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Your favorite (probably) natural women?

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Apr 28, 2024 - permalink

Nicole Coenen.

I'd be surprised if she wasn't 100% natty. She's not a fitness influencer or gym bunny, she chops wood for fun.

And as always, I'd question the definition of natural when it comes to strength sports. Most people think using SARMS is "natural" compared to using Anavar or test etc.

Apr 28, 2024 - permalink

I'd be surprised if she wasn't 100% natty. She's not a fitness influencer or gym bunny, she chops wood for fun.

And as always, I'd question the definition of natural when it comes to strength sports. Most people think using SARMS is "natural" compared to using Anavar or test etc.

Yeah about that. A large amount of people who use PEDs don’t actually compete. They are called performance enhancing not muscular growth. In other words, it helps you recover from your workouts faster. So if you like to workout and want to do it more often, then you will likely use PEDs to help you recover so you can workout more often.

Apr 29, 2024 - permalink

Yeah about that. A large amount of people who use PEDs don’t actually compete. They are called performance enhancing not muscular growth. In other words, it helps you recover from your workouts faster. So if you like to workout and want to do it more often, then you will likely use PEDs to help you recover so you can workout more often.

Very true. A number of public figures have been promoting their use "under doctor supervision". So even everyday people use them. That's why it's tough to find natty IG muscle girls because it's a nice short cut. Not all of them go overboard with it too. There are levels to this.

Apr 29, 2024 - permalink


> > She has huge delts, traps and upper arms and has a 6 pack whilst carrying 150lbs on a 5ft frame. There is absolutely no way that she is natural.

Mandy would never lie to us..................right? She has to be natural b/c she lifts in the USAPL.

> > She is a prime example of a girl who is on PED's alot heavier than Anavar.

You posted this woman before claiming she was natty and everyone told you no. Why repost her?

I think that while you can make “natty or not” arguments and debates on forums where people are experienced lifters and have participated in strength sports, the same can’t be said on fetish sites like this. If we are being honest, while there are a number of people here who also lift at a relatively experienced level, we are in the vast minority, and I think the majority of those who are posted women who have physiques that are “enhanced” while claiming they are natty, are those who have very little experience in the weight room, or with being around strength athletes in general.

Also, there is little to no incentive to admit to PED use. Do you think Dana Linn Bailey, a woman who has built a career out of being inspirational to women, would have as large of a following as she does if she admitted to using? She clearly works extremely hard and you can’t get a physique like her’s by dicking around in the gym and eating like shit while doing a few injections, but that doesn’t matter because admitting to using has a large stigma.

And no, a woman claiming to some random schmoe on a cam site that they are natty doesn’t make it so.

Apr 29, 2024 - permalink

> > Can you please elaborate? Since she seems too young for PED use. But then again looks can be deceptive.

In her case it's nuanced but I see slightly elongated and petruding cheekbones. When she's not smiling I think her face reveals more of those hormone related changes. Many muscle girls have learned to hide these signs in their videos but if you got a sharp eye you'll notice. Also her biceps alone and overall toning should be evidence enough of PED use.

As for ages PED use is well down into the mid teens nowadays, both among boys and girls. If someone is serious about weight lifting chances are he or she is getting exposed to PEDs pretty soon. I know how it was back then myself (and it wasn't even close to how it is today) even though I don't think I broke any laws.

Someone else asked what PED's Erin's been using and I would say Anavar quite likely. Other than that I'm uncertain. Point is she is not a lifetime natty.

So in a way Olivia Sulek quit Crossfit due to her getting too much involved in PEDs?

Apr 29, 2024 - permalink

So in a way Olivia Sulek quit Crossfit due to her getting too much involved in PEDs?

No idea. Elite-level CrossFit is extremely demanding with relatively little reward unless you are a podium finisher. It may be PEDs, or it may be wear and tear.

Apr 29, 2024 - permalink

I kind of love this thread.

Instead of a list of natty women, it's more a fascinating window onto how much enhancement will be perceived as "natty" by people outside of the bodybuilding world.

I'm saying this without any judgement. If you've never tried gear before and you're not curious about bodybuilding/fitness as a whole, then you don't really have any benchmarks to judge people as natty or enhanced. That's a intentional on the part of the fitness industry. I remember seeing people like Jay Cutler and just thinking that I needed a lot of protein powder and flax seed oil and the right workout routine to look just like him. That's what bodybuilding media put forth back then.

Anyway, if a girl is uploaded to this site and you can easily link to her pic, then there's like a 99% chance that she's not natty.

Apr 29, 2024 - permalink

from my perspective it also helps if you've trained with a woman for a while.

the friend i trained with for years was not making big leaps in lifts, she wasn't going from pressing 25s to pressing 90s inside of 2 years (which a couple of these girls have done). i'm a lifetime natty and sometimes i'll ask about her logs and seeing she's doing the same weights are working sets as i do with my first warm up.

the biggest changes I saw in a "short" amount of time was maybe 6-8 months after she dialed in on her training, and within 3-4 months after she addressed her eating, but that was more of shedding water weight, stress inflammation. Her shoulders only bulged under load or if she flexed, though she had similar issues to a lot of girls i've seen who train in a way that their delts and arms are over responsive

Apr 29, 2024 - permalink

I kind of love this thread.

Instead of a list of natty women, it's more a fascinating window onto how much enhancement will be perceived as "natty" by people outside of the bodybuilding world.

I'm saying this without any judgement. If you've never tried gear before and you're not curious about bodybuilding/fitness as a whole, then you don't really have any benchmarks to judge people as natty or enhanced. That's a intentional on the part of the fitness industry. I remember seeing people like Jay Cutler and just thinking that I needed a lot of protein powder and flax seed oil and the right workout routine to look just like him. That's what bodybuilding media put forth back then.

Anyway, if a girl is uploaded to this site and you can easily link to her pic, then there's like a 99% chance that she's not natty.

There is one guy who frequently defends elite CrossFit competitors as natty (especially Mal O'Brien) and also posts encyclopedic knowledge about an athlete's performance history, but he reminds me of that one character in the movie The Menu who is obsessed with fine dining and acts like a critic, but when challenged by Ralph Fiennes's character to come up with his own dish, makes something extremely crappy. Would be curious to see how he does on a CrossFit benchmark workout like Fran, Helen or Grace. I don't think it's even enough to be curious about bodybuilding or even watch it outside of having a fetish for muscular women: I think you have to actually be a participant in a strength sport or at the very least be seriously into training and are around an actual fitness community.

But yeah, while I love this site it definitely leads to warped expectations. Awhile ago I posted a picture of a woman who definitely lifts and has muscle, but had a natty physique, and one comment said "I wouldn't consider her muscular at all, just fit." when, again, I know natty women who have been lifting for years and finally got a physique like that. One of the coaches at my former gym was a former Games athlete, and despite that being many years ago still seriously smokes everybody in the workouts that we go and is STRONG as hell for her size, but if I were to take a pic of her and post it here, she wouldn't probably get passed on for "not having visible muscle".

Apr 29, 2024 - permalink

> > > Kittybitcosplay easily is my number 1

No, she looks like she eats PED's for breakfast.

Has anyone considered the possibility that she might be a trans 🤔

Apr 29, 2024 - permalink

Has anyone considered the possibility that she might be a trans 🤔

No because I'm 100% straight and if I was to be even the tiniest bit attracted to the photo of a muscular trans girl who I will never meet, much less date, much less be intimate with... well then I'd be totally and absolutely gay for life.

Didn't you know that's how it works?

Apr 30, 2024 - permalink

dear experts, is Huaihuai Yinuo natty ?

Apr 30, 2024 - permalink

its certainly possible

Apr 30, 2024 - permalink

Im curious but do people actually believe her, like she is cutting yet she is getting bigger...

I think these types of posts are a clear sign that their lying, like why go the distance explaining all this shit that every fake natty puts out if they get comments like these

Apr 30, 2024 - edited Apr 30, 2024 - permalink

Im curious but do people actually believe her, like she is cutting yet she is getting bigger...

I think these types of posts are a clear sign that their lying, like why go the distance explaining all this shit that every fake natty puts out if they get comments like these

Very scammy and manipulative behaviour from her… calling out other people as insecure and the promoting her shitty workout program. Who is she anyways? I wanna check her page because I can’t really see her physique in order to judge.

Apr 30, 2024 - permalink

Very scammy and manipulative behaviour from her… calling out other people as insecure and the promoting her shitty workout program. Who is she anyways? I wanna check her page because I can’t really see her physique in order to judge.

Her @ is Fitnessxsav on instagram

I think exactly what you think, like this is literally what every fake natty puts out as a statement once in a while, calling people insecure, bigging up how hard they supposedly work, their programs, yet she literally mentions in her posts that she has been working out for only 2 years so she is barely an experienced lifter herself so how dare she even sell a workout program in the first place

Apr 30, 2024 - edited Apr 30, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by Dump109
Apr 30, 2024 - permalink

I'm inclined to agree, delts and lats do not check out for an 18 years old girl, and the response she is giving is textbook fake natty.

Apr 30, 2024 - permalink

Pretty sure Veronica Valentyne is natural, since she has very obvious muscle, but brags that she has always been an athlete, and also is small, with the definition showing up so well just because she is lean. Don't know for sure she has never taken a supplement, however. But, I do love the look and it sure looks natural to me.

Apr 30, 2024 - permalink

Btw this happens any cut. Everyone looks bigger because the muscles are now revealed. She’s probably smaller

Apr 30, 2024 - permalink

Pretty sure Veronica Valentyne is natural, since she has very obvious muscle, but brags that she has always been an athlete, and also is small, with the definition showing up so well just because she is lean. Don't know for sure she has never taken a supplement, however. But, I do love the look and it sure looks natural to me.

Doesn't look anything near natty to me with that level of leanness and muscularity, also judging by her face she is definately not natty.

Apr 30, 2024 - edited Apr 30, 2024 - permalink

dear experts, is Huaihuai Yinuo natty ?

She could very well be natty. Judging from her videos she focuses on her abs and she is very thin elsewhere on her upper body.

Apr 30, 2024 - permalink

Im curious but do people actually believe her, like she is cutting yet she is getting bigger...

I think these types of posts are a clear sign that their lying, like why go the distance explaining all this shit that every fake natty puts out if they get comments like these

If a muscle girl focuses on her "natty claims" critics she is most likely not natty. If she ever utters the word 'natty' you can just assume she isn't.

Once again she has that type of body with a muscularity where PEDs most commonly are involved. Also her attitude (due to an altered hormone balance) seems affected by PEDs. It's about the whole package.

Apr 30, 2024 - edited Apr 30, 2024 - permalink

So in a way Olivia Sulek quit Crossfit due to her getting too much involved in PEDs?

It's a good question. Of course we can't know for sure but alot of young muscle girls have come and went through the years and I suspect many of them have experienced side effects from PEDs that they don't think is acceptable. It could be skin issues, voice change, face changes, hair growth or just general masculinization of their body. Also the hormone balance might get so screwed up that it starts affecting their mental health. (We all know training is generally very good for your mental health but PEDs added to that can mess someone up real bad).

After looking at Olivias' 'after pics' I get the feeling she just wants to feel and live like a normal girl not having her hormones messed up by chemicals. But that's just my guess.

Apr 30, 2024 - permalink

Im curious but do people actually believe her, like she is cutting yet she is getting bigger...

It doesn't matter much what she says or how she says it. Reading into these things is rife with confirmation bias. At least she tries to generate plausible arguments beyond "ur just jealous" She claims to be high in testosterone, and that will be good enough for fans. I doubt most women high in testosterone would consider themselves "gift[ed]." Beyond acne and balding, it could raise issues of fertility and general health. Also, how high are her test levels? She should know if they're, say, double the average for a woman, as that's easy to remember and exactly how doctors would frame her lab results. Needless to say, if her levels are double, then they're still far lower than the average man.

Based on her pictures and timeline, I'm inclined to say she's juicing regardless of what she says. What's far more instructive is how people who are not on gear respond to steroid accusations. Abuse is so rampant, however -- and our views are so distorted -- that it's probably extremely uncommon. It's often said there are far more people using who you'd never suspect.

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