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Another Dead Bodybuilder

Apr 14, 2022 - permalink

Also consider that Arnold is 74 and is still in great shape, is able to walk around just fine and has great mobility for his age and is able to work out, while Ronnie is 57 and can hardly even stand up without braces and crutches.

People say that the guys at the very top manage to get away with things because they have "the best" doctors etc. It doesn't look that way for Coleman. Also, Ahnold had emergency heart surgery. He says he's been on a 99% vegan diet for the past few years.

I wonder when Dwayne Johnson will have his first cardiovascular event. His braindead fans will probably believe it's because his heart was too big from kindness.

Apr 14, 2022 - permalink

A lot of Sports people seem to be having health problems. Chest pains,difficulty breathing etc.

Apr 14, 2022 - permalink

People say that the guys at the very top manage to get away with things because they have "the best" doctors etc. It doesn't look that way for Coleman. Also, Ahnold had emergency heart surgery. He says he's been on a 99% vegan diet for the past few years.

I wonder when Dwayne Johnson will have his first cardiovascular event. His braindead fans will probably believe it's because his heart was too big from kindness.

Considering Triple H has a defibrillator implant after almost dying from heart failure, I would be surprised if Dwayne is worlds better.

Apr 14, 2022 - permalink

If you're entirely natty now, you're not "addicted" to anything.

You can be addicted to something that is not a drug. Every time you train it's like a high.

Apr 17, 2022 - permalink
Apr 18, 2022 - permalink

These guys are not athletes and i have no sympathy when one blows out their heart at 45. You are a meat head steroid junkie and nothing more. Do it naturally or not at all. Its a shame that its become the standard and no other way to win the competition...

You sound like someone who has no idea how prevalent PED use is in almost ALL professional sports.

Apr 18, 2022 - permalink

A lot of Sports people seem to be having health problems. Chest pains,difficulty breathing etc.

Long COVID is a big factor IMO

Apr 18, 2022 - permalink

You sound like someone who has no idea how prevalent PED use is in almost ALL professional sports.

@Trevorphillips9 Please stop it. Name these other sports where athletes abuse steroids like bodybuilders do?

Apr 18, 2022 - edited Apr 18, 2022 - permalink

Absolutely. Consider this: At his peak, Arnold Schwarzenegger was 6’2 and 235 lbs. Ronnie Coleman, on the other hand, is 5’11” and at his peak was 297 lbs. Also, back then, stage-ready body fat percentages for men was around 8%. Today, it’s around 3%.

The expectation to have competitors be that massive and that lean is what’s causing this surge in bodybuilders dying relatively young. But there is another factor, and that is body dysmorphia. Personally, as a natty lifter, I struggle with body image, but among bodybuilders it’s pretty much universal. Bodybuilders and other “fitness” athletes want to look more and more muscular due to that dysmorphia, and social media doesn’t help. If you’re someone who wants to get lots of followers, and while you train hard naturally and look pretty good as a natural athlete, you see other “enhanced” athletes blow you away in terms of followers, what will you end up doing?

This. Bodybuilding has gotten completely out of control. I'm a natural lifter myself, so I've got a good idea of the kind of effort it takes to build a decent amount of muscle without drugs, and the standards both men and women are expected to maintain nowadays is absolutely ridiculous. It's gone from aesthetics as the driving factor to sheer size and leanness, which drives all the nasty side effects and fast burnout that we're seeing today, even amongst figure and bikini competitors (they're more muscular than what would be considered a bodybuilder in the 80's and early 90's). Things need to change, both for the mental and physical well-being of these competitors.

Apr 18, 2022 - permalink

Nobody forces you all to take PEDs. If you want to have a huge body and die young, then it is up to you.

Stop being hysterical.

Apr 18, 2022 - permalink

One of my friends who I know from a local Ford Mustang club used compete in the Masters bodybuilding. I asked him about the PEDs and why they allow huge guys, his answer is because that's what the fans want.

I thought about taking it myself because I wanted to a little more in size but I didn't. Best way to put on size and stay natty is EATING! Clean bulk or dirty bulk!

Apr 18, 2022 - edited Apr 18, 2022 - permalink

Nobody forces you all to take PEDs. If you want to have a huge body and die young, then it is up to you.

Stop being hysterical.

Whew, thanks for calling me out. I almost lost control calmly and rationally discussing a well-known and rampant problem in bodybuilding. Of course it's their choice. It doesn't mean you're not allowed to care about their well-being.

Apr 18, 2022 - permalink

@Trevorphillips9 Please stop it. Name these other sports where athletes abuse steroids like bodybuilders do?

Well first you have to define steroid abuse. What's your definition? Specifically. I'll wait.

Nobobdy (male or female) wins a 100m sprint at an olympic level without being on copious amounts of PEDs. But I guess that's not abuse, right?

Apr 19, 2022 - permalink

Why are so many bodybuilder deaths occurring due to heart problems. Is there a connection between heart problems caused by bodybuilding? Could someone please explain.

Good article at T-Nation awhile back about this. More recent understanding is how taxing the extra muscle mass is on the heart. Anything too far above your natural bodyweight range is going to stress your heart, particularly muscle mass which uses considerably extra blood. While your heart can get stronger, it's somewhat limited. Imagine a vehicle rated for towing 2000 lbs and you attach 3000 lbs to it permanently and drive it around like that for years. Eventually you'll burn out the engine.

Apr 19, 2022 - permalink

Good article at T-Nation awhile back about this. More recent understanding is how taxing the extra muscle mass is on the heart. Anything too far above your natural bodyweight range is going to stress your heart, particularly muscle mass which uses considerably extra blood. While your heart can get stronger, it's somewhat limited. Imagine a vehicle rated for towing 2000 lbs and you attach 3000 lbs to it permanently and drive it around like that for years. Eventually you'll burn out the engine.

Good analogy. Definitely makes sense.

Apr 19, 2022 - permalink

There are so many factors that could contribute to poor heart health. Novemberman made a good point in the comment above. The heart hasn't had enough time to evolve to keep pace with the advancement of sports science.

Bigorexia is a real thing, the addiction of adding size to one's body. Very few bodybuilders are able to withstand the years of physical stress that comes with carrying around that much mass. They actually end up with with some similar issues that obese people have, such as sleep apnea, which can actually cause them to stop breathing in their sleep (too much muscle mass around the neck).

I think as long as bodybuilders are going to continue getting that huge, there are going to be some who die from it, and in many cases end up with some serious health issues later in life. Bodybuilding puts a ton of physical stress on the body, over the course of many years.

Compare them to pro level sports athletes. It's extremely rare that an athlete lasts longer than 10 years at that level. Their bodies can only handle so much physical stress. Yes, there are exceptions but they are again extremely rare... genetic wonders. But most people are not like this.

Lastly, steroids aren't the only issue here, as some users seem to think judging by the responses to this thread. It's the whole lifestyle, especially when cutting down for competition. They go through an intense crash diet for several weeks, on top of doing hours of cardio and lifting per week, while taking who knows how many supplements and shakes and of course the PED's (including diuretics is some cases). It's an intense physical toll on one's body that obviously not everyone is able to survive.

Apr 19, 2022 - permalink

Lets face it, the BB's using steroids are just junkies. What is the difference between a steroid and heroin addict? Sure, steroid users can make money from their image if they go big enough. Both are just abusing their bodies, craving that buzz.

ah doctor would never prescribe heroin at least not street heroin, thats a difference

Apr 19, 2022 - permalink

The prolonged use of PEDS enlarges everything. Muscle, bone, organs. Enlarged heart is a symptom and often a principal COD. Not a doctor, just common sense.

On the contrary, testicles SHRINK and ur penis with repeated use.

Apr 21, 2022 - permalink

I just heard from that other website (the one that starts with an S and end with an S from that crappy mod) Stacey Cummings died. She competes in figure.

Apr 22, 2022 - permalink

I just heard from that other website (the one that starts with an S and end with an S from that crappy mod) Stacey Cummings died. She competes in figure.

She had a recent picture that showed she wasn't in contest shape so there's more to this.....but way too many coincidences which is why I started this thread. This may be like a CTE movement in the NFL where some athletes get smart enough to walk away and protect their health.

Apr 22, 2022 - permalink

I mean...this isn't new? There'll be a ton of these chicks that have gone heavy that are on this site now..who willl likely die young or have plenty of health issues - same as the guys. The stacks an protocols are insane.

Apr 22, 2022 - permalink

She had a recent picture that showed she wasn't in contest shape so there's more to this.....but way too many coincidences which is why I started this thread. This may be like a CTE movement in the NFL where some athletes get smart enough to walk away and protect their health.

There is a (locked) thread on the bodybuilding subreddit that says a source that actually knows her and knows the circumstances surrounding her death had nothing to do with bodybuilding or PED use. It sounds like it may have been self-inflicted :(

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