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Are we in the new golden age?

Jan 17, 2022 - permalink

This is a new era but not a new Golden era. Back in the 1980's and 90's women bodybuilders were great but they had personality to to go along with their beautiful bodies. They were head turners. Nowadays female bodybuilders come and go in and out of the industry and a lot of them don't have personality. They are forgettable. The previous generation is not forgettable at because people still remember the names of Cory Everson, Denise Hoshor, Rachel McClish, Bev Francis, Lindsay Mulinazzi, and more.

Jan 19, 2022 - permalink

Their seem to be more fbb's around today , but the real Golden age imho was the 90's . It was promoted a lot more .. contest were broadcast on major tv channels . And companies such as WPW and others made real top level videos ! as opposed to now with cheap Instagram clips . Their are a few fbb's that stand out today , but in the 90's their were a greater field of beautiful fbb's . Their are certainly more .. today but a dime a dozen in terms of unique one's .

Jan 19, 2022 - permalink

> Quads, glutes, is the trend of the moment.

Today's scavenger hunt mission: find a woman with a fitness/gym-centric profile on IG who hasn't posted a hip thrust video in the past 30 days

Lol accurate ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘

Jan 19, 2022 - permalink

Golden age in what way? Girls embracing muscle and strength in general? Then yes, we are in the golden age where a girl can be strong and muscular and not be ashamed or hide the fact. Golden age of female bodybuilding competions specifically? I don't think so. Very few of the current girls have the "it" factor that the girls from the 1980/90s had. Yes they have the size and shape but they lack something. Maybe it's an age thing, you have to remember that the majority of the old school legends were in their late 20s/early 30s, if not older, when they became popular. These days we've got girls who are in their early-mid 20s who hit the spotlight for a couple of years, do a couple of shows then disappear. It's very apparent the current mentality is people want results now, social media is a curse in this respect because people only see what is posted today, not last week. The trend of throw back thursday and the 10 year challenge on IG has been interesting in seeing how fast some girls have progressed compared to others.

Jan 20, 2022 - permalink

parkranger - You are right about crossfit girls on dating apps, but do you think most of them are using steroids?

Depends. Are you talking about average women who do CrossFit, or Regionals/Games-level? If youโ€™re talking about the latter, then yes, they are.

Apr 03, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by musclebox77
Apr 08, 2022 - permalink

I still remember the days when I was waiting agitated for the new WPW magazine to come out every three months or so, just to see maybe three new athletes in it.

These days I find about a dozen new muscular girls every time I go online up to a point where I believe thats all deep fake otherwise: where are they all hiding in real life? Its surreal.

Apr 08, 2022 - permalink

I still remember the days when I was waiting agitated for the new WPW magazine to come out every three months or so, just to see maybe three new athletes in it.

These days I find about a dozen new muscular girls every time I go online up to a point where I believe thats all deep fake otherwise: where are they all hiding in real life? Its surreal.

They're not hiding, there just aren't many of them in the grand scheme of things. When you go online, you're specifically seeking them out, but there are nearly 4 billion women in the world and the overwhelming majority of them do not lift.

Apr 09, 2022 - permalink

it will get only better as enhancement technology develops further

Apr 09, 2022 - permalink

on stage it was 2005-2015. You had Iris, Yaxeni, Debi, Heather, Alina, Brigita, and many more competing for olympia titles.

Apr 10, 2022 - permalink

They're not hiding, there just aren't many of them in the grand scheme of things. When you go online, you're specifically seeking them out, but there are nearly 4 billion women in the world and the overwhelming majority of them do not lift.

Well thanks for putting my exaggeration out of excitement over the fact that pictures of new athletes currently spread faster than the omikron virus to a reality check: you are right, even when considering that I stumble across 100s of women every day in the bus, at work, when shopping and going out, and probably 10.000s in a year, it is still unlikely that I see one just like that.

Apr 12, 2022 - permalink

i mean my IG explore feed is littered with women that i'll never likely meet. i go to a pretty run of the mill gym now and i would say there are two or three women that look pretty good, and the same three women really go at it with purpose. that's minimum--i'm only there 2 hours and I missed the peak jacked people/influencer hours

Now, I woudl definitely say that there are TONS more average women who work hard in the gym but aren't following programming. Maybe on the upper end many of them will dick around with dumbbells and barbell work. In fact, today I saw two girls actually benching and doing some good accessory work.

Apr 15, 2022 - permalink

There are more fit women every year in the wild. Not official FBBs but women who work out and have noticeable muscle. Many professional women like to be fit and buff. Cross fit also seems to attract many women. Also women are encouraged more than ever to pursue athletics in high school and university. So, in that sense, I believe we are in a more golden age where there are more athletic and naturally buff women in society. However, their may be a steady number or even decline in official IFBB women due to the pressure of taking steroids and requiring other enhancements to be competitive. Iโ€™m guessing that most buff professional women, in the 21st century, would be appalled by strutting on a stage in a fake tan in a bikini only to be judged on their physical appearance by a panel of men. Nevertheless, my informal assessment of women in my gym suggests about half the number of noticeably buff women to buff guys. Again, not close to IFBB types but noticeable development in abs, quads/glutes, arms/shoulders compared with the typical female gym goer.

Apr 15, 2022 - permalink

It is also difficult to compare to the old days: back then there was only bodybuilding : light weight, middle weight, heavy weight ... but still bodybuilding. It took ages to get there and that naturally limited the number of women we saw on stage.

These days there is fitness, figure, WPD, bikini, wellness PLUS bodybuilding. The effect is that many women start early with their competitive career and engage with topics like conditioning, medication, nutrition and so on. It seems to gently drag in women into the sport, who would otherwise not give a thought because it takes too long to make it to the stage.

I also noticed, that - in the past - after every crack down on womens bodybuilding, a strong countermovement started. On a lower level, yes, but as bodybuilding means progressing the figure girls potentially turn into physique competitors. None of them wants to stay as they are, its against the spirit of the sport.

I always have to remove my scepticism to accept the fact: there is a real fanatism in a lots of women to build muscles, and they always find new channels.

Apr 15, 2022 - edited Apr 15, 2022 - permalink

With Instagram replacing television and professional videos years ago as the principal medium for FBB's, the sport either shot itself in the foot or took a shot to the foot. Well Insta now takes a back seat to TIK-TOK with evan stricter limits on run-time, image size, and overall quality. This is no longer just a plaything for kids. It is now a shot to the proverbial head and may prove fatal, especially if serious competitive FBB's continue turning to this cheap app in search of a larger and "hipper" (read "immature"} viewing audience.

Apr 15, 2022 - permalink

especially if serious competitive FBB's continue turning to this cheap app in search of a larger and "hipper" (read "immature"} viewing audience.

My thoughts on Tik-Tok explained perfectly

Apr 15, 2022 - permalink

With Instagram replacing television and professional videos years ago as the principal medium for FBB's, the sport either shot itself in the foot or took a shot to the foot. Well Insta now takes a back seat to TIK-TOK with evan stricter limits on run-time, image size, and overall quality. This is no longer just a plaything for kids. It is now a shot to the proverbial head and may prove fatal, especially if serious competitive FBB's continue turning to this cheap app in search of a larger and "hipper" (read "immature"} viewing audience.

Thats a valid point.

I personally tackle this by creating my own page, with little pictures on it, and lots of writing. Looking at womens bodybuilding from all different angles.

For me this brings back the spirit of the old days, when you knew its worth waiting three months for the next WPW magazine to arrive.

Apr 15, 2022 - permalink

Yea tiktok and Instagram are terrible how did that become so popular i wish they would just use YouTube for videos and this site for pictures that would be great if am not sure if i want to go to the pre internet times.

Apr 15, 2022 - permalink

So understand Don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years Face up, make your stand And realize you're living in the golden years - Iron Maiden -

Apr 16, 2022 - permalink

60% of cross fitters are female. Golden age for sure!

Apr 16, 2022 - permalink

So far, my impression of cross-fitters is that most of them seem to be avoiding Tik-Tok; that's an encouraging sign.

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