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The end of an era. R.I.P. Diana the Valkyrie and its webmaster after 27 years in operation

Apr 08, 2024 - permalink

its a very long shot but i really liked the 'Joan' story from Jim Priest. With valkyrie's site gone and the wayback machine having not archived it, im afraid it might be gone forever. does anyone have it saved by any chance/know any other place it might be there? (new account means i cant post links yet. Sigh.)

yeah you may have to check around different dates. it could be anywhere tbh but the site wasn't scraped daily in full.

Apr 08, 2024 - permalink

i know jim priest is still alive and active so try to contact him

Apr 08, 2024 - permalink

yeah you may have to check around different dates. it could be anywhere tbh but the site wasn't scraped daily in full.


Apr 08, 2024 - permalink

Should be a link to Joan that works on that page…

Apr 08, 2024 - permalink

So sad to hear the news... I guess now the Valkyries can take him to Odin's hall.

For the stories library, here you go, boys: https://mega.nz/file/V2cn0TSK#PrRaUfQv2fSOYQV...

Password is dtv_gwm_2024

I won't keep the link there forever, so please get it soon if you want it.

Excuse the weird tags. Unfortunatelly only texts and pictures, no voice stuff.

You can still access the site via wayback machine:


The content in the archive is mainly scraped in march 2021 and january 2022 directly from the site, and the rest scraped today through the wayback machine.

Imagine if we fine tuned an LLM on this stuff.

If anyone wants the scrape script, let me know. There may be things I botched that you could fix if you have the time.

can someone post it again?

Apr 08, 2024 - permalink

Did anyone archive the text stories?

Apr 09, 2024 - permalink

can someone post it again?

I am compiling a way better and more complete version from waybackmachine checkpoints between 2001 and 2024 and what I was able to scrape in 2021 and 2022 directly from the site.

It will probably take 1 more day and I'll post it here once it's all done.

Apr 10, 2024 - permalink

I made a copy of thevalkyrie using sitesucker a few months ago. Its 16,900 files and I zipped it up and put it on google drive:


Also I found an archive of brawna someplace earlier. It 2500 files. Here is a link as well -


Let me know if it doesn't work for you.

Apr 10, 2024 - edited Apr 10, 2024 - permalink

Nice work, mkr. I merged your data into mine, the result is here:


32,638 files in total, 401 shelves. This also includes images from the HTML pages (those that I could still find through the waybackmachine).

This archive was created combining 3 sources:

  1. Stories scraped in April 2024 through the waybackmachine (https://web.archive.org/web/20240312211117/ht...) for various checkpoints between 1998 and 2024. This scraping was done with an improved script which tried to also include images and maintain local folder structure.

  2. Stories scraped in 2021 and 2022 directly from the site (back when it was still up). Unfortunately the script used then did not include images for the htm/html pages and it missed quite a few shelves and stories.

  3. Stories scraped by mkr.

Since this the result of combining snapshots across many years, there may be some duplicates (for instance if a certain story has been moved to a different shelf or renamed). But this also has the advantage of capturing stories which may have been deleted throughout the years.

This also includes the stories written in languages other than English (German, French, Spanish, Portuguese etc.)

All this being said, as far as I see there are still some gaps (especially when it comes to images), but should be like 98% of the stories.

About the videos: Guys, have you tried looking on the mad hub? I noticed there are @75GB of videos in folders named "thevalkyrie.com".

Apr 10, 2024 - permalink

Nice work, mkr. I merged your data into mine, the result is here:


32,638 files in total, 401 shelves. This also includes images from the HTML pages (those that I could still find through the waybackmachine).

This archive was created combining 3 sources:

  1. Stories scraped in April 2024 through the waybackmachine (https://web.archive.org/web/20240312211117/ht...) for various checkpoints between 1998 and 2024. This scraping was done with an improved script which tried to also include images and maintain local folder structure.

  2. Stories scraped in 2021 and 2022 directly from the site (back when it was still up). Unfortunately the script used then did not include images for the htm/html pages and it missed quite a few shelves and stories.

  3. Stories scraped by mkr.

Since this the result of combining snapshots across many years, there may be some duplicates (for instance if a certain story has been moved to a different shelf or renamed). But this also has the advantage of capturing stories which may have been deleted throughout the years.

This also includes the stories written in languages other than English (German, French, Spanish, Portuguese etc.)

All this being said, as far as I see there are still some gaps (especially when it comes to images), but should be like 98% of the stories.

About the videos: Guys, have you tried looking on the mad hub? I noticed there are @75GB of videos in folders named "thevalkyrie.com".

What is mad hub?

Apr 11, 2024 - permalink
Apr 11, 2024 - permalink

I just read about this today. DtV was the first place I came across art and stories in this genre. If I recall, the first drawing I saw was one by Cancuz.

May the Valkyries welcome the owner to Valhalla

Apr 11, 2024 - permalink

Wow, really great work simoncop73 and mkr!

Apr 13, 2024 - permalink

I saved many photos from Diana site on my hard drive

its really very good and hard to find pics

Appreciate and Respect


Apr 13, 2024 - permalink

What makes this even sadder is that all those great stories are now gone forever.

Apr 13, 2024 - permalink

What makes this even sadder is that all those great stories are now gone forever.

check out the posts above, many of them have been scraped and saved

Apr 13, 2024 - permalink

My favorite story there was "Incy by Inch" by AmazonFan. I see it's been archived elsewhere.

Apr 13, 2024 - permalink

RIP Diana. It was a major site for muscle women enthusiasts for years.

Apr 14, 2024 - permalink

My favorite story there was "Incy by Inch" by AmazonFan. I see it's been archived elsewhere.

Interesting, it seems that is an old one and AmazonFan has been removed from the library at some point. The first time the waybackmachine tried to crawl it was on 2007 but at that point this particular story was redirecting to the 404 page for some reason. So this one was not captured sadly. But in case you're interested in other stories by AmazonFan, some can be found in the folder "amazfan" in the archive above.

Apr 16, 2024 - permalink

Interesting, it seems that is an old one and AmazonFan has been removed from the library at some point. The first time the waybackmachine tried to crawl it was on 2007 but at that point this particular story was redirecting to the 404 page for some reason. So this one was not captured sadly. But in case you're interested in other stories by AmazonFan, some can be found in the folder "amazfan" in the archive above.

Massive respect to you mate for the scrape/merge etc, size and current link status permitting I'll DL and throw it into a SQL Server DB, very much looking forward to doing some analytics of the kind that couldn't be done, I might even be able to script something to highlight the incomplete stories and perhaps someone could throw an AI at them...

I've lost, or rather had a lot taken away from me these last 18 months so I'm getting numb/zen from it all. We came with nothing, we'll leave with nothing, and there's nearly nothing that can't be taken from us meanwhile.

I will always have fond memories of DTV the last quarter century, like I might have said in my OP on this site, the character Lori from the Prizefighters has been lighting fires in my dreams that whole time, and that's as politely as I can put it without getting (porno)graphic; my MC in my stories is based a LOT on being a "Good angel" version of Lori's "hell-in-high-heels" persona.

My suspicions were first sparked when I subbed my fiction to DTV, and received a very weird reply; he basically said I should go ahead and post on StealFromAss(es), which I did...I am glad however I thanked him for his contribution to my happiness this last quarter century.

I hope his magic carpet flew him all the way to Heaven.


Apr 16, 2024 - permalink

Oh wow, just found out about this. DtV was literally the first dedicated muscle girl website I found back in the late 90's, once I had internet access and realized I seemed to like these kinds of women. There was even a period of a few days where I was under the impression muscular women were generally referred to as "Valkyries", for that reason.

This is an even heavier blow for this subculture than I think a lot of people realize- they provided web hosting for a lot of classic sites. Any time you've seen a menu page like this one, that was being hosted on their servers. I know Her Flex Appeal hadn't been updated in a while, but I believe it was still up until this happened.

The mightyfemalemusclecomix.com membersite is gone for that reason too (thankfully their Shopify store is still up).

I had actually been planning to archive more stuff from thevalkyrie.com myself and just hadn't gotten around to it. It always seemed like the rock on the eternal shore of femuscle appreciation, so I thought I had more time...


Thanks to the people who put together the stories archive. I know that some had been removed from the site here and there over the years, so if there's anything you can't find, archive.org may have it.

Here's the last archive.org capture of the page that listed all video clips on the site- looks like 4,662 total.

There were also a ton of photo galleries, and galleries of artwork and morphs by various artists, some of which are no longer active or have their works available elsewhere.

Hopefully some people have enough downloaded to enable a mostly-complete collection to be shared in places like the DC++ hub, but I feel like some stuff might essentially be lost forever, or at least only exist on individual hard drives.

Apr 17, 2024 - permalink

Damn IIRC femfortefan was still posting occasional on his site. Wonder if anyone got caught with their pants down on this

Apr 17, 2024 - edited Apr 17, 2024 - permalink

Nice to see so many of us Femuscle aficionados, giving Diana the Valkyrie, the respect and appreciation it deserves, in it's passing. It was in truth, the true gateway into the realization for me, that others were also awestruck and infatuated by the physically developed female.

As Chipperpip stated, they provided web hosting for some of the sites many of us enjoyed as well. Herbiceps, FemFlex, BoomerFlex, Cindy Phillips and several others, had the same sign up pages. You have to wonder how many of them would have even launched, without Diana the Valkyrie's presence and influence. Chipper also said he thought for awhile, that muscular women were considered Valkyries, I kinda thought the same thing and certainly hoped that the owner was female! I remember, the front page said something like "Come On In, Don't Be Afraid", lol. I knew I was entering a special place.

Apr 17, 2024 - edited Apr 18, 2024 - permalink

If anyone wants to know what a full archive of thevalkyrie.com would constitute, this page lists the stats: 1,881,227 files total, about 1.21TB total size.

Easily doable with modern HDDs, the question is whether anyone bothered to make a full offline copy beforehand.


I also found the page that lists all the sites still being hosted by them at the time it went down:

I already mentioned mightyfemalemusclecomix.com and herflexappeal.com.

athleticwomenmagazine.com is another one that's gone now.

musclebeauties.com also.

amysconquest.com has a live stub page up, they're at least in the process of moving to new hosting.

femfortefan.com is gone, but also the archive shows it hadn't gotten an update since 2021, so any offline collections that were done up to that year should be complete.

wendylindquist.com I know for a fact has a full site dump in existence, not sure about the other model-specific sites.

I think mindiobrien.com might as well, but I'll have to check.

EDIT: Also, it isn't listed on that recent version of the page because I think they already went away a couple years ago, but at one point this family of sites was also hosted there:




Apr 18, 2024 - permalink

A post on another girlpower forum informed me about the effort going on here to recreate Diana's library, and the collection on Mega.

First off, there are 741 files in the collection that are just saves of Diana's 404 redirect, as you can check for yourself (since you {simoncop73} mentioned scripting, I assume you will understand this):

grep -rl ">That page can't be found<" *

Of those, I have 70 of the real files saved from Diana's site, and another I downloaded from the Wayback Machine some years back.

In total, I have about 320 files that are not matched at the same file location in your collection (270+ from Diana, the rest from Wayback). I say location, because the newstory/ directory includes files that are not properly categorized.

The program I had used for saving Diana's stories is wget. Frankly, it seems to be more capable than the tools you guys were using:

  • It timestamps my files, using the Last-Modified time sent by the server to set the modification date of the local saved file. If your tools have that feature, it wasn't turned on.
  • It preserves the site's directory structure well.
  • Although it has some irritating quirks, that probably led me to miss a few files that I assumed I'd downloaded, overall it seems to be more thorough.

Unfortunately, while I used to save everything in Diana's library (just about, maybe not the foreign-language bookshelves), including stories that would later be deleted, my old collections have been lost to drive crashes and thieves. (If anything's recoverable, I don't expect it to be in the near future). When I rebuilt my collection on my current computer, I skipped most author bookshelves, limiting myself to authors whose tastes were (roughly) compatible with mine. And my ability to recover already-deleted files was limited to what was preserved by Wayback.

Also, while the HTML files you saved from the Wayback Machine have been modified by Wayback, I prefer to add the suffix "id_" to the timestring directory to get the site's raw HTML file. I still have Wayback-modified files, but I intend to replace them.

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