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36 minutes ago - context

I know she's a more recent arrival, but what about Nataliya Kuznetsova ??

53 minutes ago - context

> Can you shoot more videos with Turkish athletes? and shoot a video of Oyku Basar topless or full nude?

I shot her last year- we do plan to shoot again. i doubt she'll ever do anything that you are asking.

Bummer, is Gracie the only one willing to fully nude stuff? I love your work Sean especially your photography but something visually seemed way off in her last video. It wasn’t the shakiness from her holding the camera or the directing; it was her eyes. I think I’m gonna pass on all her future videos plus she’s not that muscular and she seems much more relaxed on CB than HB. I’m saying this as constructively as I can cause I think it’s her being uncomfortable. They eyes say it all, also more muscle please.

1 hour ago - context

How is posting "Pay me now!" on Instagram any different from things generally labeled as "solicitation" on there? I'm tryna understand how some girls get their accounts shut down or blacklisted, while others get to keep messing around in plain sight. #IwishIwould

Is that the way of the Western world now?

1 hour ago - context

Brianna Alexander (@brianna_fit_)

1 hour ago - context

Anyone knows the instagram or the real name of this camgirl?


I can't find any content about her:(

2 hours ago - context
2 hours ago - context

Signori, sua maestà Mavi Gioia


2 hours ago - context
3 hours ago - context

Adorably jacked

4 hours ago - context
4 hours ago - context

I’ve seen by chance in the streets Sarah Aude Salbot two days ago. I’m still under shock. I think I can say she was the most amazing woman I have seen in my life and I have images of this encounter all the time in my mind. I have seen very few muscular women so far. I live in France and even in the gyms, truly muscular women are not so common. I’m in my 30s and that’s maybe only the third time I see one.

When I saw her I could hardly believe my eyes. The first thing that caught my attention was the veins on her massive quads, when she was walking across me. Then I noticed her incredible back and shoulders. What impressed me the most were her triceps. It was like every time she was moving her arms new curves were appearing on them.

Actually I didn’t know who she was before, but some quick search around the terms French and female bodybuilder quickly lead me to her name (which is still quite unbelievable to me). What strikes me the most is that looking at her pictures online she appears huge and well defined but not as astonishing as she was in real life. I really thought a woman that big couldn’t be real.

4 hours ago - context

Michelle Lin:

4 hours ago - context

It's Nicole Ball. I too could upload a video to youtube of Ruby Rivera and write that it's Cindy Landolt in the title, but that doesn't make it true.

good it rhymes!

5 hours ago - context
5 hours ago - context

Signori, sua maestà Mavi Gioia

5 hours ago - context

lol, OP deleted his account...

5 hours ago - context
5 hours ago - context
5 hours ago - context
5 hours ago - context
5 hours ago - context

try galina cocimelova or Maria Upton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=463K5Q5gkvU

It's Nicole Ball. I too could upload a video to youtube of Ruby Rivera and write that it's Cindy Landolt in the title, but that doesn't make it true.

5 hours ago - context
6 hours ago - edited 6 hours ago - context

try galina cocimelova or Maria Upton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=463K5Q5gkvU

6 hours ago - context

You weren't kidding, a gym where it looks like EVERY woman is on roids. All the women on the background also look geared up.

What are you looking at, half of the women in the background just look overweight.

6 hours ago - context

Julia Föry is only 5'7".

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