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Famous Schmoes!

Apr 14, 2024 - permalink

Thought the reason this was bumped would have been for the Kyler Murray/Valentina Shevchenko tweet. https://x.com/k1/status/1779375378848711156

Feel like they’re not actually dating, but who knows

Apr 14, 2024 - permalink

> > There were a few athletic/muscular females in his anime features. > > >

Is there any link where his comics can be accessed for free

No clue. I mostly know Go Nagai from his anime, at least some scenes of which can be found on YouTube.

Apr 14, 2024 - permalink


Apr 14, 2024 - permalink

> Also the famous photographer Robert Mapplethorpe did a great series with Lisa Lyon back in the day. He may've been a Schmoe too.

If you know anything about Mapplethorpe , his main sexual and "artistic" interest was in the male nude form - reflecting his personal lifestyle in the gay clubs at the time . He did however also take some striking pics of women.

There was a biopic about him a few years back. I watched mainly due to thinking a story set in that 70s Warhol NY scene would be interesting and I knew Lisa Lyon had been a muse of his. I can't remember much other than it was all a bit grubby, seedy and grim. I vaguely recall a fleeting bit of Lyon-based FBB content but it was very much a tiny side-piece to the narrative. Do not watch this film if you're just after some FBB titillation, you'll be left deflated!


May 17, 2024 - permalink

Shower thought: Michelangelo

Should be obvious from several of his paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

May 17, 2024 - edited May 17, 2024 - permalink

Not in the way you think. The reason that Michangelo's women are often so muscular is that he based his figures on male models and reused his existing drawings from life as that was part of a lifelong expression of aesthetic beauty and some art historical references suggest he was possibly gay. He became infatuated with a man who was half his age, though there is no evidence he had any sexual relations with anyone as he was mostly a loner and quite an unpleasant character in many ways.

The breasts are somewhat grafted on to male bodies, both in his painting and his sculptures.

The (female) Sybils are a clear example of the use of male "body doubles":

May 18, 2024 - permalink

Using male models was not only limited to Michelangelo's case, since women modeling with almost no clothes (or at all) was a huge no-no at that time, especially in Church grounds.

I've also read he paid quarrymen to model for him, which would explain why his painted characters are so beefy.

May 18, 2024 - edited May 18, 2024 - permalink

Male nudity was also sometimes frowned upon as it was considered that it might inflame the passions of female viewers. Also soon after Michelangelo's' death, the genitals of the Sistine Chapel figures were painted over with drapery. Since restored. Other paintings had the famous "figleaf" painted over nudes as attitudes changed.

May 18, 2024 - permalink

You guys above gave a good explainer of the reasons why Michelangelo's female characters were so developed and there's nothing much to add.

It seems that this modus operandi wasn't limited to Italian Renaissance artists, I do remember seeing Peter Paul Rubens's The Judgement Of Paris in school, a series of paintings depicting the classical Greek mythology tale. One of these paintings particularly drew attention:

The three female characters represent the goddesses Aphrodite, Athena and Hera. Not sure who is depicted as the character in the middle showing her back but you'll notice a large, muscular bottom that may refer to the concept of Callipyge - in other words - beautiful buttocks.

Note the shape difference between the above mentioned character and the one immediately on her left, I suspect both male and female models were used.

May 18, 2024 - permalink

Tiepolo has a few good ones. Here is his allegory of America, from the Wurzburg ceiling frescos.

May 18, 2024 - permalink

Conical breasts grafted on. Like a bad 20th century boob job.

May 18, 2024 - permalink

I love how this became an art history lesson about the female figure.

May 19, 2024 - edited May 19, 2024 - permalink

Not sure who is depicted as the character in the middle showing her back but you'll notice a large, muscular bottom that may refer to the concept of Callipyge - in other words - beautiful buttocks.

I'm gonna take a guess and call Aphrodite, since the one on the left has to be Athena (her armor and shield with Medusa's head mounted, courtesy of Perseus after slaying the Kra...ehm, Cetus are next to her, apart from the owl, which is her symbol animal), and the one on the right must be Hera, hinted by the peacock at her feet (her own symbol animal). Also, you can see Eros / Cupid, her own son, behind her.

May 19, 2024 - permalink

also remember michelangelo was out there cutting up cadavers to check out the inner anatomy

May 19, 2024 - permalink

also remember michelangelo was out there cutting up cadavers to check out the inner anatomy

Unless he also did that, I think you're thinking of Leonardo Da Vinci.

May 19, 2024 - permalink

Not sure who is depicted as the character in the middle showing her back but you'll notice a large, muscular bottom that may refer to the concept of Callipyge - in other words - beautiful buttocks.

I'm gonna take a guess and call Aphrodite, since the one on the left has to be Athena (her armor and shield with Medusa's head mounted, courtesy of Perseus after slaying the Kra...ehm, Cetus are next to her, apart from the owl, which is her symbol animal), and the one on the right must be Hera, hinted by the peacock at her feet (her own symbol animal). Also, you can see Eros / Cupid, her own son, behind her.

Thanks oriander2000, your interpretation seems to be a correct one.

May 19, 2024 - permalink

Unless he also did that, I think you're thinking of Leonardo Da Vinci.

i was in fact thinking of da vinci whoops

May 20, 2024 - permalink

Not in the way you think. The reason that Michangelo's women are often so muscular is that he based his figures on male models and reused his existing drawings from life as that was part of a lifelong expression of aesthetic beauty and some art historical references suggest he was possibly gay. He became infatuated with a man who was half his age, though there is no evidence he had any sexual relations with anyone as he was mostly a loner and quite an unpleasant character in many ways.

Pretty much all Michelangelo scholarship agrees that he was gay.

May 20, 2024 - edited May 20, 2024 - permalink

Not in the way you think. The reason that Michangelo's women are often so muscular is that he based his figures on male models and reused his existing drawings from life as that was part of a lifelong expression of aesthetic beauty and some art historical references suggest he was possibly gay. He became infatuated with a man who was half his age, though there is no evidence he had any sexual relations with anyone as he was mostly a loner and quite an unpleasant character in many ways.

Let us not forget that Michelangelo is one of the greatest artists of all time, and equally important, his subject here is Eve/Eva.

Artists of his calibre can accurately reproduce on canvas (or in marble) any mental image that they fancy, and are not handicapped by the absence of real life models.

So, it is clear that Michelangelo is making an unambiguous statement here:

God purposefully created Eve, the first woman, in this form: muscular ⇒ strong ⇒ healthy, an equal partner to Adam.

That today's mainstream holds a diametrically opposite view to Michelangelo's God is another matter for another thread.

May 21, 2024 - permalink

If he hasn't been mentioned already.. Montel Williams. He was kind of fitness advocate, and did a couple (basically) flattering shows on female bodybuilders. There were a couple of '9os talk show episodes on female muscle.. but typically they were exploiting (or ridiculing) the women. It was the bad ol' days of idiotic and exploitive daytime talk shows.. but I think Montel did right by female bodybuilders. Geraldo also did a decent episode on women's muscle. He seemed to like their look(s).

May 21, 2024 - permalink

In that video were Geraldo interviews fbbs he was wearing those harem pants that were popular in the 90s. I think he picked those because he was worried that he would get a boner live on stage

May 21, 2024 - permalink

In that video were Geraldo interviews fbbs he was wearing those harem pants that were popular in the 90s. I think he picked those because he was worried that he would get a boner live on stage

laughter.. I can't blame him. I remember one of Geraldo's female bodybuilding episodes, he had Kim Chizevsky on the stage, and it was just before she started her Ms. Olympia run.. so publicly chubbing up would've been a legitimate concern.

May 22, 2024 - permalink

In that video were Geraldo interviews fbbs he was wearing those harem pants that were popular in the 90s. I think he picked those because he was worried that he would get a boner live on stage

I recall something of the kind happened to Ricardo Montalban (I think; it was an old video) in a talk show where they brought 2 fbbs. At the moment of greeting them after they posed for a while, he excused himself for not being able to stand up XD.

4 days ago - permalink

No clue. I mostly know Go Nagai from his anime, at least some scenes of which can be found on YouTube.

Ah, Go Nagai! Need to see Cutey Honey but...watch and read Iron Virgin Jun! That was some story, I can tell you!

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