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No criticism allowed?

May 21, 2024 - permalink

So if you mildly criticize some of the site rules in a private chat you are getting bullied and threatened?

May 21, 2024 - permalink

How do you post this and think it makes you look like the one in the right?

May 21, 2024 - permalink

How do you post this and think it makes you look like the one in the right?

What do you mean?

May 21, 2024 - permalink

Mildly criticize?

You first committed a faux pas by revealing a model's real name when we have already had numerous threads detailing why you shouldn't do that (but to refresh your memory, it's to maintain privacy especially since unfortunately there are people in this "fandom" who are extremely creepy and have no sense of boundaries to the point that they have stalked bodybuilders at their own homes and work). Then, you decided to say something that was quite frankly gross and when called out on it, instead of accepting that it was a rude and gross comment you doubled down and now are complaining that criticism of the site isn't allowed.

I have seen constructive criticism towards the site and Chainer and the mods taking them with a lot of grace. This is not constructive. It's you refusing to do a little bit self-reflection.

May 21, 2024 - permalink

Brother said “no teens under 18” as if that’s a bad thing 💀💀💀. Delete this immediately it makes u look extremely dumb

May 21, 2024 - permalink

Mildly criticize?

You first committed a faux pas by revealing a model's real name when we have already had numerous threads detailing why you shouldn't do that (but to refresh your memory, it's to maintain privacy especially since unfortunately there are people in this "fandom" who are extremely creepy and have no sense of boundaries to the point that they have stalked bodybuilders at their own homes and work). Then, you decided to say something that was quite frankly gross and when called out on it, instead of accepting that it was a rude and gross comment you doubled down and now are complaining that criticism of the site isn't allowed.

I have seen constructive criticism towards the site and Chainer and the mods taking them with a lot of grace. This is not constructive. It's you refusing to do a little bit self-reflection.

Nonsense, I didn't revealed her name, I just quoted the guy who did it. And how should even he know that she did not want that? And using the word "orgasmic" on a fetish site is gross? Are you kidding me?

May 21, 2024 - permalink

So if you mildly criticize some of the site rules in a private chat you are getting bullied and threatened?

Did you just post a screenshot where part of it is you saying "I can't post under 18s here" and then post this thinking we'd all be on your side?!

May 21, 2024 - permalink

Brother said “no teens under 18” as if that’s a bad thing 💀💀💀. Delete this immediately it makes u look extremely dumb

Oh God I missed that part. Just, wow...

May 21, 2024 - edited May 21, 2024 - permalink

Brother said “no teens under 18” as if that’s a bad thing 💀💀💀. Delete this immediately it makes u look extremely dumb

Just a few years ago there were many pictures of teens below 18 on this site - Dylan Crenshaw and Georgina McDonald for example. So back then, when this was ok, the guys who run this site were "dumb" and bad persons, right? According to your logic...

May 21, 2024 - permalink

dude reaaaaally wants the rest of us to know about his orgasms

May 21, 2024 - permalink

Oh my god. I'm laughing reading all these comments because they were exactly what I was thinking as I'm reading his post. My man. Get yoself together. This doesn't make you look as good as you think.

May 21, 2024 - permalink

Just a few years ago there were many pictures of teens below 18 on this site - Dylan Crenshaw and Georgina McDonald for example. So back then, when this was ok, the guys who run this site were "dumb" and bad persons, right? According to your logic...

Things can change for the better, and not permitting that anymore is a great thing and I'm glad the admins and mods decided on that. Something being "ok" in the past doesn't make it right.

And yes, this is a site for people who are attracted to muscular women, but you can have a preference, attraction and even a fetish while still conducting yourself with class. Muscular women aren't dumb in that they are ignorant to what guys like us do to their pics and videos, but that doesn't mean you need to explicitly talk about orgasms or whatever when describing them. That's not being prudish: that's being respectful.

It comes to social awareness/skills 101.

May 21, 2024 - edited May 21, 2024 - permalink

dude reaaaaally wants the rest of us to know about his orgasms

C'mon man, don't tell me you are not stroking your salami almost every time when you visit this (still) cool and useful website. I'm just more open about that than other users are.

May 21, 2024 - edited May 21, 2024 - permalink

Things can change for the better, and not permitting that anymore is a great thing and I'm glad the admins and mods decided on that. Something being "ok" in the past doesn't make it right.

And yes, this is a site for people who are attracted to muscular women, but you can have a preference, attraction and even a fetish while still conducting yourself with class. Muscular women aren't dumb in that they are ignorant to what guys like us do to their pics and videos, but that doesn't mean you need to explicitly talk about orgasms or whatever when describing them. That's not being prudish: that's being respectful.

It comes to social awareness/skills 101.

Dont' lecture me like a kid. I never post horny or other comments under the Insta and Tiktok accounts of these women (I don't waste my time with social media). But I also will not pretend that this website is anything else than a huge warehouse filled with jerk off content. But you and your buddies of course can virtue signall as long as you want. And btw, 18 is just a number. It does not determine morals in an absolute way. In most countries you are allowed to have sex with people below 18. But looking at pictures of a person (in skimpy outfit) below 18 is bad? That's just stupid,

May 21, 2024 - permalink

C'mon man, don't tell me you are not stroking your salami almost every time when you visit this (still) cool and useful website. I'm just more open about that than other users are.

yeah and we’ve also both probably taken some really phat shits in our lives. should we talk about that too? maybe send each other pics?

some things are best kept private.

May 21, 2024 - permalink

Just a few years ago there were many pictures of teens below 18 on this site - Dylan Crenshaw and Georgina McDonald for example. So back then, when this was ok, the guys who run this site were "dumb" and bad persons, right? According to your logic...

There are some reasons for this:

There are a ton of photos on this site and in previous iterations things could get lost pretty easily if one of the bulk uploaders shows up. We are pretty quick to add to the blacklist but there’s also the factor of not knowing on sight if they are a minor if we don’t know who they are. If I have time I’llLook it up but maybe it’s not a name or they’re 16-17 and look a little older but I don’t have a name. I’ll ofte err on the side of caution and clear it but we rely on reports a lot.

Also half of us at least try to go back in time regularly to clear posts from the earliest years which very are very much buried.

Also Dylan herself I believe was participating in posting herself but those photos are long removed.

It’s not the gotcha people think it is, like Irish or dd on the spot try to drop, becuase we’re fairly aggressive in taking down posts when we see them, banning posters who know the rules and if ignore them and permabNning repeat offenders.

May 21, 2024 - permalink

C'mon man, don't tell me you are not stroking your salami almost every time when you visit this (still) cool and useful website. I'm just more open about that than other users are.

This is the kind of comment women see and ask for take downs and then users like you ask “why did x get removed she was my favorite”

May 21, 2024 - permalink

yeah and we’ve also both probably taken some really phat shits in our lives.

Buffalo Wild Wings is doing all you can eat wings for a limited time! You sure you don't want me to message you about the aftermath of me hitting that up?

May 21, 2024 - edited May 22, 2024 - permalink

You aren't exactly invalidating my hunch that you lack both the self-awareness and restraint to not end up banned eventually, OP.

I was serious about saving us both time and getting it over with, yours is the kind of account that if banned will likely have all its comments auto-hidden, so it's not like you'll be leaving behind anything visible on the site, and any effort you're putting into posts and comments will be wasted. I also notice you've literally never contributed anything in terms of uploads, just your written "valuable insights" (most of which are either antagonistic or TMI-ish), so you wouldn't be losing a personal gallery or anything.

May 22, 2024 - permalink

Dude it's a comment, who cares if it got deleted. There is obviously a reason, which was explained to you, but still went over your head. You're in the wrong, suck it up and don't be a pedo.

May 22, 2024 - permalink

I don’t usually comment on things like this, however complaining about the no minors rule is truly horrifying.

May 22, 2024 - permalink

Holy hell are some dudes so deep in fetish land that they forget basic human decency

"And btw, 18 is just a number" - Quintus, May 21, 2024

May 22, 2024 - edited May 22, 2024 - permalink

Dont' lecture me like a kid. I never post horny or other comments under the Insta and Tiktok accounts of these women (I don't waste my time with social media). But I also will not pretend that this website is anything else than a huge warehouse filled with jerk off content. But you and your buddies of course can virtue signall as long as you want. And btw, 18 is just a number. It does not determine morals in an absolute way. In most countries you are allowed to have sex with people below 18. But looking at pictures of a person (in skimpy outfit) below 18 is bad? That's just stupid,


Honest question: have you read through the patient explanations on this thread and truly tried to understand them?

This really comes off more as desire to win a verbal argument, rather than trying to understand why a moderator has made a decision very much in line with the current rules of the site.

This site is a lot more consensus-driven than many other places on the Internet, if you take the time to see it.

Maybe you don’t pull this stuff on social media sites because there’s no one to argue with when they ban you without discussion?

May 22, 2024 - permalink

This ain't it.

May 22, 2024 - permalink

Nonsense, I didn't revealed her name, I just quoted the guy who did it. And how should even he know that she did not want that? And using the word "orgasmic" on a fetish site is gross? Are you kidding me?

Quintus........ take time to think about this. Take all the time you need. Just because somebody screwed up and dropped a name doesn't make it ok for you to do it again. It's like an industry standard buddy. Nobodies gonna shed tears for you on this.

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