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Your Age When Femuscle Took Your Soul

Apr 28, 2024 - permalink

Way back in 1961. Letter to the editor of Muscular Development had a photo attached. I believe it was this one. Love to see original.

Apr 29, 2024 - permalink

11 years old, 1987.

Apr 29, 2024 - permalink

I was always into lists and rankings about a lot of different things like sports and movies and stuff, and would also do stuff like rank my favorite female bodybuilders as well

Wow, never would have guessed Bill Simmons was an FBB fan!

Apr 30, 2024 - permalink

I think it was when I was child and I hit puberty. I am not sure but I think it was Tiny Toons or some other show that awoken me to muscle on a female.

Apr 30, 2024 - permalink

Way back in 1961. Letter to the editor of Muscular Development had a photo attached. I believe it was this one. Love to see original.

Love that you can remember exactly which pic , wish I could

Apr 30, 2024 - permalink

I was 7 years old when I was thumbing through a wrestling magazine in the 60(s) and came across a full page picture of Female champion Mildred Burke hitting her famous double bicep pose…… instant BOING ….. That was it for me….

Apr 30, 2024 - permalink

I was 12 when I saw Chyna. Never seen a woman this huge on TV

May 06, 2024 - permalink

No idea who they were but around the late 90s and maybe 2000-2002 espn had competitions aired and seeing some of those fitness and bodybuilding women on there got me into it. Then I searched online after and followed fbbs after myself being around like 12 years old lol. Gina Farnsworth was who really got me into it but Aleesha has been my longtime favorite since she showed up.

May 18, 2024 - permalink

I remember seeing on television too. I think it was Miss Universe.

May 18, 2024 - permalink

Can remember it like yesterday. Kindergarten. Full year of flexing before I had my multiples down. There was a girl who acted almost as Popeye. Her Apple juice was his spinach. She would empty the juice box and flex as if she was Popeye. Same year, one of the girls in my class got talking about her doing gymnastics. Kid you not. I was 5. Got her to flex. To this day, her forearm in proportion to her is something I've never been able to forget. If I ever sit down and think about it and try to write, I've got a bunch of true stories that make themick blush

May 18, 2024 - permalink

Kept happening and it's a skill I still possess. Through elementary school, same process would repeat itself. Back then it was easy to get people to arm wrestle. Saw dozens. High school came. There was a gymnast, friend of Francesca, who was in my science class. Tried to sit behind her as often as possible. Absolutely stacked arms that would swell with every movement. Junior year softball got closer with my 2 door neighbor who was on our team. She was known as a tomboy or butch. She was sturdy. First time she flexed it was unbelievable. Best peak I've seen in person. Multiple times over 3-4 years. Cousins friend at her high school graduation. I'm 24. We were talking and she was complaining about having been made fun of for her arms through school. I would've never guessed but when I asked her to flex to see what everyone was talking about, it was unreal. Best biceps I've probably seen in person. Year later, in a Chipotle, get in line after what learned was a women's college volleyball team. I'm behind them in line watching them all fix their hair and basically showcase their arms. One of them stopped moving in line staring at her phone and we had to nudge her a bit. Got to talking and confirmed they were on the volley team. Told her I would've been less pleasant had I not seen her and her teammates. Flexed a very solid bicep and a wink and went up to the corner.

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