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Disney Plus Live Action She Hulk

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May 18, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by cgsweat
May 18, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by cgsweat
May 18, 2022 - permalink

Every single MCU show on Disney has been garbage so far. They start off with a tolerable opening episode and then just go downhill until they are unwatchable. It's inconceivable She-Hulk will be any different, it'll probably be the worst one yet. Probably just best to view standalone pics and clips of it.

May 18, 2022 - permalink

Awful CG and she's not particularly muscular.... what a disappointment. I will not be watching.

May 18, 2022 - permalink

LOL what a bust. Is CGI tech getting worse or something? that looks so amateur. using a body double and replacing the face like a deepfake would have looked better.

May 18, 2022 - permalink

Every single MCU show on Disney has been garbage so far. They start off with a tolerable opening episode and then just go downhill until they are unwatchable. It's inconceivable She-Hulk will be any different, it'll probably be the worst one yet. Probably just best to view standalone pics and clips of it.

What are you talking about? Wandavision and Moon Knight were excellent.

May 19, 2022 - permalink

What are you talking about? Wandavision and Moon Knight were excellent.

exactly.....None have been terrible....only one I didnt care for was Hawkeye.

May 19, 2022 - permalink

What are you talking about? Wandavision and Moon Knight were excellent.

Same here. Enjoyed every single one of them.

May 19, 2022 - permalink

The show itself looks good, and professor hulk's cgi is also good, so I don't really understand why they dropped the ball on she-hulk's cgi. Maybe because she's a new character and they're still trying to figure out her design or something? Mark Ruffalo's hulk has been in marvel movies since 2012.

May 23, 2022 - permalink

This looks lame and SheHulk looks more like shrek lol. Get a real bad ass bitch to play Hulk insteadof this crappy cgi

May 23, 2022 - permalink

This seems to be the direction all these studios/production companies want to go. I guess it's too much work (and maybe costlier) to leave out the cgi and go in a more realistic direction.

For example when they made the original Jurassic Park, they used minimal cgi. A lot of it was done with hand built robots/puppets. Some youtube channel that tries to recreate iconic scenes of older movies with cgi tried to "upgrade" the scene of the T-Rex attacking the jeep. Needless to say it looked like a step backward and the original scene still holds up better than the cgi they use today.

After watching the She Hulk trailer, I couldn't help but think that the Hulk from the 70's looked more convincing. And it was just literally a bodybuilder (famously Lou Ferrigno) with green skin paint and a wig. So in almost 50 years they really haven't gone in the right direction. They rely too heavily on cgi and it just makes everything look more like a video game rather than real life.

May 23, 2022 - permalink

What are you talking about? Wandavision and Moon Knight were excellent.

And waht are you talking about? Don't you get it? He/she didnt liked it so its bad, and you should feel ashamed that you liked it

May 23, 2022 - permalink

The show itself looks good, and professor hulk's cgi is also good, so I don't really understand why they dropped the ball on she-hulk's cgi. Maybe because she's a new character and they're still trying to figure out her design or something? Mark Ruffalo's hulk has been in marvel movies since 2012.

Sadly, she hulk is to (male) hulk as women's basketball is to mens basketball. She's never going to have the same investment and appeal. For mainstream people, the female version just isn't a priority. The Supergirl show was a notable exception, but I also think that Supergirl is WAY more known by the public than She Hulk.

I kind of hate the CGI. I know that casting a bodybuilder isn't realistic, because they need someone with acting skills first, and muscles second. But it's also entirely possible to cast a fairly fit actress who becomes a really fit actress. I mean.. if Kumail Nanjiani can do it, then it's totally realistic for a woman to get strong and ripped for a role.

May 23, 2022 - permalink

I'm not too upset by the CGI quality... I mean, they'll probably keep improving it till release. I am disappointed in the amount of muscle She Hulk has:

I know she'd been everything from tall, thin woman to monstrously big in the comics, but my preference has always been for, say, aesthetic physique competitor or maybe muscular crossfit competitor. The one in this latest trailer leans heavily in the tall, slim green woman direction.

May 23, 2022 - permalink

I'm not too upset by the CGI quality... I mean, they'll probably keep improving it till release. I am disappointed in the amount of muscle She Hulk has:

I know she'd been everything from tall, thin woman to monstrously big in the comics, but my preference has always been for, say, aesthetic physique competitor or maybe muscular crossfit competitor. The one in this latest trailer leans heavily in the tall, slim green woman direction.

Same yeah.

Apparently they didn't get the "Luisa from Encanto" memo that super-strong female characters can actually be muscular and the whole world doesn't end.

May 23, 2022 - permalink

i actually think She Hulk is a fine character on her own, but when a run like "Immortal Hulk" comes along it's hard to top that kind of quality.

I also think she has a diff set of problems than Bruce, at least until recently, but they might not have been as compelling as Bruce's original and continuing issues.

May 23, 2022 - permalink

I think my top pick for a bodybuilder to be used as a model for a CGI She Hulk would by Zuzana Korinkova at her largest scaled up to like 7'7":

I'd love to see that onscreen, but, of course, probably not in my lifetime!

May 23, 2022 - permalink

I think She-Hulk works best with an "Amber DeLuca" build -- large amounts of muscle, but on limbs so long that she doesn't look particularly bulky. Oh, and plenty of curves. Shulkie is a character who is obviously big and strong, but very much a woman, and derives confidence as a woman from her strength, hence why she is outgoing and flirtatious. Pretty much the ultimate amazon fantasy: men want her, women want to be her. That should inform her design, but Marvel was like nah fam, let's make her neurotic with a feminist chip on her shoulder and not make her too muscular or voluptuous for fear people might fap -- can't have that, it'd undermine The Message.

Disney is a huge company, and that the Marvel producers took no notes from the appeal of a character like Luisa is not surprising. It's like how Microsoft writes some good software and some garbage software. There's relatively little knowledge sharing between divisions.

May 24, 2022 - permalink

Various online reports claim that original CGI for she hulk had her to be much more muscular but later on her physique was slimmed down. Hoping that they fix her appearance in subsequent movies or series

May 24, 2022 - permalink

I have to admit that I'm not too familiar with She-Hulk (I have always been more fan for DC stuff) but I have read couple comics about She-Hulk and did a little research in her past. To me it looks like her size has varied quite a lot during the years, but to me most of the time it looks (atleast to my eyes) that more often than not she isn't that muscular. Sure, she has more muscles on her than most anyother female super hero, but she is not that bulky. It might also be because she is so tall that her muscles don't look so big, but in official material she looks more moderately muscular than people on this forum seem to remember her. (See pics below)

But when it comes to the trailer I'm still a bit disappointed, because she looks small. I too think she should be taller and more muscular, but maybe not that much. She just doesn't look like she has the same strength as Hulk. Give her bigger biceps and more toned abs and make her taller and she would be fine. But you don't have to make her DeviantArt levels of muscular, tall and ripped.

And to my eye the CGI is not that bad. It is fine I guess, but we only have short trailer to see that and based on that I'm not too sceptical. Yet. But I think company like Disney, with all their money, should be able to fo better. CGI on trailer is fine, but I also think Disney could have done it better. But Disney is not willing to take any risks or put any more money in projects unless they can be 100% sure they make profit with it.

The most pressing question for me is how they are going to handle her character and the story? Dusney+ shows have reputation that they have strong opening episodes, but they tend to drop the ball at some point (Book of Boba Fett comes to mind). I sure hope they get their s**t together with this one, because I think they have to do something marvellous (pun intended) with She-Hulk and open market and main stream for more muscular women in films, comics, games and TV series.

May 24, 2022 - permalink

I think my top pick for a bodybuilder to be used as a model for a CGI She Hulk would by Zuzana Korinkova at her largest scaled up to like 7'7":

I'd love to see that onscreen, but, of course, probably not in my lifetime!

You and me both

May 24, 2022 - permalink

Just to confirm it...a (non-sourced) claim. Not surprising, you know, since the "eeew, muscles on a woman" belief is still strong.

May 25, 2022 - permalink

Oh well... at least here it looks like she has a tinyyy little bicep bump and it's not CGI XD

May 25, 2022 - permalink

Me trying to see her bicep.

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