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for those who like humilliation, do you think that just may be because of childhood trauma?

Apr 16, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by frufan
Apr 17, 2024 - permalink

I am not going to call it trauma but I am very weak and I failed at most things I tried to do. like a few years ago I tried getting into working out and I already had very low expectations. like I thought certainly I can do 1 push up a day but I couldn't even do that I was unable to push my body up . I tried to do push ups against the wall while standing up and it seems to have made me slightly stronger. but after 3 years of doing it daily I still can't do a proper pushup and I probably never will

. when I was 18 I had a job at a recycling shop. I had to sort different types of trash I was proud of myself because I sorted 100 boxes in a few hours but the other workers some how did 1000s. and I had to pull a lever on one of the machines and I was so weak it wouldn't move the boss thought I was pretending to be weak and told me to get out. and there where women working there too and they didn't look particularly muscular.

in high school we had an event where we had to play a strange sport. I tried my best but I was doing so badly the coach literally said nope and dragged me out of the sports hall. and again there were a lot of girls there this was something that was not hard for the average person..

and it's not just about strength. mentality I have a high iq and when I was really young my nickname was little Einstein because I could read and write before even going to school. and was into science reading books that where too complex for a lot of adults. but when I tried to use my brain for something useful it ends in disappointment. like when I tried to get into hobby electronics but kept blowing things up by putting things in the wrong way. or when I tried to become a programmer but I couldn't even install the ide. and I have so many other stories of me just failing to do basic things. so to me a strong woman is just super human and I want to be submissive since I can't really compete with someone like her or even the average woman. And I view myself as inferior in most ways. I also am attracted to power in general. like one of my first moments of sexual arousal didn't involve muscle. but it was a cartoon were a female magician was using her powers to cause carnage and I have always been attracted to women with great power. and sometimes I want to feel that overwhelming power dominating me

Apr 17, 2024 - permalink

i don't like humiliation per se, but i do find myself sexually aroused by submission, being used, overpowered, etc... and yes, i definitely think it's related to my childhood trauma.

Apr 29, 2024 - permalink

Like humiliation porn or like being humiliated in real life? Because those can be two completely separate things.

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