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How is this not enough muscles? Don't let this website show only roided up freaks.

Apr 08, 2024 - permalink

half of your deletions are self delestions

a few are blacklisted

the rest are non-muscled women posting the same ass poses.

just be a better uploader.

Are you drunk?

Apr 08, 2024 - permalink

Are you drunk?

No. I looked at your photo removals.

Apr 08, 2024 - permalink

The best part is this site had at one point 'no obvious roid abusers' yet some pics lately are practically girls who've transitioned to men for all intents and purposes.

I remove a lot of the “lacking femininity” photos if I see them but some as we tell everyone else, report those photos.

Unfortunately yall exist at the other end of the spectrum as the users who want those photos up still

Apr 08, 2024 - permalink

Dude those are not girls with Muscle, merley girls who are not fat

Apr 08, 2024 - permalink

i'll bite:

the collete larson group photo is terrible. half the photo is obscured with heavy shadows. the thumbnail doesn't reavl anything. i shouldn't have to squint to figure out what's going on

i undeleted the white suit mirror photo. i think that one is actually ok, althouhg if you weren't a person who knew what woman who lifts looked like you might not guess that she did at all.

the emily cook photo on the riding thing (what are those called) is literally a perpetual ass shot but there's no evidence that she lifts. that is a normal looking butt

the other ass photo si the same

generally ass photos like that are probably gonna get delted for being ass only photos but if they are uploaded they better actually look like they lift

i know we are a litle desensitized but have some descrtion

The point of that Colette's group photo was to show how big Colette is compared to an average woman, but I get that it's too obscure to see it. Are you telling me that Irisfit doesn't look like she lifts? I hope you're not, because that would just prove my point.

Apr 08, 2024 - permalink

You missed the second half of that sentence where I said if you were someone that knows what a girl looks like when she lifts you would dismissed it in the thumbnail

Apr 08, 2024 - edited Apr 08, 2024 - permalink

All this causes me to wonder at the brazen expectancies of these young lads who get all worked-up over having a photo they have submitted to this website being removed. Apart from the obvious fact that they have taken a photo of an individual without asking permission and paying out hard cash for the photo (a sure problem issuing from Copyright Law which could appear at any moment should the owner of the photo litigate), becoming personally offended at having something refused which they did not, in actual fact, have any rights to, boggles the mind.

This is all a very telling exposition of the selfish silliness of many people today. They openly steal the property of others and become righteously insulted when the stolen item is declined for whatever reason deemed reasonable by the Moderators who are only trying to control the theme of the website.

Apr 08, 2024 - permalink

I agree with Gaga. This upload police need to calm down a little bit.

Apr 08, 2024 - permalink

I agree with Gaga. This upload police need to calm down a little bit.

the site is for quality uploads primarily, not for ALL uploads.

whatever you decide to store personally is a different matter but chainer still pays for host disk space.

weve gone over it before (and this is partially why generic stage photos are deleted or photos pretty similar to each other are merged). it's not inconsistent.

to the credit of most uploaders, y'all don't complain about removals or merges too often. there are times when the mods don't 100% agree with removals but it doesn't happen too often.

if the group photo was a better photo--less overbearing shadow, for exacmple, then it woudl stay. i don't know who colette is or what she looks like. theother women also don't look like an average sized woman. they're all more or less similar size (maybe different shapes) but they're also mashed toegether and modestly clothed for the most part.

comparison photos have to be pretty obviously. that one isn't, really.

Apr 08, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by Shinylover
Apr 08, 2024 - permalink

i think his point is that people get mad at removals of photos they didn't even take. a vanishingly small number of photos on the site were taken by the users that uploaded them.

OP didn't take any of those photos, so OP shouldn' tbew made if theyre removed by a mod

Apr 08, 2024 - edited Apr 08, 2024 - permalink

I agree with Gaga. This upload police need to calm down a little bit.

I think that you might learn a few things if you lived in a Controlled Society such as Russia, North Korea or China or even Myanmar. Go and get a taste of Real Time Thought Police. Then return and re-experience democracy and privacy/property rights like a real human being having had 'the entitled' thoroughly whipped out of their souls.

Apr 08, 2024 - permalink

What an ignorant thread title created by a malcontent. Get the fuck out of here lmao

Apr 20, 2024 - permalink

This is the thumbnail for a video that got deleted. I think it's enough muscles for both women, but I'm curious what you guys think. Let me know if I have permission to post the video here if u guys want to see it.

Apr 20, 2024 - permalink

This is the thumbnail for a video that got deleted. I think it's enough muscles for both women, but I'm curious what you guys think. Let me know if I have permission to post the video here if u guys want to see it.

Agree. These women are muscular for sure, not roided up bodybuilders, but not meatless chickens either

Apr 20, 2024 - permalink

Well, hardly...

Apr 21, 2024 - permalink

Agree. These women are muscular for sure, not roided up bodybuilders, but not meatless chickens either

The one on the right, Bianca Belair, is actually a bodybuilder I heard, if I'm not mistaken. It's not a great angle for her here, but if u search her up, you'll see how muscular she is. I definitely think they both have enough visible muscle here. Anyway, can I post the video here since it got deleted?

Apr 21, 2024 - permalink

I think it's passable in terms of muscularity, you can definitely see some muscles on Bianca especially. The thing is, it's a low quality video - blurry, low framerate, and you never really get a great view of Bianca. The thumbnail is literally the best angle you get.

So what it comes down to is that there's so much better content of Bianca already on the site that I don't see why we need this video in particular. I wasn't the one who rejected it, but this is my reasoning for not restoring it.

Apr 21, 2024 - permalink

I think it's passable in terms of muscularity, you can definitely see some muscles on Bianca especially. The thing is, it's a low quality video - blurry, low framerate, and you never really get a great view of Bianca. The thumbnail is literally the best angle you get.

So what it comes down to is that there's so much better content of Bianca already on the site that I don't see why we need this video in particular. I wasn't the one who rejected it, but this is my reasoning for not restoring it.

I get your reasoning, but I just thought that both of them were muscular enough, especially considering that I've seem more than a few pics/videos on this site, where the woman shown was less muscular than the both of them. And yeah there is better Bianca content on this site, but I thought that this video did a decent job of showcasing Liv as well, who I think has some solid muscle here, and in general. Anyway, I can't control what's allowed, and these are just my opinions anyway.

Apr 21, 2024 - permalink

especially considering that I've seem more than a few pics/videos on this site, where the woman shown was less muscular than the both of them

This line of reasoning comes up often enough that I made a post addressing it.


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