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Do you have a "type", or do look for different kind of pictures depending on your mood?

Nov 02, 2021 - permalink

I do have my favourites, but I feel like I'm quite variable in terms of what I look for on this site. Some days I can't get enough of borderline physique competitors, other days I look for women with just average gym-goer level of muscularity. And all the variation in betweeen obviously...

Sometimes I'm knowingly looking for pictures that evoke a story I might be reading. But actually on most occasions I don't have an idea in mind when I open the site, I just see what captures my attention more, or strikes up the right kind of fantasy.

I thought it'd be interesting to see what other's people habits are. Do you always look for a specific category, or do you go back and forth like me?

Nov 02, 2021 - permalink

For me, it's a masssive, dense physique with huge shoulders and a harder looking face. The kind where PED use is obvious and they look like something beyond a human. Really prominent noses are a plus, too.

Nov 02, 2021 - permalink

For me it depends on my mood and the picture. I like all kinds but kind of depends on the picture.

Nov 02, 2021 - permalink

For me, it's mainly pics that remind me of the woman I should have married years ago. She wasn't as muscular, though.

Nov 02, 2021 - edited Nov 03, 2021 - permalink

Always in the mood for natural (smaller) women with not to unnaturaly low on body fat. Best is a bicep, tricep, calf or quad that just pops out from nowhere. To that is the sexiest. Like my wifes bicep šŸ˜

Nov 02, 2021 - permalink

For me, it's mainly pics that remind me of the woman I should have married years ago. She wasn't as muscular, though.

I've done that too. Fortunately there are not many that remind me of her, though. Best of times, worst of times sort of deal.

Nov 02, 2021 - permalink

For me it's women who represent a subculture you usually wouldn't associate with athleticism and/or bodybuilding in general. Seeing goth, punk, hipster and weeb muscular women is a huge turn on for me personally.

Nov 02, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by Serotonin
Nov 02, 2021 - permalink

It depends whether I'm in the mood for playing or for being played with.

My usual "type" is Brazilian bottom-heavy girls. They're not as big from the waist up, as to not deviate much from mainstream beauty standards, and they tend to concern themselves with looking "pretty". Like so:

But sometimes, I'll wake up craving mass monsters, who are not particularly feminine. In fact, I love the degree of masculinization that steroid use brings, like low voice and roid gut. My only limit is that women should have hair on their head. I have a special thing for wide lats, because they make a woman appear so large and imposing. Examples:

Sometimes, I crave dangerous women. The kind who are prone to displays of power, show a mean streak, and make me a bit scared of them. Like so:

...and sometimes, I just want a woman to call me a slave and make me crawl at her feet.

Nov 02, 2021 - permalink

Yea i'd say that Just buff is what i like most Not ripped just big if you gwt what i mean

Nov 03, 2021 - permalink

18-30, with no silicone implants, and not on the hard gear.

I also like the ones who just have a down-to-earth, girl-next-door attitude. Some of these women take their social media influencer roles too seriously. Every post has some pretentious inspirational quite, even if the post is a gratuitous "I like how my butt looks in spandex" post.

Nov 04, 2021 - permalink

Every post has some pretentious inspirational [quote], even if the post is a gratuitous "I like how my butt looks in spandex" post.

Things like that made me delete Instagram after a while. Sometimes you just want to look at the images, not be forced to read quotes, political diatribes, or whatever the person in question thought of on the toilet that day.

Years ago, Tumblr used to be one stop shopping for images of FBBs and fitness girls before I discovered this place. Even after the adult content ban, it still kind of is in some ways, even if a lot of it is reposting from here.

Nov 04, 2021 - edited Nov 04, 2021 - permalink

I prefer women who are extremely lean. Their muscles have to be built up, but mainly at the level where they begin to be well shaped and defined. I'm not as interested in bulk as many guys. So, Veronica Valentyne, Wondergaia, women like that. Also one thing that can appeal to me is when a woman is not all that muscular except in tbe abs. Hence Wondergaia. And, to an extent, Veronica, too!

Nov 04, 2021 - permalink

When it comes to muscular women I like them big and ripped with no fake boobs and little to no body ink. That's my type. All day, everyday. But that's just a preference. Doesn't mean I don't get all weak in the knees for women outside of my usual type as well.

Nov 04, 2021 - permalink

It comes in waves for me. Recently, for some odd reason, I've been heavy on mature, older women. And I mean older on sight lol

Nov 04, 2021 - permalink

For me, it's a masssive, dense physique with huge shoulders and a harder looking face. The kind where PED use is obvious and they look like something beyond a human. Really prominent noses are a plus, too.

Iā€™m with you here. Give me massive roid monsters with thick veins, square jaw, and a deep voice. BUT I want them to still dress feminine. Like give me that package in some heels and a dress. Or even just casual leggings and a crop top or whatever but in flip flops not like manly shoes.

Nov 04, 2021 - permalink

Things like that made me delete Instagram after a while. Sometimes you just want to look at the images, not be forced to read quotes, political diatribes, or whatever the person in question thought of on the toilet that day.

Years ago, Tumblr used to be one stop shopping for images of FBBs and fitness girls before I discovered this place. Even after the adult content ban, it still kind of is in some ways, even if a lot of it is reposting from here.

i stopped reading captions years ago. there has been a lot of nuttiness as of late, and everyone wants to use their platform for something. sure, fine. but followers are like sand in an hourglass, they just pile up or slip away. there have been a few on both ends of the political spectrum that became instant unfollows, and a lot of woowoo (rocks, planets, potions, witches, what have you) stuff that was the same.

I'm always about great shapes--a woman can have an otherwise average (fit) physique but if she has a poppin bicep or thick pecs or great lats i'll follow for a little while, at least. i almost always save any bicep photos, as those have been my favorite since day 1. Range is probably between 18-40, though that upper limit can change. perhaps i'll feel different when I'm a few years older. After all I made a big deal about not dating women older than me while at the same time having a huge crush on a girl 4 years older than i was for about 3 years lmao

Nov 04, 2021 - permalink

I love muscle women in leather. It's kind of unique so not much stuff out there. These are probably my go to images. I love women with size that are ripped. I much prefer shredded to the off season look

Nov 04, 2021 - permalink

I must have developed some kind of art for looking at the captions and not having my brain process them. They used to annoy me but now I hardly notice.

By the way could we please not call women "roid monsters"? Seems super fetishy at best and derogatory at worst (even if it was used approvingly above).

Nov 04, 2021 - permalink

It depends whether I'm in the mood for playing or for being played with.

My usual "type" is Brazilian bottom-heavy girls. They're not as big from the waist up, as to not deviate much from mainstream beauty standards, and they tend to concern themselves with looking "pretty". Like so:

But sometimes, I'll wake up craving mass monsters, who are not particularly feminine. In fact, I love the degree of masculinization that steroid use brings, like low voice and roid gut. My only limit is that women should have hair on their head. I have a special thing for wide lats, because they make a woman appear so large and imposing. Examples:

Sometimes, I crave dangerous women. The kind who are prone to displays of power, show a mean streak, and make me a bit scared of them. Like so:

...and sometimes, I just want a woman to call me a slave and make me crawl at her feet.

You summed up my brazilian type perfectly, bro.

Nov 04, 2021 - permalink

I must have developed some kind of art for looking at the captions and not having my brain process them. They used to annoy me but now I hardly notice.

By the way could we please not call women "roid monsters"? Seems super fetishy at best and derogatory at worst (even if it was used approvingly above).

Why do you think most people are on this site? A muscle fetish. Women that get to that point do it for a reason, and I'd make a bet they know what you refer to saying "roid monster." Comparatively.

Nov 04, 2021 - permalink

Lately I like by muscular cuties, by watching some any kind of fitness/fbb, kind of next door girl but with some display of out of proportion muscle, vascularity, rippedness, etc. Like great skin, attitude, nice angle, and mostly that casual look but with some really beautiful muscle display (usually chest, arms or abs).

And then I escalate


And even more

At the end I need certain kind of physique, like, many times I need to find another model, as I find that she is not that strong/big or doesn't know how to give a really good flex, and that's when I need just some particular fbb that just do really particular poses in a particular angle with a particular attitude, and for example, no implants (there are exceptions), and just the most really big and contest shape fbb.

For example I need to watch Hulda just pose like this... being all hard and big while not even flexing https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/1591774/

Nov 04, 2021 - edited Nov 04, 2021 - permalink

Well I did not expect to see people describing their taste in such an articulate manner...

Anyway, from these first replies it seems that there's a pretty even division between people with specific and variable/more general preferences. I thought that the first category was a minority. In hindsight it was probably to be expected.

Nov 04, 2021 - permalink

Lee jin won, and any woman who works out and have big thighs

Nov 08, 2021 - edited Nov 08, 2021 - permalink

Cute femme face on what could be the body of a huge MBB. As big as possible. But I'm also fine with all the side effects if that's what it takes. It's best when combined with femme clothes, getting all dolled up, lingerie, etc.

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