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Who else should be on the "soft" blacklist for self-morphing their images?

Feb 13, 2023 - permalink

None of them, imo. Slippery slope. Eun Hee Kang shouldn't have been blacklisted/soft blacklisted in the first place. But that's just my relatively worthless two cents.

I agree because if this rule were implemented in any remotely fair fashion, hundreds of women would have to be soft blacklisted from the site. But instead, it seems people are only interested in shadow-banning Asian women.

Feb 14, 2023 - permalink

I honestly just don't understand this crusade against super subtle morphs like head-shrinking, etc.

Everyone edits their photos to a degree. Is it worth the effort?

Look at the curtains.....

Feb 14, 2023 - edited Feb 14, 2023 - permalink

Recently Irina Pimenova seems to have acquired an uncannily thin waist. Look at recent pics in her gallery. Just looks shopped to me.

There's a reason she's posing in front of curtains. A for effort, I guess.

Unfortunately for her, the photo from the same set where she's standing up makes the photoshopping very obvious.


Feb 14, 2023 - permalink

I agree because if this rule were implemented in any remotely fair fashion, hundreds of women would have to be soft blacklisted from the site. But instead, it seems people are only interested in shadow-banning Asian women.

Because asian women (to be precise, it's mostly South Koreans) are by far the most blatant abusers of photoshop. They shrink their heads, alter their facial structure until it's anatomically incorrect, apply 3 layers of filters, etc. It's downright comical.

Feb 14, 2023 - permalink

Because asian women (to be precise, it's mostly South Koreans) are by far the most blatant abusers of photoshop. They shrink their heads, alter their facial structure until it's anatomically incorrect, apply 3 layers of filters, etc. It's downright comical.

Countless white women on here have altered their photos/videos to the point they look like cartoon characters, but again, people continue to act like this is only an Asian thing.

Feb 14, 2023 - permalink

Look at the curtains.....

Look at her...onomatopeia (crack); how it suddenly gets blurred away. Look at her right leg shading; how even it is. It's a blatant photoshop.

Feb 14, 2023 - permalink

guys. no ones waist looks like this. there is literally no room for her internal organs. unless of course she's had a spleen, a kidney, half her liver, 3/4 of her intestines, and her ovaries removed.

Feb 14, 2023 - permalink

Countless white women on here have altered their photos/videos to the point they look like cartoon characters, but again, people continue to act like this is only an Asian thing.

and if you report them we can take a look, but if you don't report them we probably won't see it, because we only have like 10 mods and there are thousands of uploads. just report the stuff you think is blatant--and comments don't count as reports, because they don't end up in our queue

Feb 14, 2023 - edited Feb 14, 2023 - permalink

Countless white women on here have altered their photos/videos to the point they look like cartoon characters, but again, people continue to act like this is only an Asian thing.

Seems like you're deliberately mischaracterizing what people say so you can be offended.

Women of every ethnicity photoshop themselves, but it's undeniable that South Koreans take it much further. Personally, I'd be stricter in terms of banning morphed content, but there's a pretty big difference between taking in your waist and making your face look like a literal alien.

Feb 14, 2023 - permalink

guys. no ones waist looks like this. there is literally no room for her internal organs. unless of course she's had a spleen, a kidney, half her liver, 3/4 of her intestines, and her ovaries removed.

Wait a few years. Brazilian butt lifts were just the tip of the iceberg.

Feb 14, 2023 - permalink

I honestly just don't understand this crusade against super subtle morphs like head-shrinking, etc.

Everyone edits their photos to a degree. Is it worth the effort?

I don't understand the crusade against cheating in sports, we should just let everybody do it! /s

Feb 14, 2023 - permalink

Countless white women on here have altered their photos/videos to the point they look like cartoon characters, but again, people continue to act like this is only an Asian thing.

Pimenova doesn't look Asian to me.

Feb 14, 2023 - permalink

I'm having a hard time to define for myself which modding would be too much und which is moderate "photo editing". As I said before and others stated, too, it's common to edit any photo ... sometimes even the cam just does that by itself (!) ... so ... it would be about having to define a limit what kind of editing would result in "Morphing". When is it SO much that it's not just some cosmetic but changing a model SO much that it's not close enough to reality and worth a ban??

I mean ... the waist of the model above makes it hard to see what she did for real. There are (horrible) examples of how thin you can get a waist ... some even remove ribs for a thinner look and whatever. But do we need a proof? Do we need to see a percentage of how much is done here? What if she is super super thin and vacuumed and just did another 2% via editing??

On the other hand "Márcia Oliveira" did make me report for morphing as her pictures show a LOOOOOOT of obvious morphing and really began looking cartoonish. She even had video-clips that prove that she IS wow-curvyyyy but far from what there's shown on those pics. So for ME it was legit to say: that's too much. Still hard to decide where to set a limit for ALL???

Feb 14, 2023 - permalink

Pimenova doesn't look Asian to me.

They're not competing in images. When they're on stage the filters are tuned off and that's where the accolades come in. Are we going to pretend this website is for anything other than jerking off? Just let people enjoy what they want, and if you don't like it, don't look.

Feb 14, 2023 - permalink

They're not competing in images. When they're on stage the filters are tuned off and that's where the accolades come in. Are we going to pretend this website is for anything other than jerking off? Just let people enjoy what they want, and if you don't like it, don't look.

Yea true - for competition images you may have a real view of them. Any glamshots, selfies, blog/vlog shots may be filtered, modded, polished, and to a certain degree this is normal and not the sense of "morphing".

And well ... I don't see this as a jerking-off-site and know much better places for THAT ... while there's surely a certain fetish kicking in sometimes lolol. For me it's a nice place to see the work of people who admire to build their body, to see gymrats who achived a lot and go for their goals, so this is also a place to admire, get motivated, see progress and be informed etc. but well that's very offtopic here. Just commenting because: If this was "only a jerk-off-site" you wouldn't need no rules at all and could let in any morph, any AI-generated pic, whatever. As this is not the case, some limitation must be set!

Feb 14, 2023 - permalink

You really can’t trust comp images anymore unless they’re posted on the original sites.

Half of the women edit their stage photos or even stuff from paysites.

Feb 14, 2023 - permalink

If you want a jerk off site and are indiscriminate in whether it’s an true image or altered photo there’s the fantasy forum or always deviant art

The issue isn’t simple edits. A color pass/filter or removing a blemish or red eye doesn’t change her bare physique.

If she’s snatching her waist or dragging out a glute that’s imagination land

Feb 14, 2023 - permalink

There's a reason she's posing in front of curtains. A for effort, I guess.

Unfortunately for her, the photo from the same set where she's standing up makes the photoshopping very obvious.


I strongly disagree. You guys are confusing camera angles with photoshopping. I have no reason to defend her here. I don't care if it's photoshopped; I'm just stating the truth. I would definitely call out obvious photoshopping, but this isn't it. Her waist is very tiny and the angle of the camera makes it look tinier. That's it.

Feb 14, 2023 - permalink

It's an enormous compliment to women when you accuse them of photoshopping and they haven't photoshopped anything.

Feb 14, 2023 - permalink

I strongly disagree. You guys are confusing camera angles with photoshopping. I have no reason to defend her here. I don't care if it's photoshopped; I'm just stating the truth. I would definitely call out obvious photoshopping, but this isn't it. Her waist is very tiny and the angle of the camera makes it look tinier. That's it.

You can disagree all you want but you're wrong. My career requires me to be on camera, I'm well versed in what you can accomplish with angles. Her foot's in the foreground and she's leaning away from the camera to create the illusion that her legs are longer and her waist is smaller. That's obvious to anyone remotely familiar with photography. She's also photoshopping herself. Her waist has been taken in, her butt has clearly been edited and it's not a particularly good edit at that. You might need a refresher in women's anatomy if you think she can accomplish that look by playing with angles. Yikes.

Feb 14, 2023 - permalink

Seems like you're deliberately mischaracterizing what people say so you can be offended.

Women of every ethnicity photoshop themselves, but it's undeniable that South Koreans take it much further. Personally, I'd be stricter in terms of banning morphed content, but there's a pretty big difference between taking in your waist and making your face look like a literal alien.

I'm not offended. I'm not Asian. I just think it's ridiculous that people act as if it's a cultural thing when it's clearly not.

Feb 14, 2023 - permalink

You can disagree all you want but you're wrong. My career requires me to be on camera, I'm well versed in what you can accomplish with angles. Her foot's in the foreground and she's leaning away from the camera to create the illusion that her legs are longer and her waist is smaller. That's obvious to anyone remotely familiar with photography. She's also photoshopping herself. Her waist has been taken in, her butt has clearly been edited and it's not a particularly good edit at that. You might need a refresher in women's anatomy if you think she can accomplish that look by playing with angles. Yikes.

There are plenty of pics on here that show how dramatically camera angles can alter the perception of the viewer, and her waist is ridiculously tiny to begin with. Ergo ....

But I guess that we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Feb 14, 2023 - permalink

and if you report them we can take a look, but if you don't report them we probably won't see it, because we only have like 10 mods and there are thousands of uploads. just report the stuff you think is blatant--and comments don't count as reports, because they don't end up in our queue

No, because I still want to see them just as I still want to see Eun Hee. I do not agree with "soft" blacklisting anyone.

Feb 14, 2023 - permalink

This is a very cynical thread. LOL

Feb 14, 2023 - permalink

I haven't verified but yeeeshhh loool

Edit: Morphing itself isn't bad, bad morphing is bad. Great morphs don't look like morphs at all

This is from some photoshoot, and it looks like an isolated case for that model. Would be a shame for someone to end up on a soft blacklist just because a third-party photographer did bad edits.

I suggest “soft” blacklisting when the evidence suggests the model is doing morphs herself, repeatedly.

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