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Do women on steroids have a higher potential than natural men?

Jun 24, 2023 - permalink

I work out regularly and I'm always around guys that are regular lifters or athletes (none of them are bodybuilders or take any PED's) but some of the women on this site have physiques that I've never seen before even on a guy. Like I've seen women on here with 8 packs, muscular chests, huge shoulders/biceps/triceps/forearms/delts all at the same time. Like with the guys I know they're usually always missing one thing like they'll have big arms and a full chest but won't have abs, or they'll have abs but they'll be on the skinnier side and will want to put on more size. Do women who take PED's have an easier time putting on muscle compared to a natural guy or do guys still have the advantage?

Jun 24, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by cgsweat
Jun 24, 2023 - permalink

Oh I see, you're asking about comparing them to "natural" men. That's my mistake.

The thing is that men who aren't on PED's come in a vast variety of athletic levels. So it's really hard to make a general comparison.

Jun 24, 2023 - permalink

If you want to take a deep dive into this, then you should consider what the natural levels of testosterone are in an average man, and compare that to the average woman on PED's. Different women are on different doses of different drugs, and so that is one more thing to consider here.

Usually the one with the higher test. level, who also trains harder, will have the more impressive results.

Jun 24, 2023 - permalink

Everything cgsweat said is correct. There are way too many variables to put into play to answer this properly. Some women will be on milder cycles, and others will be on harsher ones with a multitude of compounds. That, and genetics play a huge impact on reaching your physique peak, especially if you're a natural lifter.

A very simplistic way of looking at it is this, however: You can be big and muscular, lean and muscular or natty but you can only be two of those things.

Jun 24, 2023 - permalink

Muscle/strength potential is sex-influenced, but NOT sex-absolute.

Jun 24, 2023 - edited Jun 24, 2023 - permalink

Financial/physical motivation is also likely a factor. For women to get that big, they're definitely shelling out a decent amount on PEDs - it would be a waste to not utilize them to the fullest extent, i.e. working out much more intensely than the average Joe who has nothing financially to lose by taking it slower. I take peptides, and that's definitely a motivating factor for me. I don't want to waste hundreds of bucks by not kicking my ass every time I go! Plus, just knowing that my results will be increased as a result of taking a 'cheat code' like that is what got me past the first 6 week period where you either start wanting to go to the gym or you give up. I'm sure it's the same for women in both regards.

Jun 24, 2023 - permalink

Probably not it's very easy for a man to get huge biceps. i see a lot of men who are strong every day. but women of that caliber only show up once every few years. and these men don't work hard they just go swimming every day and work in construction. Women with that level of muscle are dedicated to working out as much as possible and probably take steroids.

Jun 24, 2023 - permalink

I get that everyone is different but I mean just in a general sense. I mean we can all agree that in general men are stronger than women, if we take an average man and an average woman and they both start training towards a strength based goal the mans ceiling will be way higher and he'll probably get faster results even if they both started around the same time and put in the same amount of effort. But now if we take that same man and woman but the woman is allowed to take PED's while the man has to remain natural how big will the difference be?

Jun 24, 2023 - permalink

I think that the women on PED's will have a much higher incidence of enlarged heart, fatty disease of the liver and several problems of the pancreas as compared to men bodybuilding the natural way. And this thought also applies to women bodybuilders following a natural methodology. Anyone taking PED's is at high risk of severe side-effects. There is no getting around that fact.

Jun 24, 2023 - permalink

Well chances are the average guy will be taller than the average girl on PEDs. Take that into account alongside with men being naturally broader in the upper body. If you are a smaller build guy, then yes most women who are serious about working out are going to be stronger than you. Im 5'9 and work out recreationally and benching 225 isn't that impressive for guys who work out, but for any female, I would be hella impressed. It's a lot easier guys to lose weight and gain muscle in general as well. Women do have to be conscious about it to reach the same result. Hope this helps!

Jun 25, 2023 - permalink

Of course she has a higher potential on steroids. A higher potential of jumping into an early grave, if nothing else.

Jun 25, 2023 - edited Jun 25, 2023 - permalink

I've seen women on steroids at gyms I have been to, I can tell you the average gym going guy isn't producing the same level of testerone or growth. Even just talking to them you see the defined upper pecs, the huge 3D delts, the ripped biceps, huge back. I don't care how many years you go to the gym and how clean you eat the average guys body is just not producing that level of growth or testerone.

While height and weight of these women aren't really high I can tell you they are way more muscular in person than you think. These girls in figure these days have as much muscle as your active gym going guy. The women's physique girls totally dwarf 95% of the men in the gym with the other 5% being heavy steroid guys. What was the professional bodybuilding level is beyond even that.

I've seen girls go from 5-7 and a skinny 120 pounds to bigger arms and more ripped than all the guys at the gym. One study found that 3 months on roads was equivalent to 3 years naturally.

Also, a lot of these girls don't train certain body parts because bodybuilding is about symmetry and they will get to big. I've met girls who don't train biceps or chest because if they do those muscles will get way to big, no natural guy would ever say that. You have girls with ripped 16 inch arms that limit how much they train them since they don't want 17's or 18's on stage.

Jun 25, 2023 - permalink

No natural male lifter will ever get even close to Natalia Trukhina's level. Maybe in strength, but certainly not in size while shredded. That is hardly surprising, however, as her test level far exceeds the maximum range of a natural male. Of course, Trukhina is peak female PED user, so your average natural male will have no issue exceeding your average Anavar Tiktok girl in strength, size, and conditioning.

Jun 25, 2023 - permalink

I realize everyone tries to bring an honest point of view - but if for example you use the case of Natalia Trukhina - she has steadily used heavy amounts of PED's, GH and Estrogen blockers for upwards of 15 years by her own admission. There is a legitimate case to be made that she is no longer "technically a woman". I have a friend who competed at the Figure level - no where near the bodybuilding level and she said they were all randomly tested at one show and every competitor's blood level tested - as male. You can't put that much testosterone in your body and still say you are female - at best - you are somewhere in the middle. That is why it will never fully catch on in mainstream....never say never....but it should be recognized as it is. Opinions will vary.

Jun 25, 2023 - permalink

I've seen women on steroids at gyms I have been to, I can tell you the average gym going guy isn't producing the same level of testerone or growth. Even just talking to them you see the defined upper pecs, the huge 3D delts, the ripped biceps, huge back. I don't care how many years you go to the gym and how clean you eat the average guys body is just not producing that level of growth or testerone.

While height and weight of these women aren't really high I can tell you they are way more muscular in person than you think. These girls in figure these days have as much muscle as your active gym going guy. The women's physique girls totally dwarf 95% of the men in the gym with the other 5% being heavy steroid guys. What was the professional bodybuilding level is beyond even that.

I've seen girls go from 5-7 and a skinny 120 pounds to bigger arms and more ripped than all the guys at the gym. One study found that 3 months on roads was equivalent to 3 years naturally.

Also, a lot of these girls don't train certain body parts because bodybuilding is about symmetry and they will get to big. I've met girls who don't train biceps or chest because if they do those muscles will get way to big, no natural guy would ever say that. You have girls with ripped 16 inch arms that limit how much they train them since they don't want 17's or 18's on stage.

I thought so, I've seen a lot of guys who started lifting with an unrealistic goal that they never end up reaching, but the women on this site get there with no problems, a lot of these women even have better pecs than most men lol

Jun 25, 2023 - edited Jun 25, 2023 - permalink

Yeah it's ridiculous honestly.

I've been going to the gym for quite some time, on and off. So I'm not small and I can lift heavy - but I'm not ripped.

Some of these girls on this website have been training for one year, hopped on gear, and are now insanely ripped(see for example Isa Rodriguez). There are even girls on this website that only train glutes, yet they have ripped biceps. If they keep using PEDs like they do they can def outgrow natty men.

Jun 25, 2023 - permalink

I will concur from experience with my wife using PED’s over the years that a woman who uses gear will far surpass most natural males in short order in the gym. I’m not talking about using just anavar but test, primo and other compounds. Keep in mind that most of the woman cycle on and off and over time build a lot of muscle maturity that the average man gym goer or even frequent male natty will struggle to keep due to multiple cycles over time. My wife’s first heavy cycle her weight shot from 170 to 195 in a matter of weeks and her size and strength was shocking. Her incline bench went from 185 for 8 to her repping 255 for an easy 12-14. Dumbbell rows at 100 pounds was normal and lat pull-downs in the 190-205 range were as well. She had bloods run at the end of it and her test level was about 1300 easily above any natural male. Not something I would recommend for many but for a short period of time it was impressive. Super human compared to regular men.

Jun 25, 2023 - permalink

Yeah I think the average PED user on here seems to have physiques that will be extremely difficult for most men to achieve, when it comes down to the top percentage of women on here it would be impossible for a natural man to compete, I don't think any natural guy is touching Andrea Shaw in this pic:

Jun 26, 2023 - permalink

Yeah it's ridiculous honestly.

I've been going to the gym for quite some time, on and off. So I'm not small and I can lift heavy - but I'm not ripped.

Some of these girls on this website have been training for one year, hopped on gear, and are now insanely ripped(see for example Isa Rodriguez). There are even girls on this website that only train glutes, yet they have ripped biceps. If they keep using PEDs like they do they can def outgrow natty men.

I thought so, I've seen a lot of males start lifting with an unreasonable goal they never accomplish, but the ladies on this site get there easily.

Jun 26, 2023 - permalink

Yeah it's ridiculous honestly.

I've been going to the gym for quite some time, on and off. So I'm not small and I can lift heavy - but I'm not ripped.

Some of these girls on this website have been training for one year, hopped on gear, and are now insanely ripped(see for example Isa Rodriguez). There are even girls on this website that only train glutes, yet they have ripped biceps. If they keep using PEDs like they do they can def outgrow natty men.

Tbf Isa's actually not very big, it's mostly angles, lighting etc, take into account her being short too. (Obviously great genetics too)

Jun 26, 2023 - permalink

I am beginning with the assumption that the comparison includes only hard training natural men that compete in some sport and follow scheduled nutrition and training. This is not a comparison between men that casually join a gym as a hobby even if they train 5 days per week.

All women on PEDs usually compete and follow the scheduled nutrition and hard training. So we have to compare apples to apples.

That said the only category that can potentially surpass men is the heavy FBBs and some women from WP with equally heavy drug use. We are talking about testosterone, tren, hGH, antiestrogens. Anavar and Clen not enough. Obvious virilization in that case. These women certainly can have more muscle density per pound of body weight. Strength wise they can get close but muscle is their biggest gain from PEDs and they can certainly exceed many men.

However these results are not even possible year round, there will be months that their numbers get quite lower once they have to hop off roids.

Jun 26, 2023 - permalink

I am so disillusioned. All of this glorious female muscle. And it’s only because of a bunch of drugs which is certainly going to snuff them out decades (if not several decades) ahead of schedule. I’m beginning think it’s a good thing I cannot catch a muscular pritty kitty of my own now. I won’t be able to enjoy her for long before she croaks or suffers something terrible which physically wrecks her for the rest of her life.

Jun 27, 2023 - permalink

Definitely disillusioned.

The majority on here are clueless wrt peds, nutrition, and exercise. A few seem to have good understandings but are failing to communicate to the clueless. In-between exist the vocal group who don't know much but provide most of the comments.

If you want to learn anything on these issues around the girls on this site, you have to get off of this site.

What's a wrt ped?

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