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Jun 18, 2023 - context

I love when schmoes try to build up some narrative out of an innocuous photo. “Oh, she’s smiling because she knows how dominant she is over this dude in the picture.”

It shows that they have never actually known a muscular and fit woman outside of the internet (or sessions.) The vast majority of fit women don’t give a shit about being “dominant over guys,” and when you see videos of the doing “dominant” things over smaller men, it’s because they’re getting paid for it and are acting.

The thing with schmoes is that they would not have ANY composure if they do see a muscular woman irl. Maybe not all but some ppl her have no filter.

Jun 18, 2023 - context

Unfortunately, I’ve fallen down this hole too.

Aren't we all

Jun 18, 2023 - context


He probably misunderstands the difference between domination and rape. There are pleasure in domination for a couple (also They know each other and the woman knows that her partner likes to be dominated by her) but no pleasure in rape.

Consensual and involuntary masochism are different kinds of pleasure. The involuntary form brings about a numb, depersonalized state that some prefer to feeling anxious and lonely. At least on the level of fantasy, but sometimes for real. So these comments that crave for violence, fear and pain do come from somewhere, are meaningful and are not a misunderstanding.

I would not be surprised if this was more common in women. Or maybe it happens more often in women due to circumstances. They don't want their abusive husbands or boyfriends, but they prefer them to loneliness. Or the challenge of real emotional intimacy that a non-abusive partner would bring.


Another possibility but said dude made the same comment over and over and it was to the point where it was sort of concerning, I’m not gonna lie. 😅

I think people often misuse the expression "not gonna lie", because it really means admission of personal concern, not just a funny or unexpected opinion. It's not synonymous with "you ain't gonna believe this". Or if it's used to mean "this time I am telling the truth" then the logical question is if the person always lies when he doesn't say that.

Saying the same thing over and over is a common problem here, but it simply means that people repeatedly have the same fantasy. It really does not mean that he is building up the courage to get battered by someone.

Jun 18, 2023 - context
Jun 18, 2023 - edited Jun 18, 2023 - context

"Euh do you know if she's single?"

And the peds discusion always makes me laugh

Jun 18, 2023 - context

All I wish is that I could make some more UK friends to enjoy all this stuff with!

Jun 18, 2023 - context

Andrea Shaw

Jun 18, 2023 - context

Anyone has updates on Alyssa Loughran?

Jun 18, 2023 - context

Gina Farmworth...Whatever happened to her?

She remarried and works in animal rescue. She left bodybuilding completely and I don't think even works out anymore.

Jun 18, 2023 - context

daily dose of dopamine

Unfortunately, I’ve fallen down this hole too.

Jun 18, 2023 - context

For me, it's the "poor little male, she's the man of the house, and she could crush him" comments.

I mean, I get that cats like these ladies, but there's no need to put down or outright insult someone because of that.

Also, the comments where guys are complaining about the ladies having boyfriends/girlfriends or are married, as if they were in an actual relationship with them.

Jun 18, 2023 - context

Something tells me this is going to be my new favorite channel...


Jun 18, 2023 - context


Jun 18, 2023 - context

I occasionally see women with low levels of muscle on here but don't really give them my attention. Spoiled by WPW and others after them, I come here to see extraordinary women.

Jun 18, 2023 - context


Jun 18, 2023 - context

I love when schmoes try to build up some narrative out of an innocuous photo. “Oh, she’s smiling because she knows how dominant she is over this dude in the picture.”

It shows that they have never actually known a muscular and fit woman outside of the internet (or sessions.) The vast majority of fit women don’t give a shit about being “dominant over guys,” and when you see videos of the doing “dominant” things over smaller men, it’s because they’re getting paid for it and are acting.

Jun 18, 2023 - edited Jun 18, 2023 - context

> > So, then why do you care if people mention it if it "comes with territory"? Does that somehow morally justify drug abuse? It's a scary thing when people begin to "normalize" corruptable behavior because they've become desensitized to it... > > Not all GWM's BTW are using and abusing PED's. But I think it's a good reminder about the one's who do (yes, the overwhelming majority) since apparently people are forgetting (possibly willfully) that these are human beings whose health is being compromised in the name of sexploitation.

Okay, I spent a bunch of time arguing this on another thread, so I'm not gonna get wrapped up in it.

I care because it's often used as a way to insult and diminish the accomplishments of these athletes. People see a huge jacked woman and simply comment "STEROIDS!!" Without appreciating the insanely hard work, dedication, dieting, and sacrifice that goes into it.

Believe me, I'm currently on steroids and pretty jacked, but I'm not going to be in Andrea Shaw's range anytime soon or ever. I'm a guy with all the genetic advantages that confers. I still don't have even a fraction of her work ethic and she makes me look like Peter Griffin in comparison. F**k, I wish that steroids alone would do it!

People need testosterone to develop really big muscles and very lean and ripped muscles. Period. Men are lucky to have it naturally. Women have to supplement it. I just don't see any shame whatsoever in that. You still need to work your ass off to look like most of the women featured on this site.

No one said it doesn't take hard work. The problem is, it won't be worth it in the end because of the negative side effects. It's like using any drug that gives you a higher high - and then a lower low.

Back in the 1980's, there were two PHENOMENAL athletes that completely dominated their respective sports for a period of time without using PED's. Lawrence Taylor and Dwight Gooden. They both were great athletes to begin with that worked hard, but the high they got from Cocaine allowed them to be almost super human. Unfortunately, they would later pay the price, as both of them had rough landings. Taylors life is ruined, and I'm not sure about Gooden - but the last I saw of him, he was struggling like some minor leaguer and I'm sure he regretted it.

And let's be honest. Drugs (like them or not) give athletes a distinct advantage. Many of these people simply can't compete without them. This means they rely on drug usage for success. What kind of message is that to young people observing our society and how things work? We all reap what we sow, so just be cautious about how you impact those around you - particularly the little ones...

Jun 18, 2023 - context

My fave of those comments usually go like:

That smile tells me she didn’t leave a tip at her last dinner outing to assert her dominance over the server and then she went to the gym to go back it up with her body and got jacked. Love women like this

LOL. That's a LOT to read into one smile (-:

Jun 18, 2023 - context

I remember some dude on this site saying that they wanted the fbb to “rape” them. I’m not gonna name no names and I probably can’t talk anyways since I have my fair share of weird comments on here, but what drives someone to say something like that?

He probably misunderstands the difference between domination and rape. There are pleasure in domination for a couple (also They know each other and the woman knows that her partner likes to be dominated by her) but no pleasure in rape.

Jun 18, 2023 - context

Rylie Malatak & Delanie Malatak Aliyah Salame & Hala Salame Heba Ali & Ruba Ali Brooke Wells & Sydney Wells

Jun 18, 2023 - context

My fave of those comments usually go like:

That smile tells me she didn’t leave a tip at her last dinner outing to assert her dominance over the server and then she went to the gym to go back it up with her body and got jacked. Love women like this

Jun 18, 2023 - edited Jun 18, 2023 - context

nobody wants to be raped, unless they're ah masochist 😄

One thing I learned from Vaknin is that there is a taxonomy. Some masochists are turned on by playful power exchanges, but some by the actual breaking of personal boundaries. And there are probably many who fantasize about being real masochists, as in "make me afraid, make me cry" but wouldn't be interested or comfortable in real life at all or would find the action horrifying and feel plain miserable.

One weird type of comment is where someone simply sees the girl smile in a cute or mischievous manner and thinks that he can read her whole personality from that single smile. Falling in love with a smile in a picture is almost like wanting to marry a bicep. "I declare you and her bicep a man and a body part. You may now kiss the bicep. And your best buddy will marry the other bicep next week?"

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