolution that the person who uploaded the image used
Dec 02, 2014 - context
I noticed it as well. I was wondering if people just upload some pics sometimes just to see if it would get through
Nov 30, 2014 - context
I realize this post is not fully female body builder related, I will try to steer it in that direction a bit. Read the following article:


Note the fourth paragraph where it mentions after the five typical sexual fantasies, one of the most common fantasies is
submission, with 53 percent of men having this fantasy. I think many of us guys have this fantasy, of being submissive
to a beautiful and muscular woman. I think the 53 percent figure is also significant in that it reveals in an indirect way that
possibly more men may have an attraction to female bodybuilders or muscular women in general. I know I am extrapolating
something from the article that it does not state. I just think more guys are into muscular women than we know, it's just that
society doesn't allow for an open expression of this. As an aside, I think back to five or so years ago when Joe's Crab Shack ran
the TV ad showing Betty Pariso flexing at a restaurant table with a guy sitting across from her. She does the classic double bicep
pose, and the guy is initially in shock seeing her. After a few moments he smiles and begins to enjoy her beauty and muscles.
I always thought that commercial was trying to say that guys are into muscular women way more than people can imagine.
Just my two cents worth on the subject. Nothing better than a gorgeous woman with shapely muscles, big or small.
Nov 26, 2014 - context
So interesting...
Nov 22, 2014 - context
Not going so well I'm afraid. Of the first seventeen that have already been through the queue, only one has made it. The rest have gotten a few yes votes but likely not enough to outpace the no votes.
Nov 22, 2014 - context
Will do, thanks for reading.

I thought the rule was "no excessive fake tans" rather than "no contest pics"? Granted they often go together but since most of these girls have darker tones I thought it would matter less.
Nov 21, 2014 - context
There could definitely be failings of the user-voting system, but I just want to point out a few things:

- Technically, on-stage pics are against the rules. We (the staff) aren't too strict about this but this rule exists because on average competition pics tend to be worse. So this could explain some of the negative votes.

- The first few votes on pictures tend to be outliers. I feel they're just put in place by people who just click "no" or "yes" repeatedly in order to see more of the pics in the queue.'

Can you follow up on these pictures and let us know how they are doing one they are closer to getting approved or rejected?
Nov 21, 2014 - context
And it's the users' fault. Regardless, I wonder how much good content we are missing out on because users are needlessly voting "no" on so much stuff that obviously belongs on the site.

I'm not saying I don't make mistakes with regard to what I upload, but take a look at this. I made a recent big search of some relatively new names and faces and found some stuff I think hasn't been widely shared before on the English web.

Granted, some of these images have text on them and that might have scared some people into thinking there is a copyright notice. In one or two instances I did indeed miss a copyright notice. And possibly, a small portion of these are glamor shots that don't show enough obvious muscle for some people. But holy hell, pretty much all of them are on track to be discarded! And that is a big shame. Many of these pics are of a girl who is even girl of the week right now! The rule is, to get on the site it needs 26 yes votes before it gets 15 no votes. And I have indeed noticed, for every upload I add that makes it to the site, there are far more that don't.

Is this trolling, or deliberate disregard for established criteria or what? So, I dunno. I hate to put more work on Chainer's plate, but for whatever reason the community is failing to moderate properly. Maybe the solution is more approved judges? Or just to submit for staff moderation rather than community? I'm guessing most of you who upload have noticed this.
Nov 21, 2014 - context
This topic has come up a few times, and my response hasn't changed much.

1. Sorry to hear about your experience. I am aware that the ads may be annoying, but they are not supposed to freeze your browser or redirect you or otherwise destroy your site browsing experience; you are just supposed to get a popup or popunder. They work fine for me, and most others. That they do this to a select few users (you included, apparently) is unfortunate.

2. There are no ads for users who are logged in. So if you use the "remember me" box when logging in, you won't see the ads, even if they don't work as intended for you. If you can't even log in once with your browser, try a different browser.

3. That said, the income from the ads is needed for the upkeep of the site. The ads are not likely to go away unless I find a viable alternative. I am very open to suggestions in this regard, however; so if you really want the ads to be gone it would be more constructive to suggest better alternatives than to just complain about their existence. (I should mention that getting well-paying banner ads is extremely difficult for this site because of its niche, borderline-adult content. That, unfortunately, leaves the more annoying type of ads.)

Nov 21, 2014 - context
This site pops up garbage pages immediately upon touching it with the cursor - that is to say trying to enter one's login credentials triggers a popup page that expands to cover the entire desktop and renders Firefox 33 immobile - so much so that it has to be force-quit (Mac, OS 10.6.8) to escape. Makes the site totally unusable. Too bad - it used to be a decent site. It's toxic now.
Nov 18, 2014 - context
Ah, so this is where this thread is! I tried to find it when I finished working on the search to announce it but couldn't.

Enjoy the comment search!  :)
Nov 17, 2014 - context
How about adding a next/previous when searching a specific person's photos? That way you can just click next instead of using the back button, then clicking the next picture of that person.

I'd say ideally, the previous/next buttons would be fully context-sensitive, also "knowing" when we're browsing by last commented, highest rated, someone's favourites, etc., rather than always going by image ID. Using the browser's back button all the time is indeed a hassle.

You should be able to order your own uploads by "Highest Rating", "Most Favorited" etc.

I'd be interested in this, too.

Finally, many of us have hundreds if not thousands of favourites. For hoarders like me it might be good to be able to download them all as a .zip or so, automatically named, for example like modelname-imgid.jpg. I realise this is a server load and bandwidth thing, but: What if you required,  like, 1 ct per image downloaded in this way?
Nov 17, 2014 - context
A lot of good hosts
Nov 17, 2014 - context
Just wanted to say thanks for adding the comments search option, it's much appreciated!  I can find my beloved "biceps in sleeves" pics again! :)
Nov 15, 2014 - context
Yeah maybe a  different color would do the trick. :)
Nov 13, 2014 - context
I could make it a different color to attract attention. I agree that a sound would be annoying.
Nov 13, 2014 - context
Many people that i have chatted to did not know about the new notification thing
Nov 06, 2014 - context
Sound on websites is pretty annoying.
Nov 05, 2014 - context
I think the bold "New Notifications" text that doesn't go away until you click on it is fairly obvious.
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