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No criticism allowed?

May 22, 2024 - permalink

This is my favorite thread in a while

May 22, 2024 - edited May 22, 2024 - permalink

damn! We've all probably had uploads denied or deleted. I had one recently, and the mod was kind of a butthole about it. I don't even care to mention the name, it's not worth it.

It's a free site paid for by someone else. You have no rights. Move on. And don't do pedo stuff.

May 22, 2024 - permalink

Incredible that OP posted that screenshot thinking it’d make him look good and that we’d all be on his side 😂 Yeesh.

May 22, 2024 - edited May 22, 2024 - permalink

Dont' lecture me like a kid. I never post horny or other comments under the Insta and Tiktok accounts of these women (I don't waste my time with social media). But I also will not pretend that this website is anything else than a huge warehouse filled with jerk off content. But you and your buddies of course can virtue signall as long as you want. And btw, 18 is just a number. It does not determine morals in an absolute way. In most countries you are allowed to have sex with people below 18. But looking at pictures of a person (in skimpy outfit) below 18 is bad? That's just stupid,

Although I have to agree that the word “orgasmic” isn’t the worst thing that has been said here and hasn’t been deleted but you are making it worse and worse and worse XD 0 awareness. Age is not just a number and the girls u mentioned are American so even if u wanted to go down that route it's still illegal...

May 22, 2024 - permalink

C'mon quintus, the policing isn't mainly for "virtue signaling" or prudishness. It's because plenty of girls have taken themselves off the site because they don't like gross comments about them. Some of them know directly by creating accounts, and some of them have heard rumors. The mods are right to want to stop the exodus! Let's keep building the reputation of GMW as a positive place where women are appreciated for their impressive work.

May 22, 2024 - permalink

Incredible that OP posted that screenshot thinking it’d make him look good and that we’d all be on his side 😂 Yeesh.

That's what happens when you spend too much time "stroking the salami".

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