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Jul 29, 2023 - context

It's crazy how it feels like Natalia Trukhina hardly gets mentioned much anymore in these types of discussions.

And the MJ/LBJ comparison isn't right for in this type of debate.

Jul 29, 2023 - context

I didn't tell me wife but in 10 years of marriage it was bound to come out. And the reaction was as I expected. She was appalled by this. She is the opposite of a gwm and not at all interested in going to the gym. Since then she has pretty much ignored this side of mine, other than making a joke or two here and there. I feel a little bit better that the weight of my chest is lifted. But nothing good came out of it.

Man, I'm so sorry for you. I think lots of people underestimate just how 'fringe' loving feminine muscle is, even though more women are into fitness than ever before. Muscle still = masculine and therefore 'weird' to most people. It sucks and I envy those guys who have partners who are supportive of their sexual preferences.

Jul 29, 2023 - context

Strong words you typed there, my guy.

Jul 29, 2023 - context

Jul 29, 2023 - context

Since no one else will say it because everyone's too polite, what a weird fucking question.

You may have meant it as, "You happen to see a bodybuilder, but elect not to approach her and express any interest", but the way you wrote it sounds like "you should 'go after' bodybuilders - specifically - to date". That made me cringe.

Jul 29, 2023 - context

They are rare, and if you can't afford a high-end gym membership in a major metro area you're not going to see too many.

Jul 29, 2023 - context

Melinda must be LeBron....has taken the crown. MJ had his time....

Jul 29, 2023 - context
Jul 29, 2023 - context

Lack of opportunity to meet some.

Jul 29, 2023 - context

Personality and how you get along are more important than muscles/attractiveness. Muscle girls are nice to look at, but in a partner we need to get along well and connect.

Jul 29, 2023 - context

Courtney Savoie

Jul 29, 2023 - context

Most-to-not-at-all attracted

1) tall, off-season

2) over 5'5, off-season

3) tall, natural mesomorph

4) typical MW FBB

5) "thick" normal woman

6) normal woman

7) tall skinny

8) tiny "spinner" type

9) sloppy fat

10) very young/small, but technical legal.

Thankfully I've never gone lower than #7, and I'm generally in the 1-5 range.

Jul 29, 2023 - context

Klingt gut, aber deine Infos sind etwas spärlich, bei der Masse an Schauspielerinnen und Vorabend Serien,kannst du es etwas präzisieren?

Bin erst jetzt wieder zurück, sorry für die späte Antwort. Danke dir für deine Rückmeldung, @Armwrestlingfan.

An die weiteren Mitleser, möchtet ihr noch raten, oder soll ich lieber gleich "enthüllen"?

Vielleicht vorab noch ein paar Infos: im Netz habe ich nur ein einziges Bild von ihr gefunden, welches erahnen lässt, was ich meine. Aber selbst das zeigt keinen Flex.

In der Serie und damit unterstützt durch das bewegte Bild sieht man meiner Meinung nach aber mehrfach deutlich, dass sie keinen durchschnittlichen Körpertyp hat. Zum Beispiel, wenn sie nur ein Shirt trägt. Bis auf die eine Szene mit den hanging crunches wurde übrigens auch in der Serie nie ein offensichtliches Augenmerk durch z. B. passendes thematisieren auf ihre Muskeln gelegt.

Auch anderswo, z. B. in ihrem Wikipedia-Eintrag oder bei sonstigen News über sie, lassen sich keine Informationen darüber finden, ob sie wirklich trainiert oder einen entsprechenden Background (Kunstturnen o. ä.) hat. Die Frau könnte damit auch genauso gut einfach jemand sein, der eben über entsprechende Anlagen verfügt.

Oder sie möchte nicht, dass die Öffentlichkeit etwas über ihre Hobbies und/oder mehr über ihren Hintergrund erfährt. Man liest überhaupt sehr wenig privates über sie.

Ich bin wirklich gespannt, was ihr sagt, wenn hier später rauskommt, von wem ich hier schreibe. Ich tippe das einige mir Recht geben werden und andere weniger oder sogar auf gar keinen Fall.

Letzteren würde ich dann aber empfehlen, falls noch nicht geschehen, die ARD-Mediathek durchzuschauen und zumindest im Schnellvorlauf ihre Szenen sich anzusehen. Ich glaube, insbesondere in den Folgen, wo ihr ursprünglicher Partner die letzten Male dabei war, wären hier zu empfehlen (wenn ich mich richtig erinnere). Und dann sprechen wir weiter zu ihr, würde ich sagen. 😊

Jul 29, 2023 - context

I am only attracted to women that have at least some visible muscle definition. Other women don’t attract me, and that bothers me so much.

You like what you like. You're an adult and there's nothing wrong with liking other normal adults for whatever reasons you want. Attraction is as fluid as it is mysterious, but hopefully you're able to move to a healthier mental place where you're happy to accept yourself as you are in this regard.

Jul 29, 2023 - context

יש פה דיון מעניין, בנוגע למשיכה לנשים שריריות בלבד https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/forum/thread/...

Jul 29, 2023 - context

Going out of my way to pursue being involved with a muscular woman isn't high on my priority list. I love 'em no doubt. But my life doesn't evolve around it.

Jul 29, 2023 - context

They are too rare i have never seen a fbb in person in my entire life .so far in the last 28 years the most muscular women i saw was some 40 year old cross fitter who ran past me at high speeds .i didn't have the time to talk to her but let's say i did what would i even say. i know nothing about her if i say nice muscles i would be seen as creepy. i doubt she has the same hobbies as me. even if she did the chance that she finds me attractive is very low .i am mediocre i have low income i am not in shape. but all of that won't matter because there is a 80% chance she is already married .then there are a lot of unexpected things that could mess up the relationship .like that one time i almost got laid but she has agressive dogs trying to bite my dick off and there was drama .

and considering all of this the next time i May meet another woman of her caliber would be when i am 55 and that would probably have the same result .the next one will be when i am around 80 and the one after that 105 so its just not going to happen. it's like trying to win the lottery. really most men can't be picky just getting any girlfriend who is not toxic is hard enough forget about the looks.

Jul 29, 2023 - context

I am only attracted to women that have at least some visible muscle definition. Other women don’t attract me, and that bothers me so much.

Why does it bother you?

Jul 29, 2023 - context

Man I love this forum :D

Thank you guys!

Jul 29, 2023 - context

Group 1

  1. Amandine Kolly
  2. Natalia Kovaleva
  3. Kristina Zafirova

Group 2

  1. Jula Fory
  2. Lena Ramsteiner
  3. Carol Alves

Group 3

  1. Kristina Mendoza
  2. Sarah Caril
  3. Olivia Bian

Group 4

  1. Shannon Seeley
  2. Anna Cicerelli
  3. Sahar Rahmani

Group 5

  1. Tifani Wittman
  2. Theresa Ivancik
  3. Natalia Coelho

Group 6

  1. Dianna Blanchard
  2. Peyton Ducher
  3. Samantha Jerring

Group 7

  1. Natalya Trukhina
  2. Rosario Willumsen
  3. Yuna Kim

Group 8

  1. Chun-Ri Kim
  2. Raluca Raducu
  3. Paula Ranta
Jul 29, 2023 - edited Jul 29, 2023 - context

Because I'm already in a relationship with someone that I bonded over CrossFit with (among other things.)

In all seriousness, it's because muscles aren't the ONLY thing important in a relationship, or even the most important thing. I dated a powerlifter for awhile that had a body type that I was wildly attracted to, but she was not a good person and it turned out being a good thing that I never got into something long-term with her.

Also, while I am attracted to bodybuilders, they're not the only type of athletic woman I am into. If you find yourself wanting to ONLY date bodybuilders, you're going to be looking amongst a very small pool, and a lot of bodybuilders (and strength athletes in general,) find it a turnoff if the ONLY reason you are going for them is for their muscles.

Jul 29, 2023 - context

At first i uploaded that pic here in my gwm profile… It got deleted short after a few minutes because of „ not enough visible muscularity“ So what ? Some things i just have to accept without understanding it

Holy smokes. Thanks for sharing.

Jul 29, 2023 - edited Jul 30, 2023 - context

See title

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