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RIP Alena Kosinova

Aug 15, 2021 - permalink

RIP Alena Kosinova

It's being reported by Rx Muscle that she has passed away. No reason for her death has been given.

Aug 15, 2021 - permalink

Horrible to hear. My heart goes out to her friends and family.

Aug 15, 2021 - permalink

RIP ☹️

Aug 15, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by Highprotein
Aug 16, 2021 - permalink

I hope she went peacefully... RIP


Aug 16, 2021 - permalink

so many muscle women gone this year. very sad.

Aug 16, 2021 - permalink

She was in town to compete at the Europa Pro and collapsed and rushed to the hospital. Dare I say it, this sport is dangerous and puts a lot of them in danger with the drugs and the extreme ripping techniques.

Aug 16, 2021 - permalink

terrible news, she was amazing

Aug 16, 2021 - permalink

Lots of competitors blaming Shelby Starnes on social media. Claiming he puts his athletes (especially women) through very extreme protocols in the lead up to a competition. 3rd person he’s is coaching who has died at a contest in the last 2 years, with many others being hospitalised at shows as well.

Heavy diuretics seem to be a huge contributing factor here….if you are needing to hammer them in the lead up to a show, it probably means you aren’t ready for that show.

Plenty of fitness/bodybuilding girls have Instagram stories on the subject right now, calling out his coaching and methods.

Aug 16, 2021 - permalink

I'm not saying Shelby doesn't know his stuff, but I always thought it was strange that almost 100% of his clients are female. They do have a different biological makeup from men, and I'm not sure if he's had any extra formal education or training as far as meeting and understanding these different needs that women have.

Aug 16, 2021 - permalink


So she was set to compete the same day she passed? Yeah it sounds like her body was pushed too far.

Aug 16, 2021 - permalink

observationally it does seem like he runs through competitors like water through your hands. idk if they are dissatisfied with his coaching, or find it intense or, if Alina's death is related, has caused health issues but he certainly has coached a ALOT of women, including a few bigger names around these parts at the moment like Melissa Brodsky, Hulda Lopez, Hailey Wegner, Mona Poursaleh and others. There are definitely a lot of big names in the past but I'm not willing to scroll back far enough to look. He posts....VERY often about his clients.

Aug 16, 2021 - edited Aug 16, 2021 - permalink

Lots of competitors blaming Shelby Starnes on social media. Claiming he puts his athletes (especially women) through very extreme protocols in the lead up to a competition. 3rd person he’s is coaching who has died at a contest in the last 2 years, with many others being hospitalised at shows as well.

Heavy diuretics seem to be a huge contributing factor here….if you are needing to hammer them in the lead up to a show, it probably means you aren’t ready for that show.

Plenty of fitness/bodybuilding girls have Instagram stories on the subject right now, calling out his coaching and methods.

If that's the case, maybe word needs to get out about this hack. The contest world and judging needs to change as well or another Shelby slides right in pandering more women's egos and desire to do anything to win. Let's be honest though, not much in this sport is healthy at that level. Every competitor who places in the top are so jacked up on enough PED's to turn them into a man and toss in the diuretics and you get one stressed out body.

Aug 16, 2021 - permalink

I'm not saying Shelby doesn't know his stuff, but I always thought it was strange that almost 100% of his clients are female. They do have a different biological makeup from men, and I'm not sure if he's had any extra formal education or training as far as meeting and understanding these different needs that women have.

I’m pretty sure he has male clients, but you’re right, it’s weird how he ONLY showcases female clients. Maybe I’m looking too much into it, but that feels odd.

Aug 16, 2021 - permalink

There’s always one or two men mixed in his posts but I feel like it’s not many. Not that he doesn’t get results with the women but I can’t really name anyone long term with him. I’d like to see a breakdown of the activity of his clients: are they doing one or two shows a season or doing a slew of them and having to stay dialed in for weeks at a time. Many of these competitors try and nickel and dime to the O and it can be costly.

Aug 17, 2021 - permalink

Lots of competitors blaming Shelby Starnes on social media. Claiming he puts his athletes (especially women) through very extreme protocols in the lead up to a competition. 3rd person he’s is coaching who has died at a contest in the last 2 years, with many others being hospitalised at shows as well.

Heavy diuretics seem to be a huge contributing factor here….if you are needing to hammer them in the lead up to a show, it probably means you aren’t ready for that show.

Plenty of fitness/bodybuilding girls have Instagram stories on the subject right now, calling out his coaching and methods.

Who are the other two that died?

I think there's a pattern here that shows that he puts wins above the health of his clients.

Aug 17, 2021 - permalink

There IS an athlete component to this.

I had a coach once who had a client that ended up with almost severe Hormonal issues. She went on to blame him for her problems but any time he checked in she said she was fine. There is a bit of an onus on the client to look out for their well-being, a win be damned.

I’m not placing the blame on Alena but I’m hoping his other clients wake up A Bit and take stock of their own current health

Aug 17, 2021 - permalink

Sure the athlete owns part of the blame but this guy shouldn't be anywhere near this sport with that kind of track record. His "coaching" has killed 3 ladies. The judging needs to change too....the federations own some of this as well.

Aug 17, 2021 - permalink

Sure, again I’m not placing blame on the women, just hoping everyone else paying this dude wakes up a bit

Aug 17, 2021 - permalink

There IS an athlete component to this.

I had a coach once who had a client that ended up with almost severe Hormonal issues. She went on to blame him for her problems but any time he checked in she said she was fine. There is a bit of an onus on the client to look out for their well-being, a win be damned.

I’m not placing the blame on Alena but I’m hoping his other clients wake up A Bit and take stock of their own current health

100% correct!!

Don't take anybody's word for gospel when dealing with your health. Everybody's body is different and what works for one doesn't necessarily work for someone else. Competitive bodybuilding isn't a cookie cutter sport. People respond differently to different exercises, diets and "supplemental" regimes. And with that, the same trainer isn't good for everyone. Just because a particular trainer, whoever he/she is, gets his/her clients great placings doesn't necessarily mean they're a knowledgable trainer. They could be putting their clients on the brink of disaster and get lucky that the particular clients body handled the stress that time. One of the reasons I stopped competing was a few, luckily minor, health issues and the realization that the better I looked at comp time, the worse I felt, most of the time. I know why people compete, it's a rush to look like a freak and the attention, when you're in awesome condition is pretty cool (I even enjoyed the negative comments). But all decisions you make are ultimately yours right down to your trainer and what goes into your body. Diuretics and Insulin are two things that can really mess you up and quite frankly kill you quickly. Steroids have their own problems to varying degrees, with one of the main problems with all steroids is the increase in blood pressure and that can ultimately lead you to blowing a gasket. Again everybody's different and some people don't have quite the blood pressure problems with roids as others do. That's why it's on you to make sure that and your blood chemistry doesn't get messed up on cycle.

Aug 17, 2021 - permalink

Very sad!

Aug 17, 2021 - permalink

Sure the athlete owns part of the blame but this guy shouldn't be anywhere near this sport with that kind of track record. His "coaching" has killed 3 ladies. The judging needs to change too....the federations own some of this as well.

I agree.

Yeah, it is part of the athlete’s responsibility to monitor their own health, and especially keep up on bloodwork if they’re cycling, but three women died under this coach’s guidance. That’s not a coincidence or happenstance; it’s a worrying trend.

Prep coaches are honestly a dime a dozen, and while there are some who are better than others, there are those who are simply hazardous with their clients’ health.

Aug 20, 2021 - permalink


Aug 20, 2021 - permalink

I agree.

Yeah, it is part of the athlete’s responsibility to monitor their own health, and especially keep up on bloodwork if they’re cycling, but three women died under this coach’s guidance. That’s not a coincidence or happenstance; it’s a worrying trend.

Prep coaches are honestly a dime a dozen, and while there are some who are better than others, there are those who are simply hazardous with their clients’ health.

Who are the three women mentioned several times in this thread?

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