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joe camel
Nov 26, 2019 - context
No worries.
I have a wide range of tastes when it comes to female muscle. Not sure what you meant bu that?
Apparent their old site was hacked, and they are still in the process of adding stuff from their old site. backups and what not.
and some new models as well.  Its just taking a while says the webmaster.

Yeah would have been nice to know that before joining.
Lesson learned, i'll just go to pornhub and youtube for my fbb fixes.

Nov 24, 2019 - context
Nothing personal, but seems like your range of tastes may be pretty limited.  8)

I haven't been on Kriv for about a year & a half. Thinking of rejoining at the end of the month as it looks like he's got some really nice new models. 
joe camel
Nov 21, 2019 - context
Terrible half the models that are listed are missing.
Found only a few armwrestling and l/c videso.
All the old content and models are fing gone!

i messaged him on facebook to ask if i could d/l the  content, he said Yes.
I asked if you have categories like arm wrestling, lifts, and strength.

No response..   

He took down the Courtney Morley measuring and arm wrestling.
Amy Davis, who is listed, and Amy Schulett all content is gone.
A few others are just blank where the names used to be. 

For 15$ for one month iam ready to cancel.

Sep 18, 2019 - context
"Is HerBiceps a forum? Or are we a digital content sales and delivery platform?" I would suggest that the former site was both, and you pulled it off quite well. For me the appeal of the old site was the community aspect that both the clips, pics, and forum presented. What became of the many excellent clips and pics from the old site? ( the armwrestling section was a personal favorite for me.)Also, during the massive rebuilding you repeatedly spoke of a back log of clips and pics that were on the way. Did they just go away? You probably will make A LOT of cash with this new 2.0. But in my eyes, you lost the community feeling for the cash. Good for you, but  a bit insulting to those who supported you for years since their input in just being dismissed.

I hope it doesn't sound like we're dismissing the thoughts and opinions of our longtime customers. I apologize for coming across that way and/or for the fact you feel that way as neither was intentional.  We DO want your feedback - negative and positive - but please understand that we're not going to be able to give everyone what they want. Just because we do X when you had a strong preference for Y doesn't mean Y wasn't a good idea or that we do not value your input.

Regarding the former backlog, we've gotten a ton of it edited and scheduled to be published and there is still more to come. Expect all the best stuff to return someday (Mindi, Britt, Cindy, Sarah, Jody, Elena, etc), but expect that a lot of the not-so-great content will not be republished.  If you visit the videos page, just click the "AW" hot button and you'll see a bunch of armwrestling clips, both for members and VOD customers.

It's possible we may have underestimated how much visitors liked the forum as a part of their overall HB experience, as we have received a lot of comments since it went away. As mentioned, we couldn't insert the old forum package into the new system and we had to get the new platform launched. Maybe something else can fill that void in the future. As for community engagement, we're doing podcasts now and addressing many of the questions guys have about the site and a couple of people are taking advantage of the direct commenting feature to share feedback and get answers.
Sep 13, 2019 - context
"Is HerBiceps a forum? Or are we a digital content sales and delivery platform?" I would suggest that the former site was both, and you pulled it off quite well. For me the appeal of the old site was the community aspect that both the clips, pics, and forum presented. What became of the many excellent clips and pics from the old site? ( the armwrestling section was a personal favorite for me.)Also, during the massive rebuilding you repeatedly spoke of a back log of clips and pics that were on the way. Did they just go away? You probably will make ALOT of cash with this new 2.0. But in my eyes, you lost the community feeling for the cash. Good for you, but  a bit insulting to those who supported you for years since their input in just being dismissed.

Aug 27, 2019 - context
I imagine it's incredibly difficult to run a subscription website dedicated to female muscle. Revenue on a subscription basis for such a niche market can't be crazy high. It's not like these girls are wanting to be plastered all over video for free and they are probably coming more less from all over the world making it more difficult to shoot them and that is if they even want to "model". So you have to offer them money for shoots and I can't imagine it's gotten cheaper over the years. Some realize they can put out their own content for an even bigger piece of the pie and the really really good ones get enough sponsorship that being on social media is enough for them. Never mind the fact that camming is probably much more profitable.

Then you factor in that our society stigmatizes female muscle and social media can exacerbate it meaning that unless you have a woman completely comfortable in her muscular body your going to have a more difficult time finding muscular models willing to be filmed (look at Victoria D'ariano, got crazy jacked arms, hated the attention and look so noped the fuck out). So what can you do? Offer them money, enough that they are willing to model and the really good ones probably know what they are worth.

Then you have the problem of their already being so much free content out there (less subscribers) meaning you really have to focus on quality and quantity to separate yourself, but again that costs money.

I will continue to support Herbiceps when I am able to because we need websites like Herbiceps to succeed. If they can continue to provide a place where beautiful fit/muscular woman can make some money and feel comfortable then as it continues to grow it should help more woman get into the fold.

With that said I am sad the forum is gone. It always felt like to me a giant directory that pointed to female muscle from all over the internet where people could chat about their similar interests. It was the first time (early to mid 2000's) I realized you could find female muscle online as I was in high school and didn't have a debit/credit card for any of the membership websites. I remember the original myspace thread and was blown away at what a collection of people had found from that website. I remember sitting on the forum one page at a time for minutes because of dial up. I remember seeing my first photo of Mindi O'brien very soon after... I think it was the first oh fuck moment of my life. I had no idea a woman could have arms like that in real life and look like a super model. It will definitely be missed in my book.

Thanks for your kind words and, of course, for your support of the site.

You make a lot of excellent points here. You're exactly right about production costs.  It cost a lot to do a shoot 15 years ago, but those numbers pale in comparison to today's outlay.  There's also far more piracy today than back then, to say nothing of the amount of content being given away free by models on their social media. I enjoy thinking about the evolution of things. Talk to anyone who had a member site in the 2004-2008 time frame and who's still around today and they'll tell you the numbers dropped drastically during the 2nd half of the last decade. There was more competition (number of sites), but we were also competing with the pirates and customers were changing their behaviors. As we moved into the early 2010s, the rise of social media was yet another massive game-changer.

We have to make the decisions that will allow us to remain a viable business, just as customers have to make the right decisions for themselves when it comes to value and what they want to see. The most successful businesses know how to locate and capitalize on that intersection. We are well aware of just how fortunate we are to have a loyal customer base that likes many of the same things we do. Generally, we've been very lucky on both timing and tastes.

Thanks for sharing that anecdote about your Mindi experience. If you really do want to see a forum or anything else on HB, you should email us (webmaster@herbiceps.com). I can't promise anything, but we do listen to all feedback.
Aug 27, 2019 - context
So you just deleted the forum with tens of thousands of user posts? Are you crazy?

BTW I just signed up on the site for free, and there are literally zero free videos, so you get nothing for free. As for photos I wouldn't brag about that, I hadn't looked at the member photos in the past 10 years at least. In today's day and age medium res pictures are not something people are going to pay money for. Especially not me.

It was a stupid move to delete such a vast archive of content, and you certainly lost me forever as a customer. Now the site looks like just a typical sex trafficking site. I'm not interested in webcams, the including of those make the entire project look trashy. Like the women who sell their bodies on webcams.

Goodbye. - From a former long time hb forum member and subscriber.

Is HerBiceps a forum? Or are we a digital content sales and delivery platform? I'm not arguing that the old forum didn't help to build a little community, but we were migrating and the old forum couldn't be imported.

I'm not sure what you're experiencing with respect to not being able to see the free videos. If you run your mouse over any clip, if it's not designated as "Members Only" (or VOD, of course), then it's free. Some may only give you the first 30 seconds, but others are full clips, sometimes 2-3 minutes.  We're probably giving away too much free video content.

I'm sorry to hear you don't like the new site, but thank you for checking it out and for providing this feedback. Thanks also for your past support of HerBiceps. Naturally, we'd love to have you back as a customer or visitor for years to come, but if you are gone forever, we do wish you the best.
Aug 24, 2019 - context
I imagine it's incredibly difficult to run a subscription website dedicated to female muscle. Revenue on a subscription basis for such a niche market can't be crazy high. It's not like these girls are wanting to be plastered all over video for free and they are probably coming more less from all over the world making it more difficult to shoot them and that is if they even want to "model". So you have to offer them money for shoots and I can't imagine it's gotten cheaper over the years. Some realize they can put out their own content for an even bigger piece of the pie and the really really good ones get enough sponsorship that being on social media is enough for them. Never mind the fact that camming is probably much more profitable.

Then you factor in that our society stigmatizes female muscle and social media can exacerbate it meaning that unless you have a woman completely comfortable in her muscular body your going to have a more difficult time finding muscular models willing to be filmed (look at Victoria D'ariano, got crazy jacked arms, hated the attention and look so noped the fuck out). So what can you do? Offer them money, enough that they are willing to model and the really good ones probably know what they are worth.

Then you have the problem of their already being so much free content out there (less subscribers) meaning you really have to focus on quality and quantity to separate yourself, but again that costs money.

I will continue to support Herbiceps when I am able to because we need websites like Herbiceps to succeed. If they can continue to provide a place where beautiful fit/muscular woman can make some money and feel comfortable then as it continues to grow it should help more woman get into the fold.

With that said I am sad the forum is gone. It always felt like to me a giant directory that pointed to female muscle from all over the internet where people could chat about their similar interests. It was the first time (early to mid 2000's) I realized you could find female muscle online as I was in high school and didn't have a debit/credit card for any of the membership websites. I remember the original myspace thread and was blown away at what a collection of people had found from that website. I remember sitting on the forum one page at a time for minutes because of dial up. I remember seeing my first photo of Mindi O'brien very soon after... I think it was the first oh fuck moment of my life. I had no idea a woman could have arms like that in real life and look like a super model. It will definitely be missed in my book.
Aug 23, 2019 - context
Thanks to everyone who has supported HB in the past and also to everyone who has checked out the new platform. 

It was time for an upgrade and the new platform allows us to serve up more content than ever, both to the members who've kept the ship afloat and now also to the free visitors.  Registering for a free membership gives you access to almost every photo gallery on the site, plus access to a bunch of videos every single week.  The quality of the FREE content on HB today is better than you would have gotten on pretty much every paysite throughout most of the history of our industry. 

There's plenty of material for the Free visitors (check out the new podcasts/screencasts/release previews), for the monthly members, and we do offer VODs for those customers who want a little bit more than the standard model shoots provide. Almost every single VOD we release is priced below market and Premium members get a 20% discount on VODs every single day (no minimums).

If you haven't visited in a while, we hope you will return soon - we have received an overwhelming volume of feedback indicating that HB+ is an absolute game-changer. You won't be disappointed.  ;)

So you just deleted the forum with tens of thousands of user posts? Are you crazy?

BTW I just signed up on the site for free, and there are literally zero free videos, so you get nothing for free. As for photos I wouldn't brag about that, I hadn't looked at the member photos in the past 10 years at least. In today's day and age medium res pictures are not something people are going to pay money for. Especially not me.

It was a stupid move to delete such a vast archive of content, and you certainly lost me forever as a customer. Now the site looks like just a typical sex trafficking site. I'm not interested in webcams, the including of those make the entire project look trashy. Like the women who sell their bodies on webcams.

Goodbye. - From a former long time hb forum member and subscriber.
Aug 10, 2019 - context
Anyone want to see what professional work should look like check out musclegirlshd.com  and don't be afraid that it's only a vimeo channel. It's well worth it. With some of the most beautiful models you'll see anywhere, shot with professional makeup and ligting. Also the posing is more natural with much experimenting with angles and poses.
I'm always interested in seeing what the fans like.  Do you have an updated URL or vimeo channel for them?  I went to the link and did a search, but couldn't find anything.
Aug 10, 2019 - context
If things go well, it should be done by this summer.

Old thread, but thanks for the feedback, everyone.  Plus is open now.  ;D  Updated daily, and there's free content every week.

Aug 10, 2019 - context
Thanks to everyone who has supported HB in the past and also to everyone who has checked out the new platform. 

It was time for an upgrade and the new platform allows us to serve up more content than ever, both to the members who've kept the ship afloat and now also to the free visitors.  Registering for a free membership gives you access to almost every photo gallery on the site, plus access to a bunch of videos every single week.  The quality of the FREE content on HB today is better than you would have gotten on pretty much every paysite throughout most of the history of our industry. 

There's plenty of material for the Free visitors (check out the new podcasts/screencasts/release previews), for the monthly members, and we do offer VODs for those customers who want a little bit more than the standard model shoots provide. Almost every single VOD we release is priced below market and Premium members get a 20% discount on VODs every single day (no minimums).

If you haven't visited in a while, we hope you will return soon - we have received an overwhelming volume of feedback indicating that HB+ is an absolute game-changer. You won't be disappointed.  ;)
Aug 09, 2019 - context
'Roadrunner', I never got a membership of 'herbiceps' and only collected the randomly free picture - and video material that I found.
Of course a lot of celebrity biceps flexing pictures that were posted in their missed forum
and as also on the new website, the later times many models they made picture sets and videos with, were too much muscular like FBBs and not that still natural slightly above average females.
That can only display my very personal taste of an attractive, still natural female but toned young lady with a beautiful face and a charming attitude !
On top, for me myself, it is a very thin, fine line, a female biceps and upper body has to be, to be attractive and sexy AND female.
So was especially Tina Gaita in that pictures I found, that have to be from 2002, when she reached full age and maybe the following early years.
I found 63 free pictures of "my dream girl" Tina Gaita and 27 of her opponent from these days Angelica Chamicki ( about 4 years older )
and at least two free arm wrestling videos, one of them with some biceps flexing of both before !

Altogether until today I collected about 32,5 GB of picture - and video material, also a lot of arm wrestling videos taken and recorded from real life on 'youtube' !
Of course there is a massive difference in technology between my first finds in 2005 and today.
But the most critical factors to keep ( also some of that immense daily uploads on 'youtube' ) are for me
- the attractiveness of the young lady ( -ies ), so her / their face(s) and her / their build(s)
- hopefully some display of her / their biceps'
- the charm, she / they display(s) in some kind of playful AND competitive situation - like flexing, comparing and tape measuring their biceps' and arm wrestling

So I will have to hope on, the right former 'herbiceps' - user will come forward to me and can offer the stuff I look for so long - in change to my collected and saved material !
Btw, also the brand new 'Herbiceps Armwrestling Tournament 2019' in up-to-date - quality shows especially one contestant with the tallest height and highest weight
( Sierra ???, 5'9", 170lbs ), that is a complete different level than Tina and Angelica, but still looks absolutely sexy !

Please don't wait any longer to contact me at 'druffianer@web.de' to offer me all that named, that would be so interesting for me !
I will pay the right person back for finally getting success to it with my collected material !


Aug 08, 2019 - context
GWMF: can't help you with any material from Tina Gaita or Angela Chomicki. I did not download any of their stuff.

I have maybe 15-20 pictures from the old site that I saved; and maybe two dozen clips; and most of what I saved is really old. I'll probably end up deleting most of it when I get around to the chore. I'm not sure why you would want that old stuff as the technology from the early days of Her Biceps is pretty bad compared to now.
Aug 05, 2019 - context
I really don't know, if in the ( near ) future, this forum here can relieve the distress of the very missing 'herbiceps' - forum !
For me myself ... and hopefully for all its other former daily users.
I read and posted there a lot and daily enjoyed new posted pictures, videos and links of cutouts from TV or the www.  and enjoyed so much the regular contact and dialogue with other forum users - in english - or my german language !
On top, the new abstract of the website isn't very appealing, until now.
Not enough, I can't find some offer of some really early picture sets and videos, anymore, that I couldn't order until the last days - without any international credit card !


If you can help me out by already owning the picture set - and video - material with both early 'herbiceps' - stars, then please don't wait to let me know here or contact myself at

druffianer@web.de !!!

You can't really imagine the pleasure, you could and would do for me !

Thank you very much !
From germany.


Aug 02, 2019 - context
To be honest I don't think I had even looked at the free photos in well over 12 years so I wasn't remarking on that. However, I see the website staying as a member site with content included while slowly pushing and moving towards buying individual content. Probably keep the best models or best videos of models under purchase only while giving us the average content as a member. We won't see that all at once, but slowly it will become that due to how much of a revenue increase it would be for the site and models. I unfortunately can't see me buying individual clips like that (too expensive), but I can see many others going that route if the content is good enough.
Aug 02, 2019 - context
Doesn't seem like you guys are playing close attention. The new HB web site has been in the works for a couple years and was talked about at length on the old Forum. Yes to the need for upgrade. The old site was based on a platform using late 1990s technology. Not much to be done with that.

The number of free photos for the old site in recent years hasn't been large. However, there have been plenty of free pictures along with the Videos on Demand.

I have already joined the new web site for less money than what I was paying quarterly for the old site. My old payments were $10 per month. Now I'm paying slightly over $8 per month.

As for showing only current models from HBC, that seems accurate so far.  But it all depends on the technology that was used. I'm thinking that videos and photo galleries from the past few years may eventually show up.
Aug 02, 2019 - context
I agree. Probably won't be joining for a long while. I just can't make myself spend money on individual videos. To be fair however, the old website needed a drastic upgrade!!
joe camel
Aug 01, 2019 - context
What the hell did they do?
Closed the  forum and merged webcam and regular site. You have to now register to view free photos,
and they redid it all to show only current models that are from HBC.. 

Jul 17, 2019 - context
100% the best and possibly only femuscle stuff that is worth spending money on IMHO:


Its all awesome, but I think the Ninja Girl Power one is the best.

Check out this CG collection of an American ninja with a muscular physique.

You can choose to view the muscular heroine in her full outfit, tight underlayer or full nude
in impressive struggles with a powerful humanoid opponent, helpless in chains, and showing off
her might by lifting a car over her head.

23 base images with costume options for 85 total works
3 sizes: 800x600, 1280x960, 1600x1200
Further available in simple PDF format
Jul 01, 2018 - context
First, go to swankyville dot com. This will default to premierproductionvideos dot com. This is an extensive website. There are many videos here

featuring bodybuilders wrestling such as Kris Luebke, Dayana Cadeau, Suzan Kaminga and many more. They also have some of the Tom Jackson videos

with performers such as the gorgeous Janice Ragain, and Denise Rutkowski taking on guys in multiple arm wrestling matches. There are also striptease

videos available of non-bodybuilders, these are more traditional female models. These seem to be mostly solo posing featuring legs, breasts etc. One has Jenna Jameson. 

An example is PP197DVD The Ultimate Private Session with Annie Rivieccio. Annie wrestles a guy using scissors and headlocks and works up a sheen of sweat as she does so.

Annie is at her peak here, as she is huge, cut, beautiful and topless. The hapless male gets to feel her muscles as she manhandles him.

The videos are available as download or DVD. Note that videos are listed twice, one for each option. I have ordered DVDs from them before, and service has always been prompt.

It seems that the majority of videos for sale are standard definition. The video quality is very good, but definitely not HD standard. Would guess most of these videos

were made before HD quality equipment was readily available.

I have no affiliation with Swankyville other than past video orders. It is easy to spend an hour or two browsing through all that is on offer.

As you click around the site you'll likely see many old school beauties you've not thought about in a while.

Wanted to post this as did not see a review for Swankyville on GWM.
Oct 12, 2017 - context
This seems like an ad, not a review. Go post in the Your Site section.

Deleting and locking.
Oct 09, 2017 - context
Feb 10, 2017 - context
I just got off a one month subscription and ra5cvigi is right.  They do heavily favor the bigger girls there.   Overall the collection was ok.  One thing I noticed is that the camera people there like to use lots of the upward shooting type angles with the camera near the floor.  Almost every video has it, many of them are exclusively shot from that angle.   I just don't think it's a good angle.   You don't  get a good view of anything from that angle, not even the legs, somehow curiously enough.  It's like standing on the sidewalk and looking up the side of a tall building.  You hardly get an idea of what the building really looks like.  You're too close, too low, and it's a perspective that at least my mind has trouble comprehending.

Give me those girls shot from a wide variety of angles, Muscle Angels would be great.  As it stands, not so much.             
Apr 16, 2016 - context
I used to see her over there a lot back in the days. She was very hot.
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