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Jan 29, 2020 - context
Wow! Sexy confidence!
No idea sorry
Jan 28, 2020 - context
Who's she? Instagram? First name seems to be Madison

Jan 28, 2020 - context

First of all I have been a fan of muscular women for a long time. I have always enjoyed reading stories (particularly true stories) and want to give back and hopefully inspire others to write any experiences they have had.
Over the years I have had a few really good experiences, which were posted on her biceps forum before it was unfortunately (for a fan of real muscle girl experiences such as myself) taken down very abruptly. 
I may try to rewrite the 2 or 3 stories I had on there from my younger days but thought I would share my newest and definitely my most fortuitous experience as it involves my wife.

We have are in our late 30’s and have been together 7 years, 3 of them married. She has always been fit and quite athletic and toned. In the early years she mentioned that people had mentioned she had well developed biceps and had flexed for me. She doesn’t really know about my love of muscular women, so back then I played it cool, and have always admired them from a far as well as her ripped back. We started rock climbing and going to the gym together and over time her biceps along with the rest of her body have been slowly getting bigger and of course I have been giving her encouragement of her ‘fitness’.

I went through a rough patch with illness over a 3 month period and mentioned that I had lost a lot of muscle tone. I jokingly said “I better get back to the gym before you have bigger biceps than me”. To my surprise she flexed! Unflexed you can really tell she has definition but when she does,  I don’t know where she hides those things but they burst out into ripped tennis balls.

She then said something I could not believe. “Let’s measure, and see.” She said, “ I bet in a percentage comparison to your arm size, I wonder if mine are bigger”. This made me realise I hadn’t been the only one who had thought about this. She ran off and got a tape measure. I was excited about how pumped she was about this.

She said let’s first measure unflexed and then flexed and see who has the bigger muscle percentage in comparison to their arm size. She has always been competitive and it was coming out. She did me first, (from memory it was 34cm unflexed and 37.5cm flexed) . Then I did her unflexed and it was 31. She said “see how much smaller my arms are in comparison to yours, it’s only fair to do a percentage”. I agreed.

I then asked her to flex and she did with all her might and competitiveness. The more she pushed the bigger it got. I couldn’t believe it, I think she has been working them out secretly. Only then did I realise what she had been concealing. I grabbed it in reflex and said “wow honey, they are impressive”. They were hard as a rock and only then did I realise I could actually lose this competition. Hers had peaks, lines and striations that mine didn’t.

 I told her her numbers and I asked what the percentage was. The answer I will never forget
She said” I haven’t worked out the percentage yet, but it doesn’t matter. I am going to destroy you”. She then laughed and said ‘sorry honey, but your wife has bigger muscles than you.”
I looked at the paper. Hers unflexed where 31cm and flexed were 36 cm flexed. I realised she was right, percentage didn’t matter. Her muscle peak was 5cm increase to my 3.5cm and despite my bigger arm her muscle was clearly bigger than mine. She then did a dominant flex and I realised her lats and shoulder were impressive too. I then said ‘ wow, for some reason, that’s a big turn on (acting like I hadn’t realised I liked muscular women before). The rest of the day she joked about having bigger muscles than me. I thought that this was the best day of my life, not realising what was to come.

The next bit of the story is the best bit, but it’s of a sexual nature. I’m not sure if that’s allowed on this forum. Can somebody let me know if that’s okay and I can post about the best night of my life.

Jan 27, 2020 - context
OK, then I'll take a position on it again.

@Chainer: I understand if you say after 2 years you don't want a redesign again. But I think that there can be design optimizations that are also contemporary, both in the medium to long term. As an example, I picked out a link:
it shouldn't be such a dark template or exactly this one.

@kakuzade: An external chat could be an idea, precisely because it also looks good. But that would mean that every user has to register separately. From experience I can tell you that users want to register as little as possible on several platforms for the same thing. So we would have to find another solution here.

@ All: I am pleased that we were able to find a desired solution in the IG matter.
Jan 26, 2020 - context
I can't add comments and +1 or stars or anything anymore?  Log out and back in and still no change only an "adding" message and no completion.  Any assistance would be appreciated.
Jan 26, 2020 - context
Just heard my name is still floating around among the FBB community. Crazy to me...after all these years. Yes, I am still training but only for me...anyway, just thought Id say Hi to those who care lol.

Much Love, Candy
Jan 25, 2020 - context
That's a good idea, to put the instagram info on a model's search page. I might do that.

I take this opportunity to say that the GWM chat seems simply horrible and I really don't understand what utility it can have to justify the effort of its maintenance. I think it would be more practical to make it a separate page like this form. You could create a group in riot

There's a lot of value to having a page that's integrated into the main site, and you can just go there and it works. No creating other accounts, etc.
Jan 25, 2020 - context
The most straightforward way to do it would be to just have another field under each image for an instagram link, and then it would work more or less exactly the same as the current name field does. But this would mean that for any given person, you'd have to edit all of her pictures one by one to fill in the instagram link. This would be super tedious and it's unlikely people would go and backfill the links for all the existing pictures.

This problem has a solution! You can create a profile page for the models and there put the links of social networks and other data.
In GWM we already have something similar. If you click on the name of a user like tempp for example, it sends you to a route /user/tempp/ and there you have several data such as its total score in GWM. Below is a section for him uploaded and favorite photos.
The problem is that in GWM almost no model uploads its own photos, so they don't have a user account. But you could reuse the user profile code and create a specific page profile for models (something like /model/Gracyanne-Barbosa/) and in that place useful data and a section with her photos, such as the "uploads" or "favorites" of the user profile.
Some useful data ideas:

It would also be good if the models had a profile picture, as in other websites. You could put her photo with high score.
  • Links to social networks.
  • Nationality
  • Age.
  • Total photos in GWM.

I take this opportunity to say that the GWM chat seems simply horrible and I really don't understand what utility it can have to justify the effort of its maintenance. I think it would be more practical to make it a separate page like this form. You could create a group in riot: https://about.riot.im/ It would be the easiest and safest.
Jan 25, 2020 - context
Since Inja seems to have closed her IG account around May last year and hasn't opened a new one that I can tell, here's an upload of what I had saved from her last one (@inja.damjanovic) in my 4KStogram archive, since people would no longer be able to access them online.  I had cleared out the earlier stuff at some point, so this only covers from the end of 2018, but it's still a fair amount.

I should note I and other users already uploaded a lot of these to GWM (the videos in particular often had better versions available than the ones 4KStogram captures), so this is mostly just for completionists.

If anyone does know of her restarting her Instagram (she seems to no longer be married to @jadrandamjanovic, so I assume it would be under a different last name now), let me know.

Download (it's about 435MB, 102 videos and 238 photos, plus the thumbnail previews folder if that's useful to anyone):

Preview thumbnails:

Jan 25, 2020 - context
Why not post this to the main site?
Jan 25, 2020 - context
I've thought about creating a way to link instagram accounts to women's names on here. The main reason I haven't done it is because there are some issues and edge cases I haven't figured out how to handle.

The most straightforward way to do it would be to just have another field under each image for an instagram link, and then it would work more or less exactly the same as the current name field does. But this would mean that for any given person, you'd have to edit all of her pictures one by one to fill in the instagram link. This would be super tedious and it's unlikely people would go and backfill the links for all the existing pictures. Then there's the case where the model changes her instagram handle, at which point we would again have to update all the links manually, potentially hundreds of them. This could be simplified by giving the site staff a "batch edit" tool to update a given instagram handle all at once across the site (we have a tool like this for name changes already) but this still creates a lot of potential toil.

As an improvement to the above, one idea I had was that whenever someone enters or changes an instagram handle for a woman under a picture, the site would try to auto-propagate that to all of her other pictures. This has two major issues I can think of: first, this is challenging for pictures with multiple women, as the site would have to know exactly whose instagram handle you're updating out of all the people in the picture in order to correctly be able to propagate it to her other pictures. Second, there's the fail case of having multiple different women with the same name, which, although rare, I haven't thought of a good way of dealing with. There's also the case where we only know someone's first name along with the instagram handle, which isn't enough information to be able to propagate it across the site.

So in short, I haven't done it yet because I haven't figured out a good way to do it. The first way creates a ton of work but the second way has a lot of issues with edge cases, some of which are not even rare (multiple women in a picture). If you can think of a way to do this that avoids these issues, let me know.

Whether or not one considers it to be naive on their part for believing they could remain anonymous on the internet is an entirely separate issue.

Given that we already have full names on here when we can find them, I don't think having an instagram handle in addition to that would really be any more invasive of their privacy. The instagram handles are usually easy to find once their full name is known anyway.

I think the site could use a new "modern" design, something that is more responsive.

Can you give examples of what you mean? I did a full site redesign 2 years ago and am not doing another full redesign anytime soon, but maybe there are small things that can be changed.

I also think that the chat could be revised, it is often difficult with the numbers and leads to many "errors". A new, fresh design and implementation would not be bad here either.

I agree that the PM system is difficult to use. Another way of doing it would be having tabs, or popup windows, for each private conversation. This would definitely benefit PMs but I'm worried it would impact the health of the public chat (which is already pretty poor) as people spend even less time looking at it. With the current system at least public messages are hard to miss.

Jan 25, 2020 - context
Yeah, I just saw it as her not wanting her new account to be focused on that.  She still posts physique photos sometimes, it's just not the majority of posts anymore (and she probably gets a bunch of creepy and/or demanding messages).
Jan 24, 2020 - context
I spontaneously remembered the following: It would also be nice if there was an option for users to connect with each other on the page, with friend requests or similar
Jan 23, 2020 - context
I find the improvement by science school of thought far more distracting than tattoos.  Yes a Tat can detract a bit, but the nip/tuck, inject/remove treatments make the real cartoons of these women.
Jan 23, 2020 - context
Even if it's my "idea", I don't think the anonymity perspective is wrong. Of course, you always have to see both sides of the coin. But I don't want us to just stiffen up on this one Instagram idea. And we all want to have a great side here, so we have to work with each other and not against each other :)
Jan 22, 2020 - context
I get the impression that a lot of these girls want to remain anonymous, hence why a lot of them have requested to not be featured on this site.  I know we have methods of finding out their real names (especially if they are known to compete, it's not hard at all) but these "anonymous" girls don't usual anticipate people finding out their identities.  Whether or not one considers it to be naive on their part for believing they could remain anonymous on the internet is an entirely separate issue.  Also this site is known to have its fair share of openly perverted types who comment and chat about girls as if they're browsing a porn site, and I think some of these girls realize that and don't want themselves exposed to that.

Having said all that, I personally wouldn't object to any of the suggested changes.  As for whether of not Chainer implements any of it, that's up to him of course.  I suggested a few changes to the Home Page not long ago, and his responses could offer you some insight into his mindset.
Jan 22, 2020 - context
I agree with BHL21, the social media link in particular would be a fantastic addition since many of these girls have IG profiles that are rather difficult if not impossible to find due to them annoyingly not mentioning their own name within their IG biography, or some other easily searchable marker, for instance.

 It would also help other site members "pick the profile dry" so to speak, since few of us can realistically scroll through their entire media and upload all their worthy content. 

Just my two cents.
Jan 22, 2020 - context
Hello everyone and thanks Chainer for unlocking in the forum. As agreed, a few comments about the really great website.

The thoughts and ideas all reflect my own opinion, everyone can have a different opinion.

I think the site could use a new "modern" design, something that is more responsive.
I also think that the chat could be revised, it is often difficult with the numbers and leads to many "errors". A new, fresh design and implementation would not be bad here either.

I also have 2 filter ideas.
On the one hand, to install the national flag of every muscle woman, one could also look for women from certain countries. A drop-down menu could be built in and users can then select the country.
Furthermore, I do not know whether it is desired, but you could also include the social media channels on the overall profile of the muscle women, Instagram in particular is gladly taken by us all.
Now you could of course also consider whether you should change the design of the individual profiles of women, but that would be too much of a good thing.

I spontaneously remembered the following: It would also be nice if there was an option for users to connect with each other on the page, with friend requests or similar

I know that such implementations are not always easy and cost time, but I think that it could improve the site again significantly.

I thank you for your interest and apologize for my English
Jan 21, 2020 - context
Olivia Bian Amazing Pecs GIF!


She 153.5 CM tall 
5 foot tall!
Jan 19, 2020 - context
To each their own.  Interviews come to mind where many would prefer the screen cap.  If she flexes for a second but is just standing there the rest of the time, then it makes total sense.  Screen caps of lifting and flexing vids, though?  I would definitely prefer the video.
Jan 19, 2020 - context
I actually prefer screen caps. Makes sense to me when I go through a 45 second video clip; as one example; and find that only a few seconds are worth looking at.
Jan 17, 2020 - context
Jan 17, 2020 - context
Generally speaking videos are preferred over screencaps. One exception would be if the video is long or unfocused. Sometimes it can be the case that a video is pretty mediocre as a whole but one or two screenshots of it are great. And of course there are cases when the video isn't available (i.e., the uploader found the screenshot somewhere but it didn't come with a video) in which case I'd rather have people upload the screenshot than nothing at all.

These are the exceptions of course, and as you well know we will happily merge screenshots into the video most of the time.
Jan 15, 2020 - context
One way or another, I always ended up telling of this "appreciation" to the girls I dated - but at different levels. I was a lot shyer about this when I was younger.

My second serious relationship (I was 21) was with a girl who was really fit and strong, with nice muscles on her whole body. I took every possible opportunity to get my hands on her muscles and have her flex arms, legs, abs, back, everything, but always very carefully so I wouldn't let through to her how excited it actually made me. I never asked her to flex during sex, for instance - all I did was ask her to "hold her hair up because I loved the way she looked" only to see her biceps popping up. In retrospect, I should have been more honest about my crush on her physique, as it would only made it relationship hotter.

Fast forward some 15 years, before I married, and I had a thing with another fit, strong girl. As soon as we started to become closer I opened up to her about my crush on female muscle and strength and she was delighted. She already worked out and was pretty fit but seemed to gain motivation by my crush. In a couple of months working out heavily she developed her muscles very quickly - her thighs bulged with quads and hamstrings, her upper back was crazy muscular and her abs started to show very nicely. She had a little difficulty building her arms, even though they were pretty strong and hard, so she focused extra hard on those and would often come to me proudly showing her bicep and tricep gains. She loved playing muscle and strength games and would spontaneously flex a lot, also during sex. It was sooooo fucking great... But, of course, a girl this perfect had to be borderline insane, so half of the time we were on the brink of some relationship disaster, and eventually I had to break up.

My wife knows a pretty deal about my love of muscle and, as she was pretty strong and fit when we started dating, I "used" it a lot, but she never took initiative.
Jan 15, 2020 - context
By far, there are certainly thousands of screen captures taken directly from existing videos on the site.  Tens of thousands, perhaps.  Currently on the first page of the recently posted items (which displays 100 for me), at least 10 are screen captures.  That's 10%.  It's not unreasonable to believe they are contributing 5-10% of the site's total content.  Shouldn't these be discouraged, and rather the original video be uploaded instead?  If it's a matter of technical competence... well users have figured out how to upload files from Instagram, they can also figure out just as easily how to cut a video down to a 25 MB clip to upload here.  Laziness shouldn't be rewarded, and it is only cluttering the site with sub-standard quality content.
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