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Emma Hartley grooming claims

Apr 06, 2023 - permalink

Goob posted a video where he points out some bizarre behavior on Emma’s part. She is telling other women on Instagram that they can get some sort of brand endorsement and they can do this by sending in pictures to a contact number for someone who doesn’t seem to be who she claims it is.

The text messages are supposedly to a woman who manages some brand, and she will tell fitness girls through text to send sexual and explicit images and comments about masturbating to them. Problem is Goob knows who this woman is and claims that the number Emma is giving out does not belong to her. This means Emma is either knowingly deceiving women into sending nudes or is unknowingly being duped.


Apr 06, 2023 - permalink

Jesus the whole “fitness industry” is a fucking cancer 🤦‍♂️

Apr 06, 2023 - permalink

Apologies, what or who Goob is?

Apr 06, 2023 - permalink

Apologies, what or who Goob is?

He’s a fitness guy who exposes various scams and unethical and illegal behavior in the fitness world. He used to just point out people editing their pictures, but now he exposes more serious stuff like this.

Apr 06, 2023 - permalink

He’s a fitness guy who exposes various scams and unethical and illegal behavior in the fitness world. He used to just point out people editing their pictures, but now he exposes more serious stuff like this.

On cool! Didn't know about him, I'll check him out, thank you!

Apr 06, 2023 - permalink

You guys HAVE to know all these bullshit, hyper-sexualized OnlyFans and similar accounts are "managed" fakery.

Apr 06, 2023 - permalink

You guys HAVE to know all these bullshit, hyper-sexualized OnlyFans and similar accounts are "managed" fakery.

Obviously. There are firms that just run and manage the accounts, the girls just take the pictures and send it to them, then a team of tech workers follow scrips on what to put as captions.

Apr 06, 2023 - permalink

He also exposed Gabby Fortune another abuser

Apr 06, 2023 - permalink

You guys HAVE to know all these bullshit, hyper-sexualized OnlyFans and similar accounts are "managed" fakery.

I'd be shaking in my boots if I was a "fitness influencer," because the way AI is going they're going to become obsolete. The wave of fakery coming to OF soon (it's probably already here) is going to make today's fakery look like nothing.

Apr 06, 2023 - permalink

It's definitely wild to think how much worse things are going to get. A few minutes ago, I paid a ridiculous amount "just to see wtf" a particular post and had to wonder how it came to be. Yo, I'm VERY happy for the girls getting their paper, don't get me wrong, but in some cases, DAMN.

Apr 06, 2023 - permalink


Update video. More women are coming out and reporting the same thing. Emma contacts them about some brand deal, then gives them the number of someone who pushes them to send them sexual and nude photos of themselves. It’s always the same number, but she will claim it’s a different person to different people.

Apr 06, 2023 - permalink

From what it sounds like she is more complicit as opposed to being ignorant and naïve.

I always knew the industry was pretty toxic, but hearing more and more of shit like this coming out is making me want to completely cut myself off from it. It's full of shitty people with fragile egos.

Apr 06, 2023 - permalink

I always knew the industry was pretty toxic, but hearing more and more of shit like this coming out is making me want to completely cut myself off from it. It's full of shitty people with fragile egos.

It's not necessarily the fitness industry, but the way that social media rewards dishonesty. But yeah, the longer this goes on, the worse it will get.

Apr 06, 2023 - permalink


Further update. Emma has responded and claimed that the account is not hers and a fake. Goob has taken down his previous two videos and says he is waiting for Emma to address this herself.

Apr 07, 2023 - permalink

From what it sounds like she is more complicit as opposed to being ignorant and naïve.

I always knew the industry was pretty toxic, but hearing more and more of shit like this coming out is making me want to completely cut myself off from it. It's full of shitty people with fragile egos.

No way, man, look at her posts. I know we're not supposed to judge a book by the cover, but that's a pretty descriptive cover - there is NO WAY the person in Emma's videos is engaged in ratty, low-vibration behavior like that. Even if that was her personality - and it's 100% not - women that hot ain't got the TIME for no bullshit DMs.

I'm blown away by it all, but fact is, I'm the last person who should be shocked that it's happening. I think I'm more shocked at how many believers there are, though.

Apr 07, 2023 - permalink

No way, man, look at her posts. I know we're not supposed to judge a book by the cover, but that's a pretty descriptive cover - there is NO WAY the person in Emma's videos is engaged in ratty, low-vibration behavior like that. Even if that was her personality - and it's 100% not - women that hot ain't got the TIME for no bullshit DMs.

I'm blown away by it all, but fact is, I'm the last person who should be shocked that it's happening. I think I'm more shocked at how many believers there are, though.

Far more attractive women have done far worse. You need to get out more.

Apr 07, 2023 - permalink

Obviously. There are firms that just run and manage the accounts, the girls just take the pictures and send it to them, then a team of tech workers follow scrips on what to put as captions.

I once mentioned that that’s the setup Amy Mendez has on her OF but many people here thought she was really posting here when it was only the person managing her OF. There are suckers born every minute

Apr 07, 2023 - permalink

No way, man, look at her posts. I know we're not supposed to judge a book by the cover, but that's a pretty descriptive cover - there is NO WAY the person in Emma's videos is engaged in ratty, low-vibration behavior like that. Even if that was her personality - and it's 100% not - women that hot ain't got the TIME for no bullshit DMs.

I'm blown away by it all, but fact is, I'm the last person who should be shocked that it's happening. I think I'm more shocked at how many believers there are, though.

You're basing her innocence on her looks? wtf.

Apr 07, 2023 - permalink

so i caught wind of this and Goob has removed both videos.

idk how good y'all's memories are, but you might remember a portion of this (the portion that's important).

There were two "Emma Hartley" tiktok accounts active. One was tagged "blondeyy101" and had 135k followers. The info blurb pointed to her correct IG account (matching blondeyy101) and lebabled her as an Alphalete and Rapidware athlete. Idk if she was ever linked with Alphalete, but Rapidware is the clothing line that she owns. The account hasn't been active in a few months, but has matching posts to the IG account.

The other one is "emmahartley101", and has around 74k followers. It seems likely that this was created after and she was unable to get the matching name. But this account ALSO points to her IG, also direct links her Youtube account, and is recently active.

What I found weird on my own was that the video captions were all pretty similar in tone. BUT as Goob found out, on the blondeyy101 account, if you scroll back far enough you'll see posts of a completely different woman.

Here's where it gets a little interesting.

First, whoever this account is, they pretended to be this woman named Jessika. The post descriptions are normal ish but the replies are either one word or sound like a woman written by a man. Lots of "baby" or language like that, but not every comment. Then they started posting videos of Emma and called her "her coach". At this point they decided to make an IG account labeled "jessikaabss" or "jessaabss". Some of you with longer memories might recall her popping up on IG (maybe on here), and i think a few of you would recognize the women herself, although this clearly isn't her.

At some point they dropped all pretense and just posted pretending to be Emma.This is likely the account that was pretending to be her to get photos of other women, claiming to be someone who could hook them up. They also pretended to be Gabby Fortune.

At any rate, Emma is not the brightest tool in the shed. Most people would have started a report campaign to take down the other account. It might even be possible that they pre-emptively blocked Emma when she joined tiktok so that Emma wouldn't know the account existed. But an account that large, 135k followers millions of views, and they're all pointing to her correct social account? It's free real estate, right?

You can tell from her post captions that she's a ditz. The woman keeps talking about "disconnecting from the matrix" and "being your true authentic self" and not "being part of the rat race of the world" but presumably makes great money selling mediocre clothing (probably), I'm pretty sure has wealthy parents, and drives a Tesla. Honestly, hilarious

Apr 07, 2023 - permalink

He also exposed Gabby Fortune another abuser

What happened with Gabby Fortune?

Apr 07, 2023 - permalink

What happened with Gabby Fortune?

She abused her boyfriend.

Apr 07, 2023 - permalink

Jesus the whole “fitness industry” is a fucking cancer 🤦‍♂️

I equate it to the professional wrestling industry. Carnies, hucksters, and grifters everywhere.

Apr 07, 2023 - permalink

You're basing her innocence on her looks? wtf.

It's an outlandish way of viewing things, but certainly not uncommon when it comes to the perception of women.

Apr 07, 2023 - permalink

That's a great bicep in real life.

Apr 07, 2023 - permalink

She posted that it’s not her running that account, asked people to report it, and also said that she will contact the police about this. She also posted a video where she is distraught and crying from these allegations and Goob has since removed his videos about it. Still hard to say, but I think she is telling the truth and that it wasn’t her. Either way, goob should do more due diligence in his reporting on things like this and at the very least ask for a comment from the person in question before he post his videos.

If she does turn out to be innocent, he could be fucked and have his own reputation ruined as being a gossip monger more than an investigative journalist type.

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