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Lots of Schmo-splaining going on

Feb 21, 2022 - permalink

I like this site a lot—and I think the mods do a great job—but the comments referring to drug use, body modification, tattoos, implants (pro or con) are often inane, insulting, ridiculous, cynical, and just plain stupid. What prompts somebody to chime in with, “she’s loaded with chemicals,” “she’s on so much gear,” “look at her roid face,” “her voice is deeper than James Earl Jones,” and the like. It’s exhausting and dumb. But most of all, these athletes don’t deserve it.

I feel guilty enough objectifying these women to subject them to harsh critiques on how they develop their bodies. They make their choices, and you should respect that. If you think a comment like, “she’s using so much steroids,” is brilliant, you need to log off and read a book.

We’re lucky to live in a time when women feel free to build their bodies. With a history of women being shamed or ridiculed into giving up bodybuilding, you would think the people who admire them (or fetishize them, as is more likely the case) should cease with the stupid, pointless comments on drugs, etc.

Let it be and enjoy the ride.

Feb 21, 2022 - permalink

I get that a lot on my Twitter. But hey, it's the internet. Everyone wants to chime in.

Feb 21, 2022 - permalink

If the fitness and bodybuilding communities would be honest about drug use, it wouldn't be necessary to point out. This doesn't apply to every woman posted here as many are open about their usage, but fake natties and the like unequivocally deserve to be called out. Unless you're incapable of recognizing nuance, then surely you understand that there's a huge difference between saying someone "sounds like James Earl Jones" and merely pointing out that people like Jodi Miller or Carolyne Marquez, for example, outright lie about what they're using to look the way they do.

Feb 21, 2022 - permalink

Let people say what they want there too much censorship on the internet these days this website Is a lot better than i expected but i Will say a lot of people dont Have enough respect fór these strong women most Are Perfect Only a few need critisism (i can't Spell that Word)

Feb 21, 2022 - edited Feb 21, 2022 - permalink

This is a pretty weak take. If you dislike people talking about how the sausage is made, I dunno... hide the comments?

With the advent of social media, more people than ever are being exposed to the sport, and it's irresponsible (and immoral, IMO) to say "just let 'em be, if they want to do steroids who's to stop them!" There's a reason we don't take the same approach to things like heroin. People (especially young beginners) should be aware of the risks before they put their health and livelihood on the line to chase a goal that 99% of us physically can't reach. And, as superiorgenetics points out, there are a considerable number of models who either avoid talking about or outright lie about their usage of PEDs. That doesn't set a healthy standard, and it should be called out.

It's also possible to both recognize and appreciate the intense effort these women put into their craft while still recognizing and highlighting that it's literally impossible to do without gear.

Feb 21, 2022 - permalink

Classic case of being more concerned about the comments than the "victim" / FBB probably is. Vast majority would never even read comments here nor give them the time of day either way.

Feb 21, 2022 - permalink

I guess the OP just wants to enjoy their bodies and pretend they're not dropping like flies.

Feb 21, 2022 - permalink

I guess the OP just wants to enjoy their bodies and pretend they're not dropping like flies.

Well said, there is much truth in that - but I think it's a fact most of us like to ignore, including myself.

It's not only the roids though, also the diets can harm you and all those augmentation surgeries are dangerous as well. But in the end it's the choice of the athletes, and if one is not a part of the bodybuilding community they'll not care at all about your opinion, because they are already used to negative feedback from people outside of that circle.

I would really love to see a "natural" movement in the industry though, so you'd know that someone is not abusing drugs when they compete in that division.

Feb 21, 2022 - edited Feb 21, 2022 - permalink

Well said, there is much truth in that - but I think it's a fact most of us like to ignore, including myself.

It's not only the roids though, also the diets can harm you and all those augmentation surgeries are dangerous as well. But in the end it's the choice of the athletes, and if one is not a part of the bodybuilding community they'll not care at all about your opinion, because they are already used to negative feedback from people outside of that circle.

I would really love to see a "natural" movement in the industry though, so you'd know that someone is not abusing drugs when they compete in that division.

I apologize for throwing in a duplicate of a comment here I just posted in another thread of this forum, but not all of us don't give a fuck. I furthermore would like to point out the effects of POSITVE feedback in terms of gear using fbbs:

It just doesn’t feel that right to me when I give a like and write a flattering comment to a post on a GWM's social media profile in which she clearly uses gear and in some cases has a low as fuck body fat percentage.

It’s like motivating an anorexic girl with comments like: “Wow!! So impressive how you managed to get so thin that every single vein is visible! That must have taken a lot of discipline, determination, strict diet and all around hard work! Bravo!"

Or like giving support to an overweight girl with stuff like: “Wow!!! Incredible how much mass you have gained in such a short time!! Beautiful! Soon you will step on the scale with 600 lbs. Congratulations!”

Yes, beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, but my dilemma is that in my book an individual's health should come first and not if I can jack off to a girl who fucks up herself up with a shitload of anabolic steroids/other detrimental substances and mental issues just because I have a fetish.

Feb 21, 2022 - edited Feb 21, 2022 - permalink

You know what mate? Yes, I come here because I have a kink. This is about what I like, what I want. It's tiresome to hear all this white-knighting, even more so because all these women barely know we even exist, and would pump themselves full of steroids whether we encouraged them or not. I'm sure the fame and fortune they get with their bodies are enough incentive.

They all know what they're sacrificing to achieve those looks. This is not much different than a football player risking injury and wearing down his body every time he plays, or a businessman working 80-hour weeks and risking having a stroke at age 45, or a great musician struggling with arthritis because he spent decades practicing for 8 hours a day. For some reason, society finds the aforementioned examples perfectly acceptable.

I don't want FBBs to change. I don't want them to conform to mainstream beauty standards, or to be natty, or to be "healthy". I want them to be fucking large.

Feb 21, 2022 - edited Feb 21, 2022 - permalink

You know what mate? Yes, I come here because I have a kink. This is about what I like, what I want. It's tiresome to hear all this white-knighting, even more so because all these women barely know we even exist, and would pump themselves full of steroids whether we encouraged them or not. I'm sure the fame and fortune they get with their bodies are enough incentive.

They all know what they're sacrificing to achieve those looks. This is not much different than a football player risking injury and wearing down his body every time he plays, or a businessman working 80-hour weeks and risking having a stroke at age 45, or a great musician struggling with arthritis because he spent decades practicing for 8 hours a day. For some reason, society finds the aforementioned examples perfectly acceptable.

I don't want FBBs to change. I don't want them to conform to mainstream beauty standards, or to be natty, or to be "healthy". I want them to be fucking large.

Cock over mind dude.

Look, I don't want to present myself as a "white knight" or being better than anyone else. I am also fucked up ;)

And so in my opinion is our society to a certain degree. Yet I see a difference between making sacrifices in order to strive for perfection to create something genuinely useful/inspiring for mankind and on the other hand supporting pathological behavior to please some cocks in hope for attention and approval from schmoes like us.

Those PEDs don't fall from the sky. Our money is as far as I can tell it a very welcome factor in the whole thing.

Feb 21, 2022 - permalink

Cock over mind dude.

Look, I don't want to present myself as a "white knight" or being better than anyone else. I am also fucked up ;)

And so in my opinion is our society to a certain degree. Yet I see a difference between making sacrifices in order to strive for perfection to create something genuinely useful/inspiring for mankind and on the other hand supporting pathological behavior to please some cocks in hope for attention and approval from schmoes like us.

Those PEDs don't fall from the sky. Our money is as far as I can tell it a very welcome factor in the whole thing.

I think it would be very hard to prove, objectively, that football or guitars are more "useful/inspiring" than muscular women. Especially if you see women's bodies as genuine art, as I do. That's not to mention the FBB / workaholic businessman comparison, in which I'd pick the FBB as more useful and inspiring every single time. CEOs have pathological behavior, and yet here they are, ruling over the world.

Feb 21, 2022 - edited Feb 21, 2022 - permalink

I think it would be very hard to prove, objectively, that football or guitars are more "useful/inspiring" than muscular women. Especially if you see women's bodies as genuine art, as I do. That's not to mention the FBB / workaholic businessman comparison, in which I'd pick the FBB as more useful and inspiring every single time. CEOs have pathological behavior, and yet here they are, ruling over the world.

So you really come here to look on pics and vids of muscular women just for artistic reasons? Similar like you would appreciate the craftsmanship of some statue or painting in a museum and that's it?

If that is the case, I strongly assume you would be in the minority of this page. I guess most of us are for the same reason here: Soft porn.

Feb 21, 2022 - edited Feb 21, 2022 - permalink

So you really come here to look on pics and vids of muscular women for artistic reasons? Similar like you would appreciate the craftsmanship of some statue or painting in a museum?

If that is the case, I strongly assume you would be in the minority of this page. I guess most of us are for the same reason here: Soft porn.

Oh no, I'm here to get myself off, no point in denying that. But getting off is just another form of pleasure.

Watching football is pleasurable for me, even as I know some players are doing irreparable damage to their knees. Football can be art, though it's not always so, and people might like it for other reasons. Sometimes I'm in awe at the aesthetic beauty of it, sometimes I just want to watch the favourite team lose the match and have fun.

Listening to music is pleasurable for me, even as I know some singers are doing irreparable damage to their vocal folds. Music can be art, though it's not always so, and people might like it for other reasons. Sometimes I'm in awe at the aesthetic beauty of it, sometimes I just want to sing along (horribly) and have fun.

Watching / hearing bodybuilders is pleasurable for me, even as I know some athletes are doing irreparable damage to their livers. Bodybuilding can be art, though it's not always so, and people might like it for other reasons. Sometimes I'm in awe at the aesthetic beauty of it, sometimes I just want to entertain my kinks and have fun.

edit: can you imagine someone going like "please retire, Neymar, you're injured all the time and it's not healthy"? Or "please retire, James LaBrie, your gruelling touring schedule has ruined your voice, it's not healthy"?

Feb 21, 2022 - edited Feb 21, 2022 - permalink

edit: can you imagine someone going like "please retire, Neymar, you're injured all the time and it's not healthy"? Or "please retire, James LaBrie, your gruelling touring schedule has ruined your voice, it's not healthy"?

The main difference is, there is not a whole multibillion dollar industry of competitions, bedazzled suits, cosmetics, supplements, and “trainers” promising young people that they can be exactly like Neymar or LaBrie. Getting vocal cord nodules or blowing out a knee certainly stinks, but you can’t argue those things are happening at the same rate and physiological degree as in the bodybuilding industry. So many pursue a certain “look,“ and there’s no feedback mechanism like there is in football telling them when to quit. The feedback mechanism? Can’t keep up with the rest of the team or play at a certain level. In fitness/bodybuilding, there are a lot of less than desirable ways to achieve the look, and you don’t even need to compete, you just need to put yourself up on Instagram.

Feb 21, 2022 - permalink

Oh no, I'm here to get myself off, no point in denying that. But getting off is just another form of pleasure.

Watching football is pleasurable for me, even as I know some players are doing irreparable damage to their knees. Football can be art, though it's not always so, and people might like it for other reasons. Sometimes I'm in awe at the aesthetic beauty of it, sometimes I just want to watch the favourite team lose the match and have fun.

Listening to music is pleasurable for me, even as I know some singers are doing irreparable damage to their vocal folds. Music can be art, though it's not always so, and people might like it for other reasons. Sometimes I'm in awe at the aesthetic beauty of it, sometimes I just want to sing along (horribly) and have fun.

Watching / hearing bodybuilders is pleasurable for me, even as I know some athletes are doing irreparable damage to their livers. Bodybuilding can be art, though it's not always so, and people might like it for other reasons. Sometimes I'm in awe at the aesthetic beauty of it, sometimes I just want to entertain my kinks and have fun.

edit: can you imagine someone going like "please retire, Neymar, you're injured all the time and it's not healthy"? Or "please retire, James LaBrie, your gruelling touring schedule has ruined your voice, it's not healthy"?

I get a lot of your points dude.

However, if you ask me professional competitive sports are pretty much all detrimental as fuck. And so is the business world. And a shitty childhood. And a shitty social network consisting of exploiters and backstabbers. And often competitive sports on an amateur level.

My point is just that many of us schmoes are part of pathological phenomena in the fbb-scene when it comes to gear using, mentally impaired GWMs. I just don't see it as a very honorable behavior to support the diseased aspects of them with my own flattering comments on their instagram pages and other places. Even though I just can't fucking stop it.

One more thing: I personally categorize my joy for music as a much more valuable aspect of my life than looking at material of GWMs or just anything relating to me jacking off. And apart from certain rock star behavior I cannot make out very much physical health damage by making music. Especially compared to physical sports.

Feb 21, 2022 - permalink

Let people say what they want there too much censorship on the internet these days this website Is a lot better than i expected but i Will say a lot of people dont Have enough respect fór these strong women most Are Perfect Only a few need critisism (i can't Spell that Word)

the problem is that the vocal schmoes have the worst way of expressing criticism, and then complain that it gets them blocked. This is stuff like "You look great but you can get bigger!" or "I think you looked better last season, maybe try that again". Or making unwanted comparisons with other women. It's best just to stay quiet unless you have an actual nice compliment to add to the conversation, or for some reason they are looking for input from a larger crowd. Even then, it doesn't always mean "engage".

If the fitness and bodybuilding communities would be honest about drug use, it wouldn't be necessary to point out. This doesn't apply to every woman posted here as many are open about their usage, but fake natties and the like unequivocally deserve to be called out. Unless you're incapable of recognizing nuance, then surely you understand that there's a huge difference between saying someone "sounds like James Earl Jones" and merely pointing out that people like Jodi Miller or Carolyne Marquez, for example, outright lie about what they're using to look the way they do.

This cycle (heh) has been happening for a while, and we are affected by it too. When I was going into college there was barely, if ANY, kind of social media. It wasn't the same animal. Back then we were doing a lot of interacting on the bodybuilding.com boards and IIRC a lot of guys there were pretty open about their cycling. There were a few natty women. When everything more or less moved to facebook, youtube, instagram, people were so concerned about their view counts, and how people perceived them. When I was 18, I didn't have some far fetched notion that I could look like your average bodybuilder in two or three years with "hard work and food". Now guys and girls are starting the easy stuff as soon as they can get their hands on it.

edit: can you imagine someone going like "please retire, Neymar, you're injured all the time and it's not healthy"? Or "please retire, James LaBrie, your gruelling touring schedule has ruined your voice, it's not healthy"?

It happens all the time. Half the Steelers fan base at LEAST was begging for Big Ben to retire before last year. I once saw the Beach Boys play "live" and it was absolutely abysmal--I can't imagine what it would be like for someone who had great memories of them in their prime. I think this will happen less and less as athletes and other figures will maximize their primes and get out while they have their health and sanity. I think bodybuilding is VERY different in this regard, because you can essentially have two careers. You can blast early and be competitive as a young person, and if you can make it to your thirties still as a competitor your muscle maturity might improve your competitiveness, especially in a larger division. But there's no "get out while the getting is good" because no one is signing a multimillion dollar contract to get diced on stage. AND as we've seen there are only a few talents that can walk in and participate in the bare minimum of shows to get to the big stage. Hunter Henderson was close last year. Won her pro card at her first show, but placed second behind Mona Poursaleh at her Pro debut a few weeks later, and there wasn't time to do another Pro show to get into the Olympia. Most women have to nickel and dime their way to the remaining spots, and that long competition season takes its toll.

Feb 21, 2022 - permalink

We’re lucky to live in a time when women feel free to build their bodies. With a history of women being shamed or ridiculed into giving up bodybuilding, you would think the people who admire them (or fetishize them, as is more likely the case) should cease with the stupid, pointless comments on drugs, etc.

I think that as a society we have finally reached "a" saturation point where more and more women are comfortable with being muscular. I think that for some of us "older" fans, and I might include myself in that, there were only two options twenty years ago and before: bodybuilding and normal. there were of course professional athletes, but I think I might include those in the bodybuilding bubble too as there were so few.

Now there are plenty of women who are happy to be natty and go to the gym and get some shapes. Just yesterday I saw a nice-looking woman with very nice shoulders and a nice back. i wouldn't say she was a standout, but she certainly wasn't your average woman. I think a lot of guys here would be happy with that. Maybe there is a distortion with what was formerly available and what is now in circulation. I know there's a thread about age but I'm sure this site skews older, maybe 30+. There are other avenues to find women with muscle though there are few aggregates like this site.

Mar 02, 2022 - permalink

Of course, the alternative would be to simp for these women as OP is doing? Yes, they are on gear, yes, it's unhealthy. But whatever. Don't read the comments if you don't like it. Most of the comments on here are the same thing over and over (what a woman).

Mar 02, 2022 - permalink

I'm here for entertainment. An amusing observation counts as entertainment -- including insulting comments about body modification. Someone decides to get unfortunate tattoos, plastic surgery, or a "go have an affair" haircut, then that's fair game. Needless to say, the vast majority of comments are compliments.

Mar 02, 2022 - permalink

I would really love to see a "natural" movement in the industry though, so you'd know that someone is not abusing drugs when they compete in that division.

Actually, I'd say that this pretty much exists because of Onlyfans, Patreon, and IG Influencing.

Let's accept that most bodybuilders and fitness competitors are using some kind of gear. But there's a clear line between using small amounts for aesthetics (Ashlee Potts) or large amounts for competition (Julia Fory).

The girls on small amounts won't be placing on a stage, but they DO earn a nice living from the hobby. They're able to collect fans and sponsorships, and it's a very much a viable industry of natty or nearly-natty girls. When you sign up for their sites, you are effectively supporting this. And it's awesome.

And this post in no way is throwing shade at huge PED girls like Julia... I love them too, and if I was in charge, I'd legalize all of the PED's today. But both sides can and do exist.

Mar 02, 2022 - permalink

Like what you like.

Support what you like.

Mar 02, 2022 - permalink

I mean, it's the Fitness industry. It's one of the weirdest, shadiest, most backwards cultures in the world.

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