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Nov 08, 2011 - context
Bought the Kristy Oakley video yesterday and I'm absolutely stunned. Amazing muscles, strength (benches 215lbs @ 115lbs bodyweight; 330lbs squats); absolutely adorable/cute personality.

Highly recommended video. I can't believe there hasn't been anything else out there with her. Oh and her sister is pretty fit too; apparently it runs in the family (would've loved to see her mother, lol!)
May 22, 2011 - context
That's Julia Luv, Georgia Luv's sister ;D
Oct 15, 2010 - context
RE: the Sarah Backman pics & RE: Michelle Andrea & RE: Heidi Vuorela (yes nobody asked but she's the worst for it)
There were already on the site at the time they were denied.

Dupicates always have been and always will be a problem.
None of us are the orginal photographer, for the most part we got them online somewhere we passed through.
And as soon as anyone modifies the original image and saves it, it is no longer the same image in the eyes of a computer.
This also leads to the problem of crops, which get cropped, which get cropped again. (On night I found 13 different images of the same photo, which was a morph to start with!)

The Uploader: Man I just posted a picture of some hot chicks abs, I hope it gets approved today!
Mod: Oh look guys, we have a winner, its the 50th Re-cropping of Andressa Vieira or Karen Zaremba's abs
(Yes, I had to look the names up for that one, you want names ask TL, Heck I do good to remember where I left my laptop! But anyways the uploader might not now who's abs they are, or that its a blow up image based on a cropped image from an original photograph, nor even the mod that gets it, but trust me someone somewhere, on this board will see the 3 freckles in the shape of the triforce and tell you that is Old Sister Puff-n-Stuff's Abs, from when she was 20 or younger, because she had them removed on her twentyfirst birthday which was 42 years ago.)

What we have here is a reoccurring problem and its a rather complex problem. (Not you, I just mean in general)
I would say maybe it lack of understanding of the guidelines, and peoples different perceptions.

Uploader is into
A.) Super-Steroid-Mankiller so big she cant be photographed she must be CGI'ed
B.) Ripped Pro-Bodybuilders
C.) Off-season Pro-Bodybuilders
D.) Ripped Pro-Fitness
C.) Off-season Pro-Fitness
E.) Ripped Pro-Figure
F.) Off-season Pro-Figure
G.) Ripped Pro-Bikini
H.) Off-season Pro-Bikini
I.) Amateur Bodybuilder / Fitness / Figure / Bikini
J.) Naturally muscled or gym going gals
K.) All girls are stronger than X
L.) No matter how big all girls are weaker than Y
M.) Which is for whoever the heck keeps uploading guys and naked guys!
N.) (Which is for No, No, and Hell No!) 5 year older with arms so big they cant be photgraphed they must be CGI'ed
and last but not least...
T.) (Yes T,which is for Trolls,) no matter which side of the line you stand, the troll will argue the other.
All of this leads to:

Uploader: Why wasn't my picture approved?!? 
Mod: Because it was already posted 12 different times.
Uploaded: But why wasn't MY picture approved.
Mod: Because the original was already approved or at least a better/higher resolution version was
The Uploader then continues uploaded the same image for the next 12 months until it either to slip past in with another group of pictures only to be deleted later.)

Before merge, the pecking order was Original-> Better Resolution -> Whatever cropped copy landed first

Age: I'm not going to lie if I have to really debate with myself if she's old enough, I'm going to can it, yes she might be a gymnast but if she looks 12, and she's not showing me ID, it's outta here
The Uploader then continues uploaded the same image for the next 12 months until it manages to slip past in with another group of pictures only to be deleted later.)
The Mod after 5 warnings later bans said user for 2 days, then 5 days, and then 7 days. 

Large Volumes of the same photo in the same clothes at the same place from a slightly different angle. ( It's part of a paid set of private photos and its mass delete.)
The Uploader then continues uploaded the same image for the next 12 months until it either to slip past in with another group of pictures only to be deleted later.)

Anorexic: Skinny & veins: do not equal muscle, just bending the arm doesn't do it, if i cant really see a visible muscle, abs, calves, bicep something in the pic, it's outta here.
(On the flip side, I've also canned some off-season pro-fbb's because in the photo it just looked like some fat chick bending her arms)

The Uploader: I've uploaded my picture 22 times and it keeps getting rejected
Mod: What was the picture?
The Uploader:
This one here

And this one

Mod: Where do I even start?
The Uploader: After a year of rejection, the user then starts creating a new account and re-uploads the same (insert number here) images every week.
And yes for the record those two pictures DO IN FACT, end up in the queue multiple times every week.
Now add all this up with our current user base, and you queues of around 2,000 images and nearly 25% of which is the same images, again and again
Also the rules are general guidelines, unless its a legal issue, its subjective to the mod judging the image at the time and his/her perception. A persons perception changes on a daily basis, I noticed that some days I'll approve a picture and see the same one the next day and go who the heck approved that one?!?! Other days I'm very strict to the guidelines.

Don't get me wrong gang I love what I do, I'm not real social, I come in, clean up the queue, and go and quite happy. But even my with the 3 Monitors and 81" of real estate on my main rig, and using zoom, its still just a row of four thumbnails unless you open a new browser or tab for each one. Things will slip, accidents will happen. And as my ex's are so fond of telling me, I do make mistakes from time to time.  ;D  But with the exception of the Sister's good name, none of this is even the least bit exaggerated.

(P.S. RE: Miss Red Thong, Didnt see any muscle in there to approve that, but I would damn sure bend her....... -Censored- and scream -Censored -

Please Stand By.... We are having Technical difficulties....
May 14, 2010 - context
ok, so I had my last day at my psycology class. There have been this girl, whom I have around three different classes with. I noticed from the start of the year, that she had some really buff arms. Ofcourse I have at times been looking at her arms while in class, and ofcourse hoped to see her flex.
I talk to her from time to time in the class, but we are not friends or anything. So this wednesday, witch was the last day at class, the class was just sitting around a big table, drinking coffee and talking about random stuff. And only for around 10 minutes time, I was talking with some of the girls(including the buff girl) about workout routines, and muscles in general. The talk was mainly focusing around workout and muscles on men, but also a little about the huge FBB whom everyone agreed was too much, I just made a short comment on that i thought it was pretty, as long as the girl wasn't too big, like my girlfriend.
A few of the girls went to the gym regularely, including the buff girl ofcourse. And all of a sudden, without me even trying to enforce it, the buff girl said, "you guys wanna see something funny" and I could tell that she was beginning to pull up the little bit of sleeve covering her arms, and BAM, she flexed a serious bicep, and made it jump by twisting her wrist. The other girls were like wow! me too, but covered it up pretty good, since im used to seeing my girlfriends muscles, and i just said, "wow you have big armmuscles" and she just replied, "well you should see my sisters, they are even bigger". That was pretty much it! we didn't really talk more about it, and the class ended, and im probably only gonna see her again for the examns and thats it.

Now to the reason for this telling:
I didn't do anything to enforce the subject at all, Im pretty sure the flex would have happend even if i wasn't there. It's not the first flex im experiencing, I have seen alot of random flexes, some of them I have enforced a little, by complementing on a girls arms or just talking about workout and showing possitive attitude about it, maybe most importantly be relaxed about it. So in general, a flex or fun armwrestling match happens to me some times a year.
So my question is, why is it that for some people in here it never happens to? is it because they don't feel comfertable around the whole muscle subject? it still doesn't answer the question, when it regards the unenforced flexing, I wonder how some people in here still are waiting for their first real flex, if you are out in public here in Denmark, you can almost not go through a year without that happening.

So in my mind, I have a few explanation on why it just doesn't happen to all of the guys in here:
*Danish girls are just more relaxed about it - still makes me wonder, cause i also experienced random flexes from a few girls from Ireland and germany.
*Some guys are just not that much around girls, even if they go out, they tend to stay around other guys - still makes me wonder, cause this was in a class, and I remember from earlier years armwrestling some of the girls from elementary school, and again, I didn't always play a part in starting the armwrestling.
*Some guys can seem so intense on the subject, that when the random talk ends up on muscles, workout etc. a guy who admire muscles will scare of a girl to flex, because the guy makes the girl unconfertable - still makes me wonder, cause a couple of weeks ago when I was volunteering in a bar at a concert, I just stood there and saw a girl flexing her right bicep two times while talking to another girl, I had nothing to do with it, i was just there.

I don't know why im writing this, im just wondering why some guys say they have never seen a flex in real life, or even been around a girl who had some muscles.
I guess guys who yet has a flex to experience, can ask themself the questions to why they never saw a flex, and maybe persuit some of the ways to get higher chances to experience flexes :D

Sorry for my horrible english :p
Dec 01, 2009 - context
uh oh...sounds like someone accidentally posted his younger sister's pics again :-P
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