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Lots of Schmo-splaining going on

Mar 02, 2022 - permalink

I mean, it's the Fitness industry. It's one of the weirdest, shadiest, most backwards cultures in the world.

Pretty much.

As much as I love health and fitness, “popular” health and fitness isn’t really about “health.” It’s all about shilling bullshit on instagram while promoting chemically enhanced bodies as “natural” and lying about how to get a physique like they have.

Mar 02, 2022 - permalink

I'm just not into pity parties. People are allowed to voice their criticisms. I do wish certain people could criticize in a more respectful manner, but what can you do? Just call them out, block them, and move on.

Mar 02, 2022 - permalink

people are too often conflating criticism and preferences.

it is fair to say "i don't like tattoos on muscle women." if this is the case, we should move on to someone else. i do this often--if someone gets implants or a weird tattoo i'll probably shake my head, stop following them, and enjoy the stuff i have already

it is not fair to criticize the person for their choice to do it even if the choice doesn't seen to make sense for their industry.

Again, it is fair to express your disinterest. Too often, though, it's expressed rudely when it's probably better to keep it to yourself.

It's fair to comment that it looks like she has been taking more gear, but not to say she looks more manly. There's probably a better way to discuss the changes a woman goes through aside from calling them names or slinging mud. It's probably true that some of the deleted comments have valid criticism...that's followed up by some dumbass comment.

It's fair to comment that it might hurt someone on stage to get a massive tattoo on their bicep or across their stomach, but it's not fair to go to their Instagram and tell them how stupid it was for them to do that and "they looked far better" before the update.

We all enjoy stuff. Different stuff. People die in bodybuilding, but also get seriously injured in mainstream professional sports (except they also make millions and can most times get themselves out of trouble).

I hope the recent death of Bostin Lloyd opens some more eyes. Why Bostin? He was an idiot, but he had a large following and was very public about his using and maybe that transparency was helpful for a lot of newbies, instead of the usual where people lie through their teeth (like this woman on tiktok now saying she put on 50lbs of muscle on a year and had health issues lmao)

Mar 02, 2022 - permalink

Well said fp909.

I sometimes tell me girlfriend in a tongue in cheek way that “the internet was a mistake,” because it encourages such a flood of stupidity. Like what he said, there is a difference between legitimate “criticism,” and acting like a jackass just because a bodybuilder’s tattoos or haircut or whatever doesn’t rev your engine anymore.

To paraphrase the great Jeff Goldblum “you were so preoccupied with whether or not you could, that you didn’t stop to think if you should.”

Also, Bostin Loyd died? Shit, only 29. Feel so bad for his wife and kid.

Mar 03, 2022 - permalink

Also, Bostin Loyd died? Shit, only 29. Feel so bad for his wife and kid.

he did this to himself. apparently he took a bunch of untested steroids a couple of years ago that caused kidney failure that he dealt with for TWO YEARS until he died. before he died he blamed the doctors saying that if he followed what they said he'd be on dialysis.

of course ignoring that he blasted those drugs without any medical help lol a true clown. (this is a valid criticism)

Mar 03, 2022 - permalink

He didnt just blast gear. He was known for taking some truly insane cycles. He was always on a short timer 😞

Mar 03, 2022 - permalink

he did this to himself. apparently he took a bunch of untested steroids a couple of years ago that caused kidney failure that he dealt with for TWO YEARS until he died. before he died he blamed the doctors saying that if he followed what they said he'd be on dialysis.

of course ignoring that he blasted those drugs without any medical help lol a true clown. (this is a valid criticism)

Oh I absolutely agree. I followed him for a bit years ago when he came out with a video talking about his (dumb) stack. To my knowledge, he and Rich Piana (also RIP) were two of the first “social media bodybuilders” to truly acknowledge just how many compounds they were on. He may have been very haphazard with his drug use and his disregard for his health (which sadly cost him his life,) but at least he was honest, and I do have some respect for that versus the hordes of fake nattys who brag about “hard work” and throw out lame motivational quotes.

My sympathy, and who I feel bad for, is his wife and especially his kid. It’s fucking tragic that his son has to grow up without his father due to his father’s complete stupidity.

Mar 03, 2022 - permalink

It’s fucking tragic that his son has to grow up without his father due to his father’s complete stupidity.

Just goes to show anyone can have kids, but not everyone can be a father (parent).

Mar 03, 2022 - permalink

My sympathy, and who I feel bad for, is his wife and especially his kid. It’s fucking tragic that his son has to grow up without his father due to his father’s complete stupidity.

I have a bit less than you do. His wife also was heavy on roids when they started dating, as some of us might remember, and she did nothing to curb or discourage him for their entire relationship.

Mar 03, 2022 - permalink

Pretty much.

As much as I love health and fitness, “popular” health and fitness isn’t really about “health.” It’s all about shilling bullshit on instagram while promoting chemically enhanced bodies as “natural” and lying about how to get a physique like they have.

nailed it!

Mar 12, 2022 - permalink

people are too often conflating criticism and preferences.

Let's be frank the girls posted on this site are most likely in the fitness industry, or aiming to become part of it. They chose their body as their hobby / job.

I view criticising how they look on a posted picture the same as criticizing an actor's performance / looks in a movie.

If you chose to get into an industry that's all about looks, then don't be surprised when you are judged on your looks.

I think it is only fair to criticize people who embody all the ugly stereotypes of the industry.

So in my view it is perfectly acceptable to say that you don't like X Y about someone here. What is not acceptable is doing the same thing on their personal social media profiles, or even worse cyberstalking them in pms.

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