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Jessica (jjjeeessiiiccaaa) abuse claims

Mar 22, 2023 - edited Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

This is the least surprising news ever. Plenty of fitness chicks have attitude or egos or whatever, which to be clear I find hot. But Jessica 100% seems like the type to beat a guy up. The fact that it's her S.O. makes it reprehensible, you can't do that. She's only 5'3" though. I've had my ass kicked by shorter guys before and I'll never blame the victim, but you'd think he could kick her in the chest or something. Then again the police might come and side with her.

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

I haven’t read the whole thread because of my encroaching cataracts but thanks to feminism, in America you have this thing called the Duluth Model which means that if the police are called on a domestic violence dispute it’s the man who’s arrested.

My two friends who were both battered women for YEARS only wish that were true. Allowing wife beaters to act for years without real consequences and a downright refusal to enforce restraining orders is sadly commonplace.

Honestly, I think it just comes down to a unwillingness to do the work and protect the public.

If a woman is horrifically abused by her partner but has the classic toxic signs of a battered woman (she denies it, she lets him back in, he's dangerous and resistant to arrest and legal restraint) then the case is difficult and law enforcement would rather pass. Nevermind that there are a million red flags and this is an extremely common and known dynamic. If she gets hurt or dies... well... that's too bad.

If a man is physically abused by his wife and fights back... well he's not the typical wife beater and he's relatively easy to apprehend. And she's likely to be vindictive and take legal action against him It's an easy case and doesn't take much work.. which is right up LE's alley.

Look... I'm not anti police, but here's a true story: A female friend from college had a live in boyfriend in 2020. He was absive in every way. Punched her, kicked her, almost broke her nose and her arm. Destroyed her stuff. Threw a bunch of her childhood gymnastics awards out a 7 story window. Made repeated threats to kill her and/or kill herself.

She had video of this. She had visible injuries. They weren't married, the apartment was rented, the lease was 100% in her name, and he contributed nothing towards the monthly rent.

I would have LOVED if there was some kind of Duluth Model that compelled the Burbank PD to do something, but they did nothing. You'd think that they would, at minimum, kick the guy out for trespassing but "their hands were tied," and "he needs to go through the eviction process." Despite making repeated threats of death and bodily harm.

Despite him being far bigger and stronger, you can bet the cops would be there in an instant and be slapping cuffs on her if she once tried to use a weapon to defend herself. She was a legal gun owner but terrified of the legal consequences of even pulling it out.

I'd love for someone to explain WTF is the rationale behind any of this. Was absolutely infuriating to witness, and I lost a ton of respect for LE (at least that one) during this time. Don't ever try to sell me on watching an episode of Law & Order SVU.

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

As an aside the laws for people on property in California are incredibly strong.

I had a landlord whose dad showed up and squatted on the property until we moved about a year later. Because he thought she had swindled him out of both sides of the duplex he was on a vendetta to get it back and fuck her over. She didn’t take action fast enough—after something like 30 days squatters rights are incredible hard to break and he met most of the conditions. The police came but couldn’t do anything because of the law—if they took him away it would make a bigger stink for LAPD.

So there are almost always unseen things, even outside their house.

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

Why does this make her More attractive to me?🤦‍♂️ I was with a woman like this and managed to break free,but I fall for women like this. I’m screwed up!🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️😔😢

A few things:

1) You're not screwed up, we're ALL screwed up, which makes you....normal. 😉 2) A lot of people are wired to be "fixers". The Nightingale Syndrome (and similar) is real. 3) It could also be that you're not a nightingale, but just love crazy chicks because of their (often well-deserved) reputation for being great in bed.

The problem with 3 is the level of risk associated with it. If you rock HER world, you'd better be prepared to stick around or move. To another state.

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

A MAGA girlfriend who's not afraid to get physical would be hot IF she were bigger and stronger. This girl acting like this, at her size, is just cringe.

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

> Frankly this is none of his or our business.

In this case, yes it is. She is a criminal.

It's a domestic. Really no one else's concern, unless you're referring to some other criminal act I'm unaware of?

> Goob just posted a video on her making the claim that she is physically abusive of her husband. For those unaware, Goob U2 makes videos exposing people in the online fitness community who engage in fraud, deceptive morphs, scams, and immoral/illegal activity. > > He posted her rap sheet from when she was arrested last month for domestic violence and also posted two videos recorded by her husband. In one she angrily confronts him for liking a girls post on instagram before slapping him, and in another she destroys a fan while saying "fuck your fan" before moving towards him while he says hes recording the video for his own safety. > > I used to like her, but this sort of stuff isn't acceptable. Link to the video > https://www.instagram.com/p/CqCHayhjGxB/?hl=en

Now we know that she is taking gear. Her overly aggressive masculine energy is off the charts. Oh well, I never really liked her that much. There was an off vibe about her.

People thought she was natty? Female muscle lovers really need to cone down to earth.

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by Chainer
Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

Stop the political drama they will lock the thread.

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by Chainer
Mar 23, 2023 - permalink

in a world of supposed "zero tolerance" do you REALLY think that if he decked her or, at the very least, pushed her around that she wouldn't be prepared to run to the police with bruises and claims that the last time wasn't really her fault but she was just "defending herself" and now she has some evidence as proof tat he's being abusive?

again, the fact that she is, at least on video, the instigator and is till willing to call the police because she knows she'll get the benefit of the doubt, speaks volumes. i don't think her getting booked once really means anything.

You are unfortunately, 100% right.

She is kinda messed up for this very reason. Being abusive and then still calling the police is so messed up I can't even find the words to describe how psychopathic that is.

Mar 23, 2023 - permalink

Reading this thread made me realize that some people have no idea how romantic relationships work.

Mar 23, 2023 - permalink

Hi ryoji98...LOL...I think that you are spot on with your timely and profound observation. Well said!

Mar 23, 2023 - permalink

Hi ryoji98...LOL...I think that you are spot on with your timely and profound observation. Well said!

I know that you are trying to sound like a smartass, but some of these comments are disturbing.

If that little girl is physically abusive, it's only because her man allows it. Stop recording videos and show her how weak she is compared to a man, or get out of the relationship.

If this is how anyone views relationships, then I hope they never get in one.

Mar 23, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by musclebox77
Mar 23, 2023 - permalink

Wait a minute. Physically attacking each other isn't a romantic relationship. If someone is physically abusive you have every right to defend yourself whether you're a man or woman. If my wife started hitting me I'd knock her out. If I was attacking my wife she'd have every right hit me right back. Self defense is a natural human right. Unfortunately the police don't always get it right when they arrive in these situations. This "relationship" probably hasn't got to real physical violence yet.

I feel sorry that your wife is married to a man with a mentally like your’s. You could’ve literally posted the last three sentences of your post and everyone would’ve agreed but the first half of your post reads like a bitter, disturbed, person who needs help.

Mar 23, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by musclebox77
Mar 23, 2023 - permalink

Dude are you nuts? Everyone has a right to defend themselves whether they're a man or woman. So if your wife or girlfriend starts physically attacking you, you just stand there and take it? That's what you'd do? That's insane. It's not a "romantic relationship" anymore when someone decides to go hands on.

Frankly I don't give a crap if people agree with me or not. I've noticed in these forums that a lot of dudes into muscular women are really "white knightish." Women are equal with men now. If she's that nuts that she's willing to physically hit you then she can take punch.

It's not about being a "white knight" (the irony with that statement is that all the posters who are against your line of reasoning are also people who take the issue of domestic abuse from a woman against a man very seriously.) it's about understanding that the complexities of domestic abuse are just that: complex and far more difficult to resolve than "oh you have to show her you're the alpha male and that you're stronger than her." Physical abuse is just one factor: the mental abuse is also extremely damaging, along with the taboos about abused men wanting to speak up for fear of being ridiculed (which is a justified fear given the responses by some of the geniuses in this thread.)

Again, getting out of abusive relationships is very, very difficult. If you don't believe me, look up the resources that are provided by advocacy groups and shelters. Something tells me that you won't considering how you are continuing to double down on your argument after being countered multiple times, but I remain optimistic that you eventually will.

Mar 23, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by musclebox77
Mar 23, 2023 - permalink

This thread is why I hate the Internet, lol

Mar 23, 2023 - permalink

I know that you are trying to sound like a smartass, but some of these comments are disturbing.

If this is how anyone views relationships, then I hope they never get in one.

How do I view relationships? Telling someone they should get out of an abusive relationship and stand up for their selves is a bad view of relationships?

Mar 23, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by Chainer
Mar 23, 2023 - permalink

My question is, for the gentlemen saying "he was a victim by choice" and "he should just defend himself," if he went the route that Sally McNeil went (as in shooting her SO twice with slugs), would you show him the same sympathy that you showed her? If he did punch her or shove her hard enough, and left a cut or significant bruise, all she would have to do is run to a neighbor and tell some sob story, which could land him in lockup for god knows how long.

And as for the whole "women are equal to men," you have women like Andrea Serrano from Colorado getting pregnant by a 13-year-old and not serving a day in jail and talk shows having couples on where the men are the abused but the audience can't stop laughing.

Mar 23, 2023 - edited Mar 23, 2023 - permalink

Me: Hitting her would be a terrible idea.

Clown: But what if he shot her? Would you show him sympathy?

You're quoting what I said, that he's a victim by choice, so I assume you're partly referring to me. But then you're subscribing me to something I obviously wouldn't support. I have never shown Sally any sympathy. But if I don't support this guy striking her, I don't know how we've gotten to a discussion about shooting someone. It doesn't make any sense.

Mar 23, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by musclebox77
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