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Do FBB have more testosterone than normal men?

Dec 02, 2022 - permalink

I don't mean any disrespect by asking. Anyone can answer? Do they have more than men who don't use steroids? I really am curious. I don't mind if they have more or less or whatever. You've seen how many positive comments I write under FBB pictures here!

Dec 02, 2022 - permalink

Don't be so afraid to ask questions like that. I find it perfectly normal to ask it. I am also curious about the actual data.

I'm definitely not an expert but I guess it might appear that even the biggest FBB on this planet don't have much more testosterone than regular men. You need to consider that from hormonal point of view women very different than men and testosterone level is just one of many known (and unknown) factors that result in successful muscle building.

Dec 02, 2022 - edited Dec 02, 2022 - permalink

Many of the top/bigger ones almost guaranteed yes. (The truly biggest FFB's have a LOT more than your average male.)

And even if not test, they'd be using things easily as potent or more potent than average males test levels etc. - many are also using growth hormone etc etc

Dec 02, 2022 - permalink

There are wide ranges for what constitutes "normal".

One VERY beautiful FBB featured here - who was natural (tested) for most of her bodybuilding career told me years ago that her doctor had told her that her natural test level was higher than most men. So when she did begin using, she only needed very small amounts (her claim, and it's believable based on other observations) in order to maintain size and get lean.

But she's one out of thousands and thousands. There are probably others for whom the same or similar is true.

If the normal range for test in men is 300-1000 ng/dL while women's normal range is 15-75, then genetic females in the 300+ range would be - based on those numbers - extreme outliers. But given that there are billions of genetic females in the world, it stands to reason that more than a handful would be in that "normal" range for males.

What I don't know and do not recall having read is what the average is for males. Is it the midpoint between 300-1000? Not likely, I would guess. "Normal" speaks to what a typically healthy range is.

There are a lot of people in the world. A lot of regular women are going to have higher test levels than a lot of regular men. And among competitive (or even recreational) women athletes, the percentage could or could not be higher. And among women who are using certain anabolics, I would expect there to be an even larger share, again, per capita.

Dec 03, 2022 - edited Dec 03, 2022 - permalink

Many of the top/bigger ones almost guaranteed yes. (The truly biggest FFB's have a LOT more than your average male.)

And even if not test, they'd be using things easily as potent or more potent than average males test levels etc. - many are also using growth hormone etc etc

That's interesting.

Thanks to the other comments. I can't comment more than once. Read all so far.

I am a weird person, but I find it sexy if a woman has more testosterone than me as a man.

Dec 03, 2022 - permalink

That's interesting.

Thanks to the other comments. I can't comment more than once. Read all so far.

I am a weird person, but I find it sexy if a woman has more testosterone than me as a man.

There's plenty of us here who prefer women with virile features besides muscle, like facial hair.

Dec 03, 2022 - permalink

Many of the big FBBs have deep voices, and show masculine symptoms that only seen in a body that has lots of testosterone and I’m sure the PEDs every single of them take have lot of testosterone

Dec 03, 2022 - permalink

I'm recalling a lot of African Olympics competitors in track who got banned because their natural T level was higher than the IOC allowed. And of course, at this point you get into arguments about the IOC and white men judging African women's bodies, and that's a whole other thing we shouldn't get into here.

Dec 03, 2022 - edited Dec 03, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by [deleted]
Dec 03, 2022 - permalink

And of course, at this point you get into arguments about the IOC and white men judging African women's bodies, and that's a whole other thing we shouldn't get into here.

One thing we should get into is that judging used to mean "to discover the facts about a certain thing". This presupposes a belief in outside reality that is not a social construct. Now it means "to attack a person or a group" or "use the power of your opinion to hurt someone".

A smart and virtuous person judges everything and does it well. A stupid person driven by passions judges badly no matter how much or little he does that.

But related to the topic I have seen it said somewhere that muscles generate testosterone. Or cause the body to naturally generate testosterone. So this has even less than zero to do with some mystical otherness of African women and their bodies.

Either the decision was based on knowledge or error and that's all there is to it when done correctly. As long as you have the real causes and effects it does not matter if you have arrived at those based on good or evil motives. That is, as long as no observation or cause and effect relationship was falsified.

Dec 03, 2022 - edited Dec 03, 2022 - permalink

Naturally? No.

As someone else mentioned, average for men is 300-1000ng/L. For women it's 15-75ng/L.

The Olympics will tolerate women having as high as 5 nanomoles/L. That calculates to 144ng/L. So it's safe to assume that is probably about the absolute peak for natural testosterone in a cisgendered woman, I am guessing. So about double the top of the normal range for women is considered still "natural", BUT that is still HALF of the bottom range for a normal man. Female Olympic athletes who test higher than 144ng/L that are disqualified. I don't know the rules for bodybuilding though.

I"m not ashamed to tell you at 49 I tested for low testosterone and I was at 89ng/L! So basically I had the testosterone of an athletic 18 year old girl (women peak at around 18). Ugh lol. By the way, I recommend getting tested if you're over 40 and have low energy, lower libido or have a hard time gaining muscle. It'll change your life. I average around 500ng/L now and I feel 25 years younger.

But with all that said, I was still able to build muscle at 89mg/L and I would say women with over 150ng/L are probably extremely rare. If you tested someone like Nataliya Kuznetsova or one of the other giant women on this page, it wouldn't surprise me if they were at 400+ng/L or something, but that's coming out of a syringe or some tablets, their bodies aren't making that LOL.

Just working out or being athletic can cause women's testosterone to rise slightly though and some women definitely have higher natural testosterone than others, but no, I would say most FBB are probably not higher test than the average man. If you're an average man and you work out as hard as a FBB the same size and weight as you, all things being equal, you're going to surpass her in size and strength (unless she is on some serious PED's) That's just nature. But you could have 400 ng/L and sit on the couch and a girl with 75 ng/L who works out like a maniac and eats right can kick your ass. Testosterone is a major factor in muscle and strength, but it's not ALL of it.

Dec 03, 2022 - permalink

There are wide ranges for what constitutes "normal".

One VERY beautiful FBB featured here - who was natural (tested) for most of her bodybuilding career told me years ago that her doctor had told her that her natural test level was higher than most men. So when she did begin using, she only needed very small amounts (her claim, and it's believable based on other observations) in order to maintain size and get lean.

It is absolutely hilarious that you believe this. Bet you've fallen for multiple crypto scams.

Dec 03, 2022 - permalink

Naturally? No.

As someone else mentioned, average for men is 300-1000ng/L. For women it's 15-75ng/L.

The Olympics will tolerate women having as high as 5 nanomoles/L. That calculates to 144ng/L. So it's safe to assume that is probably about the absolute peak for natural testosterone in a cisgendered woman, I am guessing. So about double the top of the normal range for women is considered still "natural", BUT that is still HALF of the bottom range for a normal man. Female Olympic athletes who test higher than 144ng/L that are disqualified. I don't know the rules for bodybuilding though.

I"m not ashamed to tell you at 49 I tested for low testosterone and I was at 89ng/L! So basically I had the testosterone of an athletic 18 year old girl (women peak at around 18). Ugh lol. By the way, I recommend getting tested if you're over 40 and have low energy, lower libido or have a hard time gaining muscle. It'll change your life. I average around 500ng/L now and I feel 25 years younger.

But with all that said, I was still able to build muscle at 89mg/L and I would say women with over 150ng/L are probably extremely rare. If you tested someone like Nataliya Kuznetsova or one of the other giant women on this page, it wouldn't surprise me if they were at 400+ng/L or something, but that's coming out of a syringe or some tablets, their bodies aren't making that LOL.

Just working out or being athletic can cause women's testosterone to rise slightly though and some women definitely have higher natural testosterone than others, but no, I would say most FBB are probably not higher test than the average man. If you're an average man and you work out as hard as a FBB the same size and weight as you, all things being equal, you're going to surpass her in size and strength (unless she is on some serious PED's) That's just nature. But you could have 400 ng/L and sit on the couch and a girl with 75 ng/L who works out like a maniac and eats right can kick your ass. Testosterone is a major factor in muscle and strength, but it's not ALL of it.

Best response on here, if messages could be pinned this one should be.

That being said, testosterone isn't the only factor that dictates how quickly muscle is built, many of these FBBs take compounds which limit certain inhibitors, or SARMs etc. a lot even use growth hormone, which understandably can become quite detrimental to the body.

Dec 03, 2022 - permalink

Well no that above response suggest barely any FBBs would have higher test leveks which is laughable. You dont have to inject much Test to balloon wayyyyyy past what even a top tier genetic outlying male would produce naturally.

Then of course yes theres plenty other potent compounds FBBs use in varying amounts or mixmatch ..ranging from Deca/Tren/Anavar/Primo/Mast/Winstrol etc etc list is endless.

Dec 04, 2022 - permalink

It is absolutely hilarious that you believe this. Bet you've fallen for multiple crypto scams.

Stupid bet. I lost a shitload (of the house’s money) on Peleton. Big deal.

Even more hilarious (read: laughably stupid) is your denial of the existence of outliers. Maybe an Einstein like you would call them “outliars”. But of course, facts don’t really care about your feelings and there exist genetic females who have higher natural test levels than genetic males and there are even 16-year-old (genetic) girls who can run faster than (genetic) boys their age. 😱

Dec 04, 2022 - permalink

Stupid bet. I lost a shitload (of the house’s money) on Peleton. Big deal.

Even more hilarious (read: laughably stupid) is your denial of the existence of outliers. Maybe an Einstein like you would call them “outliars”. But of course, facts don’t really care about your feelings and there exist genetic females who have higher natural test levels than genetic males and there are even 16-year-old (genetic) girls who can run faster than (genetic) boys their age. 😱

There may well be women with higher test naturally than a chronically chronically low male. But if you think there's quite a number or any females with test levels within 300+ ng/dl naturally...you're yes.. gullible. Also why not just name this VERY beautiful fbb then???

Dec 04, 2022 - permalink

It is absolutely hilarious that you believe this. Bet you've fallen for multiple crypto scams.

Something I have noticed in the realm of instagram/TikTok fitness influencers is that, while the fake natty is still very prominent, the new trend is influencers admitting to PED use, but claiming that they use “only a little bit of Test” and that they only started using it recently. The downplaying trend is so lame.

Dec 04, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by herbiceps
Dec 04, 2022 - permalink

There's a few of almost everything out there.

Dec 04, 2022 - permalink

A women's body is more sensitive to testosterone, so they don't require as much for results. It also doesn't take as much for severe side effects to become a risk. So, aside from outliers, the answer is no.

Dec 04, 2022 - edited Dec 04, 2022 - permalink

A women's body is more sensitive to testosterone, so they don't require as much for results. It also doesn't take as much for severe side effects to become a risk. So, aside from outliers, the answer is no.

Erm.... wrong. lol

A laughably small (think 100 MG) of gear per week will produce hormone levels beyond what a natural male has. And as low as 10's of MG's of test is going to put plenty of FBB's above many many natural men.

Dec 04, 2022 - permalink

A women's body is more sensitive to testosterone, so they don't require as much for results. It also doesn't take as much for severe side effects to become a risk. So, aside from outliers, the answer is no.

Erm.... wrong. lol

A laughably small (think 100 MG) of gear per week will produce hormone levels beyond what a natural male has. And as low as 10's of MG's of test is going to put plenty of FBB's above many many natural men.

He said mostly the same thing as you, right(?), only with a not-quite-complete understanding or recognition of how anabolics tend to work in women. Two people can follow identical supplement protocols and training programs and diet and get markedly different results because of the way their receptors behave in addition to other, unique physiological factors. The strength one woman might achieve with a couple daily orals might be more than a different woman who's doing the same, plus a few heavy-duty injectables a week.

There may well be women with higher test naturally than a chronically chronically low male. But if you think there's quite a number or any females with test levels within 300+ ng/dl naturally...you're yes.. gullible. Also why not just name this VERY beautiful fbb then???

Did you think that last part through before asking? If someone has admitted in casual conversation to a possible felony, what would be the benefit to me or to them for identifying that person in a public forum? Are you blind to the number of crazy mf's around here?

If a working average for genetic females in their prime is, say, 40-50 ng/dL, do you really believe there is a ZERO percent chance that there's some more-than-a-handful of (actual) women around their age who'd 6-8x that average? It doesn't seem that far-fetched.

Of course, it's also entirely possible that she made the story up or that the doctor who (allegedly?) said it was only trying to illustrate a point - "Hey, you've got exceptionally high testosterone - higher than many men I treat". You say "gullible". I say "travel a little and you may discover the world is not as small as you think".

That said, I did a quick search for some distribution data, but came up with nothing. There is an exception to many of the rules that people rely on in any discussion.

Dec 04, 2022 - permalink

There's plenty of us here who prefer women with virile features besides muscle, like facial hair.

Cool! So at home here!

Dec 04, 2022 - permalink

Did you think that last part through before asking? If someone has admitted in casual conversation to a possible felony, what would be the benefit to me or to them for identifying that person in a public forum? Are you blind to the number of crazy mf's around here?

LOL? that such a copout and you know it - there's people who admit to usage online all the time, there's girls here obviously juiced and who've admitted elsewhere. But suddenly you can't name someone who's apparently 5-7x the average test levels of most women cause you're afraid it'd be tracked down?

pfft sounds like a made up story sorry.

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