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What's something you wish you'd known when you first became a fan of female muscles?

Jan 12, 2024 - permalink

Leglover is funny don't ban him

Jan 12, 2024 - permalink

I did ban him but it wasn't a permanent ban

Jan 12, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by legLover232
Jan 12, 2024 - edited Jan 13, 2024 - permalink

Didn't you get banned? Could have sworn I saw that.

I guess they let you back on because they decided the world needed your hot takes and sad stories.

"Of coursie," said Horsie.

This is one of your best though. Good thing you GET THE HELL OUT once you're done - and you're wise not to do your post workout stretches, lest you be falsely accused. If your sister knew of the mental anguish and torment that you'd suffer, I bet she'd never get you that full year's membership for Christmas in the first place. It's the only reason that you go, after all.

I also said I'm going because I need the exercise. There's only so much muscle one can build just by walking. Also, I'm not really in anguish as much as I am disillusioned. I've learned too much to entertain the fantasy we are still living in the previous era, when a man could casually look at a sexy lady (or even chat her up) at the gym without fear of being wrongfully accused and his reputation torn to shreds.

Those halcyon days are over, it may not seem like it to all those top twenty percent Alpha males the ladies are fighting to the death over but, for all the other men, this isn't the case. If the average man looks at the wrong girl at the wrong time, even if it's just the briefest of glances, it's all over for him. "Harrassment XD" Worse still, even if the man is proven innocent (which has happened before), the lady faces no real consequences for her wrongdoing and in some cases, the punishment still remains on the man after exoneration.

= = = = = =

JUROR :: "We find the defendant not guilty of sexual harassment, Your Honor."

JUDGE :: "Excellent. This case is dismissed. Lifetime banishment for the defendant."


JUDGE :: "This court is adjourned."

GIRLS ON THE INTERNET :: "Tee hee hee!"

= = = =

But, as terrible this evil may be, it would be an even greater evil on my part to say to my fellow man, "Hey, man, no cause for alarm. All is well and there is no Hell. So, c'mawn in and leave your concerns at the door."

No. There is cause for concern because the risk and consequences of spinning the wrong number are very real. I accept the risk because it's the price of admission (hooray) but, I do what I must to mitigate those risks. But, that doesn't mean I have to love the situation, nor does it mean I am obliged to smile upon and to bless this abomination.

I will not.

Jan 12, 2024 - permalink

Back to jail for you

Jan 12, 2024 - permalink

I honestly don’t believe that you’ve ever set foot inside a gym. Literally ever.

I don’t know why you’re on this site. You just regurgitate the same ridiculous victim narrative about how muscular women - and women in general - have somehow harmed or neglected you. And you’re mad about that with this strange syntax and prose.

And I’ve never seen you talking about your love of legs. Even that would be an improvement.

Jan 13, 2024 - edited Jan 13, 2024 - permalink

I honestly don’t believe that you’ve ever set foot inside a gym. Literally ever.

I've been to Planet Fitness twice this month. I think that counts.

I don’t know why you’re on this site. You just regurgitate the same ridiculous victim narrative about how muscular women - and women in general - have somehow harmed or neglected you. And you’re mad about that with this strange syntax and prose.

I haven't been harmed myself, gracias a Dios. But, I have witnessed other men get passed through the fire by very cruel, malicious women at the gym. And, I'm very much aware no protection from such a fate is guaranteed to me.

And I’ve never seen you talking about your love of legs. Even that would be an improvement.

Ohhh, I don't really talk about it but, my Fave list should testify to my love of breathtakingly beautiful and muscular Chun-Li-like legs which could crush a bowling ball (or cave-in a man's head) without breaking a sweat.

My Kung Wheyfu thread also speaks of it. Albeit with pictures, as well.

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