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Improving the image comments

Aug 01, 2022 - permalink

Does this include psychological analysis of total strangers from 12 years old to their maybe their 70s?

I gather that you are insulting me in some way. But your grammar is so bad I can't see how or what for.

But please do show me where did you find a psychological analysis of a total stranger.

Aug 01, 2022 - edited Aug 01, 2022 - permalink

I'm straight up an intellectual. I prefer intelligent comments too. But I search using those short comments. Because I know they are a reliable indication of how people feel about an image. I think if you were a PHD in data management, you would try not to limit too much those kinds of comments. We live in a world where AI will soon be running all our searches and short comment data will be one of the parameters AI uses to sort content. I just think it's shooting yourself in the foot to limit it too much. Some like 'boing' is worthless because it is on every post, but something like 'great peak' is currently the only way to search for peaked biceps. It will help AI sort things. I'm saying, be careful what you limit so that you can future proof the site. Don't let your emotional needs for better comments get in the way of effective data management.

I feel like a 'straight up intellectual' would understand how to use paragraphs.

Aug 01, 2022 - permalink

I gather that you are insulting me in some way. But your grammar is so bad I can't see how or what for.

But please do show me where did you find a psychological analysis of a total stranger.

Are you serious? It's all you do. And who cares if I used a word twice by accident.

You are insufferable.

Aug 02, 2022 - permalink

Are you serious? It's all you do.

Very little understanding can be gained by focusing on persons.

Slightly more can be gained by focusing on events.

Even a bit more can be gained by focusing on ideas.

But the real substance of understanding is called metaphysics.

I don't care about your total strangers and never have. I have done my best to not refer to any individual. Unless asked, that is.

And who cares if I used a word twice by accident.

That was not what caught me. I had no idea what age had to do with anything. I was 50 % sure you were calling me a 12-year-old who psychoanalyzes senior citizens.

Aug 02, 2022 - permalink

I was 50 % sure you were calling me a 12-year-old who psychoanalyzes senior citizens.

No. People of all ages and numerous different cultures come to this site. Many who speak English as a 2nd language.

Plain and simple, being upset at the comments people leave is pointless.

Aug 02, 2022 - permalink

Plain and simple, being upset at the comments people leave is pointless.


Aug 02, 2022 - permalink

I just think it's shooting yourself in the foot to limit it too much. Some like 'boing' is worthless because it is on every post, but something like 'great peak' is currently the only way to search for peaked biceps. It will help AI sort things. I'm saying, be careful what you limit so that you can future proof the site. Don't let your emotional needs for better comments get in the way of effective data management.


Even comments like “boing” demonstrate which pictures create certain forms of engagement.

Aug 02, 2022 - permalink


Even comments like “boing” demonstrate which pictures create certain forms of engagement.

I agree actually. Current AI systems are great at reading between the lines and doing a great job of sorting the human messiness. Any data is helpful to such systems. And they are already here, and will be cheap and everywhere.

Aug 03, 2022 - permalink

Even comments like “boing” demonstrate which pictures create certain forms of engagement.

This is like the GWM version of "even whipping out your dick in public shows a woman that you're engaging with her".

Aug 03, 2022 - permalink

I think you should consider some sort of moderation, like comments with specific words being deleted automatically(maybe a algorithm that can detect attempts to hide that moderated word)

Aug 03, 2022 - permalink

I did basically blacklist a few words in the recent comment filter, "boing" and "lick" being two of them.

Aug 03, 2022 - permalink

I did basically blacklist a few words in the recent comment filter, "boing" and "lick" being two of them.

yeah but I feel like other dark words have been mentioned in the website, I can't recall rn tho

Aug 03, 2022 - permalink

This is like the GWM version of "even whipping out your dick in public shows a woman that you're engaging with her".

I’m not saying it’s completely tasteful, but it’s not obscene. That analogy is quite a bit of equivocation.

Aug 04, 2022 - permalink

I’m not saying it’s completely tasteful, but it’s not obscene.


Aug 05, 2022 - permalink

I'm a lion! See me drool!

camel-toes signal femininity! every model in a bikini or a pair of briefs should sport one to prove it! if you don't have a camel-toe, ladies, then you've failed the inspection! as decreed by governor Zarklephaser, thems the rules!

  • "Whatever that certain feature there is, I'm confused now. It does not look like a cameltoe." - 2018

  • "Does not look like a cameltoe there. Otherwise she seems to have retained feminine features quite well." - 2022

admittedly, i'm cherry-picking here - but even then this is hardly the worst i've seen of Zarkle's commentary in the the image threads or the forums. though i may not be the greatest fan of the 'boings!' and 'x out of 10' parrots myself, as far as i'm concerned they're simply more of a droll annoyance than anything that could be regarded as truly ridiculous or inflammatory - and that it's also possible to be just as redundant by nit-picking on relatively innocuous messages left behind by other users and churning out whole essays interrogating them over why they think a model who easily qualifies as a GWM could be considered as 'strong and sexy' on a site that obviously caters for their admirers.

anyways, i know that out of the nearly 300 comments i've now left behind, not too many of them are guaranteed to be anything profound, and none of them are anything i'd apologise to anyone for writing (except perhaps for that one incident with Vovin1000), so i know this topic is far too rich for my blood. just felt like i had buck to share, after which i intend to make myself scarce from this discussion before any more of that endlessly jabbering quack's sycophantic bottomfeeders accuse me of 'contaminating' the thread with my sacrilege.

Aug 05, 2022 - permalink

I did basically blacklist a few words in the recent comment filter, "boing" and "lick" being two of them.

Are "hunk," "slave," and "stud" on the chopping block?

Aug 05, 2022 - permalink

camel-toes signal femininity! every model in a bikini or a pair of briefs should sport one to prove it! if you don't have a camel-toe, ladies, then you've failed the inspection! as decreed by governor Zarklephaser, thems the rules!

  • "Whatever that certain feature there is, I'm confused now. It does not look like a cameltoe." - 2018

  • "Does not look like a cameltoe there. Otherwise she seems to have retained feminine features quite well." - 2022

admittedly, i'm cherry-picking here - but even then this is hardly the worst i've seen of Zarkle's commentary in the the image threads or the forums. though i may not be the greatest fan of the 'boings!' and 'x out of 10' parrots myself, as far as i'm concerned they're simply more of a droll annoyance than anything that could be regarded as truly ridiculous or inflammatory - and that it's also possible to be just as redundant by nit-picking on relatively innocuous messages left behind by other users and churning out whole essays interrogating them over why they think a model who easily qualifies as a GWM could be considered as 'strong and sexy' on a site that obviously caters for their admirers.

anyways, i know that out of the nearly 300 comments i've now left behind, not too many of them are guaranteed to be anything profound, and none of them are anything i'd apologise to anyone for writing (except perhaps for that one incident with Vovin1000), so i know this topic is far too rich for my blood. just felt like i had buck to share, after which i intend to make myself scarce from this discussion before any more of that endlessly jabbering quack's sycophantic bottomfeeders accuse me of 'contaminating' the thread with my sacrilege.


Aug 10, 2022 - permalink

Many times I tried to comment on pics and it hardly works. Am I using the wrong words at times or what? How many sentences can I have there? What words should I use?

Aug 10, 2022 - permalink

I love doing a search on comments 'wow' then 'wooooow' then 'wooooooow' then 'woooooooooooow' because if this is someone's instant reaction is usually means the photo is good.

For the benefit of all coding-minded people, what if the search functionality was updated to support regular expressions?

This way you could search for wo{4,7}w to find all comments between woooow and wooooooow at once.

Aug 10, 2022 - permalink

yeah. I just tried to post this, and it was not accepted. . . .

"She's so thick and beautiful! Cue the Photoshop complaints.

The above post didn't meet "threshold"....this page is getting ridiculous.

really? Three lines to make threshold??"

Aug 10, 2022 - permalink

Many times I tried to comment on pics and it hardly works. Am I using the wrong words at times or what? How many sentences can I have there? What words should I use?

The criteria is a moving target, and appears to have been applied to users on an individual basis.

Aug 11, 2022 - permalink

"She's so thick and beautiful! Cue the Photoshop complaints.

This comment was very close, the generic "She's so thick and beautiful" is what got you.

Then you tried to append random stuff on top of it, but the filter actually penalizes appending small amounts of text to comments that were recently rejected (< 10 minutes ago). I started tracking rejected comments and saw that people were reacting to (correct) rejections of vapid drooling by adding more sentences of vapid drooling afterward, and this would get accepted, so I put in an extra safeguard against that.

The criteria is a moving target, and appears to have been applied to users on an individual basis.

Not sure what you mean by "applied to users on an individual basis", but there is nothing hardcoded in it to target specific individuals, i.e., nothing like "if user is real_iluvmuscle, then [apply extra stringent criteria]".

It is user-specific in the sense that some users will trigger it more often than others depending on comment content and frequency.

Aug 11, 2022 - permalink

Just curious. Am I allowed to compliment FBB's on their pics? Or would that be considered not appropriate? Because the reason I'm asking because I get this "minimum quality threshold" comment in red. I thought just that commenting on the pic is a nice compliment to give.

Aug 11, 2022 - permalink

The filter is punishing you because your comments are repetitive "... looks great and awesome" and you make a lot of them. Also, as I explained above, once a comment fragment is rejected, you can't just append more similar text to the end of it and have that get accepted.

If you approach commenting with: "Would it be interesting for other users of the site to read this comment I am about to post?" and your answer is "yes", the filter is unlikely to get you. If it still does, let me know, and depending on the context I can try to tweak the filter.

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