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Feb 06, 2021 - context

Umm..., I'm a woman who likes muscular women...

đŸ„ș 👉👈

Feb 06, 2021 - context

I used to hide it more, but I realized there’s nothing to be ashamed of at all. You like what you like. I mean I’m not gonna meet someone and say “hey, nice to meet you, muscular women are hot.” You wouldn’t say that about things that are more in the norm like boobs or butts or whatever. But if it comes up in conversation then yeah, you should never be ashamed of saying o yeah muscular women are my thing.

Feb 06, 2021 - context

Serena Williams is big and strong, but it isn't the same thing as a female bodybuilder who is really huge for the sake of being huge. Serena is in the mainstream and makes many millions per in marketing alone.

Feb 06, 2021 - context

I’m middle aged. And, I never hide my preference for buff women. This is a main stream preference as far as I’m concerned. For example, during the Olympics, so much attention is paid to the women athletes. What about Serena Williams? I will always tell the truth in a conversation with friends or women but treat it very casually. Sad to hear testimonials about keeping this a secret.

Feb 06, 2021 - context

When I was a child, I visited a photo studio, where I saw a poster of muscular women. I don't believe it, because what I know is mostly only muscular men, but I was interested in the poster, it took me a long time to see that muscular woman's body.and the muscular woman on the poster is Lenda Murray

Feb 06, 2021 - context

wont post my age, but the moment I discovered my love of female muscle was at a magazine stand , seeing “ Strength Training for Beauty” with Marjo Selin on the cover.. it had a report on Cory Everson’s first Olympia win.. there was something really unique about that time.. magazines were basicallly the only reliable go-to if u wanted to see and appreciate such beauty.. that.. or u had to really get lucky and catch something on tv.. if u got to tape it , that was pure gold...

nowadays, its all on demand,, and while that is a dream come true ... there was something special about the rareness of the material back then...and Im still amazed at how perfect I thought standard definition image quality was at that time.. not to mention vhs tape quality after being played hundreds of times

Feb 06, 2021 - context

I'll post my age, if I ever get the results of my carbon dating back from the lab. ;)

Feb 06, 2021 - context

I will say this...make sure the woman you’re with knows you’re into muscles. Don’t hide it. It’s something you’re into. She doesn’t have to be into or muscular but she can’t see something like this as a deal breaker

29 here.. thanks for the tip. I've never told anyone but I suppose an SO is someone to never hide it from

Feb 06, 2021 - context

When I worked in a store as a teen, I saw a woman who was pretty lean. She wasn't big, but had nice striated muscles. I definitely walked by her a lot because I was pretty impressed lol.

I saw one during halloween at a candy aisle at a different store. She probably did crossfit or something, and had pretty big arms. When I got my second store job, there was a regular buff girl who would often come in. I remember she had a really nice pecs and bulging biceps with some veins.

My god, I wish I had better charisma to talk with them at the time. Aside from seeing a really buff girl doing a jog down the street I was walking, you rarely see them here.

Feb 05, 2021 - context

59 here. First noticed how good a muscular woman looks when I was 17. Took a trip to the beach with my best friend for "senior week". We didn't realize there was a bodybuilding competition that week at the city's convention center. We were scoping the girls on the beach one morning when he nudged me. I turned around and came face to face with Rachel McLish about 25 feet away, wearing a white bikini and sneakers. She gave us a bright smile and a little wave, then took off jogging up the boardwalk. We tried to follow but only took two steps before tripping over our tongues and faceplanting into the boards. Oh. My. God. The graceful way her muscles rippled as she moved...

Feb 05, 2021 - context

What does S/O mean?

Feb 05, 2021 - context

I will say this...make sure the woman you’re with knows you’re into muscles. Don’t hide it. It’s something you’re into. She doesn’t have to be into or muscular but she can’t see something like this as a deal breaker

Feb 05, 2021 - context

I'm 24. Still going strong for 12 years. I haven't told anyone else that I'm into muscular women. One time I looked up a fitness gal on my parents computer and my dad scolded me for finding the video on the homepage. Lol

Feb 05, 2021 - context
Deleted by [deleted]
Feb 05, 2021 - context

The Sarah Hayes & Guluzar Tufenk ones are great too.

Feb 05, 2021 - edited Feb 05, 2021 - context

I really think this girl is underrated!

Susie Moore

Feb 05, 2021 - context

Feb 05, 2021 - context

That sounds very colorful, even apart from the FBB part.

Feb 05, 2021 - context

Wow nice, she's looking fantastic, and she seems to have very strong hands also!

Feb 05, 2021 - context
Feb 05, 2021 - context

A long, long time ago now. I worked with a fitness girl, who liked showing off her stomach. Not long after that I dated a gymnast. One day I was just surfing the web and came across Amanda Folstad. I started looking further, watched stuff, started to see girls around! I found this site and the rest is history!! I've told a few people, but is it anybody else's business?? We're all attracted to what we're attracted to. Obviously I like normal girls too.

Feb 05, 2021 - context

These are cute : Carrie Lynn Dudley

Kim Chartrand

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