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May 20, 2011 - context
I just thought of something that could be useful.

Next to being able to favouriting specific images, we could perhaps favourite names of girls. We could then be notified whenever one of our favourite girls gets newly tagged in an image.

Also, I haven't kept an eye on it recently but while I'm posting anyway, is it still so that you can add a new candidate for the Girl of the Week while the voting is already underway? (I think this was the case somewhere at the start.) That's of course unfair for the later entries. It should only be possible to nominates candidates for the next vote, not for the current.
joe camel
May 18, 2011 - context
i was thinking mayb julie bourassa but iam not sure, any help would be appreciated. 

May 17, 2011 - context
Not a morph but she's got a receipt for them boobies I'll wager....But don't get it twisted...I like 'em!
May 16, 2011 - context
I think they should be allowed to delete their own photos.  I was under the impression that the site was supposed to be geared towards regular girls with muscle......not professional bodybuilders, figure, or fitness chicks...  The latest uploads seem to be that of Cory Everson.  I'm sure ALL of those pictures have a copyright, but more importantly, it's got the images of someone that you can find at every other female bodybuilding site on the web.   I think the site has lost it's "uniqueness" and that's a shame.   This should be directed towards the no-names that we see in everyday life.  Regular "Girls with Muscle" that live next door, or work at the post office, or have the record on the longest distance discus throw for their high school, and not the gussied up, siliconized bodybuilder that appears on THOUSANDS of other sites.

Just my $.02
May 16, 2011 - context
not a morph :o
May 16, 2011 - context
May 16, 2011 - context
Melissa Dettweiller
May 16, 2011 - context

Who is this?  Is it a morph?  I might be daft but she sort of resembles the late Marianna Komlos
May 12, 2011 - context
 :-\ can anyone tell me what picture I'm talking about? I found it on the net the other day but I don't remember where or even how I got to it. It had a young woman (blonde probably) in a half lying pose, belly facing us, wearing high heels... she had one leg bent and she was holding the stilletto of that shoe with her hand. Great biceps and legs... very very hot.
thomas hendrix
May 01, 2011 - context
Her squat is probably more competitive than her bench.
Yep, but do you think she could bench considerably weight?
Apr 29, 2011 - context
Ok, thanks. I did think that the main reason would be that they were already posted, but it is hard to find several specific images out of a collection in excess of 60,000 images (not that I'm complaining).
Apr 29, 2011 - context

#1 http://www.girlswithmuscle.com/57747/
#2 http://www.girlswithmuscle.com/4137/
#3 watermark
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

#7 The model has requested we do not post her pics
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

I assumed #4 was a duplicate since I was the one who originally uploaded it, but it seems to have been deleted since, so that one is fair game. As for #9 I didn't delete it, so I couldn't say for sure, but I'd imagine one of the other mods judged the pic did not have enough muscle.  While we appreciate the uploads, in future please attempt to see if the pic is already on the site.
Apr 28, 2011 - context
Well pointed out, I never noticed that. However, that webite's no longer up so I don't think it's valid anymore anyway.
Apr 28, 2011 - context
Usually when a picture is removed from the voting queue, it's because it was voted down by too many members. There isn't really a concrete reason, it's just the collective mind of the site at work.

And when a mod does go through the queue, it's often impractical to give a reason for every picture, because there are simply too many. If you want to ask about a particular picture, go ahead, and maybe we can give a reason:
Apr 27, 2011 - context
WOW girls
Apr 27, 2011 - context
All of the following keep getting removed for one reason or another and I have no idea why.

Apr 26, 2011 - context
By the way, while you're answering my questions, why did I have to re-register in order to use this forum? It wouldn't recognize the user name or log in that I use on the main site.
Apr 26, 2011 - context
I really like this site and I appreciate the amount of work and technical skill that goes into it, but picture posting is a problem here. I'm very careful about what I post in terms of quality, not posting duplicates, and avoiding pics with trademark info. Whenever I prepare to post a picture, I'll go to that woman's page to see what has already been posted. If I see one or more pics from the same photo shoot, it's obviously been approved and I'll go ahead and post one of those. I've done this too many times to count, and those pics almost always get deleted while the similar shots from the same shoot stay on the site month after month.

Again, there is a lot to enjoy here and I don't want to get too negative, but when it comes to posting pictures, it just isn't worth my time to go through my large archive and carefully select pictures that are just going to be deleted. I'll follow the rules, but the rules are far too randomly and inconsistently applied. Maybe you can clue us in to what the process is for determining what stays and what goes, because it's mystery to me.
Apr 26, 2011 - context
I often have images removed from the voting queue and I never know why (I know I'm not the only one). I'd like a system that sends a notification to users if their image has been removed from the queue and why it has.
Apr 26, 2011 - context
Good point, Sthenolagnia ... I already reject a lot of pix which aren't significantly larger than their thumbnail would be ... and I also take everything pic-by-pic rather than doing blanket accepts or rejects on all pix of a particular subject because I specifically like/dislike her.
Apr 26, 2011 - context
I try to keep my opinion to the pic I'm looking at. For instance, If it's a pic of the model I know has muscle but because of a bad angle/lighting/focus you can't see it I'll reject it. I go by just about everything else you suggested Chevron. I'd be nice to know how many pics of the same model are coming in a set. I swear there were a few with 20 pics or more of dang near the same thing. I'd be more selective if I knew a bunch were coming up.
Apr 25, 2011 - context
When i see your name, I can identify you and check out your profile
I'm keeping a low profile, Ferrari. Especially as the second post I made in the forums was deleted without trace - presumably by a moderator. I meant well but my comment was obviously seen as threatening the status quo, however misguided that is. Admittedly, I could have used more formal phrasing. However, I am commenting on photos on the main site, but steering clear of controversy by using words such as "wow" and "blimey".  :-X

I've decided against uploading photos. Almost all the ones I have are a few years old now and largely came from Usenet groups, so the chances are they're already in the collection somewhere. Also I'm not sure about potential copyright issues.

Have a nice day!  :D
Apr 25, 2011 - context
When i see your name, I can identify you and check out your profile
Apr 24, 2011 - context
How about pics that are thumbnail-sized? I mean, what's the point? This may be just me, but, I mean, the reason we want different pics is so that we can see the uniqueness of each model and each pose, not just the general idea "hey, we've got another muscle girl".
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