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How old are you?

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Jul 30, 2022 - permalink


Sep 03, 2022 - permalink

I am 58 and have been into muscle since I was 6. BUT...when SI had womens bodybuilding featured where I believe Hulk Hogan may have been on the cover, that did it. I thought I was a muscle freak at 8 or 10, but at 14 it went thru the roof and has been there ever since.

Sep 05, 2022 - permalink

Im 21 been a thing since I was around 10? (started with me browsing models on IG on my ipod touch)

Wow large age range on this site.

Oct 06, 2022 - permalink


Oct 06, 2022 - permalink

I remember seeing fbb competing on eurosport when i was about 9, then i saw some fbbs in talk shows when i was teenager with some interest. My fantasy really started when i was 20 with the internet easy access and now I'm 35 and I still find them fascinating (i also like non fbb women too)

Oct 06, 2022 - permalink

I’m 36, when I was 12 I was frustrated I couldn’t get erections like everyone else. Nothing would do so. I began to lust over chicks in horror movies, then I began to lust over women beating up men, then I was women I tight clothing. Then one day I was drawing a woman, and I decided to give her muscles. That’s how I got my first 🍆🤥

Oct 06, 2022 - permalink

I'm 53 and was around 10 when I found my attraction to females with muscle. One of my baseball teammates had an older sister, probably 2-3 years older than me, and she flexed her bicep after a game one night. I was hooked!

Oct 06, 2022 - permalink

Just started my 40s and have had a thing for women's legs since I can remember. I realized I liked athletic, muscular women at 15 when I saw the legs of a girl who played soccer at my high school. They were flawless, incredibly sculpted and she set the standard for all whoo have come after.

Oct 07, 2022 - edited Oct 07, 2022 - permalink

I'm 53 and was around 10 when I found my attraction to females with muscle. One of my baseball teammates had an older sister, probably 2-3 years older than me, and she flexed her bicep after a game one night. I was hooked!

That's good stuff. I think most of us probably remember the thrill the first time we got a taste haha. For me it was a girl across the street from me who was my best friend for a while from when I was around 6 or 7 until we were both 11 and my family moved away. Her name was Patricia and she was always taller than me. I was a bit of a runt and she was tall for a girl and more athletic than most girls.

So we were playing my back yard one day when were both probably 9 years old. There was a cement cinderblock standing on its end by our porch and I put both hands in it to see if I could lift it. I just managed to get it about 3 inches off the ground and dropped it. Patricia walked over and just hoisted it up to her chest level with a little grunt and chucked it about 3 feet across the gravel driveway. I got an incredible head and body rush at seeing her display strength like that. She did it to show off and it had the intended result, I was impressed to say the least hahaha.

I asked her to "make a muscle" and she pushed up the sleeve of her jumpsuit and flexed a little steel cable-like bicep and I gave it a squeeze and it was hard as a rock. Then second wave of adrenaline or dopamine...or whatever hit and almost knocked me off my feet. I just remember being dizzy and intoxicated. I still get that feeling in real-life encounters, especially when they are unexpected.

Obviously I got her to arm wrestle and lift me up in her arms and give me piggyback rides, leg wrestling etc. But this was the late 70s early 80s so girls were afraid of being unfeminine more so than they are now so it took a lot of coaxing hahaha, but I was determined and became the most persuasive 9-10 year old you ever met. I even talked her into doing bicep curls every day with her mom's plastic dumbbells for a whole summer LOL

I was hooked completely and absolutely. I already had a sense of liking girls who had muscles or were strong though. I can remember trying to arm wrestle girls in school or get them to flex as early as kindergarten and 1st grade. That's why I know this fetish is hardwired and I couldn't change it if I wanted to.

Oct 08, 2022 - permalink

Well i don't think i saw any really muscular girls in school. but there where a lot of girls that where just so much stronger than me. because they where slightly older or taller. and i would sometimes get bullied too by girls back then everyone builled everyone.

later on in high school i had a crush on a girl with big calves and she was fitter than me and did karate.

Oct 08, 2022 - permalink

I'm 53 and was around 10 when I found my attraction to females with muscle. One of my baseball teammates had an older sister, probably 2-3 years older than me, and she flexed her bicep after a game one night. I was hooked!

Birthyear 1969 ? The elite club 👌 😜

Oct 08, 2022 - permalink

Birthyear 1969 ? The elite club 👌 😜


Oct 08, 2022 - permalink

I'm 29. I don't share much here these days so I figured I take some time to contribute with this subject:

Like more than a few here, I had grown up in sports (wrestling and hockey) and martial arts (Judo and kickboxing) so, being physically capable always amazed me when it came to either gender and I was quite obsessed with it when young. Then in my late primary years, I started getting into anime and general action cartoons (comics and manga came later, as I didn't grow up with many experiences or friends outside of sports, therefore authentic comics weren't as accessible to me yet. At least not more than simply turning on the TV!).

As I'd watch these freakishly muscular men (like in Dragonball or Justice League) doing these over-the-top, badass things, the female characters of the episodes would do similar things... but they didn't have the amount of physical development and that was strange to me. I inquired:"If these women could do what their male counterparts could, why didn't it seem as impressive or believable to me?... That's right!: it's because they weren't as muscular! But it has to be possible; it's possible for women to look like that right? At least, their version somewhat?!"

So I'd began searching, but lo and behold answers came to me! I began a puppy love relationship at 13yo with this young Asian-American girl (also 13) who was on the hockey team I was on at the time. She was also a martial artist and gymnast. We messed around for some weeks, and I felt how strong she was at times, but I never saw her body until after our first home game, in the showers (bathing suits were worn so the showers could allow unisex showering for 13 and below, given adult supervision--and due to the lack of an all-girls team in this club league. ...Kind of raises its own questions as I type, but that's another story!).

That moment convinced me: Her shoulders were very rounded, her abs, I saw bulging through her one-piece and legs abormally sculpted (her calves were more developed than the calves of some the adult MEN in my life, let alone my own. Even if smaller). I won't get into feats of strength stories and that, but MAN; the fun we had that year! Fond memories ☺️

The hook, however came sometime later when I searched further (yes, I wanted to know more possibilities) and discovered the Joanna Thomas documentary 'Supersize She' that came out a few years prior. From there it was history!😊. I was 14 or 15 I want to say. And also to clarify: I'm openly proud of my appreciation for the muscular/athletic female and you all should be as well!! It's nothing to be ashamed of. All my friends and family know, because while I have been intimate--and platonic obviously--with women of various body types, I have only ever been in serious romantic/domestic relationships with athletic women of some form.

Oct 09, 2022 - permalink

33,34 in December and I think it was Zap from American Gladiators that started it all for me.

Nov 14, 2023 - permalink

Ive liked muscular women since i was 12. Im 26 right now.

Nov 14, 2023 - permalink

I'm 24 and i like muscle girls since I was 14, when i had a classmate with big muscles.

Nov 14, 2023 - permalink

69 Can't remember when I first realised I was attracted to females with muscles, but I think it dawned on me through adolescence.

Nov 14, 2023 - permalink


Nov 15, 2023 - permalink

The hook, however came sometime later when I searched further (yes, I wanted to know more possibilities) and discovered the Joanna Thomas documentary 'Supersize She' that came out a few years prior. From there it was history!

We're around the same age and, yep, Supersize She was the point of no return for me. Especially the opening shot where they start from her legs and slowly pan up. RIP :(

Nov 15, 2023 - permalink

Late 40’s. Tonya a knight was an early crush, along with Bernie Price and others of that ilk.

Nov 15, 2023 - permalink

Probably the youngest on the site.

Nov 16, 2023 - permalink

Probably the youngest on the site.

I dont believe it. Lol

Nov 16, 2023 - permalink

Strange seeing this thread active again lol. When I first commented here I was 17 now I’m 18 pushing 19 it’s crazy to think I was on this site for 3 years.

Nov 16, 2023 - permalink

Strange seeing this thread active again lol. When I first commented here I was 17 now I’m 18 pushing 19 it’s crazy to think I was on this site for 3 years.

Bro, I'm almost 29 and I'm on this site since I was 17 years old ^^

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