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Turn-on Bodies, Turn-off Personalities

Nov 30, 2021 - permalink

Unless you have personally spent one-on-one time with any of the women you wouldn't be able to make any kind of objective opinion on their personality.

Nov 30, 2021 - permalink

Unless you have personally spent one-on-one time with any of the women you wouldn't be able to make any kind of objective opinion on their personality.

Disagree...you can pretty much read a person based on how much they overexpose themselves on social media today. It's an open book and easy to forma an opinion on someone.

Nov 30, 2021 - permalink

CrossFitter Larissa Cunha

She gets popped for PEDs, and proceeds to go on a SIX POST LONG instagram diatribe about how she is innocent and it was simply due to “tainted” supplements. Just take the hit, admit you did it and move on. You’re not fooling anyone with any knowledge about fitness with your “I’m natural” bullshit.

Nov 30, 2021 - permalink

I feel like these kinds of threads are designed just so people can feel justified about why they're putting someone down.

Nov 30, 2021 - permalink

The steroids problem is so dumb.

The only people that care are:

  • the one or two times someone cares to enforce the rules

  • butthurt people who lied to themselves that their favorite athletes weren’t using.

They’re all using. Who cares? Fess up and take it like an adult

Nov 30, 2021 - permalink

The steroids problem is so dumb.

The only people that care are:

  • the one or two times someone cares to enforce the rules

  • butthurt people who lied to themselves that their favorite athletes weren’t using.

They’re all using. Who cares? Fess up and take it like an adult

The only CrossFitter I know who admitted to it was Natalie Newhart. She basically was like “yup, I did it.”

Wish more popped athletes did that. The denials are so lame.

Nov 30, 2021 - permalink

Why do athletes, especially female ones have to "fess up?" I've never understood the hangup. I wish we lived in a world where it didn't matter, but on a certain level it does.

Also, is this catholic church or what? Will she be absolved if she admits to it?

Nov 30, 2021 - permalink

> Does anyone else face this conflict with some of these women? For example Brandi Mae has been so overexposed that at this point her personality has become tiring to a few people I know. Bakhar's demon-alien playacting seemingly went the same way. And, do you continue to look at them if you feel this about a muscular woman?

Although I think this is a terrible idea for a thread, I would like to make a comment about Brandi Mae. What she does in her clips is acting/role playing. Most women who post clips are acting as well. Maybe because that’s what their fan base wants. We’ve met Brandi Mae in person and she is nothing like those clips. She’s a very intelligent, well spoken, and charming woman.

I thought this was obvious the internet is not real life.

Nov 30, 2021 - permalink

I think the reason is pretty clear, these athlete's market themselves online as "natural" so they can get sponsorships that shill to the average person that they did it all using this (holding up jar of whatever). It gives false hopes to those who want to really try to emulate the women they see. Corporate greed rules that narrative, but the athletes carry the message. Sure, the user should beware, but the BS that the athletes are natty can prove dangerous to the uneducated user. That's MY hangup...what they push out to the easily impressionable.

Nov 30, 2021 - permalink

Speaking of Bakhar and speaking of steroids, she is one of the few who has openly admitted taking them. I have to respect that, even if she is a bit "out there" for my taste.

Nov 30, 2021 - permalink

I don't get easily turned off by a muscular woman. She would have to have an extremely pompous attitude. But for me that's a turn-off no matter who it is.

Nov 30, 2021 - permalink

I'm guessing 90% of the women posted on this site are huge narcissists. Kind of comes with the territory of focusing so much on your body and having tons of pictures of it taken. Is what it is.

Nov 30, 2021 - permalink

I'm guessing 90% of the women posted on this site are huge narcissists.

Try not to confuse narcissism with pride. Most of them are proud of their bodies, much fewer of them are actual narcissists.

Nov 30, 2021 - permalink

Speaking of Bakhar and speaking of steroids, she is one of the few who has openly admitted taking them. I have to respect that, even if she is a bit "out there" for my taste.

Brandi Mae Akers has also openly admitted taking them, going to far as to say it’s literally impossible to look like she does without using PEDs

Nov 30, 2021 - permalink

Why do athletes, especially female ones have to "fess up?" I've never understood the hangup. I wish we lived in a world where it didn't matter, but on a certain level it does.

Also, is this catholic church or what? Will she be absolved if she admits to it?

I use the language regardless of male or female. But I don’t follow the men as closely and don’t subscribe to any men with muscle forums lol. I want them all to fess up. They’re all selling a fake reality and young lifters get sucked in because they don’t know better, find out they have to use to look or perform like THAT, and in some cases go too hard.

I have been pro steroids in baseball for years lmao let them mash.

I value their honesty more than their muscles. If they’re liars THATS a huge turnoff for me.

Nov 30, 2021 - permalink

I think one example is Vivi winkler where she always does workout crying out loud as if she is dead totally, I know she got lot of views and commends when she did it once, but every time she acts like that in her videos tells that she is just acting for views , also she tries to act goofy which i think is very cringe .

Nov 30, 2021 - permalink

Brandi Mae Akers has also openly admitted taking them, going to far as to say it’s literally impossible to look like she does without using PEDs

Brandi was actually the person who introduced me to the fact of just how prevalent PED usage is. I was in my early 20s when a feature on female bodybuilding aired on HBO Real Sports, and she was one of the bodybuilders they interviewed (I also think they chatted with Colette Nelson.) Brandi invited Bryant Gumbel to her house, and she showed him her fridge where she listed out EVERYTHING she took. I remember being surprised at learning that, but also being shocked at just how much she (and ostensibly, most bodybuilders) took.

Nov 30, 2021 - permalink

She’s one of the women that has remained racially very feminine over the years but I suppose her business affords her the good stuff

Nov 30, 2021 - edited Nov 30, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by Highprotein
Nov 30, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by damagecontrol
Nov 30, 2021 - permalink

If you’ve been around a lot of BBs ( Men or women ) , I think you will inevitably find that a lot of them are narcissists. The sport and industry essentially breeds this. That said, I know a lot of fantastic BBs - some are my best friends and I even married one, but there are disproportionately more self-absorbed assholes. Theif personalities are often reflected in their politics and any dysfunction permeates their personal lives. I think a lot of dudes initially tolerate shortcomings initially in order to be with a hottie, but in the long term, the guys who dismiss fatal flaws in personality will find it’s unsustainable.

There are a lot of women here on this site, that are knockouts to look at and a few gems with the super cool personalities, but really there are probably way more women here you’d find you couldn’t stand if you really got to know them. Probably not helpful to call them all out in this forum…!

Excellent post. Spot on.

Nov 30, 2021 - permalink

If you’ve been around a lot of BBs ( Men or women ) , I think you will inevitably find that a lot of them are narcissists. The sport and industry essentially breeds this. That said, I know a lot of fantastic BBs - some are my best friends and I even married one, but there are disproportionately more self-absorbed assholes. Theif personalities are often reflected in their politics and any dysfunction permeates their personal lives. I think a lot of dudes initially tolerate shortcomings initially in order to be with a hottie, but in the long term, the guys who dismiss fatal flaws in personality will find it’s unsustainable.

There are a lot of women here on this site, that are knockouts to look at and a few gems with the super cool personalities, but really there are probably way more women here you’d find you couldn’t stand if you really got to know them. Probably not helpful to call them all out in this forum…!

Would you say that age and social media popularity are factors?

Dec 01, 2021 - permalink

Honestly I don’t think this is a great idea for a thread but what about girls with good personalities that add to their attractiveness? Like Claire Thomas just seems like an all around dope person on top of her 10/10 physique.

Dec 01, 2021 - permalink

Its so hard to gauge of course. Maybe the topic is crass but it’s something I do wonder when I follow. Someone like Claire may have a bubbly personality in posts and with clients but may be different otherwise (or the same!). I’m always surprised who answers dms or ignores them (leaving them on read and no interaction rather than having SO many messages they choose to Ignore everything. Of course instagrams new feature blocking messages except from mutual follows helps). I have become good friends with a couple and have enough trust for a few phone numbers, while most don’t like my method of random and will mute or block me, even if our interactions were positive.

To others I’m only part of their business and they keep it that way which is another facet altogether, but still are friendly in exchanges. And really I can’t make judgements on all but a few of them because I still have JO idea who they are, mostly. It’s not enough data for me unless they are pretty unrestrained jerks

Dec 01, 2021 - permalink

Good point. I just try to go off of what I know. In most cases I don’t think this is way but in this subject, I choose to believe in the best without really questioning. No harm in doing so for such an unimportant topic like buff chicks’ personalities

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