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chief ouray
Jul 02, 2012 - context
Ever hear of Google?
Jul 02, 2012 - context
Anyone have more pics of Barbara Weg?
thats not from orkut.
Jul 01, 2012 - context
If you do not allow to vote 0, the next number -1- will be the lowest rate.
Then you can restart this top topic for the -1- votes.

There will always be a lowest number, but nobody deserves a zero. At least not anybody who has already been voted in through the moderation process. A zero vote is an ego vote. It's just an attempt to bring down a score and make your vote more important than anyone else's, and for what reason? If you don't like a picture, move on and find one that you do. 
Jun 30, 2012 - context
Jun 23, 2012 - context
Are we talking about the picture of the woman standing on the lawn? If so, I'm one who wasn't sad to see it go. That got totally out of control, and I still don't understand what the mania was about.
Jun 17, 2012 - context
These pics werent when she wrestled in the oatmeal, they were before that happened.
Jun 17, 2012 - context
Candace Bailey from attack of the show.
I've seen pictures of her flexing but I've searched the main site in the forum and can't find them anywhere. Does anyone have pictures or links?
Jun 16, 2012 - context
I was thinking about this myself. What if we had a new images system where for new uploads it would show ONE picture of the girl and than below it the number of new pictures that way we don't have to scroll through 500 pictures of the same girl.

So it would look like this:
[picture of Rachel McLish]
Rachel McLish
Total # of pictures
# of new pictures uploaded that day
Jun 15, 2012 - context
It would be nice not posting all the pics of one woman at the same time
and I dont see the point why considering the flood of older pics as spam
any flood starts getting boring at a certain point if you are not a big fan of that particular girl
Jun 15, 2012 - context
I for one appreciate all of biffers pics. They remind us of the truly golden years of female muscle! Instead of complaining we should be a grateful. :)
Jun 14, 2012 - context
Agreed. These models were great in their day, but being swamped with vintage memorabilia is not the reason I come here.
chief ouray
Jun 13, 2012 - context
Biffer seems to be taking his status as a moderator to an extreme. On the one side, it's good that he is posting. But seeing all these pictures that are 20 years old and more is getting tiresome. A few pictures of each model in some sort of a "memory lane" exhibit would be good. But not the flood we've been getting.
Jun 13, 2012 - context
Well somehow I think there is something true on this,
just why limting it to her there are many woman that are flooded here.

It would be perhaps nice if the pics of the same model would be regropued under one slide per day.
Jun 13, 2012 - context
The woman was the first Ms Olympia winner,  congrats...
She has so many pics on this site each day it's like spam.

McBitch wouldn't be in most peoples top 50 or even 100.
Biffer shouldn't be allowed to post hundreds of pics of this overrated woman.
Jun 13, 2012 - context
Just now, I received a malware attempt and have again disabled the ads. Truly, sorry about that, chiefs!
Jun 12, 2012 - context
Whenever I go to the main site I get redirected to http://mobgifts.org/contest/us/1/index.php?c=yaa. I click on a picture to view & rate, once the page loads I get redirected to the same site http://mobgifts.org/contest/us/1/index.php?c=yaa. It happens every time I click on a picture.
Jun 12, 2012 - context
That picture is an obvious morph.

She has some videos on YouTube and Dailymotion ... like Snare said though nothing new in at least 2-3 years now.
Jun 12, 2012 - context
Cam site Ifriends.
HotJuliaXX screen name.
Her newest posted pics are dated Dec. 2010.
Pretty safe to say she's moved on to bigger and better things.
Jun 12, 2012 - context

It's been about a month since I last received a malware attempt from your main site. Thanks very much for clearing up the problem. I have re-enabled ads there. You have created such an excellent site, the best of its kind ever; it continues to get better and better!

Also, thanks to everyone who commented in this helpful thread.
Jun 11, 2012 - context
anyone know?

Jun 10, 2012 - context
 definite yes needs to make flexing video
Jun 10, 2012 - context
Yes, I am sure she really could kick a lot of guys' asses quite badly! I saw an older video of the young Britney Spears dancing and kicking on stage in a very powerful way. She demonstrated a lot of power, endurance, speed and flexibility. Using all these skills in a physical confrontation generally make her a dangerous opponent. That was proved by a video of her boxing I recently saw an youtube, I guess she was in her early 20s that time. From 4:50 she starts challenging her boyfriend for a boxing match and a bit later in the video she demonstrates a little of her boxing skills
Especially the way she was challenging her boyfriend impressed me, although it made me feel a bit intimidated at the same time. She seems to be very convinced of being able to kick many guys’asses if she wants to. I am 35 years old 5’9 tall and about 170 lbs and have a flexed iceps of about 12. She is only 5‘4“ and seems to seems to be very strong in terms of genetics. On contrary, I am not very strong and not in best health: I am rather a couch potatoe not excersising regularly. Moreover, I have neither any fighting experience nor any martial arts knowledge. I have vulnerable and weak knees which caps can quickly dislocate if I there is too much weight or pressure on them or I make too hectic moves. That means by quickly jumping or hectically moving up and down like in a physical confrontation match there is the risk of dislocating as well. The same applies to the case if someone kicks at my legs or jumps with full weight into me. Due to the fact that I have to pay attention that they may not dislocate I am also a bit slower and cannot move that quickly. I also have less momentum and cannot use all my strength, for example to pull someone because I could also risk to dislocate my knee. This is a kind of very small handicap I am born with and has nothing to do with the fact, that I am not very sporty. Thus, I am not in the best condition. When I see Britney dancing and kicking in such a powerful I am even a bit intimidated and am convinced she could be superiour to me in a physical confrontation. And if she challenged me like the guy in the video, honestly, I would be too scared to mess with her in the ring. I mean although I am guy: She is extremely fit, fast and strong and flexible whereas I am rather the contrary and not in the best shape and have vulnerable legs..Britney, getting really wild and angry using all the power she has vs. me who is required to take special care on his knees even when being angry.
Especially my vulnerable legs and her powerful legs are a deciding factor. They make me less flexible and less quick so that I would not be able to approach her whereas she could hit me several times at the same time. If she started kicking me it could become even worse for me...I find it somehow interesting that such a hot young girl might be stronger than me.
However, I think these days guys must deal with the fact that there are mamy girls out there beeing superior to them in terms of physical strength, although it can sometimes be a bit frustrating

Jun 08, 2012 - context
Man that's a tough one.  I don't often get stumped but all I came up with on this one was a 58 second prewiew clip.


If this one is on the net it's buried deep.
Jun 07, 2012 - context
This picture, a lot of us would agree, is very attractive-looking.

Any idea who the model is?

Jun 06, 2012 - context
Should be fixed. There was a bug where only people with all lower-case names (and mods) could edit/delete their posts, which is why I didn't catch it :p
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