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Jul 10, 2023 - context

(girl in the back probably asking her guy why he's so skinny compared to this jacked girl in the gym)

Jul 10, 2023 - context
Jul 10, 2023 - context
Jul 10, 2023 - context

The last girl i think is Samantha Paparo, i used to follow her on youtube.

Jul 10, 2023 - context

This was cooperation with fashion photographer who asked Natalia if she agreed to place her photo on billboard

Jul 10, 2023 - context

Is it advertising her IG to get more followers or what is the goal behind getting a billboard of yourself up?

Jul 10, 2023 - context

Susan Marie Smith

Jul 10, 2023 - context

Marisa Woo, her voice is roided up.

Jul 10, 2023 - context

Mannen, ik stapte afgelopen zaterdag in een overvolle trein van Utrecht naar Amersfoort en zag ik in het gangpad een echt hele gespierde meid staan. Ik heb ervoor gezorgd, dat ik tegenover haar kwam komen te staan. Ik weet niet wat ik zag. Ze had een mouwloos sportshirtje aan en een short. Ik denk dat ze ongeveer 1,65 meter lang was. Ze had gespierde benen, maar haar bovenarmen maakten op mij de meeste indruk. Terwijl ze gewoon op haar telefoon iets aan het typen was, puilden haar spierballen eruit. Helaas draaide ze zich op een gegeven moment om. Ik kon zo nog wel zien, dat haar rug ook zeer ontwikkeld was. Ook het moment, dat ze even haar haar goed deed, zal ik niet snel vergeten. Jammer dat ik toen achter haar stond en niet meer tegenover, want een 'front-aanzicht' van biceps vind ik het mooiste, maar ja, ik moest het "helaas" met het achteraanzicht doen. Eigenlijk heb ik zo'n 10 minuten naar haar staan kijken. Helaas stapte ze in Overvecht al uit de trein. Ik merkte wel, dat ik niet de enige was die haar was opgevallen. Een stel meiden hoorde ik over haar praten. " Zag je dat, die vrouw was gespieeeeeerd!!" Als ik het moet inschatten, denk ik dat ze aan CrossFit doet, maar bodybuilding of wellicht rugby of roeien kan natuurlijk ook. Naar aanleiding van mijn ervaring, heb ik eigenlijk drie vragen aan jullie: 1: heeft iemand enig idee, wie deze meid zou kunnen zijn geweest? Zoveel echt gespierde vrouwen zijn en niet in Nederland, laat staan in Utrecht. 2: hoe had ik haar wellicht kunnen benaderen? Had ik haar kunnen complimenteren met haar prachtig gespierde lichaam? Of kunnen vragen hoe ze zo gespierd is geworden? 3: hebben jullie een vergelijkbare ervaring gehad en hoe ging je daar mee om?

Ik zie jullie reacties graag tegemoet Als PM kan dat natuurlijk ook.

Jul 10, 2023 - context

I can't give any fbb a low ranking .even the uglyest ones are super models to me .i guess some are more attractive than others.

Jul 10, 2023 - context

Danica Goodheart. She was a powerlifter, not a bodybuilder, and I don't think she's flaring them here.

Jul 10, 2023 - context

Great thread. Lats are definitely in my top three for favorite muscles. A lot of shorter asian girls have very small waists so their lats look insane after a couple years of training. I'm lucky to be blessed with a large amount of asian women who lift at my gym. It's so hot ro see a girl that's lats are at least double the width of their waste doings rows or pulldowns.

Jul 10, 2023 - edited Jul 10, 2023 - context

Jodi Boam. Her voice is super cute, despite how big she got before her pregnancy. Same goes for Lauren Findley.

It's lower than it was, but it definitely doesn't sound like someone that uses. It is practically unnoticeable. It could also just be natural progression with age. This was from a video 10 years ago that I remembered first seeing her in.


I'm guessing that some people are just blessed with vocal cords that don't respond as much to androgens.

Jul 10, 2023 - edited Jul 28, 2023 - context

Gillian Ward- Considering her physique expected her voice to be deep but not at the level she has

Amanda Slinker- Considering her physique, one might think her voice to be deep. But, it's completely normal

Jul 10, 2023 - context

I'm no expert in the area, but my guess is that in addition to genetics, it's also the type of PEDs used and how they're used. Kim Chizevsky, Paula Suzuki, even Colette Guimond (who was incredibly massive for her height) always retained their feminine voices. On the other hand, others like Robin Parker, Sheila Bleck, Sarah Boes and others that were way less jacked than Chizevsky and Suzuki had deeper voices. (Again, not an expert, but if I had to wager, my guess is that transmen use the same type of roids that fbbs with a deeper voice use)

I also think one can train their voice. Nuriye Evans has several different voices -- she can go from very feminine and sultry sounding in one moment, to extremely deep and masculine (honestly, it's deeper than most guys) when she gets into her "rage" mode. She has other vocal types as well, and I have no doubt she self-taught herself different types of voices. Her wide vocal range is extremely impressive and makes her one of the best fbb entertainers in the business.

But if you want to talk about a woman who completely caught me off-guard (not an fbb), check this video out which completely blew me away, which features the best female metal singer today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQNtGoM3FVU&a.... Clear evidence which bolsters my claim that one can train their voice if they tried.

That metal singer's voice is insane. That's a massive difference between singing, talking, and screaming.

Jul 10, 2023 - context

Love the muscleman flexing in the boat. A regular guy with big muscles that people like to see and hopefully touch.

He definitely embraces his muscles!! I would ask him for a flex off!

Jul 10, 2023 - context

Nikki Fuller's voice was a shocker to me!! Such a soft sweet voice she has for a strong muscle gal 😂😂

Jul 10, 2023 - context
Jul 10, 2023 - edited Jul 10, 2023 - context

Error: "No video with supported format and MIME type found"

I've tried uploading an mp4 video and am getting the error "No video with supported format and MIME type found". I've checked this section for the supported video formats and according to this post, the correct format is "MP4, using H264/AVC encoding".

The video is 3.2m in size and is 13s long.

I've checked the codec information in VLC Media Player and it looks correct to me, but codecs aren't something I'm well versed in.

What's wrong? Here's the codec info:

Jul 10, 2023 - context

Bbfreak, do you have pics of her hands/arms vascularity?

Unfortunately, her upper body isn't as vascular, but we're working on it!

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