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Blocks you'll never recover from

Apr 26, 2023 - permalink

No. Freaking. Excuse. There is a reason the Bible condemns ill-temperedness. Because of cancel culture shit like this. This guy did nothing to deserve such abuse. And had this lady (and I use that word very loosely) kept that all-consuming, all-defining fury of hers in check, she would have realized her adoring fan’s intentions.

But, no. Easier to give it to him with both barrels, instead ^_^

😂😂😂 yesyes, talking about the bible in the context of the nsfw bodybuilding world of drug abuse, body modification, camming, sessions and amongst other things guys texting fbbs on social media with one hand down their pants...

Thank you, I blew water out of my nose laughing, this comment made my day.

Apr 26, 2023 - edited Apr 26, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by legLover232
Apr 26, 2023 - permalink

I think I got some of ya'll beat when I say that I'm pretty sure I got like 30 that's blocked me so far lmfao!

Apr 26, 2023 - permalink

Weirdos with Social Ineptitude: The Topic

Apr 26, 2023 - edited Apr 26, 2023 - permalink

Are you kidding?


  • The comment the guy made was socially inept at best, the fitness equivalent of "if only you lost some weight you'd be as pretty as your friend!"

He already thought she was magnificent and beautiful and was trying to motivate her to become even MORE magnificent and beautiful. That's why he was so upset when she blocked him. Was the way he expressed himself awkward? I'll admit it was but, awkwardness is not the same as malevolence and evil.

But, what's really bad about this situation is the hateful bitch didn't even give him a chance to explain himself. Keep in mind, this is a lady he had been FB friends with for YEARS. And look how swift she was to send him off into exile, as if he was a piece of excrement to be hosed off her gym shoes and forgotten, WTF?

  • Blocking someone isn't abuse or cancel culture.

It certainly is if you are quick to fly into a rage and eager to take offense where none was intended. Even more so if you're willing to befriend someone for years and so callously flush them down the memory sewer the moment they cross or annoy you.

  • While you might prefer she talk to her "adoring fans", she does not owe them this.

From a legal standpoint, she doesn't owe anybody anything. But from a moral standpoint, she should treat people the way she would like to be treated. Because if she was on the receiving end of such unholy wrath and unrighteous indignation, I can guarantee you she would not appreciate it at all. Nor would anybody else.

Apr 26, 2023 - permalink

Blocking someone doesn’t have any of the hallmarks of cancel culture.

  • no one as showing receipts to any of your contacts to get you in trouble
  • no one was putting you on blast

Alexis to my knowledge never did anything like that or even talked about it compared to, say, Kristina Moser or the now defunct youlookkikeaman page.

Apr 26, 2023 - permalink

Weirdos with Social Ineptitude: The Topic

Yup. While some blocks can be “wtf?,” it seems like most of the examples listed are justified lol.

Apr 26, 2023 - permalink

Yup. While some blocks can be “wtf?,” it seems like most of the examples listed are justified lol.

Facts. These dudes be spillin' the tea all over theyselves.

Apr 26, 2023 - permalink

I don’t know. Personally, I hate being rejected by a FBB. The most recent one just blocked me for no apparent reason. I had subscribed to her OF page, and she blocked me from that. I feel it for a while, but then I just move on.

Apr 26, 2023 - permalink

> Was blocked by Naughty Nuriye on HBC and still dont know why. She could make me hard just talking to her. Magnificently powerful body>

Same! No clue as to why either.

literally same. came into free chat for like a minute and boom I was banned

Apr 26, 2023 - permalink

> Was blocked by Naughty Nuriye on HBC and still dont know why. She could make me hard just talking to her. Magnificently powerful body>

Same! No clue as to why either.

Seems like since we’re spending money to have a chat with them they wouldn’t do that. But maybe she’s do popular that she doesn’t need our money.

Apr 26, 2023 - permalink

But maybe she’s do popular that she doesn’t need our money.

All they need is a small handful of users with deep pockets. It's not about the number of users they can draw, it's about the amount of money they can draw.

Apr 27, 2023 - permalink

To prevent blocking stop sending message like a indian guy on the internet.

Apr 27, 2023 - permalink

To prevent blocking stop sending message like a indian guy on the internet.

bobs and vageen

Apr 27, 2023 - permalink

This thread is kinda shocking NGL. I follow like hundreds of FBB's and have never been blocked by a single one.

Seems like you actually have to try kind of hard for that to happen?

IDK, I just send them genuine compliments when I feel like it (and not repetitive, constant ones) and I don't demand their time or attention for free. It's worked so far....

Apr 27, 2023 - edited Apr 27, 2023 - permalink

All they need is a small handful of users with deep pockets. It's not about the number of users they can draw, it's about the amount of money they can draw.

Exactly. But, even the special few whom are selected will never be truly safe from her wrath. Because these goddesses (so-called) know they can still get away with being spiteful, petty, and mean should they choose to be so.

"Go ahead and run away, little piggy! All I have to do is look sexy and beautiful and, ten other yous will replace you by the end of the day, LOLOL XD"


Apr 27, 2023 - permalink

Exactly. But, even the special few they select will never be truly safe from her wrath. Because these goddesses (so-called) know they can still get away with being spiteful, petty, and mean should they choose to be so.

"Go ahead and run away, little piggy! All I have to do is look sexy and beautiful and, ten other yous will replace you by the end of the day, LOLOL XD"


Okay real question: is it enough for you to watch the account of an FBB and enjoy her pictures? Because I can't imagine any scenario where you ever get blocked for enjoying this awesome and free content.

Are you also demanding her time and attention? Are you sending her constant solicitations? Insults? I really honestly don't know what it takes to get blocked.

Apr 27, 2023 - permalink

I guess thats part of why I started the thread haha kind of interesting to hear stories and compare. I know in most cases why I was blocked but there have been a few where I was totally blindsided because I hadn’t done anything at all.

Apr 27, 2023 - permalink

I guess thats part of why I started the thread haha kind of interesting to hear stories and compare. I know in most cases why I was blocked but there have been a few where I was totally blindsided because I hadn’t done anything at all.

Maybe your reputation precedes you and when you show up as a follower, instant block. Damn, just thinking what you could be doing to a rep like that

Apr 27, 2023 - permalink

You guys can listen to me or not, but I have a lifehack on how to have great convo's with huge muscular women and not get blocked. The secret is...


Your average FBB with a sizable following is getting bombarded with idiotic messages all day long. While I'm sure it feels nice to be called beautiful and goddess all day, I'm sure that the novelty burns out quickly. I've been told this by many girls. If you're just sending compliments and solicitations, then you're one of like hundreds of guys doing that.

Most girls are selling something: Onlyfans, merchandise, supplements, amazon wishlists, training plans. If you want to speak with them, then buying something that they're selling is a good way to do it.

And before the incel crowd gets all worked up, just appreciate that horny guys are 48% of the population and really jacked women are like .000001% of the population. So yes, there is a huge imbalance. There are way more of us than there are of them.

Contrast these two approaches:

  1. "OMG yr muscles are so big, I weigh 150lb I bet you can lift me above your head, what do you think LOOOOOL"

  2. "Wow I'm loving the protein shake that you're repping and thanks for the discount code! Your arms are amazing, and I'm really hoping that I can get bicep peaks like you someday! I'd love to get your thoughts on my routine if you ever have a moment free."

If your goal is to chat with really muscular women and maybe become friendly with them, which one do you think works better?

Apr 27, 2023 - permalink

Weirdos with Social Ineptitude: The Topic

Social awkwardness is not the same as malevolence or evil. It's too bad many of these fine ladies don't know or don't care about the difference.

Apr 27, 2023 - permalink

Social awkwardness is not the same as malevolence or evil. It's too bad many of these fine ladies don't know or don't care about the difference.

The same could be said that choosing to block someone for any reason should also not be confused with being evil.

Apr 27, 2023 - permalink

They don't owe you a conversation in the same way that you wouldn't owe a conversation to some random guy messaging you.

Apr 27, 2023 - permalink

They don't owe you a conversation in the same way that you wouldn't owe a conversation to some random guy messaging you.

THANK YOU. Couldn't agree more.

I've been accused of being a "white knight" on threads like this, but I'm honestly just looking out for my self interest.

I love muscular women. I want them to feel good about themselves and post pics and videos and share their hard work and enjoy it. The more pleasant it is for them, the more they want to train and grow, and the more gratifying it is for me. Plus it's nice to be a good person and treat others with respect and all that.

Honestly, the more that rude, awkward, and outright predatory douchebags just stay TF away, the better it is for the girls and for the rest of us. These guys are like insane soccer hooligans who can't control themselves and mess up the whole game for the players and the rest of us.

Apr 27, 2023 - permalink

i mean, look: i know what i'm opening myself up to if i'm diving into the DMs for content. whatever is coming is deserved either way. unlike some i don't fly off the handle and start through around names because I didn't get my way. so i def try to be as unawkward as possible. i wish more were as self aware in their messaging and comments.

i would HOPE that my reputation doesn't precede me but I can't imagine that there would be any cross polination at all between a 20 year old fitness girl and a seasoned bodybuilder that has zero interaction with them. but who knows. i used to chat friendly with one powerlifter-lite woman, never asked her for anything, she starts dating a guy, actually asked me for advice a couple of times, and then one day, blocked.

who knows the reason, maybe her bf didn't want her messaging, or she didn't feel comfortable about it, idk. everyone is different. i talk to another woman who started dating a while and occasiionaly sent me freebies, but as the relationship went on she's put up a boundary and we no longer talk like we used to. it is what it is.

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