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Has someone here grew up alongside a muscular woman in their families?

Apr 19, 2024 - permalink

There are great forums about muscular girlfriend/wives and muscular friends, but I don't know if there's a forum about muscle girls on the family.

Maybe a mother, a sister, a cousin, a very distant cousin, an aunt... I'm very curious. And if so, how is the experience? Maybe not "grow up" perse as in "she was in my life the whole time", but rather just a muscle girl on your family.

I personally haven't. A 2nd cousin does ballet and she has great abs and good calves but nothing more than that (she's naturally skinny).

Apr 24, 2024 - permalink

I have a friend who's mom is a competitive bodybuilder. She ended up following her mom's footsteps briefly, now she's just a regular girl who stays active.

Apr 24, 2024 - permalink

Very interested in this topic, I never had always wondered if i did how would I handled the situation. Interesting to hear how others may of

May 19, 2024 - permalink

For me it was my aunt who got me into this. She had thick arms, noticeable triceps, and would always wear sleeveless tops. From the age of 5 or 6, maybe earlier, I was transfixed by every twitch and movement her arms made

May 20, 2024 - permalink

My mom usted to lift

May 20, 2024 - permalink

My little sister was a gymnast and she always had a 6 pack as a kid but was really skinny, I remember I always used to be grossed out seeing her abs.

May 20, 2024 - permalink

My aunt (actually the wife of my dad's first cousin) was a beautiful, statuesque brunette who stood about 5'8". She was a farmer accustomed to doing hard manual labor every day. When I was 13, we visited their farm. I was lazing by the side of a pond when she came out in a sleeveless blue work shirt carrying a 6-foot-long heavy cast-iron rake. At its end was a loop through which a thick rope was attached. She told me to ignore her -- she just wanted to clear out the weeds from the bottom of the pond near the dock so we could go swimming later.

For the next 90 minutes, I was mesmerized as she cast out the rake, dragged it across the pond bottom and pulled it up by the rope to haul out bundles of weeds. I had never seen arms like hers on a woman before. They were enormous and bulged with thick muscles. Veins started popping out in her forearms and biceps. She was dripping in sweat at she toiled away. Fortunately, she was too focused on her job to notice the young punk surreptitiously studying her every move. Or the iron rod in his pants.

It was one of the best afternoons of my young life.

May 20, 2024 - permalink

My cousin started lifting about 1.5 years ago because she married a fit guy. She won second place at a competition in Maiami first year she competed. Having a fetish for muscular women... makes it extremely awkward to see her post herself growing on facebook.

May 20, 2024 - permalink

My aunt (actually the wife of my dad's first cousin) was a beautiful, statuesque brunette who stood about 5'8". She was a farmer accustomed to doing hard manual labor every day. When I was 13, we visited their farm. I was lazing by the side of a pond when she came out in a sleeveless blue work shirt carrying a 6-foot-long heavy cast-iron rake. At its end was a loop through which a thick rope was attached. She told me to ignore her -- she just wanted to clear out the weeds from the bottom of the pond near the dock so we could go swimming later.

For the next 90 minutes, I was mesmerized as she cast out the rake, dragged it across the pond bottom and pulled it up by the rope to haul out bundles of weeds. I had never seen arms like hers on a woman before. They were enormous and bulged with thick muscles. Veins started popping out in her forearms and biceps. She was dripping in sweat at she toiled away. Fortunately, she was too focused on her job to notice the young punk surreptitiously studying her every move. Or the iron rod in his pants.

It was one of the best afternoons of my young life.

Idk why, but I find women that crafted her muscles by manual labor extremely hot. We obviously find muscle girls hot perse, but building muscles by pure work is like a plus, you know?

May 20, 2024 - permalink

My cousin started lifting about 1.5 years ago because she married a fit guy. She won second place at a competition in Maiami first year she competed. Having a fetish for muscular women... makes it extremely awkward to see her post herself growing on facebook.

Something similar is happening to me right now. My cousin (second cousin or something like that, she's the granddaughter of my mom's cousin) started dating a guy considerably older than her, so apparently she started working out bc of him. She's not as near as muscular to the weakest girl on this page, but it's still awkward. She's developing a nice 6 pack tho.

May 20, 2024 - permalink

I definitely didn’t grow up with her but had some contact and all when I was little. My godmother’s cousin was Karen Pica. Who knows, maybe seeing that when I was really little was one of the reasons I grew up to think muscular women got.

May 20, 2024 - permalink

I don't personally have an experience like this, but I do love reading about it. Especially the farmer story. I agree that "craft[ing] her muscles by manual labor" is extremely hot.

May 20, 2024 - permalink

Idk why, but I find women that crafted her muscles by manual labor extremely hot. We obviously find muscle girls hot perse, but building muscles by pure work is like a plus, you know?

My ex-wife had a very physical job and developed her strength and muscle development through her job. Never lifted a weight back then. She started lifting years later. After she left her job. She always loved being strong and muscular.

May 20, 2024 - permalink

My second post here (first was yesterday)… just to expand a little on my Aunt thing.

I vaguely remember… and I emphasize the word vaguely because I’m 50+ now, and i was ~5 years old then… conflating my Aunt’s arms with old school wrestling. To the degree I would re-enact wrestling manoeuvres with… wrestling a heavily muscled woman… and I would get a ‘special feeling’ when I did that. Around 10 years before puberty hit me, but even then it was hard-wired in my brain that strong / dominant women were ‘special’.

I never even remotely hinted at this to my Aunt or anyone else… or the other fetish she inadvertently was the catalyst for, for the rest of my life.

Fast-forward to… school experiences… supermarket… WPW… girlfriends… right through to session role play… and here I am today :)

May 21, 2024 - permalink

wow it must have been incredible growing up with an aunt like that, what envy

May 21, 2024 - permalink

I like how you're all just casually accepting your lust for family members like it's an ok thing lmao

May 21, 2024 - permalink

My aunt (actually the wife of my dad's first cousin) was a beautiful, statuesque brunette who stood about 5'8". She was a farmer accustomed to doing hard manual labor every day. When I was 13, we visited their farm. I was lazing by the side of a pond when she came out in a sleeveless blue work shirt carrying a 6-foot-long heavy cast-iron rake. At its end was a loop through which a thick rope was attached. She told me to ignore her -- she just wanted to clear out the weeds from the bottom of the pond near the dock so we could go swimming later.

For the next 90 minutes, I was mesmerized as she cast out the rake, dragged it across the pond bottom and pulled it up by the rope to haul out bundles of weeds. I had never seen arms like hers on a woman before. They were enormous and bulged with thick muscles. Veins started popping out in her forearms and biceps. She was dripping in sweat at she toiled away. Fortunately, she was too focused on her job to notice the young punk surreptitiously studying her every move. Or the iron rod in his pants.

It was one of the best afternoons of my young life.

Had a similar experience, how big would you say her arms were in inches?

May 21, 2024 - permalink

It has to be awkward to have a strong woman in your family if you have this fetish. I have an instinct that prevents me from sexualising my family and I want to puke just thinking about it. but what if they were powerful and muscular?. It would be frustrating and awkward if the only muscular woman you know is family.

May 21, 2024 - permalink

It has to be awkward to have a strong woman in your family if you have this fetish. I have an instinct that prevents me from sexualising my family and I want to puke just thinking about it. but what if they were powerful and muscular?. It would be frustrating and awkward if the only muscular woman you know is family.

But in some cases its family that causes that fetish

May 21, 2024 - permalink

It has to be awkward to have a strong woman in your family if you have this fetish. I have an instinct that prevents me from sexualising my family and I want to puke just thinking about it. but what if they were powerful and muscular?. It would be frustrating and awkward if the only muscular woman you know is family.

Welcome to my world. I kind of want to ask my cousin to quit her hobby because its so awkward for me but I also dont want to publicly announce I have this fetish to my entire family. Its extremely awkward and frustrating.

May 21, 2024 - permalink

I like how you're all just casually accepting your lust for family members like it's an ok thing lmao

do you have to come to a fetish website and visit threads like this to feel morally righteous?

May 22, 2024 - permalink

Welcome to my world. I kind of want to ask my cousin to quit her hobby because its so awkward for me but I also dont want to publicly announce I have this fetish to my entire family. Its extremely awkward and frustrating.

Well that would be extremely weird to ask her to stop. You can just be attracted to muscular women but not attracted to your cousin because she’s your cousin. I mean, I’m sure plenty of people have a cousin with a nice set of cans or a nice butt but you don’t think about it cuz that’s your cousin. It is possible to separate it.

May 22, 2024 - permalink

Wish it was that simple. Thoughts are hard to control. But im smart enough not to do somthing dumb that would make me an outcast of the family. For the first year I tried doing AI muscle girl art of other girls for a while to distract myself. I might keep doing that. If my cousin ends up winning another competition i might just block her from facebook worst case scenario. I just really wish i didnt have to deal with it to begin with. But life can be a beech.

May 22, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by Piszant
May 22, 2024 - permalink

do you have to come to a fetish website and visit threads like this to feel morally righteous?

I agree with you, I am tired of the "owners of morality", 95% of us who inhabit this page are because we have a fetish with female muscles, I think we should stop the hypocrisy a little.

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