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Confessions/unpopular opinions

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Mar 28, 2024 - permalink

Yeah the self-censoring is useless, and caused ambiguity that could have been avoided.

Mar 28, 2024 - permalink

Yeah the self-censoring is useless, and caused ambiguity that could have been avoided.

I think we should have fucked with him by coming up with our own guesses.

"She's a suit? You mean she went corporate?"

Mar 28, 2024 - permalink

one of my favorite breakfast stops, egg slut

Mar 28, 2024 - permalink

"She's a suit? You mean she went corporate?"

This is maybe one thing I would complain about that a lot of people online do. but I have nothing against sluts or what ever his problem is.

Mar 28, 2024 - permalink

He clearly thought it was a bad thing based on his self-censoring and the way he phrased his post so I still want to hear his explanation.

Mar 28, 2024 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

I'm also interested in what people think about Serena.

Mar 28, 2024 - permalink

Confession/Unpopular opinion 1: Big fake boobs make the biceps look smaller. Confessions/unpopular opinion 2: I can't tell you otherwise 90 percent of the audience would go in a meltdown and my account would be suspended with the speed of light šŸ˜.

Mar 28, 2024 - permalink

Again, my man, you don't have to censor "slut" lol.

And hell, nothing wrong with being one!

I'm Just a Gigolo and Everywhere I Go people know the part I'm playing..


Mar 28, 2024 - permalink

Please don't let me interrupt. I'm also interested in what people think about Serena. But I need to get this out of the way...

Wow, my guy, you wrote a short story. It appears you don't take criticism too well. I just hope you enjoy the smell of your own farts and I hope you reread your own responses so you can understand your own hypocrisy. I will say your beliefs do belong on unpopular opinions so cheers!

Mar 28, 2024 - permalink

This is not the first or the second time I say something that flies completely over someone's head, so they get some strange inferiority complex and then retaliate by gatekeeping.

I low-key wanna know how many times it has been.

(I suspect you're also keeping score on how many times you've successfully trolled a response out of someone)

Mar 30, 2024 - edited Mar 30, 2024 - permalink

I really hate when people get super religious and preachy.

Like I'm fine with someone being a devout Christian or Jew or Muslim or whatever. I'm not religious but I understand that many people are. That's all good. Bible verses or inspo in Instagram captions are fine. Being a bodybuilder and spending a good amount of time with 95% of your clothes off seems like a strange way to be modest, but god works in mysterious ways and all that. I'm not judging.

But damn, it's crazy when someone "finds Jesus" and then makes it their entire personality and just overcompensates in every way. I'm looking at you Chelsea Kline. I want to support her and I like her content, but I can't abide this confrontational nutzo preaching all the time.

Mar 30, 2024 - permalink

I really hate when people get super religious and preachy.

Like I'm fine with someone being a devout Christian or Jew or Muslim or whatever. I'm not religious but I understand that many people are. That's all good. Bible verses or inspo in Instagram captions are fine. Being a bodybuilder and spending a good amount of time with 95% of your clothes off seems like a strange way to be modest, but god works in mysterious ways and all that. I'm not judging.

But damn, it's crazy when someone "finds Jesus" and then makes it their entire personality and just overcompensates in every way. I'm looking at you Chelsea Kline. I want to support her and I like her content, but I can't abide this confrontational nutzo preaching all the time.

I've heard a very similar sentiment about the same person from another certain member of this forum somewhere before......

Mar 30, 2024 - permalink

While we're airing our grievances... please dear God I hope this horrendous long fingernail talons thing is just a phase that will pass soon. And the botox lips too, ugh. Ladies, y'all look great how you are, without all that crap!

Mar 30, 2024 - permalink

While we're airing our grievances... please dear God I hope this horrendous long fingernail talons thing is just a phase that will pass soon. And the botox lips too, ugh. Ladies, y'all look great how you are, without all that crap!

It has been popular for about 20 years now but not really with fbbs. but these days there is more overlap with fbbs and more mainstream modeling

Mar 30, 2024 - permalink

Hate when some of these women publish entire their entire WhatsApp's conversations they got with their couples. Its real annoying, like if they be bragging...

Apr 05, 2024 - permalink

I find it ironic when dudes shit talk any dude that is in a picture with a female bodybuilder, ESPECIALLY if they are muscular themselves. I'll often hear comments calling the dude a meathead or a roidhead or whatever, which is ironic because they won't say the same thing about the muscular woman (or really any muscular woman.) And, if you think about it, why would we get upset when a muscular woman likes, well, essentially the SAME body type that we are attracted to? Makes no sense to me.

Apr 05, 2024 - permalink

I find it ironic when dudes shit talk any dude that is in a picture with a female bodybuilder, ESPECIALLY if they are muscular themselves. I'll often hear comments calling the dude a meathead or a roidhead or whatever, which is ironic because they won't say the same thing about the muscular woman (or really any muscular woman.) And, if you think about it, why would we get upset when a muscular woman likes, well, essentially the SAME body type that we are attracted to? Makes no sense to me.

It's not even just them being attracted to the body type. These muscular women spend hours and hours each day in the gym, and have carefully curated diets to maintain their size or leanness. Of course they're going to gravitate towards massive muscular dudes, as they're the ones who have the most in common with them and will be most compatible with their lifestyle.

Apr 05, 2024 - permalink

It's not even just them being attracted to the body type. These muscular women spend hours and hours each day in the gym, and have carefully curated diets to maintain their size or leanness. Of course they're going to gravitate towards massive muscular dudes, as they're the ones who have the most in common with them and will be most compatible with their lifestyle.

Yes! Completely agree. And I think this will also be another unpopular opinion, but while I think there are muscular women who are also physically attracted to muscular men and have a preference for then, more often than not female bodybuilders/strength athletes date male bodybuilders/strength athletes more because of the lifestyle and, since they spend the majority of their time in those environments, inevitably those are the people they meet, rather than just how they look.

Apr 05, 2024 - permalink

Yea but a lot of men on here want a wife that is stronger than them. only to find out the strongest woman seem to only be interested in the strongest men. it's a big disappointment and not any different from the average couple.

Apr 05, 2024 - permalink

Some may be surprised with the range of guys women are willing to date. Gym-goers have the largest advantage simply because it puts them right where these women spend a lot of their time, so their chances are already much higher than those who don't go at all. But that's not to say that a muscular woman is unwilling or uninterested in anyone but muscle-bound dudes. If you're not a total creep and have an interesting enough personality, that's sometimes enough to get the ball rolling. But again, you have to meet them first...

Apr 05, 2024 - permalink

i think the most important parts are:

1) don't be unattractice (this is scaling)

2) don't be weird. she's a person first obviously

like all women we get hung up on looks and maybe some of y'all are ok with less attractive women who are muscular but i feel like it's about the same kind of numbers. there area lot of looks

maybe even be patient. one of the funny things i remmber from when i ran girlstrong on IG was that i would totally ignore women who worked hard but wrerent muscular but 3-4 years later they looked really really good. maybe there's someone in your gym you think is attractive but isn't in the best shape but is WORKING. i think this gets overlooked, and this is my unpopular opinion.

Apr 05, 2024 - permalink

Yea but a lot of men on here want a wife that is stronger than them. only to find out the strongest woman seem to only be interested in the strongest men. it's a big disappointment and not any different from the average couple.

From my actual experience with women who are involved in strength sports, the majority of them don't care if they are stronger and more fit than a significant other (and they certainly don't care about dating the strongest men.) They do want someone who at least has a commitment to staying fit and living a healthy lifestyle.

Apr 05, 2024 - permalink

i think the most important parts are:

1) don't be unattractice (this is scaling)

2) don't be weird. she's a person first obviously

like all women we get hung up on looks and maybe some of y'all are ok with less attractive women who are muscular but i feel like it's about the same kind of numbers. there area lot of looks

maybe even be patient. one of the funny things i remmber from when i ran girlstrong on IG was that i would totally ignore women who worked hard but wrerent muscular but 3-4 years later they looked really really good. maybe there's someone in your gym you think is attractive but isn't in the best shape but is WORKING. i think this gets overlooked, and this is my unpopular opinion.

very reasonable

Apr 06, 2024 - permalink

I really hate when people get super religious and preachy.

Like I'm fine with someone being a devout Christian or Jew or Muslim or whatever. I'm not religious but I understand that many people are. That's all good. Bible verses or inspo in Instagram captions are fine. Being a bodybuilder and spending a good amount of time with 95% of your clothes off seems like a strange way to be modest, but god works in mysterious ways and all that. I'm not judging.

But damn, it's crazy when someone "finds Jesus" and then makes it their entire personality and just overcompensates in every way. I'm looking at you Chelsea Kline. I want to support her and I like her content, but I can't abide this confrontational nutzo preaching all the time.

Yeah, even though I find virtually all religions to be absurd, people with emotional trauma seem to immensely benefit from their faith. This is why I donā€™t bother arguing about religion with believers provided that they arenā€™t foul theocrats, or actively harming or scamming other people. However, the incessant preaching does get tiresome.

Apr 06, 2024 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

This entirely depends on your definition for absurd.

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