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Dec 19, 2023 - context

Man, imagine sitting next to that while she’s driving

Dec 19, 2023 - context
Dec 19, 2023 - context
Dec 19, 2023 - context
  1. Anne Mohn
  2. Dianna Blanchard
  3. Tereza Linhartova
  4. ena Ramsteiner
  5. Sarah Crail
  6. Leyvina Barros
  7. Gabriela Hejna
  8. Jessica Shen
Dec 19, 2023 - context
Dec 19, 2023 - context

Not sure whether to put this thread into the "General" section or leave it here. Uncertain where this may lead to and if pictures will underline somebodies arguments, hopefully its OK to leave it in the NSFW part of the forum.

Actually, the question spans additional topics: the headline - does sex sell, might be the easiest to answer. The exposure of a beautful womens body is used in commercial advertising, as supporting programme for football games, in the red light industry. I have also never seen a fat and ugly woman as a TV presenter, they are usually fashionable and good to look at at least.

Then there is the moral question: if the fact is true, then should the women make use of it? Should the organisation they work for use it for their own good? Is money a proper currency for beauty?

And probably the most difiicult question: where is the borderline. Specifically when it comes to womens bodybuilding, we are talking of a competition at the center of the sport, where women show every square inch of their bodies, oiled up, and covered in nothing but skimpy bikini and glamour makeup and hairstyle. We can easy agree on the fact, that there is tons of hard work and sacrifice behind the stage appearance, but should a more attractive woman being voted up against a evenly well built but less attractive woman?

Being straight forward with my own personal opinion: the women shall use their attraction in any possible shape and form, and make good profit from it, as long as its in mutual and professional interest (between buyer and seller and other stakeholders).

But then again, I am just one of many fans out there, who happened to grow up with the boomer generation and also loves to go to mixed nudist beaches and consider it a friendly and natural sommer occupation. I am fully aware that younger generations might see this differently. In addition, womens bodybuilding has become a world wide phenomenon, and the same topic might be viewed differently in other parts of the world.

Interested to hear other points of view and see where this leads to. Unfortunately there are only a handfull of female athletes on the board, and quite understandable that they rather keep themselves in the background. It would be the icing on the cake if one of them could share their view, too.

"Supply, meet Demand. I think you two might get along."

I don't want to draw the line for anyone. What they do with their lives is their business only. I couldn't care less. As long as that doesn't involve a personal/intimate relationship with ME. I wouldn't accept everything from someone in a relationship, we all have limits, unless you're a total psycho. So, as stated before, that was just a personal position, not an intention to dictate what they should do or not. I think you missed my point before labeling me.

You labeled yourself with the way you threw rocks and then tried to hide your hands. But yeah, when all is said and done, you're the real victim here. You didn't deserve any of this.

Dec 19, 2023 - context

Thank you so much for a new Inese Jaunpaule video. She is mesmereizing and mindblowing. Such a gorgeous muscular woman.

Dec 19, 2023 - context


Dec 19, 2023 - context

Yes who is she?

Dec 19, 2023 - context

I just use a browser extension.

And this has been suggested before:


Dec 19, 2023 - context

Mohn, Blanchard, Coelho, Ramsteiner, Raducu, Barros, Shaw, Rahmani

Dec 19, 2023 - context

Bei Arte ist übrigens aktuell der Film "Sanfte Monster" zu sehen, ich zitiere mal die Beschreibung:

Hauptdarstellerin und Ton des Films treffen zwar überhaupt nicht meinen Geschmack, aber vielleicht gefällt es ja einem von euch. Der Film ist bis zum 18.01.2024 frei in der arte-Mediathek einzusehen: Sanfte Monster

Ich habs mir angeschaut...ja, ist nicht so der Knaller. Der Film hat mehr Doku Charakter und ist phasenweise recht langweilig. Die Synchro ist auch nicht doll. An Nebendarstellern wurde aber einiges aufgeboten. Was mir aber gut gefallen hat, war, dass der Film sehr realitätsgetreu das Leben der Bodybuilderin dargestellt hat. Also Worship-Sessions, um Geld zu machen, Spritzen von Roids, die Wettkampf-Vorbereitung und wie das alles einen psychisch fertig machen kann.

Dec 19, 2023 - context

Tiny was as big body, big frame too

Dec 19, 2023 - context

not a bad idea, certainly takes me by surprise when i log in at night

Dec 19, 2023 - context

Yeah science!! Thanks for all the contributions yall

Dec 19, 2023 - context

Katy O'Brian was a great choice to star in this movie. After all she is a bodybuilder in real life. She did compete a couples of times. Also good thing a competitive female bodybuilder who is not an actor didn't get the role because more than likely their acting would stink to the highest level.

I think she was maybe the only reasonable choice as far as I know, most hollywood "muscular" actresses only have some abs and that's it, only her has the size and the skill

Dec 19, 2023 - context









Dec 19, 2023 - context

Katy O'Brian was a great choice to star in this movie. After all she is a bodybuilder in real life. She did compete a couples of times. Also good thing a competitive female bodybuilder who is not an actor didn't get the role because more than likely their acting would stink to the highest level.

Dec 19, 2023 - context


Just a suggestion: would it be possible to have the dark theme for this website? I am used to it and it seems to be more relaxing for the eyes. Just my two cents.


Dec 19, 2023 - context

First is Vallerie Busch

Thank you!

Dec 19, 2023 - context

I was on board with your original statement until you made a judgement on the women you have the most respect for. As if having an OF devalues a woman’s worth. I agree with having boundaries in a relationship but I don’t value a woman less for the profession she chooses so long as she doesn’t directly harm anyone.

Direct harm is debatable. Heroin and fentanyl dealers aren't directly hurting anyone. Their customers are addicted to opiates and they're providing goods to meet the demand of the market.

Prostitutes provide dopamine hits to addicts as well.

I don't think it's the job of the prostitute or drug dealer to worry about how their customers make money. Their concern is making money. If an addict's life falls apart during their addiction, it's not their problem. "Get less addicted. Bootstraps."

Dec 19, 2023 - context

I was on board with your original statement until you made a judgement on the women you have the most respect for. As if having an OF devalues a woman’s worth. I agree with having boundaries in a relationship but I don’t value a woman less for the profession she chooses so long as she doesn’t directly harm anyone.

Being honest here, I used the wrong term. Where I put "respect" I actually meant "admire". Regardless of what they're doing they deserve respect as (almost) every human being, as long as it's licit and doesn't harm anyone, and you're right on that.

Dec 19, 2023 - context

Prominent soleus genetics. Also makes the gastrocs pop.

Dec 19, 2023 - context

Sounds sad but reading some of the comments on forums not un inmaginable... Found the movie here

Yeah that's it! Weirdly, I remember it being a much longer film, like 45 minutes or even over an hour in run time but unless that's edited down I must be misremembering it. I thought there was more buildup to that final scene but I do remember it hitting like a ton of bricks when it happened.

Dec 19, 2023 - context

Mohn. Leonova. Coelho. Ramsteiner. Crail. Barros. Shaw. Shen.

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