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how did you realize that you like muscular women?

Feb 20, 2021 - permalink

How did you realize that you like muscular women? What attracted you about that time and has your attraction changed about it?

Feb 20, 2021 - permalink

When I was a teenager I played lots of sports and watched a lot of sports on TV. I enjoyed watching women's gymnastics and track and field/athletics the most. I think I always found the more muscular gymnasts and runners (especially hurdlers) most attractive. That's not to say that I don't find other women beautiful. I think Hayley Law, Thandie Newton, Julia Fox and Taylour Paige are stunningly beautiful. However I think Andrea Shaw, Natasha Aughey, Tina Nguyen and Annie Rivieccio are just as gorgeous.

Feb 20, 2021 - permalink

I was really young, probably five or six, and I saw the Soloflex "This could be your body" commercial. To this day the female model in that piece of advertisement makes my eyes widen. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FXdbkTTCPhQ

Feb 20, 2021 - permalink

I was also a teenager when I realized I liked muscular women. I surfed the internet when I asked to myself "what does muscles look like on a women?" because for me in this time, muscles and feminity were not compatible. I was shocked to see women very attractive, the thing that fascinated me was combining the two, the real power in my opinion, it touched me a lot...

Feb 20, 2021 - permalink

I saw the movie Skin Deep on TV in 1991, when Raye Hollitt started flexing, well, I got very excited.

Feb 20, 2021 - permalink

I saw the movie Skin Deep on TV in 1991, when Raye Hollitt started flexing, well, I got very excited.

I was very excited too when she talks about her physical labor

Feb 20, 2021 - permalink

For me 90s WWE raw, Chyna wrestling men

Feb 20, 2021 - permalink

I was 7 and my 2nd grade teacher used to sit on the front edge of her desk and brush her hair. At that age I had never seen a girl or lady with muscles. My teacher Mrs. Anderson had biceps that bounced up into an amazing peak with every stroke through her hair. She was also very beautiful ❤️. The combination of her muscles and facial beauty left me awestruck, influencing my taste in women for the rest of my life.

Feb 21, 2021 - permalink

Actually, it happened rather late when I was 18 years old. Before that, I had a thing only for tall women. But I went to house party with some guys and girls. Somehow the guys started armwrestling to each other. I am a weakling but there were a few guys who were weaker even than I, so I did it too and I won two or three times. One of the girls said that she would like to try. I liked her because she was tall and thick. At imposing 5’11 and circa 190 lbs she was 4 inch taller than me and 50 lbs hevier than me. I thoght she was simply chubby but I was wrong. I wanted to touch her beatiful body and touching the hand of the other one is the part of the game, so I said I could armwrestle with her. She smiled down at me and said that she is very excited. When we both sit down, she towered over me even more because she had rather huge and round ass. I grabed her hand and I see that her hand is bigger than mine. But I also saw that she is an amateur regarding armwrestling because she put her arm into a disadvategous position. I did not help her out. At this point, I felt small as she looked down at me, and I feared that I wlll be made pathetic - some people already watch us. The contest started and I felt her power, she could hold her rather bad position. For a while, I could not move her hand. She tried to fight back but the position of her hand made it rather difficult. She started to rum out of steam, and I fought back and won. She was a bit sad and said we should play another one. I said ok. I saw that her biceps become a bit bigger, not much. And this time, she put her hand much closer to her body. She grabed my hand rather powerful, and smiled down at me, and asked whether I am ready. I said yes, we counted back, and she attacked. I could do nothing. I felt that her hand slowly put my hand on the table. I said that my hand was tired because of the previous matches. She said it is ok, she just wanted to feel what it is like beat a man. I asked what is it like? She said it is energizing, she feel strong and she want to be even stronger. I said its cool, and I felt that the same feeling rush me what I feel when a very tall woman look down on me. From then, I like strong muscular women as well.

Feb 21, 2021 - permalink

I wrote it the true story in my first "fiction" book, Muscle Love. It felt like somewhat cut off the oxygen to my brain I was so aroused. As if a lightning bolt struck me I felt paralyzed as well. One hit and you'll never go back.

Feb 21, 2021 - permalink

Early 2000s , we have a second computer at home, my parents had their laptop for work, my sisters and i had another for homework, one day i decided to use my parents laptop, and found a huge gallery of denise masino and autumn raby (you know what kind of pics). I saw it for a few minutes i was drop jaw, before my parents get back home turn it off and act like nothing happened but my heart and mind were 1000 mph, days after I use it again and found more pics of other female bodybuilders; at beginning i thought it was my dad, but weeks later i openned the door very quietly and saw my mom you know "watching" those pics. It change my way to see women.

Feb 21, 2021 - permalink

My crush early in school was the tomboy girl that was really athletic and could beat the boys in armwrestling. And then Chyna in wrestling and American Gladiators re-runs.

Feb 21, 2021 - permalink

Mine was when I was 16 I helped a neighbor watch some kids at her house at a pool party she was gorgeous and had a muscled body. That started it for me.

Feb 22, 2021 - permalink

How did you realize that you like muscular women?

Getting an erection was my first clue.

Feb 22, 2021 - permalink

I really liked watching American Gladiator back in the day and some of the females were really buff. Starting looking online and saw a pic of Angie Salvagno in contest shape completely ripped and veiny and that was it.

Feb 22, 2021 - permalink

ESPN used to run bodybuilding competitions. I was really young when I first saw it and didn't really understand the fascination, but it stuck with me.

Feb 22, 2021 - permalink

How did you realize that you like muscular women?

What attracted you about that time and has your attraction changed about it?

I think the first time I was super into it an aware of it was looking at some fitness girl poster on a bicicle repair shop. I loved to wait there and watch the poster. I tried to pass with my bike and watch the poster. I know it was a no no because of natural shame because of being a wanker but also because I know it was a powerfull fitness girl that was a "no no" according to society in that time.

I think what atracted me was that in that time I was really into the protuberant beauty of girls, like giant boobs, giants ass, fit body (but not that fit), etc. drove me crayz. But then I realized that the hottest beauty models or bikini models or athlets, were the ones with really fit bodies and muscles.

But I think I loved muscles before, like when playing with Heman figures, or watching Rambo Cartoons, or watching the Increidble Huld real live show, or how bodybuilders are pertrayed, it's feels like all that make a conection with the love for girls.

Feb 22, 2021 - permalink

Many years ago at 15 years old at a family gathering. Was hanging in the lower level with a cousin who had weights. We were doing some curls when a older 2nd cousin who we hardly knew came in looking for the refrigerator for some soda. She was about 27 years old. She saw what we were doing and asked us if we were strong. So we said we only just started to workout a few weeks ago. So out of nowhere she challenged my cousin to an armwrestle. She put him down in 2 seconds. We were shocked. I asked how did you get so strong. She was a gymnast when in college. I asked her to flex, she rolled up her sleeve and flexed a big bicep and I asked can I feel it. It was very hard and bigger than mine or my cousins. I flexed my arm, she giggled and felt it and said I should lift more. I asked to feel it again, she smiled and flexed it a few times, I squeezed it and it was very hard and I was blown away on how hard and big it was. That did it for me.

Jan 24, 2023 - permalink

Early 2000s , we have a second computer at home, my parents had their laptop for work, my sisters and i had another for homework, one day i decided to use my parents laptop, and found a huge gallery of denise masino and autumn raby (you know what kind of pics). I saw it for a few minutes i was drop jaw, before my parents get back home turn it off and act like nothing happened but my heart and mind were 1000 mph, days after I use it again and found more pics of other female bodybuilders; at beginning i thought it was my dad, but weeks later i openned the door very quietly and saw my mom you know "watching" those pics. It change my way to see women.

Wow that's so hot

Jan 24, 2023 - permalink

I first encountered seeing Bernie Price in a bodybuilding mag flexing a bicep in the mid 90s and became instantly hooked. When this type of question comes round, that is my main start point but I also recall in the mid to late 80s (I would've been around 6 or 7) having a sense of some enjoyment at watching Linda Carter as Wonder Woman and how strong the character was.

Jan 24, 2023 - permalink

Was around 13 (1983). Was watching 'Wide World of Sports' (Channel 9, Sydney, Australia) one Sunday afternoon and they had a segment showing Ms Olympia. I was mesmerised, hooked ever since.

Jan 24, 2023 - permalink

Real People, 1980. A jokey look at these freaks show, did a segment on Laura Combes. They got really snarky about her, but it changed the way I look at women forever.

Jan 24, 2023 - permalink

Getting an erection was my first clue.

Definitive response!

Jan 24, 2023 - permalink

Erections at age 9 sorta decided that shit for me.

Jan 24, 2023 - permalink

Rachel McLish ❤️ Instant erection

As a young teen not fbb but was obsessed with cute cheerleaders with thick quads and legs

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