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Jan 08, 2018 - context
Woman bodybuilder, 24, posts photos taken just one year apart showing her transformation - but fans claim her shock of grey hair is a sign she's destroying her body



Competitiveness can take people too far. She already has an OK face. Why can't they all be like Julia Vins - trying to be muscular and if not pretty, at least feminine at the same time?

Below: her "before" and "after" photos.

Jan 04, 2018 - context
I agree. Another sport that has driven competitiveness to the level of insanity is female gymnastics. The only tall, big-framed professional gymnasts we see are those from East European countries, where they don't really care much about winning.

In a perfect world, people are into sports to look good and enjoy life better, not to be driven obsessed with competitions. There is not a lot of money to be made in figure competitions, no?

It seems like a much better way to make money out of their figure is to model or do webcams for us fans (nude or not). Then again, so many of them feel that in order to attract customers, they need to get boob jobs - the second favorite topic of our frequent complaints. I am not absolutely against that, but some of the boob jobs don't look at all like things that grow out of the human body.

In short, many reasons many fbbs don't age well and gracefully. Pity; they deserve better, being so strong-willed and dedicated to their art.
Jan 04, 2018 - context
Fatty tissue shrinks greatly when dehydrated, muscle is much denser and holds less water so muscle not as much.  Shrink the fat, muscles stay roughly the same and show better, that's the general idea.  So yeah, those are the muscles showing without the thicker covering of fat and sub dermal tissue to smooth them all out.   And it's also similar to a person losing a lot of weight quickly.  You have skin that used to cover a huge body now draped over a small one like an oversized bath robe.  It's going to look wrinkled.  Same with the face.

Heavily roided muscle girls may be exciting to look at, but we shouldn't forget just how dangerous what they're doing really is.   Their life expectancy must look like the gas gauge on a 1958 Cadillac going down the highway at 130 miles an hour.  You can watch the needle go down.

Never mistake what pro body builders do for good health.  It's the farthest thing from it.  You could probably smoke 3 packs a day and live longer than they will.         
Jan 03, 2018 - context
Generally that's dehydration, and you'll notice it's always worst for BBs that are in contest shape.   It's the opposite of bloating up with water.  Just before contests they shed water with diuretics and low liquid consumption to enhance the muscular look.  It makes the body look rippled and cut but the face like the person is a cancer patient, all sunken and shriveled.   

Lee Priest a bunch of years ago said some BBs go to such extremes with it that they risk kidney failure and organ damage.  He said some of them are on the edge of death.  He said the most unhealthy people at a bodybuilding show are the ones up on stage.       

So those are facial muscles, or vein?
Jan 02, 2018 - context
Generally that's dehydration, and you'll notice it's always worst for BBs that are in contest shape.   It's the opposite of bloating up with water.  Just before contests they shed water with diuretics and low liquid consumption to enhance the muscular look.  It makes the body look rippled and cut but the face like the person is a cancer patient, all sunken and shriveled.   

Lee Priest a bunch of years ago said some BBs go to such extremes with it that they risk kidney failure and organ damage.  He said some of them are on the edge of death.  He said the most unhealthy people at a bodybuilding show are the ones up on stage.       
Jan 01, 2018 - context
Yeah, this is something I've implemented in GWM2:

Dec 31, 2017 - context
Like the girl stretching the sleeves of a shirt by flexing. Not that Flexabella one everyone knows about.
Dec 31, 2017 - context
I third this. You usually only want to look at the most recent comments anyway.
Dec 29, 2017 - context
Try going to moresisek website and type in "Katka - topless in hotel room". You can right click the vid and save it. There's also a webcam vid "Sexy Katka" I haven't seen before.

Found it  - thanks man. I love it when their bodies glisten from oil or sweat.

How about this clip of Aleesha Young? She looks so young and cute in it.

Dec 28, 2017 - context
Try going to moresisek website and type in "Katka - topless in hotel room". You can right click the vid and save it. There's also a webcam vid "Sexy Katka" I haven't seen before.

Dec 25, 2017 - context
Why do fbbs tend to have such deep lines on their faces? Over-development of facial muscles? I mean, if that was the case, since no one train those muscles, can they really grow just as byproducts of weight exercises and as result of steroids use?

Dec 24, 2017 - context
The Katka Kyptova clip may be from awefilms or shemuscle, they both carry vids of Katka undressed.
Also, clips4sale has many clips of Katka. I have clips of her on hard drive, do not see that one. Searching for that clip on those sites is fun!
Hope you find it.

Thanks, but I think this clip is made for her own, now-defunct katkakyptova.com
Dec 24, 2017 - context
The Katka Kyptova clip may be from awefilms or shemuscle, they both carry vids of Katka undressed.
Also, clips4sale has many clips of Katka. I have clips of her on hard drive, do not see that one. Searching for that clip on those sites is fun!
Hope you find it.
Dec 24, 2017 - context
So, there are two different women named Julia Hunter, instagram pages: @j.physique, @bodyinventor_hunterpersonalfit.  It's obviously kind of confusing on a search.  What is the recommend solution for tagging them on the site?  I was trying to tag one or both of their pics with the IG name, i.e. "Julia Hunter (bodyinventor_hunterpersonalfit)" in the name field, but someone kept reverting that, and I wanted to see what the accepted way was before locking the names on any of the ones I uploaded.
Dec 19, 2017 - context
This was very sad to read. What an unlucky situation... my condolences to her and her family and friends
Dec 18, 2017 - context
How about this Michelle Russell clip?

Dec 17, 2017 - context
She passed away March 17,2017   R.I.P.
Dec 17, 2017 - context
Look up Christmas Abbott on Big Brother 19 (on youtube) The videos speak for themselves.
Dec 15, 2017 - context
Anyone has this clip? sexymusclegirls.com shows this thumbnail, but link to a totally different clip.

Dec 02, 2017 - context
Currently aiming for February 2018.
Nov 29, 2017 - context
Already there is a possible release date of the new design?
Nov 22, 2017 - context
been a while since I logged on but yep...I can't even look at a muscular woman on TV let alone the gym...she just can't understand how sexy muscular women are....
Nov 21, 2017 - context
Awesome, man!  Hope she keeps it up!

Honestly, I think it's great when a girl is both on the chubby/chunky side AND has muscles.  The extra weight can be helpful. (My friend Krissy used to be like that....  weighed 250-260lbs. and could do seated pull-downs on the machines in the gym with the full stack of weights on it.  The stack was 230lbs. so she needed to weigh a little more than it did to be able to pull the bar down without just lifting herself up from her seated position on the weight bench instead.)
Nov 17, 2017 - context

I hope that such bad experiences will not work to discourage women from challenging exercises. Those are, after all, what build their physique.

Below, the lady's pic

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