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Apr 02, 2020 - context
Made a few changes:

You now get a notification when your image is done being pinned that tells you how much new score and how many new comments your image got while it was pinned.

Images now stay pinned for 5 hours.

" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

Button shows up for me...
Apr 01, 2020 - context
Can we get a link to her new IG account?

Michelle deleted her Instagram again because someone was impersonating her, now has a new one. Make sure you’ve had her photos from her past account saved.
Apr 01, 2020 - context
Must say I fail to understand why girls should want to do this. Surely their "thing" is showing off their body, sometimes making money from it. Would have thought they would welcome maximum exposure....or am I missing something?
Apr 01, 2020 - context
Here's another that meets the hidden gem criteria but that option doesn't appear? 
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
Apr 01, 2020 - context
I'm curious why this one that was pinned seemed to become ineligible after I added the name:
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
, given that it currently has a score of 40, was posted in Feb, and she only has 8 pics on the site.

EDIT:  Oh I see, the option probably just doesn't appear for me because I changed the name within the last 24 hours, and the pic just happened to finish its 2 hours around the same time.
Apr 01, 2020 - context
In my opinion the 2 hour limit is way too short. We are spread all over the world in different time zones, so just a very few will have the chance to see the girls on this page.

BTW: Great idea, especially for finaly gettin a name. So maybe don't restrict the pics without name so much.
Apr 01, 2020 - context
I did put in a check so that it won't let you pin a pic if you changed the name within the past 24 hours.

As for the 25 pic restriction, the goal here is to highlight not very well known pics/models. I could see an argument to increase this to, say, 50, if the 25 is overly restrictive.
Apr 01, 2020 - context
Thanks for the credit, Chainer. 

I just pinned a nameless pic and it works nicely.  Having trouble finding models with 25 posts or less though.  Also it seems if someone wanted to, they could bypass the (no more than 25 images on the site) criteria by temporarily changing the name in the post.  That is, except for models with locked names.
Apr 01, 2020 - context
This is an experimental feature whose point is to highlight great pics which have been underrated.

Below eligible pics on the site, you'll see a button that says "Pin to front page" in the lower left of the image info box:

An image is eligible if it meets the following conditions:

  • Has a score of 50 or less
  • Is at least a week old
  • The model in the picture has no more than 25 images on the site (or if there is no name set)

Once you click the "Pin to front page" button, the image will appear under the Hidden Gems section on the front page for 5 hours. You can only pin a single image at a time. After the 5 hour period you can pin a new image (or the same one, if it is still eligible).

Tips to find images: Image search with random ordering, or images with no name set.

(Credit to cgsweat's post for serving as one source of inspiration for this idea.)

Edit: Raised score cap to 50, up from 20.
Edit: Raised amount of time images stay pinned to 5 hours, up from 2.
Mar 31, 2020 - context
You are not allowed to have advertisements for your site outside of the Your Site section. Post removed.
Mar 30, 2020 - context
Michelle deleted her Instagram again because someone was impersonating her, now has a new one. Make sure you’ve had her photos from her past account saved.   
Mar 30, 2020 - context
Mar 30, 2020 - context
I know from images I've seen around the web that Krivstudios used to do a fair amount of armwrestling, is it the case that those videos are still up?
Mar 27, 2020 - context
Hoping she has more pics on instagram or facebook or somewhere else public.

" alt="" class="bbc_img" />
Mar 24, 2020 - context
Let's say I subscribe one day to "Crimson Rose."  And later her name is changed to Azaria Glaim.  Will I still be subscribed to the same girl?  If not, then perhaps there could be notifications for name changes, so users will know to resubscribe to the new name in that event.
Mar 23, 2020 - context
who is this woman ?:

Mar 21, 2020 - context
That's true, that could be a useful addition.

I don't anticipate subscriptions becoming unmanageable because for any given subscription, either:

  • It doesn't get triggered very often, in which case it's not bothering you, or
  • It does get triggered, in which case it links you to the page where you can immediately unsubscribe from it.
Mar 21, 2020 - context
I do like this idea for an additional 4th section on the front page. I think it's more promising than the purely random images we talked about some time ago.
Mar 21, 2020 - context
She been on line on flex appeal since 2014.  Seems a bit late to found out about this type of stuff.



Wasnt she married?
Mar 21, 2020 - context
Mar 20, 2020 - context
Almost 80% (over 7000 pages) of site content has a score of 30 or less.  I propose a section for the most promising among these posts.  Criteria could be posts that received a score of 20+ in under 24 hrs (of original post date).  Which indicates it was 'hot' at the time, but for some reason fizzled, perhaps suddenly getting buried beneath several posts from the upload queue.  Could be a section on the home page, consisting of 10-20 posts that could remain up for 24 hrs.  Randomly generated (based on aforementioned criteria).  Or it could be used as a search function, similar to "Random" but returning only results fitting the criteria.  These "Hidden Treasures" would be separate from posts that have a lifetime score of 20+...  In other words, posts that aren't expected to go very far (and haven't).
Mar 19, 2020 - context
I'm happy to see this new feature and I don't mean to make it complicated. When users look at their own profile, they should be able to see the list of girls whose pictures they've subscribed to.  Without that capability, a user's subscriptions will probably become unmanageable. Thanks
Mar 18, 2020 - context
 Though I can support her personal preferences or change of heart, the message comes off very contrived and two-faced. This woman burst on the scene doing clips and photo shoots that specifically fed the fetish ( flexing in skimpy wear, shirt ripping, fruit destruction etc.) and now to act offended? I call horse crap.
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