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Your favorite (probably) natural women?

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Mar 24, 2024 - edited Mar 25, 2024 - permalink

You’re wrong.

If you take a look at her physique, she doesn’t have big traps or capped shoulders. Amber herself said on TikTok she did Olympic lifting for over 6 years and she’s an army veteran. The reality is any girl can get jacked naturally if they train consistently with heavy weights and eat plenty of food. Do you know any muscular women in real life? How many do you actually talk to?

Please, don't fool yourself. Her case is VERY obvious. Her muscle mass and proportions tells it all, also her face shows the telltail signs of PED use (longer cheeks, petruding chin and a sharp jawline - she'd be a perfect Batman). Virtually all bikini competitors use PED's, they don't have to look anywhere near Andrea Shaw to be juicing. And of course if you talk to a muscle girl she won't admit to your face that she is taking PED's, for several reasons.

Obvious PED result

Heavy lifting and plenty food makes your triceps bulge for sure...

Amber is second from left

You should know that these muscle ladies are selling you a fantasy, and you are buying into it.

Mar 24, 2024 - permalink

Even if a woman appears natural, it doesn't mean that she isn't using PEDs. The majority of women who use PEDs don't have a jacked physique.

We have pictures of women from before the invention and spread of steroids, so we can know more or less the limits. However, to reach that level, they were professional athletes or circus freaks—genetic outliers who put in many hours of hard work.

Many girls are using PEDs to only reach a "natural" limit level. Why a woman would put the INSANE effort to only look that she barely lift by modern standards?

Mar 24, 2024 - permalink

Please, don't fool yourself. Her case is VERY obvious. Her muscle mass and proportions tells it all, also her face has the telltail signs of PED use (longer cheeks, petruding chin and a sharp jawline). Virtually all bikini competitors use PED's, they don't have to look anywhere near Andrea Shaw to be juicing. And of course if you talk to a muscle girl she won't admit to your face that she is taking PED's, for several reasons.

Obvious PED result

Heavy lifting and plenty food makes your triceps bulge for sure...

Amber is second from left

And you should know that these muscle ladies are selling you a fantasy, and you are buying into it.

But bro... why would she lie about illegal drug use?

Mar 24, 2024 - permalink

To those who find amusing the ignorance of some of our forum members about the widespread use of PEDs, I encourage you to open your eyes to the now widespread use of "Brazilian butt lifting" and other liftings. I now have a rule that I don't think a fitness influencer can undergo a lip lifting without taking the opportunity to pursue other enhancements.

Mar 24, 2024 - permalink

Just watch the video Kortey Olson posted about her PED journey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbvak_3wuiY&a...

She says that here very first try with PED was anavar in 2012, which means she was natural in this photo :

So here's my favorite natural girl : pre-2012 Kortney Olson.

Mar 25, 2024 - permalink

Please, don't fool yourself. Her case is VERY obvious. Her muscle mass and proportions tells it all, also her face has the telltail signs of PED use (longer cheeks, petruding chin and a sharp jawline - she'd be a perfect Batman). Virtually all bikini competitors use PED's, they don't have to look anywhere near Andrea Shaw to be juicing. And of course if you talk to a muscle girl she won't admit to your face that she is taking PED's, for several reasons.

Yup! pretty much all BB competitors take peds. Amber White is 100% on steroids, it's not like "she looks sus", she's on roids, period.

I know some seriously big/strong women, but they don't look anywhere near close to that, claiming to be natural with that kind of physique is absolutely ridiculous.

Mar 25, 2024 - permalink

I want to also say.. I know at least a dozen younger competitors who are going heavy on SARMS these days.

I use them myself. They 100% work (especially RAD140), and you can buy them online easily. Still technically legal-ish.

These anabolic drugs are easier to get than ever before, so if you're following a buff woman online and she's invested enough in her physique to dedicate a good portion of her life and identity to being fit and muscular than you have a 99.9% likelihood that she's using the substances which VASTLY assist women in being fit and muscular.

Like, of course they are.

And for the record, the only people who I know who don't like anabolic drugs haven't tried anabolic drugs because they're honestly amazing and can be relatively quite safe if you use them conservatively and follow on/off cycles. No one in bodybuilding or fitness should be judged for using them, as they're basically standard equipment.

Mar 25, 2024 - permalink

You say probably, I say I'll put my life on the line natural. Starts with Dani

Mar 25, 2024 - permalink

You say probably, I say I'll put my life on the line natural. Starts with Dani

After seeing this vid, I would say no

Mar 25, 2024 - permalink

You say probably, I say I'll put my life on the line natural. Starts with Dani

Please don't put your life on it. She is on PED's here for sure. Her type of muscularity is not something she would achieve naturally, that should be obvious. Another giveaway is her voice, she has that bariton timbre in her voice which she is trying to hide. As a musician I can hear that pretty well, PED's generally lowers the voice and also changes the timbre in a partiular way.

Mar 25, 2024 - permalink

Nope. Not believing you. The best shaped biceps I've ever seen have all been natural. I would put my life on her not taking a drop.

Mar 25, 2024 - permalink

Nope. Not believing you. The best shaped biceps I've ever seen have all been natural. I would put my life on her not taking a drop.

Hahaha, you keep believing if it saves your life.

Mar 25, 2024 - permalink

possibly Zuzanna Light.

I personally think everyone in the fitness industry has dabbled in PEDs, but Zuzanna always struck me as being part of the genetic elite.

Mar 25, 2024 - permalink

Nathalie Nichols

Irina Pimenova

Juliana Mota

Nathalie has an ig post implying she’s taking PEDs and doesn’t care what others think.

Good for her obviously and I applaud the honesty. She’s one of the top, if not the top, ig models out there rn

Mar 25, 2024 - permalink

I know people argue quite a bit about Kittybitcosplay so not trying to open that back up -- But shes my favorite currently of all the people who claim natty.

Simina Ursu also claims natty and I could believe it as well and she has a fantastic physique.

Tomoko Kanda was the best of the best back in her day. Beautiful voice, her muscles looked soft and then she'd flex and theyd seemingly inflate. I used to talk to her quite a bit since we lived near each other when she was living in the US and I can believe she was natty based on our convos but obviously you can never be too sure. Lovely woman thoughl

Mar 25, 2024 - permalink

Nope. Not believing you. The best shaped biceps I've ever seen have all been natural. I would put my life on her not taking a drop.

Why does it matter? It’s not like she injected test and her biceps grew to that peak. She obviously put in a ton of work to get to that point, and if anything PEDs let users train harder and more frequently due to their ability to help users recover faster.

Mar 25, 2024 - permalink

Just watch the video Kortey Olson posted about her PED journey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbvak_3wuiY&a...

She says that here very first try with PED was anavar in 2012, which means she was natural in this photo :

So here's my favorite natural girl : pre-2012 Kortney Olson.

If this is a picture of a natural girl, she has my respect!

Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

Please, don't fool yourself. Her case is VERY obvious. Her muscle mass and proportions tells it all, also her face shows the telltail signs of PED use (longer cheeks, petruding chin and a sharp jawline - she'd be a perfect Batman). Virtually all bikini competitors use PED's, they don't have to look anywhere near Andrea Shaw to be juicing. And of course if you talk to a muscle girl she won't admit to your face that she is taking PED's, for several reasons.

Obvious PED result

Heavy lifting and plenty food makes your triceps bulge for sure...

Amber is second from left

You should know that these muscle ladies are selling you a fantasy, and you are buying into it.

I just checked out other pictures on Amber White's page. Sorry, you'd have to have blinders on to know immediately know she's on the roids. She very much clearly is. Not even a question.

Mar 26, 2024 - edited Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

We could also post women from before steroids like Luisita Leers

No steroids in the 1930s 😂.

Mar 26, 2024 - edited Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

Might be a bit of a departure from some of the typical types of physique that you see on here because they don't workout the same way others do in a conventional gym but I find climbers to have amazing bodies. Also the use of peds is very shamed in the community and it reflects in what you see out there. Bonus point for the fact that they are in-cre-dibly strong. You have multiple videos seeing Alex, seen below, doing one arm pull ups with an additional 15lbs on the other hand

Alex Puccio

Mar 26, 2024 - permalink


Natural? Her?

Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

She started climbing at 13 and is now 35, was a world champion for years. She's not a mass monster either, climbers "look" big especially when pumped but that's because they use every fiber of their body in every range of motion possible.

No banana for scale but she's a safe case honestly

Mar 26, 2024 - edited Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

Might be a bit of a departure from some of the typical types of physique that you see on here because they don't workout the same way others do in a conventional gym but I find climbers to have amazing bodies. Also the use of peds is very shamed in the community and it reflects in what you see out there. Bonus point for the fact that they are in-cre-dibly strong. You have multiple videos seeing Alex, seen below, doing one arm pull ups with an additional 15lbs on the other hand

Alex Puccio

Roids. Sorry.

Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

Pointless to argue but if you actually looked at her Instagram and not curated pics you would understand that her build is achievable with 20 years of consistent training lmao. I'm a climber myself and I climb with strong women all the time. I'll leave it at that. Let's agree to disagree

Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

At first, I thought it was strange how part of the fantasy is that these women are natural. But it's not supposed to make sense -- it's a fantasy.

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